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Interlaminar Stresses

In classical lamination theory, each ply is assumed to be in plane stress (x, y , xy), and interlaminar stresses (z, xz, yz) are neglected. Even under in plane loading however, interlaminar stresses may exist near free edges. Interlaminar stresses may lead to delamination. This is particularly true for tensile stresses z and shear stresses xz and yz.

Pipes and Pagano model for analysis of interlaminar stresses in a laminate under uniaxial extension. From Pipes and Pagano [7.14].

Equilibrium Considerations in Free edge Effect Nx

y x z Element near free edge Interior element of x lamina



in equilibrium
M z 0

xy = 0 at free edge

must have shear stress xz on top and bottom surfaces of element to have M z = 0

3 D Stress Equilibrium Equations for a Differential Element


= 0, or

x xy xz + =0 + x z y
= 0, or


yx x Fz = 0, or

y y

yz z



zx zy z + + =0 x y z


From Equation (7.100), if we assume that stresses do not vary along the loading direction (x axis), we have
x = 0 and the interlaminar stress, x z xy (7.103) dz xz (z ) = y t 2

Free edge: and

as y b, xy 0
xy y


Therefore, xz increases. (See Figure 7.20)

Similarly, the other interlaminar stresses can be found from

yz (z ) =

t 2

y y
yz y



z (z ) =

t 2



Schematic representation of in plane shear stress and interlaminar shear stress distributions at ply interface

Rule of Thumb: Boundary layer thickness roughly equal to laminate thickness

Pipes and Pagano Solution: 3 D stress equilibrium equations:

x xy xz + =0 + x z y

yx x

y y

yz z


zx zy z + + =0 x y z

Strain displacement relations: v u w x = ; y = ; z = y x z

yz =

u v v w w u + ; zx = + + ; xy = y x z y x z

3-D stress strain relations for kth lamina

{ }k

= C

[ ] { }

where C k is the full 3-D stiffness matrix for the kth lamina

Combining those equations, get a set of coupled, second order partial differential equations in the displacements u, v, w. Solved these equations subject to boundary conditions for a 4 layer [45/-45]s laminate of graphite/epoxy.
Nx Nx

Used finite difference solution (See Fig. 7.21)

Distributions of All Stresses From Pipes and Pagano Analysis. From Pipes and Pagano [7.14].

Effect of stacking sequence on interlaminar shear stress. From Pipes and Pagano [7.18]. Reprinted by permission of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering.

Conclusion: xy higher when layers of same orientation stacked together

Effect of ply orientation on interlaminar shear stress in angle ply laminates (After Pipes and Pagano) xy

Distribution of Interlaminar normal stress in boundary layer region vs. z. (After Pagano and Pipes)

Conclusion: stacking sequence has significant effect on interlaminar stresses

3 D finite Element Model quarter domain finite element model of laminate used by Hwang and Gibson to analyze Pipes Pagano problem. From Hwang and Gibson [7.25].

Comparison of stress distributions near the free edge. From Hwang and Gibson [7.25].

Laminate Strength Analysis

Failure due to in plane stresses
First ply failure predicted based on CLT and multiaxial strength criteria for laminae Subsequent ply failure and final failure predicted in sequential process involving degradation of ply properties after each ply failure

Failure due to interlaminar stresses

Delamination initiation predicted by mechanics of materials models Delamination growth and failure predicted by fracture mechanics analysis (ME 7720)

Failure due to in plane stresses Example: Symmetric cross ply laminate like [0/90/90/0]



Ultimate laminate failure (0o plies fail)

First ply failure (90o plies fail)


eT( + ) x

(+) eL

Load strain curve for uniaxially loaded laminate showing multiple ply failures leading up to ultimate laminate failure.


