No Light No Light Chapter Sum

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No Light, No Light: Chapter Summaries Chapter One: A Mnage A Trois Kyoko gets new role from President Lory

himself, starring in the lead role. She finds out her sempais Kijima and Ren are going to be in it as well, opposite her as co-male leads. She spends time with Ren and Yashiro, asking about it and being nervous. Afterwards, she gets a text from Kijima to go for their new routine of sweet hunting, and they have a good (if somewhat including odd encounter) time together. Chapter Two: It Starts Kijima picks up Kyoko and they go to the meeting with the director and President Lory together. Ren and Yashiro is there, and Kyoko sees that the director is a familiar face Shinkai Seishi of audition face-off. They have talks over the show, before Seishi asks what everyone was doing after the meeting. When Kyoko reveals her and Kijimas plans to go taste a strawberry dessert, Seishi basically invites himself, and then it suddenly becomes a group outing. Ren finds out that Kijima has continually been contacting Kyoko, and even spending time with her tasting desserts, despite his warning to back off. Chapter Three: Rising Tension Shooting starts and the first week goes through rather strange, with a noticeable tension in thereparticularly between the three leads, despite Kyoko seeming oblivious. Kijima mounts a challenge and Ren looks like hes up to meet it and fails spectacularly. The rest of the cast and crew notice somethings up, and surprisingly put it together rather quickly. Of course, after noticing, they all take bets and/or sides. President Lory asks Seishi to once again become an accomplicethis time in helping Kyoko. Chapter Four: Soft Kiss Matsunai Ruriko is given a support role into the show, and greets Kyoko teasingly yet warmly. A kiss that involves Kyoko and one of the male leads, not revealed yet, is coming up. Kyoko is worried, especially given her first and only kiss was taken by Sho. Unfortunately, having told Ruriko this, Ruriko decides that shell personally help leading to her kissing Kyoko. And then the rest of the cast and crew decide to chip in and help, kissing her at random intervals. This drives Kijima and Ren crazy, when theyre already going insane over wondering which of them is going to be the lead male with the kissing scene with her. In the end, neither find out as Seishi decides that a kiss with Rurikos character would go better. Chapter Five: Paradise Shooting Being that theyre shooting in a ryokan and about a ryokan, a hot springs scene would be remiss. This is the scene where Kijimas character finds out about Kyokos, by stumbling upon her misty form in the inns hot springs. Ren is intensely jealous, and Ruriko takes advantage of it by teasing him relentless, as payback for the last time they acted together. And then its after shooting, and everyones having a good time in the hot springs. Its ruined when Fuwa Sho shows up at the ryokan theyre shooting at, for his own music video shooting. Chapter Six: Easy

Sho immediately grates on everyones nerves. When he degrades Kyoko in front of Kijima and Ren, theyre ready to have a temporary truce and punch his lights out, only for Ruriko to beat them by accidentally hit Sho and knock him out with her heavy sun umbrella. Smugly, the three seek out Kyoko and have a good lunch, very proud of themselves. When Sho harasses Kyoko again, this time alone in a hallway, the director personally steps in and puts a stop to it. Chapter Seven: You Wanna Get It Right Kyoko is worried about getting a scene right, while both Ren and Kijima are worrying about trying to make sure they do things right by her. Consequently, Ren takes her out for breakfast, and Kijima takes her for lunch. Surprisingly, Seishi takes her out to dinner, and begins to hint at the trouble going on below the surface between her and her male leads. By the end of the dinner, everything clicks and she realizes whats been going on in dread. Chapter Eight: Revelation Kyoko watches them carefully, and starts to see whats been happening that shes been missing. She uneasily asks Ruriko about it, who catches her up. She calls Kanae from where the ryokan they are temporarily staying at, who tells her to just watch for now. Theyre both the predatory type, so she should watch out and keep an eye on them and the situation. After further observation, she goes to the director and promises that shell make sure this wont interfere with the filming and that shed make sure that work would be priority. Chapter Nine: Say My Name Its a continued dance between the three, with Kyoko now hyperaware of every little thing they say and do with, for, to her. She doesnt know how to respond to their increasingly desperate attempts to be alone with, seeing as she uses everyone (most specifically Ruriko and Seishi) as a barrier and having them with her, so shes never alone with either Ren or Kijima. However, in a scene with Ren, he adlibs and begs her to say his name, the underlying choose me, say my name loud and clear to her. She blurts it out, and then that night Kijima morosely sneaks into her room, begging for the same thing. He kisses her and she feels like shes not sure how to stop this runaway chaotic train. Chapter Ten: Heaven Help Me Kyoko is starting to really go downhill. She even calls Kuu and babbles about the whole thing, who becomes worried about the whole affair. He calls in his wife, who comforts Kyoko while hes planning something. He contacts President Lory before calling Kyoko again, reassuring her that everything will be alright. Meanwhile, President Lory arrives on the scene, and has a private meeting with Seishi. In the meantime, Kyoko tries to act fine for her interview with a familiar reporter from Boots magazine., trying not to let slip her anxieties and whats been going on. The cast and crew similar are in a panic, trying to make sure the reporter doesnt find anything out. Chapter Eleven: Do You Love Luxury? An extravagant part is held, promoting the show. Kyoko and Ruriko go on a shopping spree (er, well, Ruriko forces her to go, but it isnt too bad) with Seishi crashing in, and at the party she is showed off and feels awkward, trying not to show it. Kijima and Ren immediately zero in, and

