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(Gan DAVID BELLAMY’$§ Watercolour andscape Course Contents Intreduetion Exprorine WATERCOLOUR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Materials and Equipment Basic Watercolour Techniques Painting in Monochrome Separating Tone and Colour Exploring Colour Building Up a Painting Creative Composition Wet-in-wet Techniques Evouvine Your Own SryLe 9 10 u 2 B Sketching with a Purpose Drawing and Perspective Simplifying the Landscape Planning a Painting Rescuing Watercolours Fea TURES oF THE LANDSCAPE 4 6 16 7 18 » 20 Painting tnteresting Skies Water and Reflections Trees in the Landscape Pastoral Scenes Light on the Landscape ‘Mountain Scenery Coastal Subjects Gauuery oF Paisnines: Useful Addresses Index 60 102 110 1s. 126 2 140 las Iss. 159 EXPLORING WATERCOLOUR [eee Introduced to the basic techniques of watercolour painting. At this stage you will be carefully guided along the way, while you become familiar with your materials. The essential groundwork is, covered here, including such topics as application of paint, mixing colours, using tone to maximum effect, and building up a painting gradually. The importance of keeping your painting methods simple is stressed and you are also shown compositional techniques which, if applied as demonstrated, will add power and appeal to your work. By the time you have completed all the exercises in this section your work should be starting to show definite signs of improvement. For greatest benefit, try to put aside regular time for doing the exercises. Don’t despair if you do not progress as fast as you would like; you can always redo some of the exercises to ensure that you are confident enough to proceed to the next section. Nobody finds painting easy, so you will not be alone! Bunacunny Hassoun, County Mavo 3053455 mm (1218 in) 0

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