Billing Data

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Billing cannot be Release to Accounting

This SAP message will appear if the system is unable to find the G/L codes match from the configuration in transaction VKOA No account is specified in item 0000001001 Message no. F5 670 Diagnosis No account was specified for account type "S" in item "0000001001" of the FI/CO document. System Response The Financial Accounting program cannot process the document. Procedure A system error has probably occurred in the application you called up. Check the data transferred to item "0000001001" of the FI/CO document. Assuming that one of the key combination is Account Assignment Group, you will have to check whether have the Account Assignment Group been input in the Customer Master (Billing tabstrips - Accounting sections - Field name: Acct assgmt group). The Account Assignment Group will be copied automatically into the sales order. Check whether the configuration in transaction VKOA have been done correctly. Check whether the sales order (VA03 - Goto - Header - Financial Accounting - Field name: AcctAssgGr) have been filled in automatically. Check whether the billing document (VF03 - Goto - Header - Header - Field name: AcctAssgGr) have been filled in automatically. If the customer master have not been maintained and the user have already input the sales order, then the user will have to maintained the Account Assignment Group manually either in the sales order or the billing documents. Take note for One Time Customer, the user have to input the Account Assignment Group manually into the sales order. One Time Customer can be used by many customer, therefore, the system will not be able to determine the Account Assignment Group manually.

Default Start Variant for VF04

There are two types of variant in VF04. One is the selection variant before clicking the Display Billing List Button. You can set the start variant via SE93 using the Change mode. The second variant is the Billing Layout display variant. This is after clicking the Display Billing List Button.

After creating your layout display variant, you can set it by clicking :Settings -> Display Variant -> Administration Select the layout display variant you want and click :Edit -> Define default settings

Condition Exclusion which will be determined in the billing document

The system can exclude conditions so that they are not taken into account during pricing. For example: Material 4711 costs 150 USD. Some customers receive a discount of 10 USD per 100 pieces. However, a specific customer can buy the material for 100 USD. Since this is a particularly good price, the customer should not also have a discount of 10 USD per 100 pieces. Therefore, this discount is to be excluded from pricing. To create a condition exclusion procedure which will be determined in the billing document. Assign the procedure to the pricing schema, and maintain copy control so that pricing is not copied from Sales Order. To achieve this, copy the standard pricing to a ZXXXX Pricing. Define new document pricing procedure in SM30 - V_TVKV for billing. Assign new document pricing procedures to billing types in SM30 - V_TVFK_PR Define the Condition Exclusion Groups in OV31. Assign the Condition type for the Condition Exclusion Groups in OV32. Assign the Billing Pricing Procedure in VOK8 for the Condition Exclusion Groups. When billing document is being created just enter manually your new price and the pricing program logic will include only the higher price one, excluding the rest that are lower price.

Steps for creating a new or changing an existing Billing Document Types

Create/Change your Billing types configuration in VOFA. Some of the IMG stuff are :-

1) To block automatic transfer of the billing document to accounting, mark the field. Indicates whether the system blocks automatic transfer of the billing document to accounting. During document processing, you can manually transfer blocked billing documents to accounting by selecting: Billing -> Change -> Release accounting 2) Account determination procedure 3) Output determination procedure etc. ... After customizing, use transaction VCHECKVOFA to check your configuration :1) Proforma billing types: If it is a proforma billing type, (VBTYP = U), the field must be blank and the account determination procedure must be empty. 2) Cancellation billing document types: : A check is made to see if the cancellation billing document type has the right VBTYP. An F2 invoice, for example, (VBTYP 'M') can only be canceled with billing type S1 with VBTYP 'N' . A billing type with VBTYP '5' can only be canceled with the VBTYP '6' and vice versa. 3) Cancellation billing document type partner functions A check is made to see if the cancellation billing document type partner functions are empty or if those that correspond to the billing type used are empty. Next, make sure that you maintain the copy control for the Billing Types: Sales documents in VTFA Target e.g. F1 - Invoice F1 - Invoice Source OR - Standard Sales Order ZOR - Your Sales Order

Billing documents in VTFF e.g. G2 - Debit Memo F1 - Invoice G2 - Debit Memo F2 - Invoice Deliveries in VTFL e.g. F1 - Invoice LF - Delivery F1 - Invoice ZOR - Your Delivery Usually for copy control, you let the rest of the settings remains as SAP defaults. You only assign the new Billing Document Types. After that use transaction VCHECKTVCPF to check your Copy control customizing

Billing Block will not worked if you did not assign it

Define the possible block indicators in SM30 - V_TVFS and allocate them to the billing types concerned in SM30 - V_TVFSP.

Your Billing Block will not worked if you did not assigned it to the desired billing types. You can auto block by :1. sales document type in transaction VOV8, fields Billing Block, or 2. item categories in SM30 - V_TVAP, by filling the fields Billing Block.

Billing Plan for Milestone Billing

Milestone billing means distributing the total amount to be billed over multiple billing dates in the billing plan. As each milestone is successfully reached, the customer is billed either a percentage of the entire project cost or simply a pre-defined amount. During sales order processing, the system determines from the item category whether a billing plan is required and, if so, which type of plan The type of billing plan that is determined at this point is set up in Customizing and cannot be changed in the sales document. Billing plans for periodic billing and milestone billing plans for project-related milestone billing have different overview screens so that you can enter data relevant to your processing. For example, for milestone billing, you must be able to enter data to identify the individual milestones. IMG configuration requires :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Maintain billing plan types for milestone billing in OVBO. Define date description in SM30 - V_TVTB. Maintain Date Category for Billing Plan Type IN OVBJ. Allocate date category in SM30 - V_TFPLA_TY. Maintain date proposal for Billing Plan Type in OVBM. Assign Billing Plan Type to Sales Documents Type in OVBP. Assign Billing Plan Type to Item Categories in OVBR. Define rules for determining the date in OVBS.

Milestone billing is typically used for billing projects, such as plant engineering and construction projects. Such projects often include a series of milestones that mark the completion of different stages of the work. In the SAP R/3 System, milestones are defined in a network along with planned and actual dates for the completion of work. The milestones are also assigned to the billing dates in the billing plan. Each milestone-related billing date is blocked for processing until the Project System confirms that the milestone is completed. Delivery-relevant order items for which a milestone billing plan applies are billed on the basis of the requested delivery quantity and not on the total of the confirmed quantities. The connection between the project and the sales document item is made in the individual schedule lines of the item. Each schedule item can be assigned to a network in a project. To display the project-related data for a schedule line, proceed as follows: In one of the overview screens of the sales document, select 1. 2. Item -> Schedule lines. Mark the schedule line and select Procurement details.

The following figure shows an example of milestone billing where only the Contract have been billed : Order Item Turbine 100,000

Billing Plan Billing date Description Billing Status 01-10-94 Contract 01-03-95 Assembly 01-04-95 Maintenance 01-05-95 Acceptance 01-06-95 Final invoice Network/Activities Milestone Estimate Actual % 10 30 30 30 .. Value 10,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 .. Billing Block x x x x Milestone x x x x x

Assembly Maintenance Acceptance

01-03-95 01-04-95 01-05-95


For each billing date in a milestone billing plan, you can specify whether the billing date is: 1. fixed 2. always updated with the actual date of the milestone 3. updated with the actual date of the milestone, if the date is earlier than the planned billing date for the date

Explain what is Billing Plan. Billing plan processing includes the following functions: Automatic creation of billing plan dates Pricing Billing block Billing index Billing status Billing rule for milestone billing Fixed dates in milestone billing Document flow Creating with reference Exchange rate determination Automatic Creation of Billing Plan Dates In Customizing for Sales, you control how the system automatically creates the schedule of dates in a billing plan. The system determines the schedule of individual dates based on general date information, such as the start and end dates. This general date information is copied either from contract header data or from proposals in the billing plan type. Pricing Sales document items are billed as each billing date in the plan becomes due. The system determines the amount to be billed either from the condition records that are applicable to the item or from the values that are explicitly entered in the billing plan for a particular billing date. In milestone billing, for example, you can specify a percentage to be billed or an actual amount. Billing block A billing block can be set for each date in a billing plan. The block prevents processing for a particular billing date but does not necessarily affect any of the other dates in the plan. In milestone billing, the system automatically sets a billing block for each billing date. This block remains in effect until the project system reports back that the milestone

in the corresponding network has been successfully completed. At this point the system removes the block. Billing index For every billing date in a plan, the system creates and updates a billing index. If a billing date is blocked for billing, the system copies this information into the index. Billing status The system assigns a billing status to each billing date in the plan. The status indicates to what extent the billing has been processed for that particular date. After billing has been carried out successfully, the billing status is automatically set to C. This prevents a billed date from being billed again. Billing Rule for Milestone Billing For every date in the milestone billing plan, you can specify a billing rule. The rule determines how the billing amount for the particular date is calculated. For example, you can specify whether the billing amount is a percentage of the total amount or whether it is a fixed amount. In addition, you can specify that the amount to be billed is a final settlement that takes into account billing that has not yet been processed. For example, price changes may take place after billing dates in the plan have already been processed. The price differences can be taken into account during final settlement. Final settlement is not automatically proposed in the billing plan by the system; you must enter it manually during processing. Fixed dates in milestone billing You can control for each date in a billing plan, whether the date is fixed or whether the system copies the date from the planned or actual milestone dates in a project. Document flow After a particular date in a billing plan is processed for billing, the system updates the document flow for the corresponding sales document item. The document flow for the sales document displays the following data: Creation date Billing date Billed value Creating with reference When you define a billing plan type in Customizing for Sales, you can enter the number of an existing billing plan to serve as a reference during subsequent billing plan creation. During sales order processing for items that require billing plans, the system automatically proposes the reference plan and, if necessary, re-determines the billing dates (based on the current date rules) for inclusion in the new billing plan. Exchange rate determination

In the billing plan with partial billing, you can store a certain exchange rate for each date. The amount billed is the amount determined after using this exchange rate to convert from the local currency into the document currency. An exchange rate can also be stored at item level for the sales document (field: Exchange rate for FI on the Billing tab page. This fixed rate is valid for all dates in the item billing plan for which no rate is specified in the billing plan. If an exchange rate is entered both for the date in the billing plan and at item level in the exchange rate field, then the system uses the rate specified for the date during billing. If no exchange rate is entered for the the date or at item level, then the system uses the exchange rate used for invoice creation and it is forwarded to FI. When using a header billing plan, all billing plans linked to this header billing plan are automatically updated. If, for example, you enter an exchange rate manually for the first date in the header billing plan, this is automatically copied to the corresponding dates for the item billing plans.

SAP Billing - Combine Billing for deliveries with different date

When using transaction VF04 or Billing (background), the date of the billing document (e.g. the current date) must be entered (In VF04 : settings, default data.) In VF06 or background: variant with parametrization) to avoid an unwanted split due to the billing date. This OSS notes is very helpful :11162 - Invoice split criteria in billing document 36832 - Invoice split in fields from the sales order

Billing Spilt by Item Category

Is it possible to split invoice Item category wise. I mean If in sales order there is TAN and TANN then the invoice should split,is it possible? Naina Yes, it is possible. Create a modification of copy control routine for billing and use VBAP-PSTYV as an additional split criteria there. Martishev Sabir Thank you for your reply. Can you please tell me the exact steps what should I add under that(additional split criteria). Naina In trx VTFA (if your billing is sales order based) choose your billing type and SO type, there select your item categories and there select the field VBRK/VBRP data. In that field you will see the currently used routine. With the help of your ABAP guy create a copy of that routine under a different number and add your lines of code. Let's say you use routine 001.

FORM DATEN_KOPIEREN_001. * Header data * VBRK-xxxxx = ............ * Item data * VBRP-xxxxx = ............ * Additional split criteria DATA: BEGIN OF ZUK, MODUL(3) VALUE '001', VTWEG LIKE VBAK-VTWEG, SPART LIKE VBAK-SPART, END OF ZUK. ZUK-SPART = VBAK-SPART. ZUK-VTWEG = VBAK-VTWEG. VBRK-ZUKRI = ZUK. ENDFORM. This is how it should look after modification: * Header data * VBRK-xxxxx = ............ * Item data * VBRP-xxxxx = ............ * Additional split criteria DATA: BEGIN OF ZUK, MODUL(3) VALUE '001', VTWEG LIKE VBAK-VTWEG, SPART LIKE VBAK-SPART, PSTYV LIKE VBAP-PSTYV, <- New line END OF ZUK. ZUK-SPART = VBAK-SPART. ZUK-VTWEG = VBAK-VTWEG. ZUK-PSTYV = VBAP-PSTYV. <- New line VBRK-ZUKRI = ZUK. ENDFORM. After this routine is created and activated place it as the default copy control routine instead of the old ones.

Maximum number of items in FI reached Message no. F5 727

If you hit the above erros when you create an invoice in SD, the corresponding accounting document is not created. The error is as follows: Maximum number of items in FI reached Message no. F5 727 Diagnosis The maximum number of items for an FI document ('999') has been exceeded. System response FI documents have a 3-digit item counter that limits the number of items permitted per document. Procedure If the documents with an excessive number of items come from another application area (e.g. sales, logistics, order accounting), you can configure the system to the effect that these documents are summarized in FI. " How could this error be solved as none of your invoices are getting accounted in FI? To overcome this, the only way was to break the accounting invoices, 1 with 950 items and the other with the rest.

Prepaid process possible

-----Original Message----Subject: Prepaid process possible I am looking for information on how we could implement a prepaid process. By "prepaid process" I mean: - Customer sends to us his order - If customer is set as "prepaid", we produce an invoice for him to pay - Once we have received his payment, we release the sales order for delivery - no further billing document is produced. I found information in online documentation about "down payments" (I imagine that our prepaid process could be a 100% required down payment) but it does not seem that it would work. From what I understood it looks like the billing plan is handled based upon the item category, which implies the processing is "material" specific not "customer" specific. What we do now: - We have defined a risk category "prepaid" which is assigned to our prepaid customer. This risk category automatically block the sales order for delivery. - We receive the sales orders and produce a Pro Forma invoice from it, and send it to customer - Once we receive the payment, we release the sales order for delivery and produce the invoices. - We post the payment we received earlier against this last invoice.

As you see, this requires a lot of manual work and a lot of time is wasted to match all documents together. There most be a more efficient way to handle this, anybody have any hints? -----Reply Message----Subject: RE: Prepaid process possible Hi again! You are right! However, if you create a new item category for the prepaid scenario, you can select what item category (and process) to use at order entry. It is also possible to code a user exit so that only certain customers will get the prepaid process. This can be done also with item category groups (can be used to determine what default item category that should appear). This would mean that you either have different materialnumbers for the different processes or use different distribution channels in the sales order. DC 10 could be the normal process and DC 20 the prepaid process. Then you need to create the sales views in material master for DC 20 for all materials that should be possible to run in the prepaid scenario, and enter the "prepaid item category group in the sales item category group field in material master. Here is a proposal of customizing activities to achieve this: 1. Create a new item category as a copy of the normal item category used for non-prepaid sales. (Change the billing in the item category to order related billing with no billing plan) 2. Create a new item category group "ZXXX" or something of your choice with the description "Prepaid" or something like that. 3. In item category assignment, add or check entries so that you have the order type used, and item category group defaulting the new item category. 4. Check copy control from sales document to billing document for the new item category. Also delivery copy control could be good to check. 5. Create a new distribution channel and assign it to the company structure (plant, sales org etc) 6. Extend your material(s) with views for the new distribution channel and enter the "ZXXX" item category group in the field for sales item category group (I think it is on sales 2 screen but I am not sure, can't access a system right now). Now you should be able to create a sales order with the new distribution channel where the new item category is defaulted. Check that the sales order is completed when both billing and goods issue for the delivery is posted. If not check the completion rule in the new item category.

Restricting Number Of Items In Billing Doc

How I can restrict number of items in an invoice? If I enter more than 8 items in a sales order and those items get copied into delivery doc then to billing doc. But our client want to restrict number items to 8 (max) in an invoice. You can restrict delivery with delivery tolerance, thereby causing invoicing of the desired. or Go to SPRO>>>IMG>>>Sales & Distribution>>>Billing>>>Billing Documents>>>Country-specific features>>>Maintain Maximum No. Of Billing Items. This is where you can define a maximum number of items allowed for all billing documents within a given sales organization. However, maintaining data here is not enough alone to bring about a billing split by number of billing items. You must also go to copying control for order/delivery to billing document at item level under "Data VBRK/VBRP" and maintain routine 006 "individual invoice limited" or a similar routine that accesses the data maintained here. While creating billing documents, we faced a peculiar problem that the numbers are missing. We missed some numbers in order. Can you please help in finding out the reason? There is no buffer maintained in the number range also. Answer: There are a number of reasons why gaps in invoice numbers may occur: 1. Number range object is buffered. Please refer to note 62077 for details. 2. Update terminate/short dump occurs while billing document update. - the number is set in to the invoice at the beginning of the program. If an interruption of the process happens after the assignation of this number, the number has run in the range and cannot be recovered. Update terminations in transaction VF01 and VF04. The billing document number is reserved prior to the update. After a possible update termination, it cannot be used again. Update terminations are displayed in transaction SM13. At present, there is no possible solution. 3. Incorrect user exit, e.g. in Program RV60AFZZ, USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE. If there is an FI/CO validation/substitution or any program modification (user exit, custom formula, custom print program) causing a commit, then this error can occur. Notice the commit can be implicit or explicit. An implicit 'COMMIT' can really only be triggered online.

Implicit commits on the database are always triggered if the work process would have to wait. This includes the following: - The sending of a SAP screen. - The sending of a dialog message (E, I, W message). - The call of a synchronous RFC (Remote Function Call) - Call of a function module or termination of a function module in another work process - CALL of the 'COMMIT CALL' function module - CALL screens (POPUP) - possibly indirectly by a screen changes after a call by CALL TRANSACTION <t_code> or SUBMIT <program>. You have the following options to improve the situation: - check in customer coding (user exit, validation, substitution etc.) for eventual statement causing commit. - use a two-step process to post the invoice to accounting: 1. create the invoice 2. release the invoice to accounting This can be get by setting the flag Posting block = [x] in transaction VOFA. This is also recommended from performance point of view. This could ensure that no accounting documents can ever be posted for non-existing invoices. - do not print immediately (do not use print at time '4'), this is also recommended for performance improvement.

Document Not Relevant For Billing

How to resolve "Document not relevant for billing" error message? Check the detailed error log in VF01 screen. We may get more information on error. Then, check have you completed the PGI for the delivery document or not. Next, go to that Item Category functionality VOV7 and find if it is order or delivery related billing. And after that go and check in the particular Sales order document type whether billing document types are maintained in the sales document or not. If every thing is correct go and find with copy controls If it order related, go VTFA If it Delivery related, go VTFL and check in your document type combination is maintained or not, if they are maintained item category is available or not. After delivery while creating billing document system showing error that no billing document is generated for material no 395. So how I can solve this issue. Check if Item Category is checked for Billing or not. Normal Sales Order Cycle:-

Step 1: Sales Document Type IMG > Sales and Distribution > Sales > Sales Documents > Sales Document Header: 1. Sales Document Type:The sales document types represent the different business transactions, such as Inquiry, Quotation, Sales Order, etc. To create new sales order type, always copy as with reference to similar sales order. If possible use standard sales order. 2. Define Number Ranges For Sales Documents: Maintain number range with discussion with core team. 3. Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types: A. Combine sales organizations / Combine distribution channels / Combine divisions: Ensure to maintain these, else Sales Order creation will give error. B. Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas: Assign only required Sales Order Types to required Sales Area. This will minimize selection of Sales Order Type as per sales area. Sales Document Item: *1. Define Item Categories: If possible use Standard Item Category. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. *2. Assign Item Categories: If possible, use standard. Formula for deriving item category: Sales Document Type + Item Category Group + Usage + Higher Level Item Category = Item Category Schedule Line: 1. Define Schedule Line Categories: If possible use Standard Schedule Lines. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. 2. Assign Schedule Line Categories: If possible, use standard. Formula for deriving Schedule Line: Item Category + MRP Type / No MRP Type. Step 2: IMG > Logistic Execution > Shipping > Deliveries > *1. Define Delivery Types: If possible use Standard Delivery Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. *2. Define Item Categories for Deliveries: If possible use Standard Item Categories for Delivery Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. *3. Define Number Ranges for Deliveries: Ensure to maintain number range. Step 3: IMG > Sales and Distribution > Billing > 1. Define Billing Types: If possible use Standard Billing Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. 2. Define Number Range For Billing Documents: Ensure to maintain number range. 3. Maintain Copying Control For Billing Documents: Maintain relevant copy controls such as Sales Order to Billing, Deliver to Billing, etc. Note: Ensure that Copy Control settings are done Sales Order to Sales Order (QT --> OR): VTAA Sales Order to Delivery (OR --> LF): VTLA Sales Order to Billing (OR --> F1): VTFA Delivery to Billing(LF --> F2): VTFL Billing to Sales Order (F2 --> RE): VTAF

The configuration differs from scenario to scenario & requirement of the client. Tickets from users: After the following process: Sales Order --> Outbound Delivery (Goods issue) --> Billing, what happens if there is a cancellation? How to perform cancellation for this process: Billing --> Goods receipt --> Sales Order ? (Is this the correct reversal to perform in order for cancellation?) After performing the process Sales Order --> Outbound Delivery (Goods issue) --> Billing, the billing document will be passed on to the FI consultants. But if there is a cancellation then, this billing doc. which will have a accounting document also that will also get cancelled. In the FI customer open line items. Cancellation of billing - VF11 Cancellation of delivery - VL09 Then go to VL02N and remove the picking qty and make it blank then Goto VA02 and cancel the order. You can delete the Sales Order if transaction have been done: In VA02 , just enter into the sales order goto menu path -> Files-> Cancel or delete option will be there will be there. After deletion / cancellation of that sales order that order doesn't exist in the database. For example , if your sales order number is 1055 and you have deleted or cancelled that sales order, then that sales order number doesn't exist in the database and you cant create another sales order with the same order number 1055. When you create another sales order the number will skip to the next one i.e, 1056. You can only reject the Sales order if there are existing transations: 1. First you need to cancel the billing document using T-code VF11, so it will reverse all the updated accounting entries. 2. Now you need to cancel the Post goods Issue using VL09, once it is reversed, the delete the delivery using VL02N. 3. Once the delivery is deleted, the sales order will be open. Now put a reason for rejection in the line item/s, and reject the order, the order will get closed. It is not advicable delete a sales order. Match Billing Cancel Document How to find out the link between the original and cancelled billing documents? Goto to tcode SE16 Table: VBRK Field: VBRK-ZUONR - Assignment (this field link the original and cancelled billing documents) Cancel billing documents must be successfuly released to accounting. Usually it failed when user tried to cancelled current period with previous date How to schedule billing to be run automatically?

