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Group Project: Written Report

Group project: A business survey project to be completed as a team (3-4 members) While I offer broad outline for the requirements below, please note the following: (a) it should be professionally prepared, (b) it should be complete yet parsimonious (I can not give you specific details about the length of the report as it will vary depending upon the business problem you choose to address), and (c) chapter 17 of the required textbook offers you more detailed information about how to prepare a professional business report. Prospectus: A separate handout has been provided to you to submit a prospectus. Written Report: The content of the report should have these sections (and sub-sections): 1. 2. 3. 4. Title/cover page Table of contents Executive summary or a synopsis Introduction Purpose of the study Background Problem statement Objectives and rationale 5. Framework of the study Literature review to find support for your propositions Hypotheses (just state alternate hypotheses) 6. Method Subjects Survey questionnaires (include a copy in the Appendix) Sampling Procedures (Note: The method section details should be enough to allow others to replicate your study). 7. Data analysis and results Tools used and rationale for tools Results descriptions (only describe) and also include results the form of tables/exhibits 8. Conclusions Discussion of findings and conclusions Recommendations Limitations 9. References 10. Tables and exhibits 11. Appendix

Presentation: Your team will make a formal presentation of the study and its findings. Teams presentations should follow logical order to be used in the report. Also, you should use plenty of visual aids to help audience understand your study. Peer-Evaluation: It is important that everyone in the team contributes equally. Nonetheless, I will seek each team members feedback or evaluation of your group members at the end of the term individually. This feedback can result in different grades for members within a team. Since I do not have a good method to contradict teams feedback, I do tend to rely upon it.

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