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PQS 2.

Project Offshore - Centre Management Workstream
Mid Year Catch Up

Michael Vlcek Ian Betts

PQS 2.0 Agenda

Monday 10/06

16:00 Arrive from airport; meet the team and introduce Ian Betts

Tuesday 11/06

09:00 Catch up meeting with the whole team: Update PQS 2.0 plans, outstanding work, ODS change process, system documentation and Quality Assurance walkthrough 12:00 Lunch 14:00 Team A: Sprint 6 LPM planning & sizing session 16:00 1.5 migration brainstorming session (Vlad, Mihai, Ion)

Wednesday - 12/06

09:00 12:00 14:00 16:00

Team Gari: Sprint 1 - Learner CRUD planning & sizing session Lunch Documentation workshop (the whole team) Free time

Thursday - 13/06

09:00 Free time 12:00 Leave to airport

PQS 2.0


PQS 2.0 PQS 2.0 Update Plan

Centre Management Workstream (Mihai, Andrei, Ion G, Goran and Vlad O)

Sprint 6 from 10/06 to 21/06 Extra Sprint 7 from 24/06 to 05/07 Finish development & release to UAT on 08 July

Learner Management Workstream (Ion S, Adi, Gheorghe and Rami)

Sprint 1 resuming on Monday 10/06 to 21/06 Sprint 2 from 24/06 to 05/07 Scope is reduced to Learner CRUD only Finish development & release to UAT on 08 July

1.5 BTEC/NG & FS/ICT migration to PQS 2.0 (Both Teams)

Migrate 1.5 applications into PQS 2.0 Allocations; Access Arrangements; Post Result (Special Considerations); Non ePen Assessment; FS/ICT & BTEC/NG - Data Merging? ODS refactoring?

PQS 2.0


PQS 2.0 Infrastructure & Environments

Liaise with Dan and the London infrastructure team to develop/use/implement the right approach for the common functionalities, such as notifications, searches, non SQL queries and workflows; We need to deploy to the System Test environment on a regular basis after the end of each Sprint, and this will include real live data migration from the source systems; We also need a CI available environment, so that the London teams can see/use the DEV version of a current Sprint; After completion (pass) of System Test, code will be promoted into UAT environment

PQS 2.0


PQS 2.0 Workflow - BLL

PQS 2.0


PQS 2.0 ODS Documents & Policies

http://ukedxepsweb01.peroot.com/sites/PQS%202.0/PQS.Base/ODS/Forms/AllItems.aspx https://drive.google.com/a/pearson.com/#folders/0B6SgkUl5o0EhS0h1bE1NY0ZyMHc
Database renaming ODS schemas for Centre Management
Persons - common Addresses - Common TelephoneNumbers - Common EmailAddresses Common Organisations - customer OrganisationGroups - customer OrganisationGroupMembers - customer OrganisationIdentities - customer OrganisationContacts - customer OrganisationAddresses - customer OrganisationAddressTelephoneNumbers - customer OrganisationEmailAddresses - customer OrganisationAchievables - customer LookupOrganisationAchievableStatuses - customer LookupOrganisationAccessLevels - customer LookupOrganisationFundings - customer LookupAddressTypes - customer LookupCentreTypes - customer OrganisationChangeRequests - customer OrganisationPropertyChanges - customer

PQS 2.0


PQS 2.0 ODS - Structure

The Schema's have been design to logically partition data in an attempt to simplify the structure and promote re-use.
Business Entity Schema's Common Customer OrderFulfilment Procurement Product Sales Supplier UserAccess Business Process Schema's Awarding Description Used for common entities that would exist in more than business entity schema's This contains any tables that we feel would represent a customer (Learning Provider, Learner etc) This contains all tables that would be used to support order fulfilment (Assessment Delivery, Scoring, Awarding etc) This contains tables associated with the purchasing of materials and resources to deliver our products and services(Example Markering Contracts and Recruitment) This contains tables used to describe our products and services. (Qualifiation, Unit etc) This is a complex area and may need to split into other schema partitions Such as AvailableProduct and BaseProduct This contains the tables used to make the association between the customer and the product/services they wish to purchase This contains all tables that represent the suppliers of our products and resources (Markers, Content Authors etc) This contains all tables related to user of PQS (User, AccessContext etc)

Description This schema contains all data associated with the awarding process. (Example GradeBoundaryAwarder,AvailableAssessmentGradeBoundaryAllocation etc)

Integration Schema's

Description This schema contains tables that hold data related to systems we integrate with. The design is abstract so allow quick replacement of systems we do not have control over and who's future is uncertain (Example ExternalSystem and ExternalSystemParameter). Some of our key entities my be associated with tables in this schema but the dependancy should be one way. That is SystemIntegration data may rely on key Business Entity/Proccess data but this should never be the other way arround.