You can create individual Billing documents in VF04, with out any saving of each and every billing document. Select all the deliveries which you want to create billing documents, using Cntr Button, and click on individual billing. Then all the deliveries will go for billing individually in a single run. And you can also see all the billing documents numbers, which are created. No need to select single delivery each time. If you want to do a batch job for billing, proceed for the following process 1. goto VF04, in the selection screen Delivery document range, for which you want to create billing documents e.g., in SD Document field, give delivery 1 to 10. 2.Now Click on GOTO -> Variant -> Save as Variant, then it will take you to another screen, give the variant name, e.g., test, and save it. 3. goto SM36, this is used to do batch job, if you dont know any thing also, you can do the entire process, using JOB WIZARD, click on Job Wizard which is on the screen. 4. It will take you to different steps, just you need to give your variant name, (in job name field) (in the first screen) the continue for further steps, In the ABAP Progamme Name give SDBILLDL, (this is the programme used to create billing documents) continue to give the specified time which you want to run this batch job, like immediate, after an hour, or a specific day like so. 5. Continue further to complete the task, now you batch job will run at a specified time which you mentioned, if you mentioned as immediately, then once you comple this process, your vairant will run, and billing documents will be created. 6. Plese ensure that all the deliveries are perfect, meaning there is no billing block or any thing. You can check the status of your batch job using t. code SM37. Difference between the RSNAST00 and SDBILLDL program. RSNAST00 is a program which is related to output related activities. Using this program, we can schedule the creation of outputs (PDFs, email etc) in total for any document created in any of the applications. The details are read and stored in the database table NAST. The same program is customised for each applications using programs like SD70AV1A which are also used for the same purpose but only for sales orders. SDBILLDL is the program for Billing due list. This program finds out all the orders or deliveries or both which are due for billing and it will trigger the billing creation. It reads tables like VBAK, VBAP, VBUK, VBUP, LIKP, LIPS etc and the created billing documents are stored in tables VBRK, VBRP. Please explain to me the concept of resource related billing and its different between periodic and milestone. In what kind of business scenario do we use it? and what are the settings required to use it? Periodic billing is used when you want to bill the customer at different points of time based on the periodicity or progress of the work.

Milestone billing can be used for this type of billing purposes when you want to have billing control from the project. Resource billing is based on the resource consumption for the particular activities. Dynamic Item Processor (DIP) profile is used for the resource related billing. Steps to be followed: 1) Configure DIP Profile (T.code ODP1) 2) Specify the usage (i) Billing & Result Analysis (RRB) (ii) Request Quotation (Sales Pricing) 3) Specify (i) Sales Document Type (PS2) (ii) SD Doc Type CMR 4) In Sales Order Type --> Sales Order Category - "L" (Debit Memo Request) 5) Document Pricing Procedure --> PS (Customer Project) 6) Select the billing usage and click on characteristics. eg--> Activity Type 7) Then define sources. Select "Actual Cost" as we use actual cost for RRB. Define% 8) Sources --> Selection Criteria: This would display all characteristics. Now in Activity Type --> Mention the activity type 9) If more activity type are being used then create set of activity type using T.code GS01 10) Material Determination --> Initially create material with "Material Type = Service" 11) The service material should be mentioned in the material determination 12) Criteria -- In criteria allocate the activity type for the specific material. (We can also use cost element, cost center, which we have defined in characteristics) 13) Create Project (T.code CJ20N) 14) Create Sales Order (T.code VA01) 15) Book CATS 16) Execute DP91 to view Sales Pricing Common Errors: AD01-155: Error during material determination for sales document item. Material Origin field was not checked in the Costing tab of the material master. IX-057: No cost management is provided for sales document (contract) item. This is usually because there is no requirements type assigned to the contract item (see procurement tab). No material appears in DMR/CMR. In the material master costing view, set the "Material Origin" checkbox (see OSS note 174382) No expenditure item found. Go back to the service order and check there are actual costs

Check your DIP Profile; specifically the sources section to ensure you are not filtering out any dynamic items. CO Configuration: KL03: Check activity type validity dates KA03: Check cost element validity dates KA03: For labour, check cost element category is 43 KA03: Check if Record qty flag is set on Indicators tab KA03: Check cost element assigned to your controlling area KP26: Check that activity type is linked to cost centre KP26: Check that there is a rate for the activity type/cost centre KP26: Check are you using the correct version Real SD Support Question: I have cancelled a billing document through vf11. That means the cancellation billing document did not generate accounting document. Where to checked? When you cancel a billing document, you are actually creating a cancellation document. The cancellation document copies data from the billing document and transfers an offsetting entry to the accounting department. So once you cancel the billing document it will create one cancellation Document and one reversal Accounting Document. There is no need to cancel Accounting document which is created after cancel a billing document. Lets handle it phase by phase. First Scenario Your accounting document not generated, 1. VF02 Mode Click Release to Accounting" the Accounting documents not generated. 2. If yes, then OK Else 3. Check Whether you have assigned Accounting keys to the relevant condition types. 4. Check Account assignment Procedure VKOA and check G/L account has been assigned. 5. If error found correct it Else 6. Check with FI Consultant whether Accounting entries has been posted with reference to customer and Invoice. Second Scenario If accounting documents gets generated and you use VF11 to Cancel the invoice, then automatically the posting document gets reversed and separate number will be assigned for those documents. This you can see in the document flow. Check with FI Consultant. Please Check this :

SPRO--->Sales and Distribution-->Billing Documents-->Define Billing Types Select Billing type S1. Then check Posting Block, it should be unchecked. Check whether for the S1 billing document type Posting block has been checked or not. If it has been checked then uncheck it and secondly also check in the F2 billing document type whether S1 cancellation billing document type has been assigned or not. Finally check whether the billing document which you were cancelling that billing document generated accounting document or not. If it has not generated the accounting document then check the settings in OBA7 Are retro billing and Self-billing referring to the same process? Answer: Retro billing and Self-billing are entirely different processes and can be executed independently. Let me explain using a very simple example: You sell 10 units of a material A for $100 per unit - Amount $1000 Invoice is sent to customer for $1000 on say Sep 20, 2099 RETRO-BILLING Now due to price negotiations price may change to $90 w.e.f Sep 01, 2099. Thus you will update your price conditions in VK12 for this material/customer to $90 with validity from Sep 01, 2099. But as you have already invoiced the customer in past so to take care of the extra billing . You will execute retro-billing process. You will go to VFRB and enter the selection criteria for the material and suitable dates, system will provide you the list of candidate invoices to which this price reduction is applicable and hence you can simulate or even execute retro-billing after providing Cr/Dr memo type and order reason. These documents will get attached to the original invoice Important to Note - you must maintain the 'use of order reason for retro-billing' in Order reasons configuration for this to work properly. SELF-BILLING Here customer raises invoices for itself. Supplier does not send the invoice to customer. Customer may send a self-bill for the above case like $80 a piece. This will hit the supplier system in form of EDI/Fax/Paper etc and on verification in system will show in Self-bill Monitor VSB1n.

On processing, system will generate a credit memo of $200 for the customer and a debit memo for same amount with reference ?_?_?. Now the customer while paying will pay $800 as per its self-bill and the same would be settled against original invoice of $1000 and SB credit Memo of $200. Other debit memo of $200 (with ?_?_? reference) will remain open in system which may be cleared off by a retro billing run where supplier may reduce the price by $20 or take further action as needed. In SAP billing process; I am facing the problem with the exchange rate. As the rates picked in the sales order as default exchange rates maintained for the day; if the sales order is MTO and goods will dispatched after 2 months and within these 2 month the exchange rate got floated by a large amount and during the billing with VF01 t-code; the exchange rate will be something else; and I cant change it at that instance also. The billing document will be posted to the accounting after getting the money from the customer and the exchange rate will become something else at this moment also; and make a large difference of amount at this instance. Is there is any provision in sap system so that I can change the exchange rate in the billing document and with this same exchange rate I can post the entries in accounting also. It will solve the problem as it will give me the billing amount in exact LC amount also. Solution: You can have the same exchange rate (OB08) in sales order to be in billing document: In Copy control VTFL at item category level -> PricingExchRate type to 'A'Copy from sales order Now, if you want that same exchange rate to be in Accounting document in Sales Order GOTO -> HEADER -> ACCOUNTING there one field is there 'Exch.rate-acct.' enter the exchange rate there manually, which will post to accounting. In the billing document there are 3 exchange rates, please review: VBRP-KURSK Exchange Rate for the conversion Loc.currency <-> Doc.currency. for Price Determination The determination of this exchange rate depends on the setting of TVCPFLP-PFKUR in customizing copy-control VBRK-KURRF Exchange Rate for the conversion Loc.currency <-> Doc.currency. For FI postings If there is a manual entry in the sales order field VBKD-KURRF (Goto -> Header -> Accounting), then it is copied into VBRK-KURRF. Otherwise VBRK-KURRF is determined during invoice creation. It is supposed that manual entry has higher priority. See the OSS note 36070. KOMV-KKURS Exchange Rate for the conversion Cond.currency <-> Loc.currency

At price condition level. It is always determined according to the Pricing date. See the OSS notes 92613, 97487. During VF01 the system determines the Exchange rate for FI posting VBRK-KURRF from the currency tables according(OB08) to the billing date only if the field Exchange rate for FI posting is empty in the source sales document (VBKDKURRF). If the sales document has this field filled, manually or copied from a reference invoice (by copy control routine), then it is copied in the subsequent billing document. This is the standard working of the system. The exchange rate should be based on your configuration in copy control (VTFA or VTFL) at the item category level. The choices you have are as follows: Pricing Exchange Rate Type (V_TVCPFLP-PFKUR) A Copy from sales order B Price exchange rate = Accounting rate C Exchange rate determination according to billing date D Exchange rate determination according to pricing date E Exchange rate determination according to current date

Difference Between Pro-Forma And Billing Doc

Conceptually and real life scenario - Proforma invoice is used to declare cost of goods to custom department to estimate duties/levies or to collect advance payment from the buyer. Proforma invoice is exactly the same as to Invoice. The difference is Proforma invoice is need not to be paid and system does not transfer data to FI(Financial accounting). No statistical data is created on the basis of Proforma invoice. F8 is delivery related proforma invoice and you can create proforma invoice for same delivery you as many as you like. Goods issue is not require to create Proforma invoice. In case of sample orders - (delivery free of charge- order type FD) - invoice is not generated. In VOV8 - billing is not proposed. Hence system does not generate invoice. In Sample order/delivery account receivable does not increase but cost of sample order is added to sales promotion account or client suggested accounts. In summary: Proforma invoice will not create the accounting entries. Requirement for Proforma invoice may differs from business perspective. - One requirement is to intimate the customer to settle an advance payment. While making the payment, customer wants to see the sample bill for which he is going to make payment. So he demands proforma invoice.

- Another requirement is to have a document while freight forwarders carry the materials. An invoice or Proforma invoice should be accompanied. This is the legal requirement. - Another requirement to have proforma while Stock Transport Order. Billing document will have their values triggers to accounts thru RAD resulting in an accounting document. Proforma invoice will not triggers data to an accounts, so an accounting document will not get generated and it is mostly useful for Stock transfers from manufacturing plant to any depot whether locally or abroad. Its a copy that's all to show to during Custom when goods are in transit he has to carry this proforma document. Difference between Billing and invoice. Both are same in SD point of view: - In SD terminology we call as Billing Document and - In FI terminology we call as INVOICE. - In MM again only INVOICE will be there for Vendors.

Credit Management
How To Do Configuration For Credit Management
Credit and risk management takes place in the credit control area. According to your corporate requirements, you can implement credit management that is centralized, decentralized, or somewhere in between. An organizational unit that represents the area where customer credit is awarded and monitored. This organizational unit can either be a single or several company codes, if credit control is performed across several company codes. One credit control area contains credit control information for each customer. For example, if your credit management is centralized, you can define one credit control area for all of your company codes. If, on the other hand, your credit policy requires decentralized credit management, you can define credit control areas for each company code or each group of company codes. Credit limits and credit exposure are managed at both credit control area and customer level. You set up credit control areas and other data related to credit management in Customizing for Financial Accounting. The implementation guide is under Enterprise Structure -> Definition or Assignment -> Financial Accounting and then Maintain credit

control area. You assign customers to specific credit control areas and specify the appropriate credit limits in the customer master record. Tips by : Kapilaa Settings for determining the credit control area of a document. The settings of items 1 - 4 are taken into account according to their priority. The credit control area found is stored in field VBAK-KKBER. 1. Transaction OB38 Check which credit control area is assigned to the company code. Company code: Credit control area: 2. Transaction OVFL Check which credit control area is assigned to the sales area. Sales area: Credit control area: 3. Transaction XD02 or VD02 Check which credit control area is assigned to the payer. Payer: Credit control area: 4. Transaction SE37 Is user exit EXIT_SAPV45K_001 being used? 5. Transaction OBZK For the settings under items 2 - 4, field "All company codes" must be marked in Transaction OB45, or the credit control area must be entered under the relevant company code in table T001CM of the credit control areas allowed. Company code: Credit control areas allowed: 6. Settings for the credit checks 7. Transaction OVAK Which settings do exist for the sales document type used? Sales document: Check credit: Credit group: 8. Transaction OVAD Which settings do exist for the delivery type used? Delivery type: Credit group for delivery: Credit group for goods issue: 9. Transaction OB01 Credit management/Change risk category

Definition of the risk category for each credit control area. This risk category can be assigned to a credit account by using Transaction FD32. 10. Transaction OVA8 Here, the individual credit checks for key fields o credit control area o risk category o credit group are set. Take these key fields from the above settings and go to the detail screen. In particular, check whether fields "Reaction" and "Status/block" are set correctly. To carry out follow-up actions in case of a credit block, the credit check status must be set (field "Status/block"). 11. Transaction FD32 Credit master data for the payer of the relevant document. Credit account: Credit limit: Risk category: Currency: 12. Settings for updating the credit values Update of the credit values is required for the limit check (static or dynamic credit limit check). 13. Transaction OVA7 Update of the credit value is active for the corresponding item type if the check box is marked. This field corresponds to field "Active receivable" in Transaction VOV7. Item type: Active receivable: 14. Transaction V/08, Pricing In the pricing procedure used for pricing, subtotal "A" must be entered in a line for determining the credit value (mark the pricing procedure and doubleclick on "Control"). Usually, the net value plus taxes is used. This way the system is determined to use this subtotal for credit pricing. The credit price is stored in field VBAP-CMPRE and used for update and credit check. You can find the used pricing procedure of the order under "Item -> Condition -> Analysis". Pricing procedure: Line with subtotal = 'A': 15. Transaction OB45 Which update group (field "Update") do you use in the relevant credit control area? The default setting is "12". If you use another update group, check whether this is fine with you. If you open an OSS message, please tell us the alternative update group.

Credit control area: Update: 16. Transaction OMO1 Which kind of update did you choose for structure S066? In any case, "Synchronous update (1)" has to be chosen as the kind of update. All other settings will lead to errors.

MRP block for Credit limit attained Customers

How to block the requirement (MD04) generated by the item category in a sales order when the customer has attained the credit limit? The MRP requirements still appear even though the schedule is zero. You should try and use one of the standard requirements. See in transaction "VOFM". Under Requirements / Subsequent Functions / Reqs.Availablity. Try using routine 103, you may have to tweak if it doesn't work exactly as you'd like. For example, you can write a routine 903 because you only wanted this reaction for certain business units. Irregardless, using a routine similar to this will prevent the requirement from appearing in MD04 for orders blocked on credit. Code: DATA: W_ZSDCRD TYPE ZSD_CREDITBLCK. DATA: W_CMGST LIKE VBUK-CMGST. SELECT SINGLE * INTO W_ZSDCRD FROM ZSD_CREDITBLCK WHERE KKBER = VBAK-KKBER AND CTLPC = VBAK-CTLPC. IF SY-SUBRC = 0 AND VBUK-CMGST CA 'B'. IMPORT VBUK-CMGST TO W_CMGST FROM MEMORY ID 'CREDIT'. IF W_CMGST = SPACE. MESSAGE I706(Z1). EXPORT VBUK-CMGST TO MEMORY ID 'CREDIT'. ENDIF. *} REPLACE *{ INSERT DEVK966908 1 *} INSERT * Read the subsequent function information for the message PERFORM FOFUN_TEXT_READ USING GL_FOFUN CHANGING FOFUN_TEXT. MESSAGE ID 'V1' TYPE 'E' NUMBER '849' WITH FOFUN_TEXT RAISING ERROR. *{ INSERT DEVK966908 2


Credit Mgmt Dynamic checking

-----Original Message----Subject: Credit Mgmt Dynamic checking From: Richard Dragani Hi credit experts, Does anyone know how I can automatically re-execute a dynamic credit check a few days prior to shipment for future dated sales orders. Any ideas would be appreciated. Rich Dragani -----Reply Message----Subject: Re: LOG: Credit Mgmt Dynamic checking From: Swami Subramanyan Program RVKRED08? Or manually execute function module SD_ORDER_CREDIT_RECHECK. Regards Swami -----Reply Message----Subject: Re: Credit Mgmt Dynamic checking From: Leslie Paolucci We check credit at the time of the delivery (at delivery creation and before picking) and use the blocked sales doc process/list to release them. This can be set up in customizing under risk management-> credit management.

Sales value field in not getting updated after creating the billing
-----Original Message----Subject: Sales value field in not getting updated after creating the billing we are on 4.6b. we are going for credit management but facing one problem. in fd32customer credit management change - the sales value feild in not getting updated after creating the billing. eg. when i create the order - the order value get updated in the sales value in fd32. after creating the delivery - that value remains same in the feild of sales value. but when i am going for billing (delivery related), the bill value is appearing in 'receivables' but the amount in 'sales value' is not getting reduced. because of this the credit exposure is increasing continuously. update group for corrosponding credit ctrl area is 12. also the item is mark for credit update.

can anyone tell the missing link? thanking in advance -----Reply Message----Subject: RE: Sales value field in not getting updated after creating the billing Hi, You need to check couple of settings like: 1. Your customer should be assigned the credit control area. 2. In your Item Category Credit should be active. Regards, -----Reply Message----Subject: RE: Sales value field in not getting updated after creating the billing customer is assign to concorn CCA and item category is mark for credit active -----Reply Message----Subject: RE: Sales value field in not getting updated after creating the billing Hi, Check the credit update group in the transaction OB45. The credit update group controls when the values of open sales orders, deliveries and billing documents are updated. It should be '000012'. Further also refer to the OSS note 18613.

Difference Between Simple and Automatic Credit Check Types

Explain in detail difference between simple and automatic credit check types. In automatic check, difference between static and dynamic checks. SIMPLE CREDIT CHECK : Tr.Code - FD32 It Considers the Doc.Value + Open Items. Doc.Value : Sales Order Has been saved but not delivered Open Item : Sales Order has been saved , Delivered, Billed & Transfered to FI, but not received the payment from the customer. Eg: Customer Credit Limit is Rs.1,00,000/Suppose Doc.Value + Open Item Value is Rs.1,10,000/Here credit limit exceeds then system reacts. Options : A) Warning Message B) Error Message (Sales Order won't be saved) C) Error Message with Delivery Block AUTOMATIC CREDIT CHECK : Give extra credit facilities to the particular customer.

STATIC CREDIT LIMIT DETERMINATION :Checking Group + Risk Catageory + Credit Control Area. A) Credit Checking Groups : Types of Checking Groups. 01) Sales 02) Deliveries 03) Goods Issue At all the above 3 levels orders can be blocked. B) Risk Catageory : Based on the risk catageories company decide how much credit has to give to the customer. HIGH RISK (0001) : LOW CREDIT LOW RISK (0002) : MORE CREDIT MEDIUM RISK(0003) : Average Credit Static Credit Check it checks all these doc value & check with the credit limit 1) Open Doc.Value / Sales Order Value : Which is save but not delievered 2) Open Delivery Doc.Value : Which is delivered but not billed 3) Open Billing Doc.Value : Which is billed but not posted to FI 4) Open Item : Which is transfered to FI but not received from the customer. DYNAMIC CREDIT CHECK : 1) Open Doc 2) Open Delivery 3) Open Billing 4) Open Items 5) Horizon Period = Eg.3Months Here the System will not consider the above 1,2,3& 4 values for the lost 3 months Then assign the Sales Doc & Del Documents. Sales Doc.Type(OR) + credit Check(0) + Credit Group (01) Credit Limit Check for Delivery Type : Del.Type (LF) + Del Credit Group (02) + Goods Issue Credit Group (03)

Dunning Process In Credit Management

Explain about dunning process in credit management? Let me explain in simple terms: 1) You have a Customer which you had felt, he is doing good business and supplied material on Credit of 45 days. 2) Since this customer is good as you felt, you have not managed Credit Checks as well. So, he had comfortably reached to the fullest credit (or even more) which you can afford for any customer. 3) One fine day you got realised that, there is very bad debt with this customer and need to recover from him and till then, there will be no further supply to the customer.

