Measurements Lab 1: Internal Resistance of PMMC

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Measurements Lab 1
Internal Resistance Of PMMC

OBJECTIVE : 1- Determine the internal resistance of the PMMC . 2- Determine the unknown resistance by using Wheatstone Bridge .

APPARATUS : Voltage source . PMMC. Voltmeter. Variable resistance. 4 resistances ( 3 known and one unknown ) .

PROCEDURE-A : 1-Variable Resistance Method:i - Connect the circuit as shown in figure (1). ii - Voltage source = 1 volt .

iii - Adjust R until I = IFS , and let R = R1 iv - Adjust R until I = 1/2 IFS , and let R = R2 v - Rm1 = R2 - 2R1

Figure (1)

2- DVM Method : i - Connect the circuit as shown in figure (2). ii Voltage source = 1 volt .

iii - Adjust R until Im = IFS . iv - Measure VDVM . v - Rm2 = VDVM/IFS .


3- Shunt Resistance Method :

1- Connect the circuit as shown in figure (1). 2- Voltage source 3- Adjust R until Im = 1 volt . = IFS .

4- Add a Shunt resistor parallel to PMMC. 5-Adjust R until I =0.5 IFS , Rm3=Rshunt .

From method 1 , 2 and 3 Raverage = (Rm1+Rm2+Rm3)/3 .

Figure (3)

PROCEDURE-B : (wheatstone bridge) 1- Connect the circuit as shown in figure (4). 2- Ajust R3 until Im = 0. 3- Calculate : Rx = (R1R3)/R2 . 4- Measure Rx with ohmmeter. 5- Calculate error = ( (Rtrue - Rm)/Rtrue) 100.
Figure (4)

A- Results & Calculations (For experiment 1):

1-Method (1):

R1 R2 Rm1

= 17 K. = 35 K. = R2 -2 R1 = 1 K.

2-Method (2):

3-Method (3):

= 110 mv . = V/I =2.2 K .

Rm=Rsh = 1.9 K . Raverage = (R1+R2+R3)/3= 1.7 K .

B- Results & Calculations (For experiment 2):

R1=1 K R1R3 Rx Rx (exp) Rx(true) Error Error = = = = = =

R2=8.2 K , R3=40 K R2Rx (R1R3)/R2 (140)/8.2 = 4.9 K 5.6 K ((R true-R exp)/R true) 100 ((5.6-4.9)/5.6)100 = 12.5 %

PMMC resistance determined by 3 methods and its value is about 2 K Unknown resistance can be determined by Wheatstone bridge .

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