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Ground based

Antenna of the first KNMI weather radar


Pilatus PC-12


Airborne weather RADAR

Weather radar operates on the same principle as primary radar with a few minor differences. Small wavelength, about 3 cm.
This allows detection of water droplets

Frequency: About 10 GHz. The antenna can be tilted to find cloud tops. The beam can be altered to map the ground Some systems also have doppler mode.

Basic Specs
Wavelength : Minimum range: Maximum range: Scan movement: Scan angle: Stabilization: 3,2 cm 0,2 NM 200 300 NM 15 /minute 90 to 120 deg L/R Gyro 20 25 degrees pitch and roll. 3 5 degrees. Variable.

Beam width: PRF:

Typical modern radar antenna

Few side lobes, efficient. No vacuum microwave transmitter Doppler capable.

Side lobes

Mapping beam
The signal from the radar antenna can be altered to scan the ground below. The radar system can then be used to map the ground ahead.

Doppler mode
Modern airborne wx radar systems can operate in doppler mode. Doppler mode can be used to detect turbulence in showers. YOU CAN NOT DETECT CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE!

Controls and indications

B777 EFIS Control panel



Controls and indications

Controls and indications

B777 WX radar panel

Controls and indications

Color mapping

Color mapping

Range display

Antenna tilt
By adjusting antenna tilt you can find the height of cloud tops relative to your flight path.

Antenna tilt
Apply the 1:60 rule to calculate the tops.

Old school radar systems

EKCO E120 Weather Radar System

Monochrome radar screens

Old radar screens are monochrome. Plotting color gradients can not be done.

Monochrome radar screens

Solution: The Iso-Echo contour system display developed by EKCO in 1951.

Bristol Britannia with Ekco E120

Latest developments

XM satellite link

XM satellite link

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