4) Your company's legal department has laid a policy that, inorder to recover any bad debts, like: a) We will send a normal payment reminder. b) In case customer doesnt respond, we will send at least further reminder (dunning notice) may be 9 times (9 reminders) (Dunning level) and what intervels of time (dunning frequency) c) Still if the customer doesnt resopond for the reminders, you will file a law suit against the customer for recovering the Payments. d) Finally, after getting veridict, you may proceed for auction of his property or as per the order for Law. Now in SAP, the definition of Dunning procedure is a pre-defined procedure specifying how customers or vendors are dunned. For each procedure, the user defines - Number of dunning levels - Dunning frequency - Amount limits - Texts for the dunning notices In SAP, you will maintain the Dunning Procedure at customer master. Referring to this your SD Team / FI Team (user team) will effect Dunning PS: You might remembered the dunning procedure laid by Relaince Mobile, sometime back, sending street rowdies for recovering the bad debts from users. That is dunning. Remember Reliance, you will not forget dunning forever. What is the differences between Credit Mngmt v/s Dunning? Dunning is one part of credit management. But need not be also. I will give you two examples: 1. For a customer, the credit functionality is enabled means credit limit etc. are set for this customer. If the customer didn't pay the amount even after the period specified in the payment terms is over then in that case we are going to generate the dunning letters and send them to the customer either by simple mail, fax, intimation by call or personally etc., like this different ways of reaching a customer. But here in dunning also there are different levels. 2. Suppose for a customer there is no credit limit set. Credit functionality is not there for this customer. In this case, if the customer didn't pay the amount even after the period specified in the

payment terms is over then in that case we are going to generate the dunning letters and send them to the customer either by simple mail, fax, intimation by call or personally etc. like this different ways of reaching a customer. So, Dunning is partly a part of credit management. What do you meant by Dunning? Dunning is the process of sending the remainders to the customer about the payment which is due and crossed the limit. This dunning is used in the credit management to check the credit worthiness of the customer. Sometimes your business partners may fall behind on payments. You can send them a payment reminder or a dunning notice to remind them of their outstanding debts. The SAP System allows you to dun business partners automatically. The system duns the open items from business partner accounts in which the overdue items create a debit balance. The dunning program selects the overdue open items, determines the dunning level of the account in question, and creates a dunning notice. It then saves the dunning data determined for the items and accounts affected. You can use the dunning program to dun both customers and vendors. It may be necessary to dun a vendor if he or she has a debit balance as a result of a credit memo. If a customer is also a vendor, you can offset the account balances against one another. What do you mean by credit exposure? They are the transactions with a customer that are relevant for credit limits on a specified date. The credit exposure is updated based on the update algorithm assigned to the credit control area. 000012 - updated at Sales Order 000015 - updated at Delivery 000018 - updated at Billing To look at only Receivables for a customer look in FD32. If you have bad data run the reorganization program through SE38. Check Note 425523 - Collection of consulting notes: Credit update and related. Surely you must run report RVKRED77 (Note 400311 - RVKRED77: Reorganization credit data, new documentation and related will help you). 1. How is credit exposure calculated (seen in FD32)? Its simple summation of Receivables + Special liabilities (like down payments, advance) + Sales value 2. If Update=000012 in CCAr then on creating Sales Order, the exposure increases by SO value.

But if update=000015, then also on creating Sales Order, the exposure increases by SO value. Is this correct? I think in case of 000015 Open sales order values should not be considered. 3. What role exposure play in the credit management process. I mean does the system match the value of credit exposure with credit limit to find that it is exceeded or it does it differently? Credit exposure is in fact the main player. In credit management if the customers credit limit is 10000 and credit exposure is 9900 then customer can only be able to buy now worth of 100 only. Its the credit exposure which should not crossed over the credit limit. For reporting purpose, where we can get customer credit exposure which showing in FD32. Go to t.code F.31 for an overview of the credit exposure, and also you can use s_ALR_8701212218 to overview the credit exposure.

Difference between Condition Type
Please explain the difference between Ek01 ( Actual Cost) and EK02 Calculated Cost. These are the condition type that will display the results of the unit costing for certain type of sales document. EK01 : If you use this condition type, the result of unit costing is issued to the first position on the conditions screen for the item. The value can be used as a basis for price determination. EK02: If you use this condition type, the result of unit costing is simply a statistical value which you can compare with the price. Please note the following points : 1) The condition type must have condition category 'Q' (costing). 2) The condition type must agree with the condition type defined for unit costing in the pricing procedure. I have a customer who is being offered two discounts ie k007 and k005, now I want to exclude k007 for the next 2 orders or so? I have set the exclusion indicator for the condition type,but still the condition is being accepted when I create a sales order. Am I missing something, how do I do it? I think u need to change the validity of the condition record for the condition type K007 defining it not valid for that particular 2 months. And also the settings of the Requirements as it is correct that it overrules the exclusion.

Accumulate the amount of condition types in accounting document

To accumulate the amount of condition types in accounting document without affecting the pricing display in billing document. As an illustration :ZPXX 3500 ZDXX 1000ZWXX 500(all condition types are shown separately in pricing view) Journal: Dr Vendor 2000 Cr Sales 2000 (ZPXX - ZDXX - ZWXX) One way to do it is :Mark the condition types you want to group as statistical and remove the account assignment key. Create a subtotal in your pricing procedure that will add them together and put in the account assignment key for it. This way the individual components will still display on your pricing screen but FI will only get one posting.

Hiding Price Condition Types on a Sales Document

Up to now you, you still cannot exclude certain condition types and subtotal lines from being processed or displayed in the condition screen by restricting the authorizations. You have to implement SAP Note No. 105621 - Authorization check for the condition screen

Creating New Pricing Procedure

What is the transaction code for creating new pricing procedure and how to attach it to specific plant? You create PP in spro > Sales and Distribution > Basic Functions > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define and Assign Pricing Procedures > Maintain Pricing Procedures You can't attach PP to specific plant. Pricing Procedure is determined thru trx OVKK. The defining parameters for pricing procedure determination are: 1. SalesOrg 2. Distribution Channel 3. Division 4. Document Procedure (defined in Sales doc\Billing doc maintenance) 5. Pricing procedure assigned to customer (defined in customer master)

What is "alt cal type" & "alt base value" & "Requirement field" in the Pricing Procedure
Can any one explain exactly what is "alt cal type" & "alt base value" and also " Requirement field" in the pricing procedure? The alternate base value is used as the calculation basis only, while the alternate calculation is used to modify the final value. For example, imagine you have a condition type ZZ01, with a condition record maintained (master data) for $100. Now, condition ZZ02 also exists lower in the schema, but with a rate of 10%. The standard calculation would result in a final value of $110. The alternate base value could say, "don't use $100 as the basis -- use the original price PR00 only, which was $90." Then, the final value would be $100 + (10% of $90) = $109. The alternate calculation routine says, "ignore the 10% altogether. Instead, use an externally calculated 20%." Then, you end up with a final value of $100 + (20% of $100) = $120. Put them both together, and you could end up with $100 + (20% of $90) = $118. Now once again, Alternative Calculation Type: Normally if you want to calculate a value you have to use a calculation type for determinating the value. This calculation type is either addition, subtraction or multiplication. Similarly SAP also has got a default calculation type in the control data of the condition type. There you have the options of either Qty based , Fixed Amount Based or Percentage based. Here what happens is suppose if you define Your condition type that calculates the base price of a material on Qty based. Then the calculation will be done based on the quantity of the material. If the customer orders 10 Nos and you have maintained a unit price of 100 Rs for each material then the value determined is 1000 INR. Similarly if the discount condition type , you maintain the calculation type as %. This means if you maintain the value of 10 % in the condition record. Then this percentage is taken as the calculation type and the condition value is determined. In some cases you have to forego the default calculation types and use the customer specific method for calculating a value. For ex if you are calculating the Freight charges for a Material . it depends on so many criteria like, the weight, volume and also the minimum amount etc etc, in those cases, you forego the default value and then use the alternative calculation type in calculating the condition value against the particular condition. Alternative Condition Base value : If you have to calculate any value then you have to have a base value for it. For ex if you want to calculate the discount of 10 % for a material then you have to have a base value on which this 10% is calculated. Normally you take the condition value of the base price of the material to calculate the value.

Now you don't want to take the base value and take other values as base value which are derived on some formulae. So you create a routine which will do the mathematical operations in the routine and derive you a value which is now used as the base value for calculating the condition value for a particular condition type. Requirement: A factor in the condition technique that restricts access to a condition table. The system only accesses a condition table to determine the price if the requirement specified has been met. Example: The system uses an access sequence to determine the price of a material. One of the accesses in the sequence contains the requirement "in foreign currency." The system only uses the table behind this access if the sales order for which the price must be calculated is in a foreign currency.

Re-pricing in a Quotation
How can I, or am I able to find anything on a way of RE-Pricing be done in a QUOTATION? You can always 'Update" pricing manually in a quotation the same way you do in a sales order, either in create or change modes. Menu path Edit --> New Pricing or press the 'Update pricing' button on the item conditions tab. If you are asking how to reprice a quotation when it converts into a sales order, that can be done with the copy controls of the Item Category. IMG: Sales & Dist --> Sales --> --> Maintain Copy Control for Sales Docs --> Sales Doc to Sales Doc (transaction vtaa). Just choose the combination of documents and the respective item category. The field you need to be concerned with is "Pricing type". However, from a business process perspective it makes absolutely NO sense to reprice a quotation when converting to a sales order. After all, the entire point of using quotations is to firm up details like pricing before creating the sales order.

Quantity Based Discounts in Bulk Quantities Sales

You're looking to implement quantity based discounts in 4.6c. You are trying to sell items in specific bulk quantities, and only give the discount for specific quantity intervals. For example, if a customer orders 1 piece, 2 pieces, 3, etc. of part ABC, the price is $100. If the customer orders 10 pieces of part ABC, the price is $50. However, this is not only a standard minimum quantity discount. If the customer tries to order 11 pieces, 12, 13, etc. it should return $100 again. The only values for which $50 should apply are 10, 20, 30, etc. - multiples of the bulk quantity 10. You have discussed changing your part number to reflect a bulk qty of 10, however you have in house consumption that is allowed to consume only 1 part at a time. You

would vastly prefer to keep one part number that you order from the supplier, consume internally and ship externally. You are fairly certain there is basic functionality that covers this, but you're just not sure where to start. Taking your requirements literally. Standard SAP scale pricing will not do it in that you only want the reduced price to come into effect when the order quantity is multiple of some bulk factor. It is agreed with that creating a separate material number is not a good idea. You can try this :1. Define/Select a UOM for selling in bulk (i.e. cas, pallet, box whatever) 2. Maintain UOM conversion between your base UOM and this new UOM 3. Configure you bulk pricing condition type by usual means (it should be a base price rather than discount). 4. Place this new bulk price behind your normal "PR00" price in the pricing procedure 5. Create a new condition base value routine via VOFM where you check XKWERT to see if it is a whole number. If it is not then set XKWERT to zero. 6. Assign this new routine to your bulk price condition in your pricing procedure in ALT condition base value column. 7. Maintain bulk price conditon record in the Bulk UOM. That should do it.

Determine Sales Price with Shipping Point

You are trying to use shipping point as a key field (with sales org. distribution channel and ship-to party together) to determine the sales price. You created a condition table with the above key fields, and maintained the relevant setting (access sequence, condition type and pricing procedure). There is an error message in the sales order pricing analysis ("access not made" in the shipping point field). In the access sequence, you found that the shipping point field's document structure is KOMK. Can you put to item level field in the condition table and access sequence? Structure KOMK refers to header of the sales order, but shipping point of course is on item level. You'll have to do some settings to reach your goal, it is possible. Step 1 Append structure KOMP. Do this by changing through SE11 the table KOMPAZ. This is the include for structure KOMP. Add a component e.g. ZZVSTEL with component type VSTEL. Save, activate. If you want to make more points, assign search help H_TVST to the component. Ask a programmer if you don't understand this part.

Step 2 Change user exit MV45AFZZ. Say there that field ZVSTEL should be filled with information from your shipping point. Do this under part FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP. The coding should be like tkomp-zzvstel = vbap-vstel. Save, generate. Step 3 Make a new table as you did before, but first maintain your new field in Condition: allowed fields. When you create your new table you will see you have two shipping points. With the button technical view you can check which one ZZVSTEL or VSTEL. Step 4 Finish with the steps you did before. That was ok. Now, you will see in your sales order that the shipping point is filled with information.

Pricing date based on delivery date

Used transaction VOV8. This configuration is by order type. There is a field called proposal for pricing date. There you can select pricing date as requested delivery date. A - Proposed pricing date based on the requested (Header) This control is set at the document level as oppose to the condition type level (PR00). That means your other condition types such as surcharges and discounts are also determined using the requested delivery date. If your requirement is for PR00 to alone to be priced at delivery date then this will not work.

How pricing date is determine in the sales order and billing document? Where is the setting?
The pricing date is proposed based on the setting you make in the Sales document configuration. ( T code : VOV8) You have a field" Prop.f.pricing date " in the Requested delivery date / pricing date / purchase order date segment. Then you can choose the follwoing options: Blank - Indicates the current date as the pricing date A - Indicates the date based on the requested delivery date B - Indicates the date based on the order validity start from date And the pricing in the billing document is copied from thte sales order / Delivery document..

It again depends on the setting u have in the copy control from order - billng or delivery billing. In the copy control, in the item settings you have two fields relavant for this. One is pricing source and the other is pricing type. The pricing sources are generally the order. But if you want you can change it to other values mentioned in the drop down, but this values have no effect if the pricing type is B. Any other value other than B in the pricing type will take the reference document price mentioned in the pricing source field. but for the pricing type B. The new price is determined in the billing order.

Report to Check the Entered Pricing Condition Price

Which is the best transaction code to check the Pricing condition price entered in "VK11"? Other than "VK13", to display the price, you can use V/LD - Execute Pricing Report to check the prices entered into the Pricing Master. Normally Pricing Report - "07 Cust.-specific Prices with Scale Display" will do. Other Pricing Reports you can tried are these:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------|LR|Report title | ------------------------------------------------------------------------|01|Comparison of Price Lists Without Scale Display | |02|Comparison of Price Groups Without Scale Display | |03|Incoterms with Scale Display | |04|Incoterms Without Scale Display | |05|Price List Types Without Scale Display | |06|Price List Types with Scale Display | |07|Cust.-specific Prices with Scale Display | |08|Cust.-specific Prices W/out Scale Display | |09|Material List/Material Pricing Group with Scale Display | |10|List Mat./Mat.Pricing Groups Without Scale Display | |11|Price Groups With Scale Display |

|14|Taxes | |15|Material Price | |16|Individual Prices | |17|Discounts and Surcharges by Customer | |18|Discounts and Surcharges by Material | |19|Discounts and Surcharges by Price Group | |20|Discounts and Surcharges by Material Group | |21|Discounts and Surcharges by Customer/Material | |22|Discounts and Surcharges by Customer/Material Group | |23|Discounts and Surcharges by Price Group/Material | |24|Discounts and Surcharges by Price Group/Material Group | |25|VAT/ATX1 | |26|Canada/USA | |27|I.E.P.S Mexico | |28|Conditions by Customer | |30|Conditions by Customer Hierarchy | |31|Price List with Release Status | |AC| | |AD| | --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mass Update of condition pricing

You can update the condition pricing for a range of sales order. For e.g. if you create sales order for 15 months or so, and at the beginning of each year, you have to update the prices for lots of sales orders. Other than using VA02 and make an Update of the conditions at item level which is a big work because you will have lots of open sales order after so many months. Use VA05, select your Orders and on the result screen :click Edit- > Mass Change -> New Pricing (menu). or

if you don't want to do that Online, write your own abap report and use Function SD_BULK_CHANGE (check where-Used at SE37, Trace VA05 on how to fill the parameters, Function MPRF => New Pricing)

Make Material Master Price of a material as sales price automatically

The first method is not to set the pricing condition VPRS as statistical. Simply remove PR00 and it will work fine if you always use VPRS as your pricing base inside the pricing procedure. VPRS will reads both prices based on the price control in the material master. Price control S for standard price. Price control V for moving average price. It is this simple if you do not have any other "Prices" in the price procedure. However, if you are using one pricing procedure where for some items you price using VPRS and some others using PR00, then you should use requirement routines to enable the correct price condition type at the right time. The second method involves more work as you need to write a formula (VOFM) to get that information. This is how it goes :1. Set VPRS to be the first step in the pricing procedure and to be subtotal B (as standard). 2. Set PR00 with alt. calc. type formula, which sets the value of PR00 to be equal to the subtotal B. The routine (created with transaction VOFM) is: RV64A901 FORM FRM_KONDI_WERT_600. XKWERT = KOMP-WAVWR. ENDFORM. The pricing procedure than looks like that: Step 1 VPRS statistical, subtotal B, reqt 4 Step 2 PR00 Altcty 600

Customer discounts on effort only

-----Original Message----Subject: Customer discounts on effort only Hi All, We have a requirement of giving a discount to customer based on the total amount invoiced so far (across financial years).

Where do we set this up? We have seen so far the discounts are calculated based on the value of the current invoice. The discount should be on a graduated scale basis for example 0 - 100000 No discount 100000 - 200000 5% 200000 - and above 10% This means that discount would only start after the customer's net sale value crosses 100000. For example, if the customer has been billed for 99000 and the current invoice is for 3000, a discount of 5% should be given on 2000 i.e. 100. Another complication is that, the discount is not based on the total amount billed so far, but only on the effort billed and not on reimbursements (like airfares, living expenses, visa charges, beeper charges etc). The discount applies only to the effort and not to the reimbursements. In the above example (invoice of 3000) say the effort billed is only 1500, the rest being reimbursements. The discount is only on the 500. (the rest being taken up by the lower limit for eligibility of 100000) For example the customer might have been billed say 150000 so far but actual effort billed might be only 90000, the rest being reimbursements of actual costs and hence the customer is not eligible for the discount. Kindly help, -----Reply Message----Subject: RE: Customer discounts on effort only Hi, The solution for this is Using rebate condition types and suitable condition records. Of this to handle your first problem that is the rebate has to be applied only on the "effort" you have to set up a line in the pricing procedure which gives the rebate basis i.e the value to be used for rebate cond types. This I believe solves your problem of rebate only on effort. Your second problem i.e the discount should start getting applied automatically when it reaches the first scale for which the values span few financial years. This I am not really sure whether it can be made possible in the invoice itself. But a work around is not giving the discount directly in the invoice but settling it against the rebate agreements by Credit notes periodically.

SD Questions About Pricing Condition

The Most Important Tips in Pricing For SAP SD Module to crack interviews... Whenever we define our pricing procedures, we remain least interested in creating our own Condition Types,Condition Tables & Access Sequences. What we do is, we just define our own pricing procedures by using the existing condition types (i.e: PR00, K004, K007, KA02, KF00 etc.) & then

assign that Pricing Procedure with " Sales Area, Document Pricing Procedure & Customer Pricing Procedure " . After that we put the values against each Condition Types, mentioned in our Pricing Procedure by using the T-Code "VK11". But we also need to know about the Condition Tables, Condition Types & Access Sequence Creation. So for that purpose we have to use the following T-Codes respectively : "V/05", "V/06" & "V/07". Now it will become easy to create the same. Also to inform that, using T-Codes is more smarter than following paths through IMG screen. Utsav Mukherjee - utsavmukherjee143@hotmail. What is the difference of VK11 and VK31 (condition records)? My condition type is PR00 and Access sequence is PR02. And in this access sequence table 304 is available. Now when I was entering the PR00 in VK31 it shows error Table 304 is not defining for the condition type PR02. But when I was entering the PR00 at VK11 it is accepting it. Difference between VK11 and VK31 - if you go through the menu path you will get the vk 31 as condition record from the tamplets whereas vk11 as simple condition record. In VK11 you can store condition record for more than one condition type. This means you can have same condition record for different condition types.This feature is given to enhance the system's performane and not to create the duplcation of the work for each condition type. Again system is not allowing to store the record in the vk31 for the condition type pr00 and access sequence pr02.This is because if you see this ac seq cointains two accessses 20 and 30 having the same table no.But you see there is the difference between the technical view of it for transfering the data from document field and condition field,so you can not maintain the data at VK31. What is the difference between Header condition and Item condition? I know item condition applies to each item in a sales document. Header condition can only be applied to an entire document. Difference between header and item condition - as YOU CORRECTLY SAID HEADER CONDITION IS APPLICABLE FOR THE WHOLE DOCUMENT where as item is for item.Ex-Say fright is dependent on the total weight of all the items in the documents then header condition adds on weights of all items and calculates the record accordingly. You have two different types of the header conditions. a) In one you can duplicate the same value throughout the document for each item.Say discount 2% at header level which is also applicable to all the items b)Second is the accumulation of the values of all the item at the header level,as earlier explained for the weight/fright. These differenes are controlled through the indicator of group condition in the cond.type configuration. And so obviously header condition can not have the condition record and hence access sequence.

