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Art 2 Final Visual Problem Solving

Name_____________________ Period____ Grade____/100%

PART 1: Demonstrate the skills and techniques youve learned this year in a small landscape painting from observation . The following will be available: Acrylic Paint Brushes Viewfinders Canvas Paper Canvas Drawing Boards 20 - 18
Everything is accurately drawn. From observation Most of it is accurately drawn with no schema.

You are being graded on:

14 13 - 12 Observational Skills how accurately did you
draw what you saw, correctly using observational drawing techniques weve learned, and avoiding any schema in your landscape?

17 - 16
Some of it is accurately drawn but has a little schema.

15 Almost nothing is accurately drawn and there is evident schema.

Color did you experiment and mix color

until you found the accurate hue, intensity, and value of your landscape, and include any ishes you saw?

I used color expertly.

I did most of those things with color.

I did some of those things.

I used color poorly.

Handling of Space Did you choose or create

an effective composition and use light and color properly to create depth in your painting?

I used all the techniques to create effective space. My final is completely well-crafted and finished.

I used most of the techniques to create space. My final is mostly wellcrafted and finished.

I used some of the techniques with to create space. My final is somewhat wellcrafted and finished.

My painting doesnt reflect effective use of space. My final is not well-crafted or finished.

Quality of your work did you put forth the

necessary time and effort to create a final product that reflects your best ability in your chosen media and a real effort to demonstrate excellent craftsmanship?

Artwork Total ______/ 80%

PART 2: Update your Mahara digital portfolio to include a selection of final artworkss that youve created this year in Art 2. *Your Mahara page should be updated before your

scheduled midterm.

You are being graded on:

1. 8 high quality, properly labled photographs of work from your portfolio this year. 2. 6 high quality photographs that showcase your best visual journal entries. 3. An uploaded profile picture and title to your page. 4. Effective layout with single images, image gallery, and artist statement Digital photographs of your artwork should be: Centered or cropped to avoid distractions around the work. +1 Taken at high enough resolution so pictures arent tiny and/or pixilated when enlarged. +1 Sharp, not blurry, taken with either a tripod or a very still hand. +1 Well-lit for accurate color & contrast and without flash to avoid glare. +1 Properly labeled with title, media, and size as the description. _____/8 pts. _____/6 pts. _____/2 pts. _____/4 pts.

Mahara Total______/ 20%

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