Ingles Junio 2002: Todo El Texto Todas Las Preguntas Lengua Inglesa

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INGLES Junio 2002

INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIN TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos INSTRUCCIONES: 1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente 2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. 3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. PUNTUACIN: La puntuacin mxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. Pointing the Finger A childs future really may be written in his hands-not in the creases of his palms but in the relative lengths of his fingers. A report just published in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology suggests that people with autism have ring fingers that are abnormally long compared with their index fingers. Children with autism have trouble interacting with other people. Both their verbal and their gesture-based communication is poor, and they often have low intelligence. Early symptoms-a failure to point at things, follow the gaze of someone else, or engage in pretend play-are often obvious by the tender age of 18 months. About one in 500 suffers from the condition. Two British researchers, who have studied what fingers can indicate about everything from fertility to sexual preference, have observed 72 autistic children and 23 with Aspergers syndrome, a related condition in which the individuals intelligence is not affected. The scientists photocopied the childrens hands, and carefully measured the lengths of their fingers from the copies. They worked out the ratio of length of the index finger to the length of the ring finger for each child, and compared it with those of their relatives. The researchers found that autistic children had extremely long ring fingers compared with their index fingers. Children with Aspergers also had abnormal index-to-ring finger ratios, though less so than autistic. Even the unaffected relatives of thee autistic children had ratios that differed significantly from the average lengths. 1. QUESTIONS Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Write dow the evidence from the text. No Marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE. a) Autistic children have index and ring fingers of the same length. FALSE ...people with autism have ring fingers that are abnormally long compared with their index fingers b) Autistic cannot be perceived before the age of two. FALSE early symptoms............ are often obvious by the tender age of 18 months (Puntuacin mxima: 2 puntos) 2. In your own words and based on the ideas from the text, answer the following questions. a) Why are the British researchers studying fingers? Explain. Because they have studied that fingers have a lot of information about many aspects of our personal characteristics. b) According to the text, what cannot autistic children do? Children with autism are not able to interact with other people and communicate in a normal way, as well as point at things or engage in plays or activities. (Puntuacin mxima: 2 puntos) 3. Find the words in the text that mean. a) lines (paragraph 1)...............................creases b) the look (paragraph 2)..........................gaze c) relationship between two amounts (paragraph 4).........................ratio d) standard (paragraph 5)....................................average

(Puntuacin mxima: 1 punto) 4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate from of the word in brackets when given. a) The relative sizes of our finger_is fixed_(fix) for life within three months of conception, and the relationship seems_be governed_(govern)by hormones. b) _Although_the reason is not yet understood, earlier studies have show that finger-length ratios indicate the exposition _to__testosterone in utero. c) In general terms, the _earlier__(early) an illness is diagnosed, the easier (easy) its treatment will be. Put in the correct order: d. say/ I / things / could / so / fingers / never imagine / that my /many / could I could never imagine that my fingers could say so many things (Puntuacin mxima: 2 puntos) 5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics. a) The integration of children with learning difficulties at school. Discuss. b) Living with a serious illness: how would life be every day?

a) Education is a very important issue in our lives because it is like a trasure which always make everyone a better person. For this reason , society can not forget children with learning difficulties which often find many handicaps in everything. In spite of being a minority, they have also the right to go to good schools and the right to develop their personalities like the rest of children do. In order to get their integration, government must pay special attention to them and their needs. I my opinion, schools must be prepared to treat these children with good teachers who know their problems and can interact with them. Teachers should also do that these children with some problems can share some activities with normal children in the school, so everybody can accept that each person is different but this difference is not negative. Finally, the integration of this sort of children is a responsibility of parents, teachers and government. (subrayo las dos primeras expresiones In spite of (a pesar de) y In order to( para) porque son tiles para expresar continuidad en la narracin. Los verbos MUST y SHOULD son verbos modales muy tiles tambin cuando hablamos de lo que seria bueno o no, respecto de un tema en general: MUST implica deber, y SHOULD implica consejo o recomendacin). b) First of all, any illness is something really sad, specially the first moments when you are suffering with symptoms and doctors are telling you what is happening. . However, once you have information about your illness and you know the options you have, you can manage to look for treatments or ways to feel as better as possible. I believe that our attitude in front of illnesses is sometimes very negative because we feel unhappy and different and we only want to be healthy. But if we think positively everything can appear easier and better. In this way, you shoul maintain the same activities in your daily life to feel more optimistic and think of future as a way of finding solutions to the different difficulties which are appearing with the illness. On the other hand, doctors plays an important role when you have a serious illness because they can be your guide and give you hope. Living with an illness is much more easy having the support of your family and friends. (La primera estructura subrayada es comparativa : recordar AS....AS; luego encontramos adjetivos en grado comparativo aadiendo el sufijo er. Las dos ultimas estructuras sirven para introducir nuevos prrafos:el primero para apoyar lo que se deca y el segundo para introducir un nuevo argumento sobre el papel de los mdicos).

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