SAP SD Tips by : Vishwajit Disallowing Condition Types - How I can accomplish the following: Be able to DISALLOW Z0BP Condition type to be negative ( Invoice Block) You can modify condition type from customising; Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Pricing->Pricing Control->Define Condition Types->Maintain Condition Types Change condition type ZOBP's plus/minus indicator to "A" which means only positive is allowed. *-- Arvind Rana In pricing procedure there are column such as requirement, sub total altclty, altbv, accurals. What are these and where we calculate all these values which we put. 1. Requirement: Denoted by nos and maintained in VOFM, this is a condition required for a particular condition type to be executed. Eg. PR00: req 2 ie item relevant for pricing VPRS/EKO1: req 4 ie cost Rebate BAO1 Req 24/Req 25 etc 2. Subtotal: this represents where a which table a value is stored, which can be processed for further calculation. Eg. for PR00, if this value is to be used for credt check of a customer, we mark the subtotal as A. 3 Alternate Calculation type: this is also denoted by numbers and maintained in VOFM. Eg. Suppose for 45 units , each unit is charged $100 per unit, the order value comes out to be $4500, that is calculation is done as per unit price, if the client wants calculation type to be based on volume or wieght, alternate calculation type can be configured. 4. Alternate base value: Denoted by no. and maintained in VOFM. Eg, if the pricing scale is maintained and pricing for 45 units comes under the scale of $100 per unit., the base value is 45 units, but if the client wants a standard base value in some casesto be assumed inspite of maintaining the scale, an alternate base value is confihured, that is the base value based on which the order value is to be calculated changes. 5. Accruals: Accruals are maintained for rebate agreements, it constitutes the total accumulated value which customer has earned through rebate, one the rebate for certain amount is settled the amount from the accruals get deducted. *-- Nitin

Add a Field To New Condition Table in Pricing

Add a field to a new condition table in Pricing (Condition Technique):I will explain you the process with below example...Please follow steps in below sequence-

Try to add the filed from the field catalog. In case the required combination field is not there, you can add the field through the following process to filed catalog and create the condition table. It is most common that one or other time we need to use this function while configuring multi tasking & complex Pricing Architecture. Here I'm giving a simple guide to add fields to the Pricing Field Catalogues: For example you want to use field PSTYV ('Sales document item category') that is included in structure KOMP ('Pricing Communication Item') as a key for a condition table. When you create a condition table (Transaction V/03), however, the system does not propose the field in the field catalog. Condition access, field catalog, allowed fields, KOMG, KOMK, KOMP, KOMPAZ, KOMKAZ, PSTYV are the other terms which we need to know about, to add Fields. Reason and Prerequisites: For technical reasons, field PSTYV was included in structure KOMP, however, not in structure KOMG ('Allowed Fields for Condition Structures'). Proceed as follows: 1. Call up the ABAP Dictionary (Transaction SE11) and create data type ZZPSTYV. Choose PSTYV as a domain.As a short text, you can use, for example, 'ZZ - sales document item category' and as a field label, you can use the field labels of PSTYV.Save, check and activate your entries. 2. Call up structure KOMPAZ in the ABAP Dictionary (Transaction SE11) in the change mode and make the following entry: Component Component type: ZZPSTYV ZZPSTYV Save, check and activate the change you made. 3. Note:Because of the change in structure KOMPAZ, field ZZPSTYV is now known in structures KOMG and KOMP because structure KOMPAZ is included in both structures. 4. Call up Transaction SPRO. Navigate to 'Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Pricing Control' and execute 'Define Condition Tables'. Choose 'Conditions: Allowed fields' and include ZZPSTYV as a new entry. 5. Note:Now you can use field ZZPSTYV as a key field when you create a condition table Axxx. 6. Supply the new field you defined by including the following source code line in USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP: MOVE xxxx-PSTYV TO TKOMP-ZZPSTYV. In order processing you find the user exit in Include MV45AFZZ, and in billing document processing you find it in Include RV60AFZZ. Consider that you can also use this note as a help if you want to use other customerspecific fields as key fields in a condition table. For header fields, use structure KOMKAZ instead of structure KOMPAZ and USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK instead of USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP.

For more information, see Transaction SPRO via the path 'Sales and Distribution -> System Modifications -> Create New Fields (Using Condition Technique) -> New Fields for Pricing' and OSS Note 21040. *-- Manoj Mahajan

Header Condition and Group Condition

What are header conditions? Header conditions are those which appear in the header level of any sales order. these conditions are to be entered manually and get distributed automatically and the basis for distribution are taken from the NET VALUE of items mentioned at item level. When we go to the conditions section in a sales order, where the details of pricing is mentioned, here we add these conditions. Whenever any Header Condition is used, it overrides the PR00 condition type. Examples of header condition. - HA00 - % Based Header Condition. - RB00 - Absolute or numeric value which applies to all items. - HB00 - Numeric value or Absolute value. *-- Vivek Chokshi What is the difference between group condition and header condition? Group Condition: You can use this is feature of a condition type to apply price or discount for a material based on common property. Header Condition: This is a manual condition which you apply to header (Condition screen) of a sales document. This amount is applicable to all items. Usage of this feature is to apply price / discount for a specific group of materials. 1. You maintained a discount based condition record fbased on material group ( = 01 for example). You maintained scales also. Qty 1 - 10 11 - 50 51 - 150 Discount Rs. 100.00 Rs. 105.00 Rs. 110.00 etc.

2. You are creating a sales order for a customer with five different items with different quantities as below ITEM 1 - 25 No's ITEM 2 - 3 No's ITEM 3 - 12 No's ITEM 4 - 27 No's ITEM 5 - 62 No's All the material is having the material group = 01. 3. While calculating the discount, because of this group condition, system add the quantities of items which have material group = 01. In the above example total quantity is

= 109. System apply a discount of Rs. 110.00 to each item irrespective of the individual quantities. 4. If you have not activated the group condition feature, system determines the discount value based on individual item quantity which is as below. Discount ITEM 1 - 25 No's Rs. 105.00 ITEM 2 - 3 No's Rs. 100.00 ITEM 3 - 12 No's Rs. 105.00 ITEM 4 - 27 No's Rs. 105.00 ITEM 5 - 62 No's Rs. 115.00 5. Is it clear now. Just try a sales order and see the out come Procedure to Test: 1. Create 3 materials. Maintain Material Group of each item is same. 2. Activate the condition type as a group condition. 3. Create a condition record for this condition type with scales. 4. Process a sales order for a customer with these three material with different quantities. 5. Check the outcome. By: Rohit Joshi It starts with an understanding of the factors that influences the Price. Lets say it depends on Customer and Material. With this understanding now we will start with the Table where we will pass the above parameters. There is a table 5 which already has Customer and Material so we can now copy and rename it or use the same table in our Pricing Procedure. T Code VOK0 Step 1. Define/Choose your Table (with the requirement parameters that influence the price) Step 2. Define your Access Sequence and include the above Table in your Access Sequence Step 3. Define your Condition Type (There are four Price Types Basic Price, Discount, Freight and Tax) and include your Access Seq. Its always better to copy the Price Types provided by SAP. Step 4. Now comes your Pricing Procedure where you include include Condition Types and format. Step 5. Now comes Procedure Determination where you specify the Document Pricing Procedure and Customer Pricing Procedure along with Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel. Step 6. Maintain Condition Records for your Condition Types I guess you can make it 8 Steps by dividing some of the main steps. Few important things to note is following.. *-- Tsr

What are the 8 steps involved in condition technique?

1. XD01 - Create Customer - Always ensure that you pick the right Customer Pricing Procedure from here. 2. VA01 - Sales Order - Ensure that you have the right Document Pricing Procedure from here 3. While Creating Access Sequence, check your Fields and ensure that they appear with any warning (Highlighted in Red) 4. Do not forget to mention your Access Sequence while defining your Condition Type 5. Always remember that your Procedure Determination has only Basic Price as Condition Type 6. Do not forget to mention the Range (From To) while creating your Pricing Procedure. I made most of the mistakes that appear above. Hope it helps. Common questions: We are using the Freight in Header Condition. I maintained two line items in the Sales Order. So the Header freight is splitting irregularly for two line items (in item conditions) . How it is happening? Any formula is there? Header Conditions - Automatic pricing does not take header conditions into account; you can not create condition records for them in the standard system. Header conditions are entered manually in order processing. R/3 includes the following header conditions: - Percent discount (HA00) - Absolute discount (HB00) - Freight (HD00) - Order value (HM00) Header Condition: If this condition is marked as a header condition, it is possible to enter the condition type in the header condition screen. Checks for changing the condition manually are unaffected by this. Group Condition: Group conditions are helpfull incase of discounts. If group condition is selected then the discount percentage or quantity is applicable for the total sum of the quantity in the PO for those materials belonging to the same material group. Suppose if two materials of same matl grp have discounts for 100 qty and above but in PO if the two matls are bieng procured for 50 qty then they cant avail discounts but if group condition is selected then the sum of the quantity of both matl of same matl group is considered (50 + 50) and discount can be availed for 100 qty. Further Group condition: Indicates whether the system calculates the basis for the scale value from more than one item in the document. The nature of header condition is that whatever value you are giving in sale order / billing, line item wise, it will be distributed proportionately. If you access V/06 and the header condition type, you can see that the condition type - does not have any access sequence - field Group condition is selected

Normally Freight Header condition like condition type "HD00" is calculated on the basis of weight. This is a Manual condition and you have to enter it in the header screen. It will be proportionately distributed on each item on the basis of weight. If you will uncheck the group condition field, the same freight amount will be copied to each item, possibly irrespective of different weight which may not be logical. That is the standard behaviour of the header condition type. Based on whether the group condition field is ticked on or off, it will either split the header condition value to the items on pro-rata basis or it will just duplicate the header value to all the items. What you are experiencing with Fixed Amount Header conditions is standard behaviour. Please see below Notes: - 876617 FAQ: Header conditions / Header condition screen - 317112 Behavior of conditions w/ calculation rule B changed - 485740 Conditions with fixed amount in copy activities To achieve what you wish (absolute amount), solution is in the below Notes: - 84605 Transfer absolute amount condition to billing doc. - 25020 Value changes during over/underdelivery - 25144 Freight conditions during milestone billing What is meant by condition exclusion for Condition types and records? Condition Exclusion The system can exclude conditions so that they are not taken into account during pricing in sales documents. Material 4711 costs 150 USD. Some customers receive a discount of 10 USD per 100 pieces. However, a specific customer can buy the material for 100 USD. Since this is a particularly good price, the customer should not also have a discount of 10 USD per 100 pieces. Therefore, this discount is to be excluded from pricing. To do this, you must follow two steps: You must set a condition exclusion indicator for the price. You can do this in two ways: If you want to set the condition exclusion indicator a follows then you specify it: - for all condition records of a condition type (e.g. with condition type PR00) when defining a condition type in SD Customizing - for an individual condition record (e.g. only for material 4711) in the detail screen of a condition record (in the Condition exclusion field) You must set a condition for the discount in the pricing procedure in Customizing for sales. If this condition is set, the discount is not valid if the condition exclusion indicator is set. Condition 2 is available in the standard R/3 System. The condition exclusion indicator is not valid for condition supplements. This means that if a condition record contains condition supplements they will be taken into account during pricing.

Condition Exclusion Group In any normal situation there could be more than one condition type in a pricing procedure offering a discount to a customer. Should the discounts be automatically determined, there is the risk that the customer will receive all the relevant discounts and thus purchase the product for a lower price than he should. By using condition exclusion groups you can ensure that the customer does not receive all the discounts, but instead only receives the best of the available discount condition types. Menu path IMG - Sales & Distribution - Basic functions pricing condition exclusion condition exclusion for groups of conditions (OV31). A condition exclusion group is merely a grouping of condition types that are compared to each other during pricing and result in the exclusion of particular condition types within a group or entire groups. It is important to note that the condition types you want the system to compare must exist in the pricing procedure and must have valid condition records created for them. If for example, a sales order is created using the pricing procedure that the exclusion group is assigned to, you can see that the condition offering the most favorable discount to the customer is represented in the pricing procedure. For instance, condition type K007 has offered a discount of 10% off the sale price or a real value of $30, while another condition type K005 has offered a real value discount of $10. The system then takes the best discount for the customer between the two, which is K007 and makes the other discount K005 inactive. This can be seen by double clicking on the condition type K005, where you can find a entry saying Inactive A condition exclusion item. There are four possible methods of using condition exclusion groups A best condition between the condition types B best condition within the condition types C best condition between the two exclusion groups D exclusive E least favorable within the condition type F least favorable within the two exclusion groups Configuring Condition Exclusion Groups First step is to define a condition exclusion group by using a four character alpha numeric key. Next step is to assign the relevant condition types to the exclusion groups such as discount condition types, freight condition types. After completing the assignment of the condition types to the exclusion group, proceed with assigning the condition exclusion group to the relevant pricing procedure.

After selecting the pricing procedure for which you want the condition exclusion to be active, select the folder Exclusion where you can assign the relevant condition exclusion procedure to the relevant condition exclusion group. When using the condition exclusion group to find the best condition record in a condition type only use one condition type per exclusion group. The most important thing to remember here is to deactivate the Exclusive Indicator on the access sequence assigned to that condition type. Otherwise, the system will merely find the first condition record and stop searching for other records. What is difference between pricing report & condition index? Pricing Report: A Pricing report basically helps to get the list of all the pricing details which we have maintained in the system. We can get details of all the condition types including the scales. We can get the details as per our requirement i.e., Sales org/Dc/Division/Plant /material etc wise. The selection criteria would be as per the Key combination which you select in the IMG screen You get following information from pricing report. 1. It informs you about the customer specific price agreements that were made within a certain period 2. From pricing report you can know which condition records exist for freight charges 3. Which condition records exist for customers in a particular region or country You can create your own pricing reports with V/LA. Also V/LD is very useful. This can be customized. The sales personnel use it to 1. get information for price (discounts) that existed at previous period (Say June 200X) 2. Inform potential buyer about the current price (and discounts) 3. Review price and discounts. Though all the above T Codes and there are many More standard SAP Reports have very high utility, it is not widely used. Clients prefer customized reports when it comes to pricing reports - all Z programs and Transactions. These kind of reports are generally required by the Top Management for periodical review // Finance team for price control // Master data team for record purposes // Process audits by Internal/external agency // Of late, for every SOX audit done in the company...especially the change records for prices. Condition Index Condition index is very useful for searching the condition record for a customer. It becomes easier and faster to search for condition records for a customer or material just like it become easier to search a topics in the book with help of index. You have to mark the "condition index" check box in the condition type and you have to activate the index in customization.

You can set the discount for fast ten orders through "condition update". First, in your discount condition type(V/06) activate the "condition update" check box. Second, in the condition record, in additional data put "maximum number of orders" as 10. You may also create the condition record for discount through VK31. Now go to change(VK32), scroll to the right, you will find a column "N". This is maximum number of order field. Here you can put value 10 and save it. Now, system will give the discount to the first 10 orders. Where does the standard condition base value (Default one) is determined for a Condition type? First check the Material Master UOM Conversion - Additional Data - Units of Measure. Condition base value is a concept used in pricing procedure and actual term used is alternate condition base value. This is a formula assigned to a condition type in order to promote an alternate base value for the calculation of the value. If you have to calculate price of a material then you have to have a base value for it. For e.g. if you want to calculate the discount of 10 % for a material then you have to have a base value on which this 10% is calculated. Normally you take the condition value of the base price of the material to calculate the value. Now, you don't want to take the base value and take other value as base value which are derived on some formula. So you create a routine which will do the mathematical operations in the routine and derive you a value which is now used as the base value for calculating the condition value for a particular condition type. As per my understanding there is Alternative Condition Base Value, It is a routine which is assigned to the condition type in the pricing procedure. Go to transaction V/08 here you select pricing procedure then go in to the control data of the pricing procedure here you can find Alter native Condition Base Value in the 14th column of the pricing procedure control data. What is the difference between: 1. Conditional base value 2. Conditional value. 3. Conditional amount 1. Conditional base value When a value is derived for a condition type, based on certain calculation this value is taken as base. 2. Conditional value. For the number of units ordered depending on the condition amount mentioned this value is derived. 3. Conditional amount

This is nothing but the unit list price what you are mentioning for the line item. 1) What is the role of alternative calculation type, condition base value, requirement in pricing procedure? 2) Where do we define value for alternative condition base value and alternative calculation type so that system picks up different value, when the value for alternative condition base value and alternative calculation type is mention in pricing procedure? **Alternative Calculation Type:** This function allows you use a formula as an alternative in finding the value of the condition type, instead of standard condition technique. this can be used to calculate complex tax structures. Alternative condition base value The alternative condition base value is a formula assigned to a condition type in order to promote an alternative base value for the calculation of a value. Example An absolute header discount is, for example, distributed in the standard system according to the cumulative value of the items. If the system distributes the absolute header discount according to volume based on the Alternative formula for condition base value , a header discount of $30 results in the following discounts: Item Value Volume . 1 $1000 2 cbm 2 $500 4 cbm Stand. disc. Volume disc.(With Formula) $20 $10 $10 $20 Condition formula for alternative calculation type Alternative formula to the formula in the standard system that determines a condition. Requirement This function is used to assign a requirement to the condition type. This requirement can be used to exclude the system from accessing the condition type and trying to determine the value. This can be used to specify that the condition type should only be accessed if the customer has a low risk credit. In sales order Diff condition type is not coming, when checked in analysis it says requirement 013 is not fulfilled, but in pricing procedure I've assigned the requirement as 013, type-16, alt CBV-4. Please refer to the following documentation for requirement 013:

RE LV61A013 Title Rounding as per Table T001R Purpose This is an example of a pricing requirement. This requirement is met if an entry has been made in the 'Unit to be rounded up to' field in Table T001R. Table T001R stores the rounding rules for company code and currency combinations. This requirement can be assigned to the condition type in the pricing procedure that is used to calculate the difference when rounding. Using this requirement, the difference is only calculated when necessary. Example A company has the requirement to carry out rounding for certain company code and currency combinations. This information is stored in Table T001R. In the document pricing procedure, the user has configured the SAP delivered condition type DIFF to calculate the difference when rounding occurs. The user also assigns pricing requirement '13' to the condition type DIFF in the pricing procedure so that the condition is only calculated when a corresponding entry has been maintained in the table T001R. Please check the customizing table T001R. or try this go to IMG path --> SAP Netweaver --> General Settings --> Currencies --> Define rounding rules for currencies. Here maintain the rounding unit which will be stored in Table T001R. then in the t-code ob90 you can maintain that. Go to v/08 maintain in condition base value 16 routine. Purpose This is an example of a condition value formula. This type of formula can be used to influence the value shown for the condition in pricing. A condition value formula is assigned to a condition type or value line in the pricing procedure. Formula '16' was delivered along with condition type DIFF to support the rounding unit rules that can be defined in T001R for company code / currency combinations. Condition type DIFF was delivered to perform the rounding at the end of the pricing procedure with the total value. Using formula '16', the system computes the rounded value and assigns the difference to the condition type DIFF. In-17 c.base value Round according to T001R Purpose This is an example of a condition value formula. This type of formula can be used to influence the value shown for the condition in pricing. A condition value formula is assigned to a condition type or value line in the pricing procedure. Formula '17' was delivered so that a condition value could be rounded off according to the rounding unit rules (e.g. plus 5 or 10 or 100 units) that can be defined in T001R for

company code / currency combinations. When formula '17' is assigned to a condition type, the condition value will always be rounded using T001R. Where I can do setting of rounding profile for a new created condition type? 1) Create Rounding rule ( Unit of measure rounding rules ) Path : Materials --> SPRO Quantity Optimizing and Allowed --> Order Optimizing --> Purchasing --> Management Unit of Measure Rounding Rules --> Logistics Units of Measure Here give new rounding rule and % rounding up and down values 2) Create Unit of measure groups Path : Order Optimizing --> Purchasing --> Materials Management --> SPRO Unit of Measure --> Quantity Optimizing and Allowed Logistics Units of Measure Groups Create new group for YD and ROL 3) Dynamic rounding profile Path : Order Optimizing --> Purchasing --> Materials Management --> SPRO Maintain Rounding --> Quantity Optimizing and Allowed Logistics Units of Measure Profile Here give Rounding profile name and plant and click on Dynamic to create new profile In next screen give desc. For rounding profile, rounding off method as 2, and rounding rule which you have created. Assign created Rounding profile in info record also UOM group Maintain minimum order qty as 1 Rol and Order unit as ROL in Info record In material master maintain conversion as 1 Rol = 3500 yards

How To Create Field in KOMP, KOMG

New Fields in Pricing To use a field in pricing, one creates a condition table. This condition table is created using the allowed fields from the field catalog. Should the fields one requires not be included in the list of allowed fields, one can add the fields from the list of available fields. However, one may find that a new field may not be in the list of available fields. For this reason, one must create new fields for pricing. The document and item data in SD is stored in data tables, such as VBAK and VBAP (for the order transaction). Many of the fields from these tables are available in the field catalog. The field catalog is a structure (KOMG) that consists of two tables (KOMK and KOMP). These tables contain the header and item data for pricing respectively. They are called KOM x because they are communications structures used to communicate the transaction data with the pricing procedure. Table KOMG contains the fields of tables

KOMK and KOMP. If you require a field that is not in KOMG, it means that it is not in KOMK or KOMP. This means that the field you require cannot be used in pricing because there is no communication of this field from the transaction to the pricing procedure via the communication structures. To use a field not defined in the field catalog, you need to add this field to the KOMK or KOMP structures, and then write the ABAP code to transfer the data in the field from the transaction tables to the communication structure. Follow these steps: 1. Create the field in the KOMK (header data) and KOMP (item data) tables using the standard includes provided for this requirement. 2. Write the code in the user exit to read the transaction data and transfer it to the KOM x structures. Menu Path The menu path here is IMG, Sales and distribution, System modification, Create new fields (using the condition technique), New fields for pricing. Adding the Field to KOMK and KOMP This process requires some knowledge of the ABAP dictionary and how to use the ABAP dictionary to create and change fields and tables. You may have to use an ABAP skill to assist you. If the field is from the header table (for example, the order table VBAK), youll need to add it to the include table KOMKAZ in table KOMK. If the field is from the item table (for example, the order item table VBAP), youll need to add it to the include table KOMPAZ in table KOMP. Lets say you need to use the base material to define a price and the base material is not in the pricing field catalog. The base material is a field on the material master basic data screen and is defined as MARA-WRKST. Since this relates to the material, it is at the item level, so you would add the field to the KOMPAZ include table. Note When you add a field to these tables, it must start with ZZ. Therefore, the field you add would be ZZWRKST. In ABAP, when you add the field, use the same domain as in the field in the original table MARAWRKST. After adding the field, generate the structure KOMP. This field is not available in the field catalog and can be used in condition tables. Writing the ABAP Code The field in the communications structure will be blank unless the ABAP code transfers the data from the material master to the field KOMPZZWRKST. Pricing occurs in the order and in the invoice, so you need to put this code in both places. For the order transaction, write the ABAP code in user exit

USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP in include program MV45AFZZ. For the billing transaction, write the ABAP code in user exit USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP in RV60AFZZ. Note : The TKOMP is for the item level. If you are writing the code for a field at the header level, you would use the user exits that end with TKOMK. The ABAP code would select the Base material field from the material master table using the material from table VBAP/VBRP. It would then transfer this field to the structure TKOMP from MOVE MARAWRKST to TKOMP-ZZWRKST.

