Physics 71.1

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Physics 71.

1 Course Syllabus 1st Semester, AY 2007-2008

A. Course Information Course Number: Physics 71.1 Course Description: Elementary Physics Laboratory I Credit: 1 unit Schedule (Days/Time): Instructor: Name: _______________________________________________________ Faculty Room: __________________________________________________ Consultation Hours: _____________________________________________ Contact Information: _____________________________________________ Groupmates (Names/Contact Numbers/Email Addresses): ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

B. Course Mission The Physics 71.1 (Elementary Physics Laboratory I) course will develop basic skills in taking and reporting scientific observation and relating it to a theory or model. C. Specific Goals At the end of the semester the students should have developed basic skills in taking and reporting scientific observation; be able to appreciate the role of direct observation to the development of theory and vice versa; have developed collaborative learning skills; have gained better understanding of the concepts of classical mechanics. D. Activities Activity module Exercise 1 Measurement, Uncertainty and Deviation

Concepts/Objectives Appreciate the role of measurements in scientific endeavor Report the best estimate of observables in relation to the purpose of quantifying their values Define the degrees of approximation used for precision (Fermi, rounding off, significant figures, maximum pessimism) Determine the acceptability of a theoretical prediction and/or an experimental proof given the precision and deviation Create a graphical representation of a given set of data that will best show its purpose Determine theoretical/model parameters from a graph of experimental data using linear fit and trend lines Analyze implications of experimental data to the theory


Exercise 2 Graphical Analysis

Activity module Activity 1 Using Calipers

Concepts/Objectives Appreciate the relation of available measurement uncertainty (or precision) to the practical choice of measuring devices Measure the dimensions of an object using Ruler, vernier caliper and micrometer caliper Identify a sample based on its density Explain the observed motion of a freely falling object in terms of uniformly accelerating 1D motion (utilizing computer interface)Create a graphical representation of a given set of data that will best show its purpose Illustrate the law of conservation of energy and momentum using a pendulum-projectile set-up Determine the trajectory of a projectile and study motion in two dimensions. Verify the conditions for static equilibrium, in particular, that the net force and the net torque is zero Obtain the best estimate of the elastic (spring) constant for the vertical spring-mass system Determine the mass of an object using the concept of simple harmonic motion using a spring-mass system. Measure how long it takes sound to travel down and back in a long tube. Determine the speed of sound. Determine frequency, period and amplitude of sound waves using different sound sources Observe beats between the sounds of two tuning forks.


Activity 2 Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion

Activity 3 Conservation of Energy and Momentum Activity 4 Projectile Motion Activity 5 Static Equilibrium

Activity 6 Simple harmonic Spring-Mass System


Activity 7 Sound Waves

E. Important Dates Mid semester: 8 Aug Deadline for dropping: 6 Sept Written examination: 15 Sept Practical examination: 17 Sept 22 Sept Last day of classes: 5 Oct F. Grading System Worksheets Data gathering and calculation 30% Answers to questions 20% Class Performance, Prelabs, Quizzes, Homeworks Written Examination Practical Examination

Grading Scheme: [92, 100] [88, 92) [84, 88) [80, 84) [76, 80) [72, 76) 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 [68, 72] [64, 68) [60, 64) [50, 60) [0, 50) 2.50 2.75 3.00 4.00 5.00


10% 20% 20%

G. Guidelines On Worksheets Worksheets will be checked at the end of every experiment. Worksheets should be accomplished individually and will be collected the next meeting day the experiment is finished. Worksheets will only be accepted during class hours and should be submitted directly to the instructor. Late worksheets will be given deductions on a weekly basis: 50% per late week. Copying another persons worksheet (except for the raw data, in the case of groupmates) is forbidden. Anyone caught violating this rule will immediately be suspected of cheating and as such, will be subject to disciplinary action appropriate to the gravity of the offense committed, which shall include, but not limited to, the following: issuance of a grade of 5.0 for the worksheet or the subject; or reporting the event to the Student Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT). All worksheets should be returned on the day of the written examination. Students who will not surrender the all worksheets will be given a grade of INC. On class activities A student is responsible for knowing the proper usage/operation of any apparatus/equipment assigned to him/her or his/her group. Any student who has damaged/defaced any experimental apparatus/equipment shall be liable for the corresponding repair, or in the case of irreparable damage, shall be made to pay an amount equal to the cost of the apparatus at the present time. Eating, drinking, smoking, horse playing and the use of communication device inside the laboratory are forbidden. On make-up of missed activity Make-up activities will be given only to missed activities with valid excuse, provided that the excuse slip is submitted on or before the first day the student comes back to class. Only medical certificates from the UP Health Service (in case of illnesses) and letter from parent/guardian (in case of family members death) are deemed valid. Only one make-up activity is allowed. In case classes are suspended for any valid reason, the schedule of activities shall be moved by an amount of time equal to that which is lost due to the suspension. No make-up is allowed for the final examinations. If a student misses the Practical Examination, he/she will be given a grade of zero. If a student misses the Written Examination due to a valid excuse (see previous item on the definition of valid excuses), he/she will be given a final grade of INC if he/she has a prefinal grade of 40%or better. Otherwise, he/she automatically will be given a grade of 5.0. On conditional status A grade of DRP will only be given to a student if the instructor receives the duly validated copy of the dropping slip. A student granted an LOA will be given a grade of either DRP or 5.0. A grade of 5.0 is given if the LOA is granted after of the semester has elapsed and the student is failing; otherwise a grade of DRP is given. When a student receives a 4.0 mark, he/she must take the course again. There is no removal examination for Physics 71.1.

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