The Image IST - End of Year

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Comic by: Wendy Chikowero

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Pg. 2. Pg. 3. Pg. 4. Pg. 5 Pg. 6. Mt. Meru 2013 Twiga Idol CAS Wrap-up CAS Wrap-up (continued) Teacher Feature: Goodbye Movie Review: Iron Man 3 Advice From Locker 113 Look Alikes

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Around IST
Mt. Meru 2013
- Shilen Dawda
(and the only thing Im sure anybody will ever remember from the first day), is stopping every 15 minutes to micturate! If youve taken Diamox before, youll know what Im talking about it helps with the acclimatization, but seriously, you have to drink a lot of water to compensate for the side effect. Speaking of excreta (and pardon all these references to bodily waste, but this next anecdote simply must be shared), we all felt really bad for Ms. Fogliano, whose boots just couldnt seem to avoid animal poo! It was disgusting, but hilarious. So for those of you who try out next year - all I can say is, watch out for suspicious looking piles of mud! If youre in Grade 6 or 7 right now, and havent yet climbed Mt. Meru you need to make the Meru team the first thing you try out for next year. Push it to the top of your list, because no matter what you have planned for May of next year, this is better. May 5th - May 10th of 2013 may not have been the most glamorous five days of my life, but they brought me the most epic experience Ive ever had. Im sure weve all read plenty of articles that drone on and on about rising to the challenge and meeting the physical and mental demands of mountain climbing so Ill spare you. What I will tell you about, though, is some of the crazy stuff the Meru team was up to during the trip! Lets start at the beginning. Hmm to be perfectly honest, the only thing I can actually remember A whole bunch of us were able to hike all the way up to Rhino Point and to Little Meru, which was great. I know its a pity that the age restriction stops us from going all the way to the mountain peak but hey in the words of Miley Cyrus, its not about how high you get, its the climb. It really is. We bonded. We sang Bob Marley. We danced the Harlem Shake, and we learnt the Macarena (a dance performed with hand and body language, including exaggerated hip motion, to 16 beats of music) from Seor David. To sum it up, Mt. Meru is just an awesome place to be awesome.

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Around IST

So, as we all know, Twiga Idol, is COMING UP! *cue 5 round. The Top 10 round is open to all, and is usualcheers* ly after school on a Friday or so. For this round, the judges choose who moves on. Then theres the Top 5 On the evening of June 5th, after all of your exams, all round, which is always after the Spring Carnival. You of your debates and poetry slams, all of your music and have to buy tickets to watch this finale, but the moneys drama performances, after the riveting original perfor- always worth it. Those voices... MY GAWD! mances of the Pamoja Cafe, and the annual fun of the I desperately advise all those who love to sing and perCarnival, after a years worth of blood, sweat and tears, form to try out for this fabulous event! You dont have the stars will descend on the Black Box. Twiga Idol is to sound like Mariah Carey or Usher, just let your the biggest event in the history of the school! unique singing voice soar. - Mr. Loschi This years Top 5: Jay Li Twiga Idol is an IST event that started two years ago. Vince Since then, it has definitely portrayed that there are Angelica some amazing singers and musicians within our IST Irene Community. Arnold Twiga Idol is very much similar to other singing shows such as American Idol or X-Factor. There are audi- So, dont forget to be there! As Arnold (one of the Top tions, and then the Top 10 round, and finally the Top 5) exclaimed, Its going to be revolutionary!

CAS Wrap-up
One of the goals of the IB learner profile is for IB students to be balanced. The CAS program teaches us IB students this. CAS, as all of you should all know, stands for Creativity, Action, and Service. All of these components are essential for an IB diploma student, and IST is no exception. The accomplishments students make in CAS are just as, if not more important, than the accomplishments made in class. So lets take a look at what this years accomplishments have been. Lets start with Creativity, and what better place to begin than with what youre reading right now! This year the Image has been working to improve not only its quality, but its consistency, and under the leadership of our Editing pair, Wendy Chikowero, and Elsa Amri, we have finally managed to bring issues in on a regular basis. The real highlights of this years creativity and the CAS program as a whole, according to our CAS coordinator Ms. Gilman, have been Project Matrix, led by Ashna Tanna, and Asli Shebes Power to the Pen; dedicated to the arts and writing respectively. Some other important creative CAS activities include MUN, Guitar Club, Photography Club, and of course the yearbook, among others.

