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Exerccios I

A. Complete estas perguntas com o verbo auxiliar adequado no passado:

1) _______ he go to school by bus this morning?
2) _______ he at home last night?
3) _______ her dress beautiful?
4) _______ you meet them at the party?
5) _______ you and your father talk about the trip?
6) _______ your friend with you?
7) _______ they still there?
8) _______ he bring the books?
9) _______ I tell you about my vacation?
10)_______ I late?
B. Escreva estas frases no negativo:

You liked her.

You didnt like her.

1) I went to the cinema last night.


2) I saw the dentist last week.


3) You read your emails.


4) He drove slowly.


5) We liked the concert.


6) I needed it.


7) I did the homework yesterday.


8) She looked sad.


9) He phoned me yesterday.


10) We called them.


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