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Questes de Ingls 8 A e 8 B

26) Assinale a alternativa onde as informaes sobre a jogara Marta esto corretas: a) Marta was Born on February 19th , 1986 in Trs Coraes, Minas Gerais, Brazil. b) Martas father worked as a waiter. c) She has two elder sisters and a brother. d) Marta Vieira da Silva is the most successful female footballer in Brazil. 27) Check the alternative in the verb which is being used properly: a) In the last match he scores two goals. b) I play volleyball every day after school. c) Pel was born in Brazil. d) The Brazilian team defeat Argentina in the final match. 28) Marque a alternativa em que a expresso how much est empregado corretamente: a) How much people can you see? b) There are much eggs in the refrigerator. c) Where there much books on the table? d) How much coffee is there in the cup? 29) Tick the alternative that the sequence is correct: a) went to Salvador; traveled with her mother and sister; went by bus. b) went to bus; traveled with Salvador, went by her mother and sister. c) went with her mother and sister; traveled with her by bus; went by farm. d) went to sister; traveled with her bus; went by Salvador 30) Check the alternative in which the words: frias, trem, acampamento e praia are written in correct sequence: a) train, beach, vacation and campsite; b) vacation, train, beach and campsite; c) vacation, train, campsite and beach; d) beach, vacation, campsite and train.


26) d 27) b 28) d 29) a 30) c

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