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Jarrett Davis Reply to Natasha Franklin BUSI 530


Franklin (2012) did a great job breaking down the market position of Foot Locker. Natasha and I are in agreement that Foot Locker looks to be an unstable investment. One could believe that their status as a multinational corporation will place them in position to become the market leader in their industry. However, at this point this is not the case. This paper will attempt to provide additional insight on Foot Locker. In researching Foot Locker one could be surprised by the turbulence in the industry. Furthermore, there is plenty of competition, grappling to become an industry leader. Footlocker is not an industry leader in apparel, but they may be an industry in the athletic specialty segment. Foot Lockers reported earnings have been unstable over the last several years. Furthermore, growth for Foot Locker and the industry has been small. Foot Locker is present in so many market their revenues remains healthy although inconsistent. The stock volatility is average, and their current assets are rising. One could conclude Foot Locker has invested in too many markets; they surely have an enormous cost of doing business. Therefore, profit margins are not what one might expect. The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, But those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty (Proverbs 21:5 NKJV). We should be smart and careful with what the lord has lent to us. We should display patience, rather than selfish haste.

REPLY TO NATASHA FRANKLIN References Proverbs 21:5. King James Version. Accessed at Net Advantage Standard and Poors. Accessed at: tage/cp/

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