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Around IST
CAS Wrap-up
So the next letter in this acronym is A, for Action! The first thing we normally think of when we think of action is usually ISSEA, and of course this year was a big year for ISSEA at IST. At the beginning of the year, the football, and volleyball teams went to Zimbabwe and Uganda respectively, but ISSEA basketball was held right here in Tanzania! This not only allowed the IST basketball team to show off their skills, but it also allowed IST students to meet people from different schools in this region of Africa. Of course ISSEA isnt the only action CAS there is. Those who do not want to join an ISSEA team can also join activities such as running club, badminton club, or for the truly daring, the Kilimanjaro team, who successfully made it to the top of Africas highest mountain last month. Last but certainly not least, comes Service. Service opportunities in Tanzania are certainly not difficult to come by, so there are many service activities that could be mentioned in this article. Some examples include Watoto Wetu, PROMPT, Act for Africa, and countless others working to improve the lives of those in need. Of course there are service opportunities within IST as well. Helping our own community we have the Math Lab program, as well as Student Council. The CAS program here at IST is alive and well thanks to our supervisor Ms. Gilman, great work this year everyone, lets hope we can continue next year. Until then, dont forget to reflect!

Teacher Feature: Goodbye

Mr. Horowitz
1st year at IST: 2008 Mr. Maine Going to: Israel 1st year at IST: 2002 Miss most about IST: His teacher friends Going to: Japan Favourite classroom moment: Creation of the Bosko Miss most about IST: The students effect (details below) Favourite school moment(s): Trekking Selu, climbing Kili, diving in Pemba, ISSEA, Graduations

Ms. Ilana
1st year at IST: 2008 Going to: Israel Miss most about IST: The students Favourite school moment: The flash mob + Haunted Houses

Mr. Foss
1st year at IST: 2009 Going to: Abu Dhabi Miss most about IST: The great moments in teaching Favourite school moment: Summiting Kili twice

Ms. Olga Ms. Robson

1st year at IST: 2010 Going to: Shanghai Miss most about IST: The students and campus 1st year at IST: 2008 Going to: China Miss most about IST: The students Favourite school moment(s): The concerts Footnote: Bosko effect: 98% of the time on assessments, Bosko (IB1) will receive a grade that is 1 mark below the next grade boundary (e.g. boundary: 25 = 5, 35 = 6, Bosko will get 34 and score a 5).

Ms. Fogliano
1st year at IST: 2009 Going to: Taking a year off Miss most about IST: Laughing with the students

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Movie Review: Iron Man 3
-Areeb Mallick
al and personal life destroyed by Mr. Mandarin, and sets off to find this foe. However, unlike the previous Iron Man movies, this journey puts Stark to the extreme test. Stark must survive through his own devices, in order to protect those he loves. As Im sure youve seen in the trailer, Tonys house gets blown up. On his way to Tennessee he makes a pit stop... I would say more, but that would just spoil the movie. As we all know, everyone loves Marvel and superheroes. Therefore, Im sure everyone expected a lot from this particular end of a trilogy... Unfortunately, the actual movie is not completely up to par. There is not enough action or suspense, and the script isnt all that great or enticing. Im sure we all expected this to be like Spiderman 3 or like any other final movie in an Action Trilogy, but it just didnt cut it. As much as we all love Starks humour and his personal life (excluding the suit), there should have been more scenes with suit action. After all, everyone goes to see an action movie for the action part. All in all though, the movie was okay. Regardless of the lack of action, its hard not to appreciate Robert Downey Juniors excellent role, and the way he delivers his comedic lines. The guys a star who was let down by the director of this movie. There are also the special effects which cannot be badmouthed at all; explosions and impossible technology can never go wrong. The other great thing about this part of the franRating: 3/5 chise is that the suit assembles with bits and pieces flyGenre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi ing everywhere and latching on to Tony. Umm, aweCast: Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark), Gwyneth Pal- some much? trow (Pepper Potts), Don Cheadle (Colonel James Overall, Iron Man is a good movie, but make sure Rhodes) youre ready for the Tony Stark Comedy Hour! Not to So basically its Iron Man versus The Mandarin. mention finally finding out whether its the man that What!? I thought a mandarin was a tiny orange, and makes the suit, or whether its the suit that makes the here it turns out to be a buffet. Stark finds his emotion- man.

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Advice From Locker 113
Dear Miss Know-It-All, My parents are expecting too much out of me academically. Its stressing me out! Help! From, Stressed Person gest that for next year, try harder, and if you feel as though you are trying now and its all you can do, then talk to your parents. Let them know that you are trying; communication is always key to solving an issue. Find and settle on a common and realistic goal or grade for the next term, so that you meet both your and your Dear Stressed Person, parents expectations. Its the last week of school, theres not much you can All the best! change. I mean reports are due soon. However, I sug- Miss Know-It-All

Look Alikes: Shruti Pujara vs Aishwarya Rai

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