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Courses Development


Directorate University leadership with

of Faculty has started and research

& Internationalisation
to maximize members the

(DFDI) at Lahore professional



trainings among

in order faculty

skills in teaching, in collaboration

of universities Overseas

and colleges Pakistanis (PPQP).



for Care of Highly Qualified

The description Sr. No. 1 Workshop Title Teaching and Research in Higher Education by Summer Institute of Learning, Canada Col/ege



of course Description


at the


is below. Facilatorf designation Dr Aniqua Rana, Professor Coordinator, Center for Innovation and Excellence Teaching Learning Professor, English/ESL Canada College Professor, University California Santa Cruz of in and Duration 2 weeks Timings! 9:004:30 \ ~ate 3rd June- '\

Explore "spheres of influence" Acquire tools and skills to help build inclusive wo rkingfteach ing/l iving environments Interact and communicate on aI/levels Identify ways of engaging with conflict Build inclusive and equitable relationships across campus; Develop confidence personal leadership in their style.

Using Technology

to Connect through

Google Docs
Building Community

ia" June
Venue: IT Seminar room

[acebook and Linkedin

Professionally through


ePortfolios: Wordpress or Google sites

Gathering data using Google forms and Pollseverwhere Using technology meetings Analyzing the em ail etiquette, and other office communication to organize

2 Qualitative Research Methods

The course incorporates question and answer time, and the speaker will regularly elicit thoughtful and critical responses from attendees, and require pair and group work for processing new content.

' Dr Shabana Mrr~ Assistant Professor Oklahoma State University .-L wee1<s Timings: 12 :304:30

June21st June Venue: Committee Room


This content knowledge is essential for faculty who wish to: Conduct empirical qualitative research and present it at conferences or publish articles in journals or books. Become educated consumers and readers of qualitative research in their fields, with the ability to

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