Henry Winkler Interview

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by producing TV fare
By Frank Lovece

Winkler is an executive pro- hold, finding new success as a ducer now, and he doesn't say producer-humanitarian. He's things like "Ayyy, Mr. C! Gotta been honored with the United devElopment deal for a prime- Nations Peace Prize and a

Forget the

"Happy Days," Winkler has Fonz. Henry put his acting ambitions on




time action-adventure series B'nai Brith "Champion of


to 18-to-24-year-old Youth" arvard. His two other urban males!" Winkler doesn't production companies - Fair say things like that, he simply Dinkum and JZM (named for does them. Witness "Mac- his children: Jed, Zoe and Max) Gyver," the splashy first ef- - have helped put together fort from Henry Winkler/John such pro-social TV and video fare as "strong Kids, safe Rich Productions. Kids" and "Who Are the DeBolts and Where Did They Get 19 Kids?"

Winkler's feu' film appearances have beer met with tepid response, although he did earn a Golden Globe nomina.

tion for his starring role in

not have the time (to act), but I don't even think about it the same way I used to. I'm having
such a good time

"Night Shift" (1983). As for the future, he says, "Not only do I

I might produce and work with kids for the rest of my life." He just might. WinklerRich's second show, "Mr.
Htrry Winkler Sunshine," is slated as an ABC mid-season replacement, and

the production company

Winkler adds.


"Slowly but surely," reckons the articulate, soft-spoken 40year-old Winkler in his Los Angeles Paramount Studios office, "'MacGyver' is working out as we conceived it. Then again," he adds, "you never
know where your show's gonna take you."

plans for two more series.

"I'm very


derful time doing what I'm doing. I have great children, a great wife and a great partner.

have a won-

We're having a good time making a show we enjoy.

thing about Win(ler's career. After portraying teen icon Ar-

You could sav the


thur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli in the

Gimme a break!" Well, they d9 say California is falling into the sea. Winkler smiles. "I'll tell you what," he quips. "I'll learn to swim."

Release the week


Dec, 15-Dec,21, 1985

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