Sales Order
What are the steps to create a sales order? To create a standard sales order, proceed as follows: In the initial screen, choose Logistics - Sales and distribution - Sales. Choose Order Create (VA01). Enter the order type and, if necessary, the organizational data. The values for sales organization, for distribution channel and the division are usually proposed from user-defined parameters. Entries for the sales office and the sales group are optional. The sales areas (sales organization, distribution channel, division) are derived from the sold-to or ship-to parties. This means that you do not have to enter the sales area when you create a sales document. If you do not specify a sales area in the initial screen, the system uses the sold-to or shipto parties, which you entered in the overview screen, to derive the sales area. If there are several sales areas for that particular sold-to or ship-to party, you can choose the right sales area in the following dialog box. The system then copies the selected sales area into the entry screen. Choose Enter. Enter the following data: - Sold-to party or ship-to party If you only enter a ship-to party, the system uses this to determine the sold-to party and if necessary, the sales area. If there are several sold-to parties or sales areas for one ship-to party, a dialog box appears where you can choose the one you require. An error message appears in the status bar to inform you if the system is not able to determine a sold-to party. If you enter a sold-to party that is also a unique ship-to party, the system automatically copies it as such and informs you in the status bar. - Customer purchase order number - Material numbers - Order quantities for the materials - Choose Enter. If, for example, you defined several unloading points or several ship-to parties in the customer master record of the sold-to party, the system displays the alternatives in a dialog box. The system can display alternatives for any or all of the following data:

- Unloading point - Ship-to party - Payer - Bill-to party Select the valid data from these proposals by positioning the cursor on the line and choosing Choose. As soon as you have selected this data, the material data that you have entered is displayed. If the system carries out an availability check and finds that there is insufficient stock for an order item to be delivered on the requested date, it displays a screen on which you can choose between several delivery proposals. You can find more information about this in Reactions to the Availability Check in Sales Documents. If you want to enter further data for the header or items, choose the corresponding menu entry. If you want to change data for the items, select the items before you choose a menu entry. Enter all necessary data. Save your document.

Duplicate customer purchase order

If you are facing a problem with duplicate customer purchase order as your company does not allowed a same customer purchase order with the same sales order type. You can activated the check for duplicate purchase order with "VOV8". In the General Control Section, look for the field Check Purchase Order No and put in "A".

Default First Date is not Today

When end user created a new sales order with VA01, default First Date wasn't today, why? Note: 1. Before today, default First Date was always today. 2. Nobody change system configuration. Although you mention that nobody change the system configuration, it is very unlikely that the system will mis-behaved after one day. Usually, after checking, you will find that someone have actually change the configuration as it could not be a software bug since you have been using it for quite sometime without any problems. The date is control by each Sales Order Type for each Sales Document type whether is it a - OR - Standard Order, - RE - Returns etc. Verify the Sales order type configuration with the following path: IMG: Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Docs --> Sales Doc Hdr --> Define Sales Doc Types (transaction vov8) will let you control this by sales document type.

There is one field (Lead time in days) which "specify the number of days after the current date that the proposal for the requested delivery date in the sales document should be". This should be blank if you want the system to propose current day for delivery date. SAP SD User Ticket: Confirm quantity date is next day. I have created a sales order for 6 Tons.I have a stock of 10 Tons which is not reserved for any Sales order. I mean it is unrestricted stock. After creating sales order system should show as Doc date for confirming quantity for dispatch but it is showing the next day in the schedule line. What could be the reason? The reason could be there should be processing times configured in the system like..pick/pack times, transit time. Please check the shipping point and also the route for different lead times. The other possibility could be holidays. First check what the requested delivery date you have put in the order. Next check the lead times, for that you can go to the schedule line of the item and click on the Procurement tab. Check in OVLZ ---> In Pick/pack time wrkdys, any value is maintained there. For example, if 5 is given in this field, even if stock is available on the same day of order creation, system will allow to do PGI only after 5 days from the date of order created. Also go to VOV8, select your sale order type and check the Field "Lead Time in Days". I'm using service material in my sales order and I need the schedule line to confirm the quantity always in the actual day (not depending on the delivery date). T. Code: VOV8 Select your Sales Doc. type and Double-Click. In Tab: Shipping, Check Box: Immediate Delivery (press F1 to read more about this functionality). Note: There are few more settings that you may check: 1. T. Code: OVLZ Field: Pick/pack time wrkdys whether you have maintained any value. It should have been blank 2. T. Code: VOV8 Check how many days mentioned in Lead time in Days. If it is mentioned any days, remove it. 3. T. Code: OVZ9 Checked the Box: Check without RLT . 4. Check in material master MRP2 view how many days are maintained for the fields InHouse production and GR Processing Time.

Auto proposed all the dates when creating Sales Order

How can I make the system auto create all the Sales Order date during creation? Each Sales Order can have different date proposal settings. Follows this step to set the default Sales Order Type proposal date: - Goto VOV8, double click on sales order type. - Look and tick the fields Propose delivery date and Propose PO date. After making the necessary IMG changes, you need to input the Delivery Plant field for each Materials that you want the system to propose the default date. To change the Materials field Delivery Plant: Goto MM02, Select the View Sales: Sales Org. Data 1 and fill in the Delivery Plant. Testing: Now, try creating a new sales order for the material and SAP will auto proposed all the dates in the sales order.

Define whether the Material can be used at which Sales and Distribution process
Here you define how the system responds when entering a sales and distribution document with this material in the differenet Sales and Distribution Process Flow.. You can use the material status, for example, to prevent orders from being entered for parts to be discontinued. OR To temporary block the creation of Sales Order for a certain materials. Set the material status parameters in transaction SM30, Table Views V_TVMS. Click Maintain and double click into the Materials Status code. You can set three types of reponse for each Sales and Distribution process :1. no dialog 2. warning when entering the document 3. error message (that is, the sales and distribution document cannot be entered on the basis of the material status)

Assign a Cost Center manually in a Sales Order (VBAK-KOSTL)

The Cost Center Determination settings is in OVF3 - but there are some cases where the Cost Center must be exceptionally changed.

If the document category for order type in IMG VOV8 is defined to be "I" which belong to order type FD - Deliv.Free of Charge, then the field cost center is active for input during transaction VA01. Alternatively, you can specify an order reason and assign a cost center to an order reason. However the standard SAP works only at the header level though, so it would not work if cost center is needed on the line item. The cost center are assign for such business transactions as : - Free deliveries - Returns - Deliveries of advertising materials You can also make cost center allocation dependent on the order reason, for example: Order reason: Damage in transit Order reason: Free sample Both the IMG settings are done in transaction OVF3, either with/without the order reason.

Sales and Distribution - Transfer of Requirements

The MRP department is informed about the quantities and deadlines by which incoming orders should be delivered. The system checks the availability of the goods based on the requested delivery date of the customer and creates MRP records which contain all necessary information for passing on to planning. It ensures that the goods are available in time for the delivery. Materials planning transfers the reported requirements and creates orders or purchase requisitions from them etc. For controlling transfer of requirements, you have to carry out the following steps: 1. Each requirement type has to be allocated to one requirement class only. 2. The transfer of requirements must be switched on at requirements class level, the sales documents at schedule line level. 3. You must define a check group. It is possible to have this check group proposed for the initial creation of a material master record. 4. Note that a plant must exist for transfer of requirements to be carried out at document item level. OVZG - Requirement class

It specifies the following points: - whether an availability check and a transfer of requirements is carried out for a transaction (for sales documents, fine tuning using the schedule line category is possible), - whether the requirements are relevant for MRP, - the allocation indicator from the sales view which controls the settlement of customer requirements with requirements - whether an item is to be settled to an auxiliary account assignment, - the settlement profile, - the results analysis key. (Use transaction SM30 for V_* configuration) OVZH - Requirements type V_TVEPZ_V - Assignment of requirement type to Transaction V_TVEP_V - Schedule line category OVZ2 - Define Checking Group V_TMVFU - Define the checking group that the system proposes when you create a new material master record. You can overwrite the default value for the checking group in the material master record.

Explain transfer of requirement? How it works and how to configure? It specifies the following points: 1. Whether an availability check and a transfer of requirements is carried out for a transaction (for sales documents, fine tuning using the schedule line category is possible), 2. Whether the requirements are relevant for MRP, 3. The allocation indicator from the sales view which controls the settlement of customer requirements with requirements, 4. Whether an item is to be settled to an auxiliary account assignment, 5. The settlement profile, 6. The results analysis key. When a sales order is raised, then the system check for availability of goods. If the availability of goods is not there, then the system creates a TOR for the supply of goods to PP. Then PP can do procure or produce the goods. This can be configured by creating requirement class and requirement type and in the corresponding schedule line category requirement had to be checked. The MRP department is informed about the quantities and deadlines by which incoming orders should be delivered. The system checks the availability of the goods based on the requested delivery date of the customer and creates MRP records which contain all necessary information for passing on to planning. It ensures that the goods are available in time for the delivery.

Materials planning transfers the reported requirements and creates orders or purchase requisitions from them etc. The following sections on the transfer of requirements describe how to control the transfer of requirements. The transfer of requirements is basically dependent upon the following factors: - requirements type - requirement class - check group - schedule line category The transfer of requirements is controlled globally using the requirements class which is derived from the requirements type for all sales document types. For the sales document types, fine tuning is also possible at schedule line level. This fine tuning is described in the section "Defining the procedure for each schedule line category". Note that the requirements classes are also used in production so you should coordinate any changes to the requirements classes with production. The requirements type and, eventually, requirements class are determined in the strategy group so all changes made there should also be coordinated with production. For performing transfer of requirements, you have to carry out the following steps: 1. Each requirement type has to be allocated to one requirement class only. 2. The transfer of requirements must be switched on at requirements class level, the sales documents at schedule line level. 3. You must define a check group. It is possible to have this check group proposed for the initial creation of a material master record. 4. Note that a plant must exist for transfer of requirements to be carried out at document item level. Requirements transferred to planning are further processed in the module MM. You must, therefore, coordinate the transfer of requirements with the module MM.

Define Tax Determination Rules

You specify the valid tax types in transaction OVK1. More than one tax type can be defined for a country by defining the sequence. The SAP System determines the taxes automatically within pricing. In the standard SAP R/3 System, the elements of tax calculation are predefined (for example, tax condition type "MWST" for taxes on sales and purchases). Assign the plant for Tax Determination in OX10, using the country key, the SAP System recognizes which tax type is valid for a plant and thus which taxes are relevant when creating an SD document. Define the Customer Taxes in OVK3, you will maintain the tax code in Customer Master.

Define the Material Taxes in OVK4, which will then be maintain in Material Master. For example :MWST GST MWST GST 0 Tax Exempt 1 Liable for Taxes

Now, you define the Tax Determination in VK12. VK12 - Domestic Taxes/Export Taxes Condition Type Customer Taxes 0 0 1 1 MWST Material Taxes 0 1 0 1 Rate Taxes 0% 0% 0% 9%

In this example, if both the Customer Master and Material Master Tax code is 1, Tax will be included when you create the Sales Order.

Tax Code in Customer Master / Sales Order

How can we maintain the Tax Code (Tax code - which we maintain in MWST Condtion Records) in Customer Master or in Sales Order? There are few points which I would like to remind you: 1) MWST is a tax condition which is applied to customer to whom we are selling. The rate of tax is depend on various parameteres, whether is fully liable for tax or expemted (in case of Defence Customer) 2) There are few parameteres which we apply tax condition. Whether customer is tax liable? Whether material is tax exempted? For example, if you are selling a goods which are free for tax to any customer, put the Tax Indicator (at MMR as '0'). If your material is tax liable pur the Tax Indicator (at MMR as 1). If your customer is not liable for tax at all (like the case of Indian Defence organisations) put the Tax Indicator (at CMR as 0) or 1 in case fully tax liable. 3) Now, at VK11 you need to mainatain your pricning conditions with all the combinations like: 10 11 01 00 4) While maintaining your Material Master Records or Cusotmer Master Records, you must identify, which are tax liable and which are tax exempeted. 5) In anycase, as a SAP standard Best Practises, while processing a sales order, you must retrieve a Tax condition record from SAP database only and not entered Manually. Accordingly, at V/06, the MWST condition Defintions, the field for 'Manual Entries', it would be marked as - D (Not possible to process Manually).

Due to this setting, normally, you cannot maintain Condition tax code during sales order processing. And in Cusotmer Master, you can only maintain Tax Indicator and not Tax Code. 6) In case your client insists for Manual entry of Tax code during Sales Order processing, you can change the field at point 5) above to C-Manual entry is priority instead of D.

Taxation Explain with an example

I'm assuming that, the country is India and based on its requirement: Sales tax is a state government revenue. There are two types of sales taxes, Local sales tax & central sales tax. Local sales tax is intra state whereas CST is inter state. Example of LST : Point of sale i.e. delivering plant & ship to party are within the same state. The rates are defined by the respective state governments. Example of CST : The Delivering plant & Ship to party geographic locations are 2 different states. At the point of sales from one state, the ST goes to that state govt. & consignment is despatched to the Ship to party. Once that consignment is received at the ship to party state, sales tax will be levied once the sales is registered there. For this case, the LST that is applicable by the Ship to party further will not be applicable in all probability to be captured in SAP. Stock transfer : This does not attract any sales tax. The consignment is transferred from one D plant to another D plant irrespective of inter/intra state sales. The invoice that is accompanied with the consignment thus shall not have any final value. It's a zero value invoice, but the basic prices needed to be mentioned. The selling organisations normally needs to register with the sales tax authority of the respective state to have a warehouse or D plant to avoid the double taxation for their dealers/distributors. Now, the pricing procedure that is there in 4.7 is Factory sale with formula-JFACT, in which the CST condition type is JIN1 & the LST is probably JIN2. There may be surcharge cond types as well which will calculate the amount on either JIN1 or JIN2. For config : 1.SPRO > S&D > Basic fn. > Pricing > Pricing control > Define & assign Pric. procedure > Maintain Pric proc. 2. The tax rates are normally driven from the Tax classification of Customer & Material access. To do this config, S&D >Basic fn. > Taxes. You need to include the condition type for country IN in 'Define tax determin rule'. 3. Same path : But go to Tax relevancy of master records where you configure the condition type & options of rates that will flow to these masters. One needs to understand here properly as u need to have unique combinations for picking the sales tax rates. I will try to demonstrate the smallest example. Let's say, the LST rates are 2%,4% & 0%. I will have two options for material master here. 1 for taxable & 2 for not taxable. For customer master, I will have 1-LST 2%, 2-LST4% & 3-LST0%. When I create master records for LST thru VK11 for JIN2, I will chose the access where the combinations of customer & material tax classifications are available. If this access does

not exist create it under an access sequence. But normally this is standard. The condition records will look like, Cust-Tax classi. Material tax claasi. Rate Tax code 1 1 2% A1 2 1 4% A1 3 1 0% A1 Remember, rates are flown from the tax codes. Tax codes can be created thru T code FTXP. This is normally a FI job.

SAP SD: Scheduling Agreement Vs Contract

A schedule agreement contains details of a delivery schedule but a contract just contains quantity and price information and no details of specific delivery dates What's the difference between schedulling agreement with normal order? What's the condition for us to choose schedule line or order? Both of them contains schedule line, price, quantity. There are a couple major differences: (1) - Schedule agreements allow you to have 2 different sets of schedule lines (VBEPABART). Standard SAP you should have two sets of tabs - of schedule lines. One Forecast & the other JIT. Forecast forwards the schedule lines to planning (seen in MD04) and JIT passes them to shipping (VL10). They can be identical or different. Typically these are used for component supplier customers (namely Automotive). The customer will provide you 4-10 weekly buckets (usually a Monday date) of future forecast qtys. Also send you 1-2 weeks of individual FIRM ship dates - which are entered on the JIT. It comes down to the customer not knowing exactly what they need next week, but they don't want to suprise you with a large order qty, where your lead times are 5+ days. The forecasted qtys they sent last week should account for this. (2) Cumulative Quantities are tracked and influence how the schedule agreement passes requirements to both forecasting and shipping. These qtys are sometimes requested by the customer on ASNs. Cumulative qtys reset at year end unless you've got a customer calendar or you've modified standard SAP userexits to not reset. Schedule agreements are very nice when the customer sends EDI data (830s = forecast or 862s = JITs). Outside of that they can really cause trouble regarding daily maintenance, missing requirements, cum qty corrections, year end processing, etc. One alternative would be to use customer independent requirements - entering the weekly, monthly forecasting qtys and entering standard sales orders (with or without multiple schedule lines) to represent the true firm qtys.

Sales Order Mass Change

I am a SAP SD consultant and recently faced with two new terms, mass order change and ALV , I also need to know about the transaction code. There is transaction MASS which can be used to carry out mass changes in the sales order and other objects.

Mass Maintenance: (Use to change multiple fields in multiple documents at the same time). I have done mass change for customers; and orders should work the same way too. 1) Try t-code [MASS] and select sales orders & execute 2) Choose the table or tables for your selection criteria and also for fields you want to change. Then execute. (suppose your selection criteria fields are from "sales order header data" table and the field you want to change, is in "item data" table) 3) Put in the sales documents(21000000, 21000001) you want to change and also the items(10) you want to change. - click on " choose selection fields" button - From the Pool, move the fields you want to the "select fields" using arrows. 4)From mass maintenace menu, click on "Enter new field values" -click on "sales order item data" tab and choose the field you want to change. (for example. I want to change plant for item 10) -enter the new value (of the plant to be) -click on "Adopt" and execute 5)In "sales order item data" tab, you see the new value of the plant you entered at the top and the old values of item 10 are below. -click on "change field values" button. you see all the old values are changed to new values. -save Note: it will take some time depending on how many records you have. Check: Go to [SM37] and see the status of the job you are running and once finished, export the spool file to a spreadsheet. Before you do mass maintenance, go to the particular table in [se16] and get the results. Then do the mass maintenance and compare the results with this one. If they match, then you are good to go. Note: If you have any user exits that affect the results, ask them to deactivate the MODCHECKS still you are done with mass maintenance & activate them again. Is there a way to change the billing date on a ton of sales orders with same old billing date to a same new billing date? This can be done using the mass transaction: Transaction: MASS Object Type: BUS2032 Tables: SD Document: Business item data Sel Field: Billing Date (MASSSDHE and MASSSDPO) - Or you can just select by document numbers (May be more efficient) Execute - List will be provide for changes Sel Chg Fld: Billing Date Set new billing date value in the New Values field Click on lower billing date column Click on Carry out a Mass Change button Click on Save button

Suggestion is to test this on a few orders in your development system to get a feel on how this works before applying this to any production data. MASS is a very powerful tool. I have 100000 sales orders whith an incorrect price and I would like to do a massive condition update with pricing type "B" (Carry out new pricing). Is there a transaction or program for this? Go to VA05 execute the report. Select all sales orders you want to update the price, Go to the Menu EDIT --> MASS Change ---> New Pricing. System will display all the repricing options. Select B. It will re-price all the sales orders. You can try for one or two order initially check the results and if it is OK, then you can do for others.

Release strategy for Sales order

Is it possible to have release strategy for sales order? Satish C Jha As such SAP standard does not provide release strategy for sales orders similar to purchase orders. However this requirement of your can be satisfied through authorisation profiles; what I mean to say is that the sale order to be kept incomplete by the person who does not have the required authorisation & the person with proper authorisation will complete it for further processing. This is only one way of meeting your requirement. Balraj G Saigal In order to emulate a release strategy similar to purchase orders you can use the status profile in sales documents (BS02). IMG-Sales and distribution-Sales-Sales documentsDefine and assign status profile.

Consignment Sales Process in SAP

The consignment process in SAP standard consist of four small processes: Consignment fillup (send materials to customer consignment). Here you have a consignment fillup order and a consignment fillup delivery. Consignment issue (issue materials from customer consignment to the customer). Here you have a consignment issue order, consignment issue delivery and a consignment issue invoice. (the flow is very similar to a normal OR flow, but the materials are issued from the consignment stock instead of plant stock unrestricted). Consignment return (return materials from customer ownership to customer consignment). Here you have a consignment return order, consignment return delivery and a consignment return invoice. (the flow is very similar to a normal RE flow, but the materials are returned to the consignment stock instead of plant stock returns). Consignment pickup (pickup consignment stock and move it to plant stock). Here you have a consignment pickup order and a consignment pickup delivery.

