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List of Experiments to be Conducted in MCA 2nd Semester Software Lab-IV (Data Structures) (MCA-207) Faculty: Er.

Vishal Mohan Goyal (A.P. Computer Applications Department)

Array Date Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (1D) Name of Program Program to Traverse an Array Program to Insert Item into Unsorted Array Program to Insert Item into Sorted Array Program to Delete Item from Array Program to Merge Two Unsorted Arrays Program to Merge Two Sorted Array Program to Search an Item using Linear Search Program to Search an Item using Binary Search Program to Sort an Array using Bubble Sort One Dimensional

Array (2D) Two Dimensional 1 Program to Traverse a 2-D Array 2 Program to Transpose a 2-D Array 3 Program to Add Two 2-D Arrays 4 Program to Multiply Two 2-D Arrays Linked List ( One Way) 1 Program to Traverse a Linked List 2 Program to Reverse a Linked List 3 Program to Insert Item as First Node 4 Program to Insert Item as Last Node 5 Program to Insert Item After a Specific Node 6 Program to Insert Item into Sorted Linked List 7 Program to Delete a First Node 8 Program to Delete a Last Node 9 Program to Delete any Specific Node 10 Program to Search an Item in an Unsorted Linked List 11 Program to Search an Item in a Sorted Linked List Stack (Using Array) 1 Program to Implement Stack using Array 2 Program to Implement Stack using Linked List Tree 1 Program to Implement Binary Search Tree 2 Program to Implement In order, Preorder & Post order tree traversals 3 Program to Insert a new node in a Binary Search Tree 4 Program to Delete a node from a Binary Search Tree 5 Program to Search a given Item from a Binary Search Tree 6 Program to Implement Heap Tree Queue 1 Program to Implement Queue using Array 2 Program to Implement Circular Queue using Array 3 Program to Implement Queue using Linked List Searching Techniques 1 Program to Search an Item using LINEAR SEARCH 2 Program to Search an Item using BINARY SEARCH Sorting Techniques 1 Program to Sort an Array using BUBBLE SORT 2 Program to Sort an Array using SELECTION SORT 3 Program to Sort an Array using INSERTION SORT 4 Program to Sort an Array using MERGE SORT 5 Program to Sort an Array using QUICK SORT 6 Program to Sort an Array using RADIX SORT

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