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Bioetnaol The continuous production of bioethanol: One, two and three tank reactor designs What is bioethanol? Bioethanol is ethanol that is made from a starch- or sugar-based feedstock, such as corn and sugar cane. Why manufacture bioethanol? The energy content of ethanol is approximately two-thirds that of petrol by volume.

Ethanol contains 35% oxygen and when blended with petrol results in a more even and complete combustion of fuels reduces knocking and improves performance Reduced emissions greenhouse gas emissions reduced by up to 19%, tailpipe carbon monoxide by as much as 30% It takes only six months to harvest a substantial crop for fuel.

A.B. Jarzebski. (1992). Modelling of oscillatory behaviour in continuous ethanol fermentation. Biotechnology Letters, 14(2), 137142.
Substrat (S) Produk etanol (P) Biomassa (Zymomonos mobilis)
Viabel Cell (Xv) Non viabel cell (Xnv)- tidak ada pertumbuhan tapi produksi etanol Cell mati (Xd)

Model biochemistry

Development and evaluation of biodiesel fuel and byproducts from jatropha oil
G. El Diwani, *N. K. Attia, S. I. Hawash Chemical Engineering and Pilot Plant Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Egypt

Table 1: Fatty acids composition of used jatropha oil Fatty acid Composition (wt. %) Palmitic (16:0) 18.22 Stearic (18:0) 5.14 Oleic (18:1) 28.46 Linoleic (18:2) 48.18 Berat Molekul 874

Fuel properties of produced jatropha biodiesel compared to petroleum diesel Jatropha biodiesel Bench scale Pilot scale Diesel Viscosity at 20 C (m pas.s) 5.01 Flash point C 160 Pour point C -9 Cloud point C 6 Carbon residue (% wt.) nol Acid value (mg KOH/g) 0,26 Calorific value (M J/kg) 40,39 5.20 162 -6 6 nol 0,30 39,44 3-5 68 -20 0,17 42

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