Note that in consignment fillup and consignment pickup there are no invoices since there is no change of ownership for the materials. How to perform a consignment order? In consignment orders you are allowing the stock to sit in your customer location. Once he informs that he used the stock you will invoice him. If he returns the stock you will accept the stock to take it back. It is defined in 4 steps. 1. Consignment fill up: Sales document type is KB Item category KBN shedule line category E1 In this step, you are not invoicing the customer. document flow is sales order ---- delivery item category. It will not be relevent for billing and pricing because you are not charging money for these goods in this step. In schedule line category, you will set movement type 631 & set for availability check and TOR. 2. Consignment Issue. Once the customer informed you that he used all the goods or partial goods then you will create consignment issue for used goods. Sales document: KE Item category: KEN shedule line category: C0 or C1 Here you are invoicing the customer(because he used the goods). you are assigning the delivery documnt and billing document to the sales document. In item category, you are setting relevent for billing, pricing, special stock. In schedule line category, your setting is 633 movement type, relevent for availability check & TOR. 3. Consignment Return: Customer found that some goods are damaged or he not able to sold the goods he want to send it back. that you are creating this document. Sales document type: KR Item category: KRN Shedule line category: D0 You will assign delivery document and billing to sales document. you will create return order, return delivery, return billing. Your setting item category relevent for billing, returns, pricing, special stock. Your setting schedule line item category: 634 movement type, NO availability NO TOR. 4. Consignment Pick up: Even if you create the consignment return the goods are not come to direct to your plant. For that you need to create consignment pick up. here the owner ship is not changing so

you do not need to create billing. Assign retrun delivery to sales document type. Sales document: KA Item category: KAN schedule line category: F0 & F1 Your setting item category relevent for returns. any shedule line category relevent for 632 movement type, MRP, availability check, delivery. Now you check your plant stock. Stock will increase. Rao *-- Ugameswara

Issue free goods to selected Customers

Client wants to issue free goods to selected customers after the said customer buys a specified quantity of a good during the festive season starting 02 December to mid January. for example customer A buys 34 cartons of Corn Ice-cream, we offer him 12 free corns. this should then reflect as cost in our accounts. the rest of the system is already up and running and should not be inconvinienced. How do I set it up? 1.Run trans. VBN2 to first create master record for free goods as follows: Enter following information in selection screen: - Free goods type: NA00 - Sales org, distribution channel, customer # and execute. Now in next screen create the record as follows: - First select the exclusive button and verify that you are in exclusive view. (that is if you want exclusive) - Material#, Min qty - Say 34 cartons. (check in what units you want to manage) From: 34 cartons unit of measure: Free goods: 12 Pcs Unit of measure: Pcs Calcualtion type: 1 or try the other options Deliver control: Blank or any of the other options suitable to you. Now save and exit. Now run VA01 for 34 cartons and press enter. The system will automatically propose the free goods item at no additional charge. Try higher order qtys and see if the free goods qty are scaling up. If not adjust the calculation parameters in the master record screen It should be transaction VBN1. Sorry for the error. VBN2 is to change the record. VBN1 creates it. Kris J If you want to give free goods to some of the customers than

1. create a customer group say 99 for FREE GOODS In Free Goods Menu: 2. add a feild catalog for CUSTOMER GROUP 3. create a condition table (free goods) say 555 only for customer group 4. create a sequence say FREE with condition table 555 5. create a condition type say FREE with 6. maintain pricing procedure say ZFREE with condition type FREE Now assign: 7. Active Free goods Determination or Assign with your sales organisation this procedure ZFREE 8. Create free goods determination with transaction code /nvbn1 for FREE with Key Csuomer Group 99 for exclusive Give customer Group say 99 and from 34 to 34 free 12

Supressing Fields in Sale Order

To make optional / mandatory you can use in IMG - S&D-> Basic > Functions-> Log of incomplete Procedures => select the fields > from the tables and the system will check for them (OVA2/VUA2) To make a filed entry enabled or grey (non-entry allowed): User exits in the program MV45AFZZ-USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION This user exit can be used to modify the attributes of the screen fields. To do this, the screen fields are allocated to so-called modification groups 1 - 4 and can be edited together during a modification in ABAP. If a field has no field name, it cannot be allocated to a group. The usage of the field groups (modification group 1-4) is as follows: Modification group 1: Automatic modification with transaction MFAW Modification group 2: It contains 'LOO' for step loop fields Modification group 3: For modifications which depend on check tables or on other fixed information Modification group 4: is not used The FORM routine is called up for every field of a screen. If you require changes to be made, you must make them in this user exit. This FORM routine is called up by the module FELDAUSWAHL. With Compliments by: Taner Yuksel Actually suppressing fielding sales orders userwise is quite easy. We are doing it in our company. For this we use userexit FORM USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION in MV45AFZZ. Below is the sample code IF SCREEN-NAME = 'VBKD-ABSSC'.

AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT 'ZMV45AFZZ' ID 'SCRFNAME' FIELD SCREENNAME. IF sy-subrc = 0. SCREEN-INPUT = 1. else. SCREEN-INPUT = 0. ENDIF. endif. You place the authority check object in authorization profile in the role of the users, who should have access to the field (in this case it is VBKD-ABSSC), and there assign the corresponding fields that are to be accessed via this userexit.

Some Light on Batch Determination

On batch determination, the whole process, how it is determined automatically in the order. A1) Normaly we use batch determination at delivery level, because at the time of order material may or may not be created.for this material should be configured with batch and batch determination should be checked in sales views of material. A2) Batch Determination during order Creation. For this you need to maintain a Classes d for you Material. Depending on the Manufacturing process you can define the characteristics for your material. Ex: Purity for Medicines, Resistance for Electric Items. You need to create a class (You might have to create a new class type) which incorporates the characteristic. First Create the Characteristic Using Ct04 and then using Cl02 create the Class including this characteristic. Then in your material master Classification View Enter this class. Then Create a Batch for the particular plant and Stor Loc using MSC1N.Give the value of the characteristics in this batch. Then go to SPRO ->Logistics General ->Batch Management and maintain the Condition Technique (Procedure, Strategy Types and assignment to sales docs etc). Then Create the Batch Determination Record using VCH1.

Difference between Item Proposal and Material Determination

What is the difference between the item proposal and material determination product proposal? Item proposal and product proposal are the same. Item proposal is the list of materials and order quantities that can be copied into the sales order from the customer master data.

We use VA51 to create the item proposal. Here we get a number.This number is then linked to the customer master data in the sales view. This is very commonly used. Material determination is very closely related to item proposal /product proposal and is used to swap one material for another in the sales order using the condition technique. I have not seen Material determination procedures used in the projects I have worked. SAP Tips by: Prashanth Harish Item Proposal or Product proposal: "Item proposal is same as product proposal & SAP uses the two terms interchangeably. "An item proposal is a list of materials and order quantities that can be copied into the sales order. Items can also be selected from a list and copied into a sales order." 1) Use transaction [VOV8] to configure the document type ("MS" for product proposal). 2) Use transaction [VA51] to create a proposal. 3) Enter the item proposal on the sales area data (sales tab) of the customer master record. 4) In [VA01] to create a sales order, Select Edit & propose items." Material determination: "Material determination uses the condition technique to swap one material for another when certain conditions apply. Material determination is triggered by the material entered in the line item of the sales order. Use transaction [VB11] to create a material determination condition record. And [OV12] for configuration of material determination. Material determination is useful when old product is becoming obsolete or a new product is released by the company at specific date."

Steps for SD Variant Configuration

Some light on Variant Configuration in Detail. The procedure is as follows: Create a Material - KMAT type with Item category (002) Create Charateristics in CT04 - Zbike, where in values mention the Color of the bile like Red, Blue etc Create another characteristics in CT04 - ZPrice, where directly go the additional data tab and maintain the table SDCOM and field VKOND (ABAP Dictionary it will ask for) Assign these two characteristics to a Class in CL01 - ZBikeclass ( Type 300) in characteristics tab page. Then go to CU41 Configuration profile select the material and enter the description click on the class assignment ie assign Zbikclass.

Now go back to CT04 - enter Zbike -go to values- select Red- go to extras - Other Dependencies - Select Procedure enter in front 10 write - $self.ZPrice='Red' and save Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will come just save) Now select Blue- go to extras - Other Dependencies - Editor - Select Procedure enter in front of 10 write - $self.ZPrice='Blue' and save Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship ( by default it will come just save) Now go to VK11 - Enter VA00 (Condition)(For Std RVA001 Pricing Procedure) enter variant Red and Blue give the rates accordingly and create the sales order. *-- Shaik Zaheeruddin Tell me about variant configaration? What are the type of questions we can expect in that? Variant configuration is used where you have a configurable material like computer (made up of components like processor, monitor, keyboard, mouse etc). These components are called as characteristics in variant config. Again this will be having values like processor can be either P4 or P3, monitor can be 15" or 17" etc. Based on the values selected the variant pricing will happen using the condition type VA00. Possible questions you can expect are: - What is variant configuration? - What is characteristic? - What is value? - What is class? - What is configuration profile? - What is dependency and what are the types? - What is a variant table? - And the transaction codes for the above.

*-- Balaji

Number Ranges In Sales Order

This is regarding number ranges defining and assigning tips which you can follow as below: Whenever there is a new Sales Org being created, you will be required to maintain Number Ranges for Sales Documents which are allowed for your New Sales Area. Number Ranges can be maintained Internally by the system, however it can be maintained externally also if you customize it accordingly. In Standard SAP the Transaction code for Maintaiing Number ranges externally is VN01. Defining - The same can be reached through in IMG as : Sales & Distribution-->Sales->Sales Document Header-->Define Number Ranges for Sales Documents.

Here you provide the system a specific Number range as follows: Number range Key +Start Number range+ End Number Range+Current Number For Example: If you want to propose the following Number Range *1 9000076000 9000076999 0 The Current Number field will be kept zero as you are proposing new number range and no sales documents have been created on it , Obviously.. *1 is a Unique Two digit Alphanumeric Key, while proposing your key, you should ensure that it should not be there in the system as existing. If you propose a key that is there in the system or if the Number Range (Start and End Series) is there in the system already, the system will throw a message that Interval already already exists. So choose a key that is unique, and which is not there in the system. Here , by making this , you are assigning a Key to a Number Range Series. All the symbols can be used along with numbers from 0 to 9 and Alphabets from A to Z and in any order. For example: !1, ^A, BB,Z*,M2......... Assigning - In Assigning, you assign the particular Sales Document to the Number Range you have already proposed as above. The Assigning Part is done as follows: The Two digit Alpha Numeric Key is maintained or Assigned to the respective Sales Document type in V0V8. This can also be reached in IMG by: Sales & Distribution-->Sales-->Sales Document Header-->Define Sales Document Types Locate the particular Sales Doc Type, and double click on it to display it configuration. Here you put the Two Digit Number key in the Field- "Number range External Assignment" Besides this: If a new Shipping Point is created then Delivery Number ranges are required to be maintained. Similarly, If a new Plant is created then Billing Number Ranges are required to be maintained. Tips by : Vivek Sahni

What is Debit note and Credit note

What is Debit note and Credit note? What is the purpose? How we create? 1. A transaction that reduces Amounts Receivable from a customer is a credit memo. For eg. The customer could return damaged goods. A debit memo is a transaction that reduces Amounts Payable to a vendor because, you send damaged goods back to your vendor.

2. Credit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request a credit memo for a customer. If the price calculated for the customer is too high, for example, because the wrong scale prices were used or a discount was forgotten, you can create a credit memo request. The credit memo request is blocked for further processing so that it can be checked. If the request is approved, you can remove the block. The system uses the credit memo request to create a credit memo. You can use credit memos in Sales and Distribution (SD) for assigning credit memo requests to the open invoices and in Financial Accounting (FI) for assigning credit memos and payments to the open invoices and carry out clearing with them. If you use both Financial Accounting (FI) and Sales and Distribution (SD), there is a 1:1 relationship between the credit memo request and the credit memo item posted in Financial Accounting (FI). As soon as you bill the credit memo request together with other sales orders, or distribute the items of one credit memo request to several billing documents, the assignment is no longer valid and the system will not process it. For credit memos, credit memo requests, and payments, you have the following assignment options: - Assignment to a single invoice - Assignment of a partial amount to an invoice - Assignment to several invoices When you post credit memos, the payment programme processes them automatically. If the credit memo is specifically related to a particular open invoice item, the payment program automatically attempts to offset the credit memo against the open item. If it is not possible to completely offset the credit memo against an invoice, you can post a debit memo to the vendor, who is to reimburse the amount. Then you can apply a multilevel dunning program. 3. Debit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request a debit memo for a customer. If the prices calculated for the customer were too low, for example, calculated with the wrong scaled prices, you can create a debit memo request. The debit memo request can be blocked so that it can be checked. When it has been approved, you can remove the block. It is like a standard order. The system uses the debit memo request to create a debit memo. 4. As mentioned above, creating a credit or debit memo request enables you to create credit or debit memos based on a complaint. For this first create a sales document with the order type for a credit or debit memo request. You can create the debit or credit memo requests in the following ways: Without reference to an order With reference to an existing order Here you enter which order the complaint refers to. With reference to an invoice Here you enter which invoice the complaint refers to. In all cases, you specify the value or quantity that should be in the credit or debit memo

5. You can block the credit or debit memo request from being billed in Customizing. Go to Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales document header -> Define sales document type and select the billing block field in the billing section. This request can later be reviewed along with similar ones, - if necessary, by another department. The request for a credit or debit memo can then be approved or rejected.

Explain What Is Credit and Debit Memo

1. A transaction that reduces Amounts Receivable from a customer is a credit memo. For eg. The customer could return damaged goods. A debit memo is a transaction that reduces Amounts Payable to a vendor because, you send damaged goods back to your vendor. 2. Credit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request a credit memo for a customer. If the price calculated for the customer is too high, for example, because the wrong scale prices were used or a discount was forgotten, you can create a credit memo request. The credit memo request is blocked for further processing so that it can be checked. If the request is approved, you can remove the block. The system uses the credit memo request to create a credit memo. You can use credit memos in Sales and Distribution (SD) for assigning credit memo requests to the open invoices and in Financial Accounting (FI) for assigning credit memos and payments to the open invoices and carry out clearing with them. If you use both Financial Accounting (FI) and Sales and Distribution (SD), there is a 1:1 relationship between the credit memo request and the credit memo item posted in Financial Accounting (FI). As soon as you bill the credit memo request together with other sales orders, or distribute the items of one credit memo request to several billing documents, the assignment is no longer valid and the system will not process it. For credit memos, credit memo requests, and payments, you have the following assignment options: Assignment to a single invoice Assignment of a partial amount to an invoice Assignment to several invoices When you post credit memos, the payment programmed processes them automatically. If the credit memo is specifically related to a particular open invoice item, the payment program automatically attempts to offset the credit memo against the open item. If it is not possible to completely offset the credit memo against an invoice, you can post a debit memo to the vendor, who is to reimburse the amount. Then you can apply a multilevel dunning program. 3. Debit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request a debit memo for a customer. If the prices calculated for the customer were too low, for example, calculated with the wrong scaled prices, you can create a debit memo request. The debit memo request can be blocked so that it can be checked. When it has been approved, you can remove the block. It is like a standard order. The system uses the debit memo request to create a debit memo. 4. As mentioned above, creating a credit or debit memo request enables you to create credit or debit memos based on a complaint. For this first create a sales document with

the order type for a credit or debit memo request. You can create the debit or credit memo requests in the following ways: Without reference to an order With reference to an existing order Here you enter which order the complaint refers to. With reference to an invoice Here you enter which invoice the complaint refers to. In all cases, you specify the value or quantity that should be in the credit or debit memo. 5. You can block the credit or debit memo request from being billed in Customizing. Go to Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales document header -> Define sales document type and select the billing block field in the billing section. This request can later be reviewed along with similar ones, - if necessary, by another department. The request for a credit or debit memo can then be approved or rejected. Use the same Invoice Script/smartform for Credit/debit memo's INVOICE Output type : RD00 ScriptForm Name : RVINVOICE01 Driver Program Name : RVADIN01 smartform name : LB_BIL_INVOICE Smartform Driver Pgm: RLB_INVOICE Explain STO. STO is Stock Transport order. It is used for inter company transfer of goods. Plant to plant transfer and even transferring raw material to Third party contractors (Job Work). The Process is you create a STO do delivery against the STO and create a Billing Document against the STO. How to configure the inter-company Stock Transport Order? - Prassee Material should exist in both the plants (Delivering & Ordering), Internal customer should be assigned to the ordering plant ( MM -> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Setup stock transport order -> assign the internal customer to the ordering plant and assign the Sales area of the internal customer. Tcode : OMGN

Assign its Sales area to the delivering plant Assign the document type and Delivery type NB and NLCC Assign the Supplying plant --> Receiving Plant --> NB Take the delivering plant and assign the sales area. Vendor master has to be created and assaign the supply source ( Delivering Plant). Create a puchase order ME21N ---> Save Delivery VL10 G ---> Calculation rule (appropriate) --> Assaign the purchase order number here and execute. Select the Delivery creation line and do the back ground process. Start the log display and see the delivery document number by the documents button Goto VL02N --> do picking and PGI --> Then do the MIGO with respect to the delivery document. Billing (Intercompany pricing conditions should be set). Explain the Inter Company Sales Process. In SAP sales & distribution module, an intercompany sales occurs when the selling organization belongs to a different company code than the delivering plant. The transaction path for accessing intercompany sales billing is: IMG >> Sales and distribution >> Billing >> Intercompany billing Let us take an example to understand intercompany sales better. Suppose there are two company codes namely 1000 and 2000. A customer may place an order for goods in sales organization belonging to company code 3000. However, the goods may be manufactured by a delivering plant belonging the company code 1000. A sales order is created indicating delivering plant of company code 1000. The sales organization then invoices the customer for the materials purchased. SAP R/3 automatically creates an intercompany

billing document at the same time as the customers billing document is created. This intercompany invoice is sent from the delivering plant to the selling sales organization. As a rule of thumb, when dealing with different company codes, one may find a need to transfer stock between two different company codes. However, if the stock be transferred within the same company code, there is no need for an intercompany transaction. But in case the stock is transferred between different company codes, a transfer of value occurs and is an intercompany sale. --In inter- company sales process, no PO will raise. While creating sales order, if the end user knows there is no stock on their plant, they request for their sister concern company to deliver these ordered goods to the customer directly, after delivery they will receive intercompany invoice from the delivering company code, thats the reason you enter delivering plant while creating sales order. Below is the inter-company check list: Check all your settings once again for creating inter-company billing: - Material should exist in both plants. - Stock will be maintained in D-Plant (Delivering). - Now Plant - R (Receiving) become the customer of Plant-D. So create a dummy customer in Plant-D's company code and sales area. - Assign this customer number to Plant -R's details & its selling sales area. - Maintain the intercomapny billing type (IV) in ur sales doc type (OR). - Assign the Plant-D to selling sales org+ dbt channel. - Maintain relevant copy controls between documents. - Determine pricing procedure for Standard (RVAA01) as well as Intercompany (ICAA01) (Note: Dummy customer's CPP, IV doc's DPP along with Delivering plant's sales area) - Maintain the condition records for Condition type PI01- VK11 (Note: In ICAA01, you won't find any PI01 Ctype, but you'll find IV01-, if you observe the details of IV01 C.type in V/06, it has the ref Ctype as "PI01" , through which the condition record of PI01 is shared to IV01 also..) - Now create VA01, enter the required fields, in delivering plant -enter Plant-D, @ item level as well as @ header level, and save, - Create Delivery VL01n, with ref to SO, - Create Billing VF01 (with ref to DEL)--- observe bill type-F2, - Create Billing VF01 (with ref to DEL again)--observe the bill type-IV.

Normal Sales Order Cycle Configuration

What are those initial sales order config? By: Anuradha

Normal Sales Order Cycle:Step 1: Sales Document Type IMG > Sales and Distribution > Sales > Sales Documents > Sales Document Header: 1. Sales Document Type: The sales document types represent the different business transactions, such as Inquiry, Quotation, Sales Order, etc. To create new sales order type, always copy as with reference to similar sales order. If possible use standard sales order. 2. Define Number Ranges For Sales Documents: Maintain number range with discussion with core team. 3. Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types: A. Combine sales organizations / Combine distribution channels / Combine divisions: Ensure to maintain these, else Sales Order creation will give error. B. Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas: Assign only required Sales Order Types to required Sales Area. This will minimize selection of Sales Order Type as per sales area. Sales Document Item: 1. Define Item Categories: If possible use Standard Item Category. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. 2. Assign Item Categories: If possible, use standard. Formula for deriving item category: Sales Document Type + Item Category Group + Usage + Higher Level Item Category = Item Category Schedule Line: 1. Define Schedule Line Categories: If possible use Standard Schedule Lines. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. 2. Assign Schedule Line Categories: If possible, use standard. Formula for deriving Schedule Line: Item Category + MRP Type / No MRP Type. Step 2: IMG > Logistic Execution > Shipping > Deliveries > 1. Define Delivery Types: If possible use Standard Delivery Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. 2. Define Item Categories for Deliveries: If possible use Standard Item Categories for Delivery Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. 3. Define Number Ranges for Deliveries: Ensure to maintain number range. Step 3: IMG > Sales and Distribution > Billing > 1. Define Billing Types: If possible use Standard Billing Type. Incase if required to create new, copy as from standard & maintain New. 2. Define Number Range For Billing Documents: Ensure to maintain number range. 3. Maintain Copying Control For Billing Documents: Maintain relevant copy controls such as Sales Order to Billing, Deliver to Billing, etc. The configuration differs from scenario to scenario & requirement of the client.

Default Storage Location In Sales Order

Where to maintain settings if we want to make storage location appear by default at the time of creating the sales order? There is No storage location determination at Sales order level.. Only we can enter manually. Storage location will be determined at Delivery level only.. System does not determine storage location at sales order level. User has to indicate it at time of creating sales order. The storage location entered in the order item is copied into the outbound delivery. If no storage location for picking is specified in the order item, the system determines the storage location when it creates the outbound delivery and copies it into the delivery item. The system determines the picking location based on a MALA, RETA, MARA rule defined in the delivery type. This functionality is not available in the standard SAP. If you want the system to check the stock at a specific storage location, the storage location has to be entered manually at item level or you have to go for development so that it will be defaulted under the specific conditions specified. You have to create a Z-table and maintain the table with data under which that specific storage location has to be determined. A userexit has to be used so that it will default the appropriate storage location after checking the table. Storage loction determination in Sales order is only possible via a user exit. You cannot configure storage location into sales order: you need to use user exit MV45AFZB USEREXIT_SOURCE_DETERMIN or You can use userexit_save_document Userexit_save_document_prepare or The relevant forms to be used are: USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAK -- to default in Header. USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAP -- to default in item. User exit: MV45AFZZ --Standard SAP can't determine storage location at sales order level. If required to give manually. But at deliver it'll determine automatic. Do the proper settings at Delivery level: SPRO --> LOGISTICS EXECUTION --> SHIPPING --> PICKING --> DETERMINE PICKING LOCATION --> Define Rules for Picking Location Determination. If sales order level by default require, then you have to use user EXIT. What is an open sales order?

