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Case 2 Assignment

a. We () have decided to use Baseball teams as our application design for a database. More specifically we have decided to use the Southwest division standings as at July 4th. We have decided to use Baseball standings because we have both played Baseball and our knowledge on the subject and share it as a hobby. We also have decided to use the standings for the Southwest division because this is the division the Ottawa Southwest is in which is our home team. b. Name of team New York Alaska Calgary Edmonton Ottawa Scores 78 98 65 75 80 Wins 40 35 45 34 46 Loses 20 24 29 25 27 Overtime 10 7 9 10 9 Goals 200 210 240 190 174 Goals Against 180 165 215 230 205 Difference +20 +45 +25 -40 -31

Position in Southwest division 1 2 3 4 5

Scores Teams Name 78 New York 98 Alaska 65 Calgary 75 Edmonton 80 Ottawa

c. The problem with using tables in Microsoft word and having multiple tables with information is that sometimes information will be in two different databases at once and will cause redundancy in our information which wastes time when similar fields can be combined in database programs such as Microsoft Access. d. The benefits that can be obtained by replacing Microsoft tables like the ones we have used with a better designed program such as Microsoft Access are no data redundancy within your information and easy access to multiple information without looking in more than one table/database: I. We plan to build two tables, one being positioned in the Southwest division with relation to win/lose, and the second being positioned in the Southwest division in relation to Goals for against. II. For are first table are primary key will be Position for are Second table are primary key will be Difference

III. The foreign key will be Points IV. Our query intends to show if the relation between differences in goals for against is related to position ex. Greater than 0 differences equals a placing greater than 4th.

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