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C Y C L E T H R E E : S I G N AT U R E S T R AT E G I E S : R E S I D E N T S C O R E C A R D

Resident Name Myler

Making Every Minute Count: Daily Double Plan: Double Plan (1c-f)

Mentor Name Ms. Miller

Danielson Rating Comments:

Date Completed 11/20/12

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

Unsatisfactory +

Plans reflect scaffolding of information for students and a gradual release of responsibility for student's thinking. Continue to work on how you can differentiate between the different ability levels.

Becoming a No Nonsense Nurturer: BMC: Explicit Directions (2b,c) BMC: Narration (2c,d)

Danielson Rating


Domain 2: The Classroom BMC: Corrective Action (2c,d) Environment Tight Transitions (2c)
Positive Framing (2a,b) J-Factor (2a,b) Establishing Engagement & Elevating Rigor: I Do/We Do/You Do (3c,d)

Unsatisfactory +
Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory +
Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory +

Continue working on sweating the small stuff. Students talking, not requiring and expecting 100 percent, narrating behaviors and highlighting positive behaviors. What other students incentives can you use? Getting parental involvement would also be useful. You joy factor is so evident. You really seem to be enjoying teaching, this is especially reflected in your read aloud.

Danielson Rating
Unsatisfactory +

Scaffolding and gradual release in mini lessons is evident. Continue to look for ways to challenge thinking. Also, remember economy of language and voice. The majority of the time spent should be students working independently, not teacher talking.

Domain 3: Instruction

Establishing Engagement & Elevating Rigor:

Danielson Rating
Basic -


Domain 4: Professionalism

Being Coachable and Resilient (4e)

Very coachable, proactive, assertive and resilient. Takes feedback and immediately implements it. Very welcoming to to feedback and even seeks it out. Continue to be proactive and ask questions when you do not understand materials.

Resident Reflection

As your mentor, what is going Immediate feedback on lessons-what went well/what didn't go well. Helping me "sweat the small stuff." Being available to talk about lessons/students. well that I can do more of? As your mentor, where would Keep on calling attention to me missing "the small stuff". you like more support?

School Year 2012-2013



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