Our Country Argentina

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Work in your houses:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. student0918yellow@gmail.com. student0918orange@gmail.com student0918red@gmail.com student0918blue@gmail.com student0918green@gmail.com

1) OUR MUSIC: a- Research about music genres, dances from the different regions, favourite singers/bands in Argentina. Make a popplet including descriptions and youtube videos. Write and include also a profile of an Argentinian band b- Your favourite song. Make a survey and a chart on google docs with the favourite songs in the class.

2) OUR FOOD a- Research about food from the different regions. Make a popplet including descriptions and pictures of the traditional food. Write and include also a recipe of a typical Argentinian food. b- Everyday food: What do you usually have for breakfast/luch/tea/dinner? What time do you usually have breakfast/luch/tea/dinner? Make a survey and a chart on google docs with the times of the different meals in the day and the food we eat..

3) OUR LANGUAGES AND TRADITIONS a- Research about your family roots, the languages spoken in your family and the traditional/religious celebrations you have. Make a popplet including this information and maps showing your family roots. Write and include also a description of your favourite celebration. b- Make a survey and charts on google docs with the origins, languages and traditional celebrations of all your classmates.

4) OUR LANDSCAPES a- Research about different landscapes in Argentina: their climate, geography, some of their typical animals and plants. Make a popplet including maps, pictures and descriptions of these. Write and include also some memories from your visit to one of these places. b- Make a survey and charts on google docs about your classmates favourite Argentinian holiday places and favourite holiday activities..

5) OUR LEISURE ACTIVITIES (sports, going out, clothes we wear)

a- Research about leisure activities for kids aged 11-13 in Argentina. Make a popplet including a map of Buenos Aires, pictures and descriptions of typical leisure activities. Write and include also some of your own memories doing some of these activities. b- Make a survey and charts on google docs about your classmates favourite leisure activities.. What sports do they practice? Where do they go out at weekends? What clothes do they wear when they go out?

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