After first ply failure and subsequent ply failures, the stiffnesses are degraded, and the force deformation equations are given as

N ( n ) A( n ) (n) = (n) M B

B ( n ) ( n ) (n) D (n)


Where [A(n)], [B(n)], [D(n)] are modified stiffness matrices and the total forces and moments are
k N (n) N = (n) M total n=1 M


and the corresponding strains and curvatures are (n)

k = (n) total n=1


First ply failure analysis:

N (1) A(1) (1) = (1) M B

B (1) (1) D (1) (1)

Where superscript (1) refers to the first section of the stress strain curve


Aij(1), Bij(1), Dij(1) are laminate stiffnesses before first ply failure Stresses in laminae:

[Q ] = lamina stiffnesses before


{ }k = [Q ]k ({ }+ z{ })

first ply failure (See Figs. 7.25 and 7.26)

Procedures for Modifying, or Degrading Stiffness Matrices

a) Set all ply stiffnesses equal to zero for the failed plies, then recalculate laminate stiffness matrix. b) Base the ply degradation on the failure mode. For example, longitudinal shear failure.


G12 and E2 would be affected more by failure than E1. Thus, we could set G12 = E2 = 0, but leave E1 unchanged. Experimental data usually does not show as sharp a knee as predicted curves because actual failure occurs over a finite strain range, not instantaneous ply failure at a certain strain. Also, different types of behavior would be predicted after ply failure, depending on what is controlled during test.

Gradual failure Stress Load control Displacement control



Comparison of predicted and measured stress strain response of [0/ 45/90]s glass/epoxy laminate. From Halpin [7.12].

Note: knee in curve for 45o ply failure more distinct than knee for 90o ply failure because of greater no. of 45o plies






Angle ply laminates [ ]

No knee in curve all plies fail simultaneously if tensile and compressive strengths are the same

Failure of plies Stress



Failure of Angle Ply Laminates

From Jones, Mechanics of Composites Materials

Comparison of predicted and measured uniaxial strength and stiffness of glass/epoxy angle ply laminates. From Tsai [7.30].




Prediction of Delamination Initiation or Onset

1. Mechanics of Materials approach (ME5720) 2. Fracture Mechanics approach (ME7720)

Prediction of Delamination Growth and Failure

Fracture mechanics approach (ME7720)

Graphical interpretation of average interlaminar normal stress near free edge according to Kim Soni Criterion


Kim Soni Criterion

Delamination begins once
(+) (= ST(+ )for transversely z = SZ


isotropic material

z =

1 bo

b bo

stress near ( y,0)dy = average free edge



(See Fig. 7.29)

(+) SZ = interlaminar tensile strength bo = averaging dimension

OK when z is dominant stress, not in general case with xz and yz

Quadratic Delamination Criterion (Brewer and Lagace)

xz S XZ yz + S YZ
2 2

tz c z + (+) + () = 1 SZ SZ



xz , yz = average interlaminar shear stresses t c z , z = average interlaminar tensile and compressive normal stresses S XZ , SYZ = interlaminar shear strengths (+) () SZ , SZ = interlaminar tensile and compressive strengths


Average Stresses for Quadratic Delamination Criterion (QDC)

ij =




= averaging dimension
Simplified QDC
2 t z + (+ (7.112) S ) =1 Z avg and SXZ used as curve fitting parameters sz(+) assumed to be = ST(+) (Transversely isotropic)

xz S XZ

Tensile test Coupon Configuration


Predicted and measured delamination initiation stresses for [15n]s laminates. From Brewer and Lagace [7.33].

OBrien analysis of stiffness reduction due to delamination in symmetric laminates

Youngs Modulus of symmetric laminate: (fig. 7.31 (a)) 1

Ex =



For totally delaminated laminate (Fig. 7.31(b))

Etd =

i =1

xi i



For partially delaminated laminate (Fig. 7.31(b))

E = (Etd E x ) a b + E x


Rule of Mixtures Analysis of Stiffness Loss

Ex (Eq. 7.113) Etd (Eq. 7.114) E (Eq. 7.115)

Stiffness as a function of delamination size


Delamination caused by interlaminar stresses Interlaminar stresses occur at a variety of discontinuities in

composite structures. From Newaz [7.35].

Reduction of in plane compressive strength of laminate after transverse impact


Compression after impact (CAI) fixture. (From Nettles and Hodge [10.30]. Reprinted by permission of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.)



Methods for Improving Delamination Resistance

Toughened matrix materials Laminate design
Stacking sequence Ply thickness

Stitching through the thickness


3 D braiding (no distinct plies)

Methods for Improving Delamination Resistance

Z pinning

Edge cap reinforcement


Tough adhesive interleaf

Interleaf adhesive layer


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