its okay for awhileuntil it becomes too much, and Seishi cuts in. After awhile by Seishis side, Ruriko cuts in and they ruminate over drinks. Chapter Twelve: Gonna Go Crazy Kyoko really does feel like shes going to go crazy around the two. She keeps getting pulled into two different directions, and its just worse when theyre both around. And yetsometimes, when shes alone with just one of them, she gets pulled in and she forgets, and she just really enjoys being with either of them when its like that. She draws closer to how she herself feels, and she balks and runs away from it. Chapter Thirteen: Only If For a Night Similarly to when they wanted her to say their name, this time its an intimate night scene. Ren and herself has to do a really vulnerable, intimate scene, and he gets into it a little much and shes trembling. Like last time, Kijima again slips into her room, and theres so much vulnerability that Kyoko cant stand it and feels afraid, not wanting to acknowledge her own growing
feelingsespecially given its for both me.

Chapter Fourteen: Shake It Out Kuu and Julie arrive, a surprise to not only everyone, but for Kyoko. Ren is tense and ready to intervene, but theyre not here for him this time. Kyoko feels slightly relieved. She takes the time to get to know Julie, while catching up with Kuu. And with Julies help, she even manages to call Kuu Otou-san. The cast and crew, previously having sided with their choice of guy for Kyoko and had been aiding and abetting their personal choices before, have continually seen the toll its taking on Kyoko and decide in pushing for the two men to share her and stop the stress of a competition thats being forced on her. The last surprise comes with its announced that Kuu and Julie are staying and will be in the show. Chapter Fifteen: Would You Leave Me? With Kuu and Julies presence, things become even more tense, especially in regards to Ren. Happy to have them there, Kyoko takes to even teaching Julia how to cook some dishes, who is delighted at the cooking lessons, while Kuu is just happy to be few. Seishi sometimes crashes a few times, and even President Lory. Ren bursts out at Kuu and Julie in their small gathering, Kyoko becomes upset and disappears for a bit, with no one being able to find her. Seishi then later announces that hes given Kyoko a week off, catching Kijima and Ren off guard. Chapter Sixteen: Some Kind of Resolution Seishi disappears soon after as well, with his assistant director, President Lory, and Kuu and Julie only being the ones to know where. Kuu and Julie take it upon themselves to keep the shooting going and direct, while President Lory tries to be a helpful, but not really, guide. Ren and Kijima fret over her disappearance, with Ruriko finally come to mock them both and eventually make them face Kyokos growing stress from them and fear of them. They come to conclusions and confront each other, and then hesitantly agree to share, for her sake. Chapter Seventeen: Wolf Nest Kyoko returns, only with Seishi. Ren and Kijima are ready to tell her what theyve agreed to, and hope that shell give it and them a chanceonly to find out that she and the director are together. As in like that. While she avoids the two, its becomes a tense, hostile, chaotic mess

of an atmosphere on production, with President Lory full enjoying the show and completely entertained, Kuu split between amused and worried, and Julie plain fretting. Rurikos on President Lorys side, and snacking on popcorn whenever shes being seen, fully intent and focused on the drama.

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