An open sales order is where the order has not been delivered (physical goods). Open Sales order : I will explain taking an example, suppose there is an order for 100 qty and against this order, only 50 are being delivered till its delivery date . i.e. it is partially delivered. then its status will be open . because it is not fully delivered. You can check the open order status in VA02 in status tab. (double click on item and at item level chk the status) or check in transaction VA05 all the open orders. In SAP SD, the document flow will summarize the status of each document. In order, they are: 1. Sales order : once delivery has been created, the status of the order changes from "open" to "completed". 2. Outbound delivery : when items are picked and posted for goods issue, the status remains at "being processed"; the status becomes complete only when billing is done. 3. Billing document : when billing document is created and saved, and posted to accounting, the status of the delivery becomes "complete"; the status of billing becomes "complete" as well; an accounting document is created and the status is "not cleared". 4. Payments posting affects the status of the accounting document; hence, you look at table BSEG. once payment is posted with reference to this accounting document, the status becomes "cleared". How can we know using data in tables whether a sales order is open or not? Check in Transaction VA05 and in table the status filed will tell you the status of open order. Table VBAP / VBAK / VBUK (header) and VBUP (item) Which table is updated when customer pays against an invoice? Check table VBAK / VBAP / VBRK / VBRP and VBFA you can chk the document flow. Can you tell if a sales order can be considered open if delivery has happened but payment has not been done yet? Yes, that sales order will be considered as complete order. not open order. Delivery will be open against which billing is not happened. How to close any open sales order? Go to transaction VA05, here you can see list of all Sales order open for any particular sales area. You can either do mass maintenance to close all the open order by giving rejection reason. Or you can check one by one order & reject the pending item. Go to VA02, input the sale order and execute. Now select the line item and assign Reason for Rejection which you will find on the right top side.

If you have not delivered any quantity, then you can delete the sales order from the tcode VA02 - Enter your doc no- in the menu bar go to sales document-then DELETE.

Sold To Party In Sales Order Screen

After entering sales order (va01) screen, system giving default sold to party. How to disable this? This is due to activation of userexit V45A0002. You need to deactivate this. Take the help from ABAPer to find the project which is assigned to the userexit and deactivate the same. or Can you also check in your SU3 Parameters whether there is any entry with Parameter ID - VAU? If some value is set for this parameter , it will be copied by default in SOLD-TO-PARTY during creation of the Sales Document (VA01) You can remove this ID or clear the Value. You can also check if there is any Transaction Variant associated with your Transaction in SHD0 through which the default sold-to-party can come. ---

Change sold to party in sales order

We have the below requirement of changing sold to party after creation of sales order: Once sales order is created, purchase requisition is created automatically and purchase order is created with reference to the purchase requisition. So when Goods receipt is done, the respective stock is getting reserved for that sales order. We wanted to change the sold to party option. After creation of purchase order, sold to party option in sales order is display only. How to make it changeable? As long as you have not created subsequent document like delivery or invoice, you can change the sold to party in sale order either in creation mode (VA01) or in change mode (VA02). But once you created the subsequent document, you cannot change the sold to party bocz, the said field will become uneditable. ---

Effect of sold to party in sales order

What is the effect of sold to party in sales order? Suppose we are creating the sales order with customer '11' and material 'abc', but before saving the sales order document we changed the customer and new customer is '21', so after this change which is redetermined in the sales order. These will get redetermine -->Tax

-->Price -->Frieght -->Payment terms -->Shipping conditions -->Partner (Ship to party, bill to party and Payer). -->Route. If the Sold to party is changed from 11 to 21, then the new SP (21) may be valid for some other Sales Area, may have different SH,PY &BP. So accordingly those data will change. If different SP, then Price may vary, Shipping condition may vary. So those data may change. As different SH may be different, then Route may be different, Plant may be different, and as Tax is mostly Plant dependent, so Tax may change. If SP is different PY may be different, so Payment Term, Incoterm & Credit limit may be different, so those data will be changed/redetermined accordingly. Question: In sales order we have profit center tab in line item --> account assignment. From where does this profit center comes here? The source I mean. Answer: Sales order takes profit center from material master view Sales: Plant/General data. Profit center is assigned in (material master record) MMR in sales orgn 2 view. If you assign there automatically it will trigger in the sales order. In the item data -> account assignment tab . This profit center is used in MMR because, once you do OR- LF- F2 for that material this material value has to trigger in the profit center in FI properly. After doing F2 and when you save a the Invoice i.e., F2, automatically an accounting document gets generated along with a profit center document also gets generated if you have assigned profit center to your MMR. In material master, I was created profit center PBB2K for part A but it is showing different profit center when sales order created. Advise why different profit center show in sales order? Check 0KEM for any sales order substitution for profit center. In general, the material master profit center defaults to profit center, but at sales order you can change the profit center otherwise check 0KEM It seems as though we have a FI setup in our system through which the Profit Center on the Sales Order is NOT defaulted from the Material master, but is showing up another value, could you please provide me the steps where I could look that up?

What configuration is it from the FI side that is preventing the standard material PC to be over ridden? Please check OKB9, or Simple, It is in substitution, Go to transaction GGB1 and see under the node profit center accounting. You will see that you can substitute the profit center in the sales order using substitution. You can define your own here. How can I make the Field Profit Center in the line item level of the sales order to mandatory? You can do this by transaction variant. Goto tcode SHD0, give t code as VA01. Make a transaction variant and make the fields mandatory. or Please include the Field Profit Center (PRCTR) in incompletion Procedure of Sales Order Item. So without Profit Center Entry Sales Order will be incomplete. Goto T.code OVA2 copy the procedure you are now working with and add the field vbapPrctr. In VUP2 you can assign your new procedure to your item category.

Check Whether The Entries Is Maintain in LIS Update or Not

Path: SPRO --> IMG --> Logistics-General -->Logistics Information System --> Logistics Data Warehouse --> Updating --> Updating Control --> Settings: Sales --> Update Group --> Assign Update Group at Header Level Maintain following data, separately in two rows: Sales Org: say,1234 DstCh: Division: Customer Statistic Group: + Statistics group for sales document type: 1 and Sales Org: DstCh: Division:

Customer Statistic Group: + Statistics group for sales document type: 2 SPRO --> IMG --> Logistics-General -->Logistics Information System --> Logistics Data Warehouse --> Updating --> Updating Control --> Settings: Sales --> Update Group --> Assign Update Group at Item Level Maintain following data, separately in two rows: Sales Org: DstCh: Division: Customer Statistic Group: + Material Statistic Group: 1 Statistics group for sales document type: 1 Statistics group for the item category: 1 and Sales Org: DstCh: Division: Customer Statistic Group: + Material Statistic Group: 1 Statistics group for sales document type: 2 Statistics group for the item category: 2 Note: Once, you will maintain Settings for LIS-Update, it will update onwards transactions and will not update for already done transactions.

3PL Purchase Order Link To Sales Order

For third party order, either you can create the material master with item category group as BANS, so the system will automatically pick TAS in the sales order for the material or you can change the item category manually to TAS in the order. This will trigger a PR, based on the PR a PO will be generated. Defining Item Category Group IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Define Item category groups Defining Item Category -> Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Define Item Categories Item category TAS Description 3rd party with SN CM Item type Blank Completion rule Blank Special stock Blank Relevant for billing B Billing plan type Blank Billing block Blank

Pricing X Statistical value Blank Revenue recognition Blank Delimit. start date Blank Business data item X Sched. line allowed X Item relev. for delivery Blank Returns Blank Weight/Vol.- relevant X Credit active X Determine cost X Aut. batch determ. Blank Rounding permitted Blank Order qty = 1 Blank Incomplete proced. 28 PartnerDetermProced T TextDetermProcedure 01 Item cat. status group 1 Screen seq. group N Status profile Blank Create PO autom. Blank Config. strategy Blank Mat. variant action Blank ATP material variant Blank Structure scope Blank Application Blank Value contract material Blank Contract release ctrl Blank Repair procedure Blank Billing form Blank DIP profile Blank Assigning Item Category IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Assign Item categories Creating Material MM01 1. On the screen Create Material (Initial Screen) enter the material number if External. 2. Choose Select View(s). (Basic View 1&2, Sales Views, Purchasing views and accounting views). 3. Enter the relevant data and save the material. Use material group BANS in the item material group field. Creating SD Pricing Conditions for material VK11

Creating Vendor Master XK01

What is the Foreign trade data required in SO for doing Exports

I am doing export sale but while creating billing document system give error that "Missing export data" hence accounting document has not created. Trouble Shooting and Problem Solving : Go to VF02, input the billing document and execute. From top menu bar, click on "Goto -- Header -- Foreign Trade/Customs". There again click on "Incompleteness analysis" which will be below to "Head.text" tab so that it will take you to the areas where you need to fill in the required datas. Once you gave all the data and save, you can check the log as "Document complete". Solution : This will resolve the issue for current Invoice; but if the same error is occurring for every Invoice, maintain default values. To get the default values for foreign trade data go to 1. IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Foreign Trade/Customs --> Basic data for foreign trade --> Define Business Transaction Types And Default Value --> Define Default Business Type (SD) In this step maintain assignments for country/sales org/dist channel / item category / and transaction type combination. 2. IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Foreign Trade/Customs --> Basic data for foreign trade --> Define Procedures and Default Value --> Define procedure default In this step maintain assignments with the combination of country/sales org/dist channel/division/exp.imp group/item category/ procedure. Apart from the above we need to maintain Comm./imp. code no./country of origin and region of origin at material master HINT: Go to VTFL, select your billing type and delivery type and click on blue magnifying lens on top left so that it will take you to a screen where most probably, you would be maintaining "B" for "Determ.export data". Maintain blank field there and save. Now system will not throw incomplete error message.

Material To Be Added or Excluded To a Customer

How to setup material exclusion for customer during sales order creation? If you want specific material to be added or excluded to a customer, you can do it in "Listing and Exclusion".

Here is a small note on listing and exclusion, it may be helpful. Material listing and exclusion: Material listing: Whatever the materials that are placed in the listing for a customer he can access to those materials only. Maintaining records for material listing: Logistics Sales and distribution Master data Products Listing/Exclusion VB01 Create Specify the condition type for listing Select the required key combination Enter the required materials in listing and save it. Material Exclusion: Whatever the materials that are placed in exclusion for a customer he cannot access those materials. Maintaining records for material Exclusion: Logistics Sales and distribution Master data Products Listing/Exclusion VB01 Create Specify the condition type for exclusion Select the required key combination Enter the required materials in exclusion and save it. Maintaining condition technique for listing and exclusion: SPRO Sales and distribution Basic functions Listing/Exclusion Maintain condition tables for listing/exclusion Maintain access sequence for listing/exclusion Maintain listing/exclusion types Go to new entries and define condition types one each for listing, exclusion Procedure for maintaining listing/exclusion

Define the procedure one each for listing and exclusion Activate listing/exclusion by sales document type Select the required sales document type and assign the procedure for listing and exclusion Note: 1. Listing type A001 2. Exclusion type B001 3. Procedure for listing A00001 4. Procedure for exclusion B00001

Sales Order Number Blank In MD04

I have a sales order which is complete in all respects. The sales order appears in MD04 with correct date and quantity. However MD04 does not show the sales order number. (number is blank) Delivery can be created from this sales order. This delivery is seen in MD04 with correct date and quantity, but the delivery number is not shown in MD04. Delivery is successfully PGI'ed subsequently. Why the numbers that are saved in SD not shown in MD04? Solution: Check in Material Master - MRP3 View. Availability Check might be maintained as "01" - Daily requirement. If is, then the sales order number will not appear in MD04 list. SO number will appear for 02- Individual requirement. Fyi: Once sales order is created - it will be appear in MD04, once delivery is created wrt: SO ( w/o PGI), then delivery number will appear, SO number will not appear. Once PGI is done against to this delivery document. Then the line item from MD04 will be deleted. To recovery / delete the inconsistent entries, you can run the prog: SDRQCR21 It makes sense as well that for 01, the orders on the same day are summarized. Your understanding is perfectly right. This is the reason, why you can't see the SO number in MD04 for Materials which has AC:01. In MD04- line appears as summarized requirement for the whole day, it could consist all the SO numbers on that day. So you cant see the SO number in this case. To check the Availability Check rules for existing sales order (VBBE), do the following: 1. Go to the sales order. 2. Select particular line item.

3. Click on Display availability button at the bottom 4. You shall get the availability screen. 5. ON the top , click on SCOPE OF CHECK 6. You shall see that on top left section, there are two fields A) Availability Check ( eg 01, 02 etc) B) Checking rule ( A , B etc ) Your focus should be on Availability Check. If it is 02, it indicates Individual Requirement. If your availability check option is 01, it means table VBBS shall be updated with Daily ( total records / requirements ) If your availability check option is 02, then ideally table VBBE should have been updated for that sales order PS: For existing sales order that were already created, it will still shows blank as the system only copied the MRP Settings once. New sales order or new item line in the same sales order with the materials will work after MM - MRP View 3 - Availability Check had been changed to "02". While creating a Sales Order, a default text is being displayed In Header -> Texts. We are not getting from where its getting displayed? Answer: First, run the text analysis (protocol symbol right of the display details symbol), it will list you where the text is coming from or tell you if it was found anywhere. If nothing was found, it might be a manual text insertion. The automatic lookup is configured in the customizing SD -> Basic functions -> Text -> Sales order -> Header, so you might want to look there what is configured for that text. Texts in the sales order can be copied from the material master or customer master. Possible lookouts: 1. Check the Text in the material master. Path Tcode mm02 -> Sales Texts 2. Check the text in material master. Path Tcode xd02 -> Click on Extra ( on menu ) -> Texts. 3. Check customer material info record . Path vd52 -> Goto - >Texts If texts in above master data matching with sales header text than its done through text determination. Path is spro -> sales and distribution -> basic function -> Text control -> Define and

assign Text determination Procedure -> check box sales document header -> click on change -> click on text procedure assignment -> check out text procedure assigned to your sales header and check out that procedure. Its text Id's and access sequence. When the above text checking are fine, it could be due to the Dummy Text which you need to make used of the program: RVTEXTE What RVTEXTE is and what does it do? I've used this program before when the standard text config seemed OK, but it just wasn't working. For my purposes, RVTEXTE will "clean up" any bogus stuff in the text control if you've done a lot of config and the system is somehow, internally, confused. If you have access to OSS notes, please see note: 574580 Here is some further information on the report RVTEXTE: "If the wrong text determination occurs randomly, then most likely that in your system there exists so called "dummy texts". These texts (in database table STXH) have a TDNAME = X*. Normally during sales document creation the texts get dummy names (= X*) which are later replaced by the correct names (which contain the document number) when the document is saved. For some (often unknown) reasons these dummy texts are written to the database and then cause problems. To delete dummy texts you should run report RVTEXTE. This report is useful and it is always good to run it from time to time. RVTEXTE does not delete valid texts from your documents or from the master records. It only deletes dummy or phantom text entries that should not be in your documents." Please check if in your system you have this latest version. Please see OSS note 413096 for the latest versions. To run the report: 1. Firstly, with flag X in the function Field. This will delete all phantom/dummy text appearing in sales orders. X flag = delete all dummy texts. 2. Secondly, with flag G in the function field. This regenerates the text configuration making sure everything is active. G flag = cleanup of text procedures and access sequences in all clients. Please note that the above procedure will not delete any real text for sales orders, only the phantom texts.

How to do rebate processing
Rebates Processs in SAP is divided into three components 1) Configuring Rebates 2) Setting Up Rebates 3) Managing rebate agreeeements and payments Pre-requsiistes- Check the following: 1.The payer partner needs toi have the rebate field checked in the customer master on the sales area-billing doc tab. 2.The Billing type must be marked as relevant for rebates. 3.The Sales Organisation must be marked as relevant for rebates. Condition Technique : Rebates, use the condition technique, but distinguish themselves from pricing in applying to transactions over time, versus on a transaction basis. Rebates have their wn field catalog and their own condition table naming convention.So you could have two condition table "001" one for pricing and one for rebates, which could have different key fields. You need to use the technical names A001 For pricing and KOTe001 for rebates when you use the query type using transaction SE 16.. Use create access sequence (AS). Enter 1 in field category for rebate specific. AS after going thru the right path of maintaining access sequence for rebates. The big difference between the rebate and the pricing access sequence is that there is no exclsuion flag available for rebate related AS. This means multiple tables for an access sequence can be aplied at the same time. Rebate related condition types are identified by codnition class -C. After defining and creating condition types for rebated include them in the pricing proceedure. The requirement should be 24 here which implies that the accruals are calculated on the basis of invoice/bill. The other fields- alctyp and altcbv does not allow you to manipulate how a rebate is calculated. Also, remove the requiremnt 24, if u want to see reabtes at order time. Now payment of rebates: Payments can be maunal or in full settlement. When you do manual payments, it defines how much can be paid out during a partial settlemetn. You use partial settlement only when rebate agreement is defined for a full year but the paoyouts are supposed to happen on a monthly, quarterly or anyother specified period. These accurals are based on sales volume and when they are posted billing is created int eh follwoing manner. Provision for accruals is debited and Sales revenue is credited. When rebate credit memo is created Customer account/ is debited and Accrual provision account is credited. Also, please note that when rebates are created without dependent ona material but on customer/material you need to refer to a material for settlement.

With Compliment: Srini I have this same problem found in: However, can somebody explain it as I have problem in understanding the link. What exactly do you wish to know in Rebates? The total outline of the Rebate process or each and every step in the SAP system? First of all rebates are more or less discounts which are offered to customers. The rebates are based on the volume of the business the customer does with you within a specified time. for eg if the customer agrees for Rs.1 Crore worth of business with u in 1 year, then you activate your rebate porocess. if at the end of the year the customer DOES achieve the target u offer him say 2/3/4 % whatever is decided. The rebates are passed on to the customer in the form of Credit notes. The rebate can be given to the customer at one time or in installments also. This is broadly the outline of the rebate process. R.Sreeram Note : I recomend you to study the theory part of why rebate and why not a discount. This will help you understand better. May be I can help you with rebate process.(IN -IMG) 1. define a rebate agreement type 2. define a condition type group 3. define a condition type and place this condition Type in the pricing procedure.(REQUIREMENT=24) ALSO IN THE PROCEDURE- ACCRUAL KEY = ERU YOU ALSO HAVE TO DO THE ACCOUNT DETERMINATION FOR REBATES. Once you have defined all the 3 and assignment starts. Assign the agreement type to the condition type group Assign the cond type group to the condition type. Condition technique is also used in rebates. REBATE ACTIVATION- IN CUSTOMER MASTER, SALES ORGANISATION AND FOR THE BILLING DOCUMENT. After having done this please proceed to maintain the condition record for the rebates (transaction code-vbo1) Note: if you maintain the requirement coloumn with the requirement as 24 - the rebate will be affected in the billing document and if you dont give the requirement as 24 your rebate will be affected in the sales order. The rebate process is completed when you have created a credit memo to the customer. The document type for the partial settlement is R3. Please make sure you open two screens SO THAT YOU CAN COMPARE THE NEW ENTRIES WHAT EVER YOU'RE DEFINING WITH THAT OF THE STANDARDS or

first you try with the standard condition type boo1, boo2 boo3 boo4. AFTER YOU HAVE FINISHED A COMPLETE SALES CYCLE OF CREATION ORDER , DELIVERY AND BILLING. GO TO THE CONDITION RECORD IN CHANGE MODE (VB02) AND SETTLE THE ACCOUNT PARTIALLY. I hope this will be of any help to you. Praveen In a simple way, 1. First you need to create a Rebate agreement. 2. Create condition record for rebate giving the rebate rate and accrual rate. 3. when the rebate relevent billing doc is generated, the rebate and accruals are determined and posted in a seperate GL account as a noted item - amount to be settled. Also it gets copied in the rebate agreement. 4. create settlement run using credit memo request and then credit memo to settle this amount with the customer. This is what the link says.

Rebate Process with Ref. to SO

If I need to make a rebate for a customer what is the process involved. I am providing some info on rebates which I know. Rebate agreemnts is based on agreement types.Conditon records which are created like B001 and B002 are linked to the rebate agreeements specifying the rebate rate + the accrual rates.condition records specify the rebate rate and the accrual rates. Consider an example.. You decided to give a rebate of 3% to a customer whose sales vol is $1000 for a particular SO Then the rebate value is $30.. Now when you make the rebate settlement by doiing the Credit memo and you decide to pay $27, then the accounting will be generated saying 27$ paid towards rebate and 3$ is the accrual which you owe to the customer Procedure: Rebate agreement: Transaction code: VB01 When you go to VB01, choose agreement type 0002 and then in conditions give Material rebate 1 20 20 30 Now create a sales order with a material say M-11 for SOrg 1000 12 00 with QTY 6 Now check VB03 and see rebate agreemtent it will say Accruals 120 and payments 0 since your rebate is not settled still.

Rebate setllement Go to VB02 enter ur sales deal no, and change the agreemetn status to B then enter Shift+F12 and enter the amount to be paid for example u say $80 Then check in rebate payments rebate doc and partial setllemetn since you have not paid in full. View the credit memo request Remove the Billing bloock Go to VA01 and put order type G2 ,,,go to create with ref and enter ur Sales order no,,,save the doc now... Then go to VF01 and enter the credit memo reqst no the doc no and go to VF02 and say release to accounting Now the final settlement will be this way Accruals:120 Accrual reversed:80 Rebate pay:80 Amount payable:40 So the balance 40 is still the accrual This is an example how a rebate will be processed with ref to a SO with an example. SAP SD Tips by: Priyam

How to do a rebate agreement for a specific customers with settings details?

