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Good Counsel Primary School


AGQT Project - Initial Data Collection READING COMPREHENSION

Identification of Reading Comprehension Levels within a Class
12 10 8 6 February 4 2 0 Standardised Tests Running Records Classroom Interactions and Responses Previous Year's Levels September

Graph 1 identifies how staff are identifying appropriate instructional levels of Reading Comprehension for individual students. 77% of staff use standardised testing to help identify the appropriate level of reading comprehension for individual students. 23% of the staff use Running Records, classroom interactions and responses and knowledge of the students previous levels to identify current reading comprehension levels. 61% of staff identified classroom interactions and responses as an appropriate means of providing information to identify current levels of reading 69% of staff initiate testing at the beginning of the year to ascertain a students current level

Good Counsel Primary School


Catering for Different Levels of Reading Comprehension within a Classroom

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Guided Reading Comprehension Groups Whole Class Reading Comprehension Teaching Learning Support Home Reading February September

Graph 2 identifies how staff are catering for the delivery of different Reading Comprehension levels within the classroom. 100% of staff are implementing Guided Reading groups within the class to cater for the varying levels We are surprised at the low percentage of staff who identified home reading to cater for the diversity of reading levels within the classroom. This figure is not indicative of school practice. We will however raise awareness of the significance of home reading as a tool for catering for the differing levels of reading.

Good Counsel Primary School


Variety of Teaching Strategies Used to Teach Reading Comprehension

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 February September

Graph 3 identifies the reading Comprehension strategy categories being used to teach reading comprehension. 100% of staff have indicated use of First Steps Reading Strategies to support the teaching of reading comprehension, however there is a concern that only 15% of the staff have indicated that they have a focused reading strategy. Perhaps the analysis of data as assessment for learning requires additional attention.

Good Counsel Primary School


Recording of Teaching Strategies to teach Reading Comprehension

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Day/Weekly Plan Unit Overview Guided Reading Folder Nowhere February September

Graph 4 identifies the place where teaching strategies of Reading Comprehension, which are being used, are recorded in the planning phase 69% of staff indicated that they record this information on a weekly plan. 23% of staff are unsure of the process for effective documentation of planning in relation to the recording of teaching strategies.

Good Counsel Primary School


Measurement of Individual Reading Comprehension Growth

12 10 8 6 February 4 2 0 Alphabet Awareness Running Records Standardised Tests Responses during classwork Parental Input September

Graph 5 identifies how students growth in Reading Comprehension is determined 61% of staff identified running records as a means of measuring individual growth with 54% of staff recognising input from additional standardised testing. An area of strength is the value placed on evidence within the learning context and the responses during class work by 85% of staff as an additional measure of growth.

Good Counsel Primary School


Professional Development in Reading Comprehension - Areas of Need

8 7 6 5 4 February 3 2 1 0 Reading Writing Level Watching other Comprehension Questions for Teachers Strategies Texts Analysis of Problems Software September

Graph 6 identifies areas of requested Professional Development for Staff 54% of staff would like additional support in the area of teaching reading comprehension strategies. The second area of focus was identified as writing levelled questions for texts and analysis of problems - 15%

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