SystemIntegration Non Approved Data Schema's Novus

Description This schema contains data used to fullfill the grade boundary functionality supplied by Novus.

PQS 2.0


PQS 2.0 ODS Customer/Centre/Learner

PQS 2.0


PQS 2.0 ODS - Common

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PQS 2.0 ODS - Products

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PQS 2.0 Migration Strategy for BTEC/NG (1.5)

Starting from the 8th of July, both teams will be working on this activity;

BTEC/NG and FS/ICT integration into one system (challenges)

Estimate refactoring of all 1.5 apps into PQS 2.0;

Brainstorming session to identify the challenges and work needed;

Refactor AR3 Venue Centre Addresses

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PQS 2.0 Documentation

To document or not to document, that is the question! User Stories well documented (Utopia?); We need something, that makes it comprehensive to anybody understand what the system does

Just Enough The bear minimum which is needed to explain what the system does and how it works;
Screen shots with brief description; Flow diagrams showing processes and logic flow; Domain Models to pinpoint the entities and relationships;

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PQS 2.0 User Stories well documented - Utopia?

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PQS 2.0 Just Enough, but comprehensive

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PQS 2.0 Just Enough, but comprehensive, cont.

Allocated Traditional Marking display the list of Traditional Marking orders already allocated. This screen gives the possibility to Reallocate AA and Send notifications. Hovering an item in the grid will show a tool-tip.

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PQS 2.0 Documentation! Why do we need it?

Share knowledge the system functionality shouldnt be in one persons head; Explain to the business what the systems does, and how it works. Allows business to construct End-to-End tests for UAT; Extremely helpful to manage the scope and the development process;

Helps the developer to ask questions, allowing to spot and anticipate issues;
Aids System Test allows tester to understand workflow, identify status changes and table updates, create accurate expected results; Documentation should be created during the whole process, since the very beginning of the story discussion, till the end of the testing, and mainly by the developer himself;

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PQS 2.0 QA & Testing Strategy

Ian Betts QA Manager
Testers will report to him QA Strategy Code Reviews Policy Acceptance Criteria Format

DoD for MRFs and Stories

Engagement with the business during testing Creation of Quality Gates Control of test phases and sign-off

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PQS 2.0 QA & Testing Strategy Communication is KEY!

Requirement: Build a Shelter

What business are expecting

What IT are developing

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PQS 2.0 QA & Testing Strategy

Communication is KEY!
User Story is understood by developer and business

o If unclear, seek confirmation do not assume

There are no missing acceptance criteria Show and Tell is thorough o The right business people are there o Ask them questions, dont wait to be asked! Document enough to fully describe process Avoid ambiguity

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PQS 2.0 QA & Testing Strategy

Quality and Testing: Are they the same?
Unit testing: aim to have tests created by different developer. This helps to prevent errors in understanding being repeated in code and unit test.
Documentation provides information to create and run tests in System Test Quality Documentation provides information to select the right tests and be clear about expected results Poor testing does not improve quality. Quality is maximised when quality methods and processes are used from the start of the SDLC.

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PQS 2.0 QA & Testing Strategy


Gates applied at change of phase. Example:

Requirements gathering --- Dev Dev (including Int) --- System Test System Test --- UAT UAT --- Production


Quality Gates describe the criteria (Who, What, When, How, Where) to be met before we can move from one phase to another. They are simple control points reminders of what we should have done and what needs to be in place to move forward. Example: QG2 QG1 passed DoD passed Code review passed What to test agreed Processes confirmed Test data created / available System Test environment on-line and stable
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PQS 2.0
Thank you!

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