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Buffalo Quilting Gals

Buffalo, Wyoming
Vol. XVI No. 1 2013 Buffalo, Wyoming

LAST MEETING Our last meeting was December 8, 2012 at Onderdonk Hall. We elected officers and committee chairs for 2013. For those details please see the minutes to the meeting in the attached document. We still need hospitality hostesses for a couple of months (June and September) so if you would like to sign up for these months please mention it to Peggy Stroble. We exchanged quilting gadgets and notions while Nancy Barfield read a Quilt Show poem and the Secret Sisters were revealed with much guessing and great gifts. We had a great Show and Tell and a delicious luncheon. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be on January 12, 2013. We will meet at 9AM at Onderdonk Hall. We will install the new officers at this meeting. Bring your forms to sign up for a new year of Secret Sisters. If you have ideas for programs in 2012 bring your suggestions to the meeting. Also dues for 2013 are now due ($20) so be sure to fill out a form and give it to Gladys.
Ladies This month went by fast. Hopefully everyone has survived the holidays and can now concentrate on whats important quilting! (Just kidding) I have started on a purse, I know you are shocked, and also another quilt I should have completed last year. My New Years resolution, along with the standard losing weight, is to get more of my projects done that I didnt complete last year. Dont forget on the 12th we have the installation of the new officers and committee chairs. Then Sherry Walter will take over as our new President for the year. We have a Programs Chair and also a Hospitality Chair for this coming year. We should have some exciting new programs for our meeting. Thanks again for a wonderful year. And I know as we pull together this year will be even more fun for all of us. Sheila Newcomb President Emeritus!

MEMBERSHIP Please sign up for 2013! A new membership list will be sent after the January
meeting after it is updated.

Happy Birthday! January Hostesses Betty Anderson Peggy Stroble Kathleen Bishop
Donna Mortenson Nancy Barfield Sherry Walter Jan 24 Jan 26 Jan 30

Dont forget to sign up to be a secret sister in January. TREASURER'S REPORTWill be at meeting.

MINUTES See attachment.

Sunshine & Shadows

WSQG NEWS The BQG copy of Patchwords will be available at the BQG meetings. Patchwords is also posted on line on the WSQG site for Members.

2013 Officers President: Sherry Walter Vice President: Betty Anderson Secretary/Newsletter: Seena Spencer Treasurer: Gladys Kamberger 2013 Committee/Project Chairs Programs: Anna Hutchins Service Projects: Cindy Zeiser Secret Sis Mom: Donna Mortenson March Quilt Show: Liz Tobi Hospitality: Peggy Stroble JC Fair: Bonnie Roth Historian: Photographer: Cathy Stafford Kids Quilt Day: Joan Berning/Sharon Shane

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