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Daily Double Plan

Name: Mary Beth Lynn Subject/Time: Reading/Social Studies (45 min block) Date: 11/8/12

Overview Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards. STATE GOAL 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes. B-Compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes and audiences. Objective(s) SWBAT: -compare and contrast people, ideas, and things in various contexts Vocabulary words/Key Concepts: compare, contrast Modifications/ Accommodations *per specific IEPs Materials & Technology computer, Elmo, handouts Homework Interview a parent/guardian about his/her experience with segregation. Write a one page story comparing/contrasting that experience with your experience.

Key Lesson Elements What is the Teacher Doing? Do Now (3-5 minutes): 5 MINS What is one technique you have learned that helps you when comparing and contrasting texts? Transition I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): 10 MINS Check for Understanding: CC -After interpreting objective/agenda, repeat objective aloud -Give information on compare/contrast (anchor chart) *When you look at how things are alike, you compare them, and conversely, when you look at how things are different, you contrast them. What are the Students Doing? -submitting homework, completing Do Now, interpreting objectives, and reviewing agenda at a Level 0

-engaging in learning -sharing out at a Level 3 if called on

Daily Double Plan

-Read passage & model thinking/charting (bus w/ & w/out soundproofing) Transition We Do Guided Practice: 10 MINS Check for Understanding: CC on students to share out -Read the story silently & underline words that signify similarities and differences (LTD pg# 24) -Have students fold paper and write A,B,C,D -Ask questions and have students hold up letter of answer Transition You Do Independent Practice: 15 MINS Check for Understanding: CC -Facing History compare/contrast (student A & B) -Each student will read A or B (FQ-How did the person you are reading about experience segregation?) -Line students up (As in one line, Bs in another, and then match them up) -Focus question for TPS: compare/contrast experience with segregation? (2 mins/each) -Create Venn Diagram on chart paper Transition Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: 5 MINS What is an example of a word that signifies a similarity? a difference? Closing/Preview for next lesson: Next week we are going to move into Main Ideas. Agenda Do Now Objectives & Agenda Comparing and Contrasting Ideas Exit Ticket -sharing out at a Level 3 if called on

-completing work independently and at a Level 0

-completing exit ticket and collecting materials at a Level 0

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