It Has Been My Experience That Maximizing Income Is A Helluva Lot Less Important Than Maximizing Passion and Fulfillment in Your Both Professionally and Personally

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Beijing is a fantastic city, and Capital Medical University can only be as fantastic as you make it.

It's not an easy place to go to school, but if you're willing to put a lot of work into it, it's an incredibly rewarding place. There are a variety of reactions to people hearing that I go to the University: 1. "CMU?" (NO!) 2. Confused look 3. impressed look. People who know the school and can differentiate it from the U of I know its superb academic reputation, but it's a pretty well-kept secret to a lot of people. My favorite spots on campus with my favorite people are the studentrun coffee shop, of which we have many; sitting and relaxing or sitting and stressing with a cup of tea and a friend and a couch is a daily experience and one that I relish. The administration is largely unseen as far as I'm concerned. One can be involved in the running of the university as one wants, and I'm content to make my own way. School

It has been my experience that maximizing income is a helluva lot less important than maximizing passion and fulfillment in your both professionally and personally
pride is self-deprecating at best.

Asma Sikander 0711W089

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