1. Create a condition by copying a a standard condition like BO03 in V/06 2. Assign this condition in the std pricing procedure with acct key as ERB and accural key as ERU - V/08 3.Create a Rebate Agreement in VBO1 (It is O = Owl and not zero). No will be generated choose 003 - Customer rebates, enter the customer code, the validity and check for the status shld be in Open, click on the conditions enter the percentage and accrual amount. You also can have scales in this. Also you need to maintain the material for the settlement 4. Create a sales order for that customer and check the rebate agreement. 5. You can see the rebate condition in the invoice only. 6. Once you have posted the invoices, then go to rebate agrrement no. clicl on verficayion and it will show the order details. 7. For settlement change the status of the rebate to B - release for the settlement. 8. Credit memo request will b generated copy the no. and go to VA02, remove the blocks if any and create an invoice (credit memo).this will show u the accrual amount. 9. In both the invoice and the credit memo check the posting - accounting document it will show u the accrual as negative. 10. Again go to rebate aggreement and check the status it will show you D - Final settlement of agreement already carried out

Explain about rebate agreements in sales the process. By Lucas Rebate Agreements A rebate is a special discount which is paid retroactively to a customer. This discount is based on the customer's sales volume over a specified time period. You can process rebate agreements when the following prerequisite conditions are met: - sales org is relevant for rebate processing - payer (customer master record) is relevant for rebate processing - billing type (invoice, credit memo) is relevant for rebate processing Condition types for rebate agreements: BO01 - Customer/Material or Customer/Rebate group = % rebate BO02 - Customer/Material = quantity dependent BO03 - Customer = % rebate BO04 - Customer hierarchy = % rebate BO05 - Customer hierarchy/Material = % rebate BO06 - Sales vol. independent Creating Rebate Agreements Logistics -> Sales and distribution -> Master data Agreements -> Rebate agreement -> Create To create a condition record for a rebate agreement: When creating or changing rebate agreements, you can create condition records by choosing Goto -> Conditions to get to the Agreement Overview screen. Enter the data necessary to create a condition record (for example: customer and condition rate). Choose ENTER. - If you do not enter a value for the accrual rate, the system automatically proposes the value you entered as the condition rate. - To create a pricing scale for a condition record, select the condition record and choose Scales. - To display or change details in a condition record, select the condition record and choose Details. It is possible to see an overview of condition records that already exist in other rebate agreements and that have the same key combination (customer/material, customer/rebate group, and so on).

To view the list, select Validity periods. You can set for each rebate agreement whether it is to be renewed automatically or not. Select Extras -> Rebate calendar -> Reactivate or Remove in the Change Rebate mode. Notes: These are the prerequisites to be done to process the Rebate. 1. You need to activate the customer for Rebate in the customer master billing tab. 2. You need to activate the Rebate process to the Billing document type. 3. You need to activate the Rebate process to the sales organisation. Menu path is IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Billing --> Rebate processing. 4. You need to create one service material as material for settlement to settle the Rebate. (MM01). 5. You need to main the Rebate related pricing condition types in your pricing procedure, here you need to maintain the accrual key as well as account key. 6. Create Rebate agreement in the transaction VBO1 based on your requirement (whether that material based or customer based).

Partner Functions
Partner Determination For Sales Doc
Explain me how to get partner determination for sales doc header level. By: Micro Irrigation First determine one account group ( Trans code OBD2 ) assign number range for acct group ( Trans code OBAR ). Define partner determination procedure: IMG -> SD -> Basic Functions -> Partner Determination -> Setup Partner Determination -> Partner Determination For Sales Doc Header Click on Partner Type Go To New Entries and Define Partner Types Customer KU Vendor LI Contact Person AP Sales Employ SE Select Partner Type KU and Go To Details Icon and Maintain Partner Functions SP Sold To Party

SH Ship To Party BP Bill To Party PY Payer Come Back and Click On Assign Partner Type To Sales Doc Header KU To TA Assign Partner Functions To Account Group SP To ACC GROUP SH BP PY Same. For Sales Doc Header The Partner Functions Can Be Determined From Customer Master. How to customize the Partner Determination Procedure? We can determine partner determination procedure by using the transaction code VOPA. In the business different people interacts to make a transaction with the business while making transactions with the business every partner performs certain roles those are called as a partner functions. Depending on the partner type every partner fulfill certain mandatory partner functions. SAP determines relevant partner functions automatically to relevant partner object type. Flow: Customer master, Sales, Delivery, Billing, Document header and items. A) Partner Types. 1) Customer(KU) He performs partner functions like Sp, Sh, Bp, Py. 2) Vendor(LI) Partner Functions (FA- Forward Agent). 3) Contact Person (AP) Partner Functions-CP. 4) Sales Employee(PE) Partner Funcitons-SE Authorized Partner to release the order Contracts are release by raising sales orders. In the business one specifies partner is authorized to enter and to release contracts. At Header level( sales document) there is a control by which system carries out checks against partner whether he is authorized to release the contract. Partner type(KU) and Partner Functions( AA- Sold T party) to release the contracts. Aw- ship to party to release the contracts and this partner functions assigned to partner determination procedure (kab). Partners to check credit limits: We define partner functions Km-credit Manager. kb- credit representations both belongs to partner type pe(personal)

Configurations settings: 1) Define Account Group( OBD2) 2) Assign Number range key to Account Group (OBAR) 3) Define partner determination procedure for customer master. a) Define partner functions Path: Img -> sd -> basic functions -> partner determination -> set up partner determination -> set up partner determination for customer master. Click on partner function control button under dialog structure Partner Function Name Partner type error sp sold to party ku 07 sh ship to party ku 07 bp bill to party ku 07 py payer ku 07 partner type Pe Km credit manager pe kb credit represent pe 09 09

b) Define partner determination procedure. c) Assign partner functions to partner determination procedure. d) Assign partner determination determination procedure to account group. e) Assign partner functions to account group. For sales document. a) Define Partner functions to sales document header 1) Define partner functions img -> sd -> basic functions -> partner determination -> setup partner determination -> set up partner determination for sales document header 2) Define partner determination procedure. 3) Assign partner functions to partner determination procedure 4) Partner Determination procedure assignment.

Sales and Distribution BOM Sales BOM Implementation

A bill of material (BOM) describes the different components that together create a product. A BOM for a bicycle, for example, consists of all the parts that make up the bicycle: the frame, the saddle, wheels, and so on. Process Flow When you enter the material number of a bill of materials that is relevant for sales order processing, the system displays the material that describes the whole bill of materials as a main item. The individual components are displayed as lower-level items.

There are two ways to process a bill of materials in Sales. Once you have entered a bill of material in a sales order, the system runs pricing, inventory control, and delivery processing at: - Main item level if the material is assembled, or - Component level if the material is not assembled The type of processing used by the system is determined by the item category group that you enter in the material master record for relevant materials. Processing at Main Item Level If you want the system to carry out pricing, inventory control, and delivery processing at main item level, enter ERLA in the Item category group field of the Sales: sales org. 2 screen in the material master record of the finished product. This means that the components only function as text items and are not relevant for delivery. The following graphic shows how a bill of material is processed at main item level. Processing at Component Level If you want the system to carry out pricing, inventory control, and delivery processing at the component level, enter LUMF in the Item category group field of the Sales: sales org. 2 screen in the material master record of the finished product. In this case, only the components are relevant for delivery. During processing the system automatically creates a delivery group. The latest delivery date among all the components becomes the delivery date for the entire delivery group.

How to Know that Sales BOM is working or not?

I have set up a sales BOM. How do I know or test that is is working or not? Once you enter a material (for whch you have created a BOM thru CS01) in the sales doc another material pops under the main material line item as a sub-item (s). If it doesn't then your BOM isn't working. In my experience BOMs work if all maintenance has been done properly. A number of things to check is: 1. The bom hasn't been defined for the plant used, or you haven't defined the plant in SO. 2. Main item category - has BOM application SD01 been assigned to it? 3. Item categories for main items and sub-items have not been mainteined properly. 4. Sales items maintenance - You should assign item categories for BOM header items and sub-items to a specific sales doc. 5. Has the BOM itself been configured properly (i.e. right plant, BOM usage '5')? 6. Are you trying it out on an order created after all BOM maintenance was done? 7. Also , what's the 'Structure scope' set as? Anything except C may be useful here? We have that set to A, since our BOMs are all single-level. You could set it to B if BOM are configured multi-level.

Those are probably main reasons why BOM shouldn't work. Apart from that, just recheck your whole config - the truth is out there somwhere What is bill of material? By: Mike BILL OF MATERIALS We need to maintain Material master records for the BOM Item and for the components also. The item category group of the BOM items is ERLA/LUMF and the item category is NORM. Creating BOM item: - Logistics - Sales and distribution - Master data - Products - Bills of material - Material BOM CS01 create Specify the data for the following fields. Material: Specify the material for which components are to be maintained. Plant: Specify the plant of BOM item. BOM usage: Specify the application in which BOM is maintained (5 for SD). Alternative BOM: Specifies the sequence of a BOM within a group of BOMs. (L = stock item N = Non-stock item) In the overview screen specify the components which makes the main item and the corresponding quantities and save it. Note: During sales document processing if we enter the BOM item the system automatically determines corresponding components. 1) For the BOM to be exploded in the sales document the following customizing setting is required. A) If the item category group is ERLA the item category of the BOM is TAQ, in the definition of which we have to specify the value A (Explode single level BOM) in the structure scope. B) If the item category group is LUMF the item category of the BOM item is TAP in the definition of which we have to specify the value A in the field structure scope.

2) If the item category group is LUMF the system shows price for the components but not for the BOM item. For this the following customizing setting is required. A) The item category of the BOM item is TAP which is not relevant for pricing, so the BOM item is not Priced. B) The item category of the components is TAN which is relevant for pricing, so the components are priced 3) If the item category group is ERLA the system shows price for the BOM item but not for components. For this following customizing setting is required. A) The item category of BOM item is TAQ, which is relevant for pricing, so the BOM is priced. B) The item category of components is TAE which is not relevant for pricing, so the components are not priced. While creating sales document to get the list of alternative BOMs in the definition item category of BOM item we have to check the field Manual Alternative 24-07-2007 ITEM CATEGORY DETERMINATION FOR BOM ITEM SD type OR OR OR OR OR OR OR NOTE: ITCaGr ERLA NORM LUMF NORM NORM NORM NORM Usg TAQ TAP TAE TAN HLItCa TAQ TAE TAP TAN TAN TAE TAE DftItCa

A Explode single level BOM item B Explode multi level BOM item CS01 Transaction code for creating BOM Item

Statistical value x or y Make TAP relevant for pricing but values for statistical only.

Pricing Customization For Sales BOM

What are the steps of customization to pricing for header level or item level then? By: John You can create a sales bom, and price it at header level or sub level.

If you want to assemble the products and depending upon the assemblies you want to price. For eg. if the customer asks for a certain combinationa of Material A, B and C respectively, then you create a Material Master record Material D with item category group as LUMF. While the Materials A, B and C are created with standared item category groups NORM only. Then create a sales BOM using Tcode CS01 and enter the following details: Material : Material D Plant : Plant in which you created the material. BOM Usage : 5 (Sales and Distribution) then give the Materials A, B, and C and give their respective quantities. Before you have to create pricing condition records for Materials A, B, and C. Then configure the item categories ( T - code : VOV4). When processing the sales order, just give the Material D and the system will pick up the corresponding assemblies for that material and populate in the order. The item category for the header item will be TAP and the item cateory for the items will be TAN. In this cas the Material D is called as the higher level Item , and all the assemblies are called as the sub items. Here the subitems are relevant for pricing and delivery where as the header item is not relevant for neither pricing nor delivery. It just acts as a text item. This type of configaration of BOM is known as pricing at item level. This is used when you dont know what quantities of assemblies the customer is going to order and if the price of the assembly keeps varies. There is another way of configaring BOM which is pricing at header level. The difference is that the Material Master D has to be confugured using the item category group ERLA. Creation of BOM is same. But you need to maintain the pricing condition record for the header item. The item categories in this case would be Header item : TAQ Sub item TAE; Where the header item is relevant for pricing and delivery. and subitems are not relevant for neither the pricing nor the delivery. Depending upon your requirement you configure accordingly. In Summary: -->Befor going to create sales BOM you need to create: Master data for that Header Material and Components in the MM01 transaction. -->If you want Header price you create Header Materil with ERLA Itemcategory group. -->If you want pricing at item level you create header material with LUMF Itemcategory group. -->To create Sales BOM go to the transaction CS01 there you give enter the data Header Material which you have created in the MM01 transaction.

Delivering Plant. BOM Usage as '5' (Sales and Distribution) ***Then proceed with enter system will take you the BOM detail screen here you maintain the details of the components (How many components you need to make a Header material) -->Check the item category determinetion settings in the transaction VOV4. -->Maintain the Pricing procedure according to that. -->Now you can create sales order with the BOM material

Third Party Sales Process Flow for 3rd Party Sales

Customize the third party sales in summary: 1. Create Vendor XK01 2. Create Material Material Type as "Trading Goods". Item category group as "BANS". 3. Assign Item Category TAS to Order type that you are going to use. 4. A sale order is created and when saved a PR is generated at the background 5. With reference to SO a PO is created (ME21N). The company raises PO to the vendor. 6. Vendor delivers the goods and raises bill to company. MM receives the invoice MIRO 7. Goods receipt MIGO 8. Goods issue 9. The item cat TAS or Schedule line cat CS is not relevant for delivery which is evident from the config and, therefore, there is no delivery process attached in the whole process of Third party sales. 10. Billing *-- Seema Dhar

SD - 3rd party sales order Create Sales Order VA01 Order Type Sales org, distr chnl, div Enter Sold to PO # Material Quantity Enter Save SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that is created with a third party sales order VA01 Order Number

Goto Item Overview Item ->Schedule Item SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that is created ME52N Key in the PR number Save SD - 3rd party sales order Assign the PR to the vendor and create PO ME57 Key in the PR number Toggle the "Assigned Purchase Requisition" Execute Check the box next to the material Assign Automatically button Click on "Assignments" button Click on "Process assignment" The "Process Assignment Create PO" box , enter Drag the PR and drop in the shopping basket Save SD - 3rd party sales order Receive Goods MIGO_GR PO Number DN Number Batch tab , click on classification Serial Numbers tab Date of Production Flag Item OK Check, just in case Post Save SD - 3rd party sales order Create Invoice MIRO Invoice Date Look for the PO , state the vendor and the Material Check the box Clilck on "Copy" Purchase Order Number (bottom half of the screen) Amount State the baseline date Simulate & Post Invoice Number *Invoice blocked due to date variance SD - 3rd party sales order Create a delivery order VL01N In the order screen , go to the menu Sales Document , select "Deliver"

Go to "picking" tab State the qty and save SD - 3rd party sales order Create a billing document VF01 Ensure that the delivery document is correct in the Enter Go to edit -> Log Save

Cross Selling : How To Configure

(1) Cross Selling: How to configure and the menu path details. (2) While creating individual order I face one error 'Plant not assigned to Controlling Area': How to configure controlling area and menu path. (3) Menu of path of subsequent Delivery Free of Charge. By : Ahmednsp Cross selling is a concept by which the business can improve the sales. By using this concept the business can offer combination material for ordered material. Ex: If the customer placed for the order for computer then computer stand can be suggested as a combination material. It can be mapped by using cross selling concept that uses condition technique. When the user raises the sales order and specifies ordered material then system automatically pup-up a box in which system displays suggested material Configuration settings: 1) Define determination procedure for cross selling: Path: - IMG - SD - Basic function - Cross selling - Define determination procedure for cross selling a) Create condition table: Here we define condition table ex: - material b) Maintain access sequence: Here we define access sequence ex: C001 and assign condition table ex:011 that we define in previous step. c) Define condition type: Here we define condition type C001 and assign it to access sequence C001 that we define in previous step. d) Maintain procedure: Go to new entries and define cross selling profile Ex: CS0001 and assign our condition type C001 that we define in the previous step.

2) Maintain customer/document procedures for cross selling: a) Define customer procedure for cross selling: Here we define customer cross selling profile Ex: "B" -- cross selling b) Define documents procedure for cross selling: Here we define document cross selling procedure ex: `B"- cross selling c) Assign document procedure for cross selling to sales document: Choose sales document type "OR" and assign document cross selling procedure ex: "B" 3) Define and assign cross selling profile: a) Define cross selling profile: Go to new entries, specify cross selling profile key with description - Specify cross selling pricing procedure (CS0001) - Assign the pricing procedure (RVA001) - Specify cross selling dialog box indicator W If it is "A" dialog box appears only in request. It is blank dialog box appears in request and after date is released Check cross selling ATP indicator: If you check it , system carry out ATP check for cross selling product. b) Assign cross selling profile: - Go to new entries, specify sales area - Specify customer cross selling procedure B - Specify document cross selling procedure B - Assign cross selling profile -- CS0001 Maintain condition record for cross selling (VB41): Path: - Logistics - SD - Master data - Products - Cross selling - VB41 Specify condition type C001 Specify the order material, select condition line item Click on alternative material icon and maintain alternative material with cross selling delivery conditions options Blank Out bond delivery takes place regardless of main item "A" -- Out bond delivery only if main item has been partially delivered Go to VD02, sales area section of sales tab Assign customer procedure for product proposal - B Save it and exit Go to VA01; raise the sales order with order material check the effect.

4) Path to created controlling area: Img-->Ent Str-->Defintio-->Controlling-->Maintain Controlling Area , here you can create controlling area

An Example Of Third Party Sales

Scenario: 2 companies are created in system - India & Singapore Customer places sales order for particular material on Singapore. Singapore is not able to produce the same. They pass on the order to India for processing. After processing India ships the material directly to the customer along with necessary documentation. Invoice copy is passed on to Singapore. Final Commercial Invoice will be raised by Singapore. How can the above scenario handled? By: Balaji You can do this using third party sales. The third party sales process is as under. 1) Singapore company creates an order for the singapore customer. 2) Because of the configuration settings of the sales document type, item category & schedule line category, as soon as the order is saved a PR (purchase requisition) is automatically generated. This is converted into PO (purchase order) and sent to the indan company. 3) Indian company supplies the material directly to the singapore customer. 4) Indian company sends the invoice to the singapore company. 5) Singapore company does the invoice verification in MM using tcode MIRO. 6) Singapore company raises the invoice to the singapore customer. In standard SAP, item category TAS is used for this. The schedule line category is CS. Here you can see a field 'order type' with value 'NB'. This triggers the automatic creation of the PR. Plus in the material master also you need to do certain settings. 1) If you are always following a third party process for a material then you have to create the material using item category group BANS. The procurement type should be marked as external procurement (F) in MRP 2 view of the material master record. 2) If you are not always allowing third party order processing then you can create a material master record with item category group as NORM and the procurement type should be marked as (X) meaning both types of procurement (in house manufacturing and external procurement).

In the item category the billing relevance should be 'F'.

Availability Check Availability Check on Quotation

SAP standard does not do an availability check on the quotation, as it is not a definite order, usually just a pricing quote. When it is converted to an order, the first availability check is carried out, as well as credit checks. The system will check stock in the plant, plus what is contained in the availability checking rule (scope of check) eg: can add POs for replenishment, purchase reqs, different planned orders, and subtract sales orders, deliveries etc already created against that material in that plant (and possibly Storage location). If there is enough stock in the plant/SLoc, the system will give you a confirmed date, or give you a date based on the production time or purchasing time from the material master. The date the system proposes is based on the customer's requested delivery date. SAP first backward schedules looking at the required delivery date, less transportation time, less transportation lead time, less pick and pack time, less production/purchase time if applicable. If the date it calculates is equal or later than todays date, then it will confirm the customers required date. If it falls in the past, SAP will then forward schedule for todays date, plus the times listed above to get the date when the customer can actually have it. ATP is the single most complex part of the SD module, depending upon how PP and MRP is set up. MRP works semi-separately, depending on how it is set up. Basically, MRP looks at the demand on the plant, and if it the stock does not meet expected sales orders and deliveries, it will create a purchase requisition (outside purchase) or requirement or planned order (for production) to cover the shortfall. When MRP is started, it will turn the PR into a PO or the requirement into a production order.

SD material Determination based on availability check

For SD material Determination you can create a Substitution reason and on the Strategy field, the following info. is available: Product selection in the background is performed on the basis of the availability check. We want to have the material determination only in case on material shortage. We expect the Substitution reason to give us this functionallity. It does not hovever take the availabilty into account before substitution. We thought the worse case is to create a ABAP which is linked to the "requirement" field in the Procedure (OV13). Has anyone had the same requirement? Is this a bug or just incorrectly documented?

I also encountered this abnormally recently using material determination. In order to combat the problem, the first product substitution should be for the original material. I've illustrated this below: Original Product: ABC Substitutes: DEF, XYZ In order to perform product substitution ONLY in the case of ATP failure for product ABC, structure the Material Determination record as follows: Material Entered: ABC Substitutes: ABC DEF XYZ There seems to be a devaition at availability check and or on a conceptual note still. Availability check can be configured both at requiremnt class and at the schedule line categories level. Whilst the availabilty check at the requirement class level via global and mandatory configuration the schedule line catgry availability check deals with the order. It is mandatory that the reqmnt class is flagged off for avlblty check and the schdelu line cat need not be. The following are the mandatory for Availability check to happen-1. Must be swithced on at the requirment class level and at the schedule line level. 2. Reqmnt type must exist by which a requiremnt class can be found 3. There must exist a plant and is defined 4.Checking group must be defined in Material Master records(it controls whthr the system is to create individual or collective reqmnt) A combination of checking gropup and checking rule will determine the scope of availbaility check.

Creating Multiple Materials in Material Determination

Material Determination is used to swap one material for another.It is possible to get a list of materials for substituiton,but remember you can substitue only one material from the list. This can be done through substituiton reason T Code [OVRQ] See the substitution reason number for Manual Material Selection - check the Entry box - check the Warning box - select A for Stategy - save. Go To VB11 to create Material Determination (taking into consideration that all the previous steps for material determiantion i.e. maintaining condition types,maintaining procedures for material determination and assigning procedures to sales doc. types have been done)

Create one material determination,dont forget to give the Subst reason on top and also on the line. Click the Variants Icon on top left-Sreen opens Specify different materials you want to swap with the material you have enterd Note that the subst reason is already copied on the screen Remember materials should be of the same sales area,atleast Divisions should be same.

Backward and Forward Scheduling

Backward scheduling is the calculation of deadline dates: the arrival time at the customer site is calculated as the earliest possible goods receipt time at the customers unloading point on the requested delivery date. All four of the delivery and transportation scheduling lead times are subtracted from the customer's requested delivery date to determine if this date can be met. The transit time, loading time, and pick/pack time are subtracted from the customers requested delivery date to calculate the required material availability date. The system calculates backward scheduling as follows: Requested delivery date minus transit time = Goods issue date Goods issue date minus loading time = Loading date Loading date minus transportation lead time = Transportation scheduling date Loading date minus pick/pack time = Material availability date By default, the system will calculate delivery dates the closest day, taking into consideration the working days of the shipping point and a rounding profile. In this case the system assumes a 24 hour work day and lead times can be entered in days up to 2 decimal points. This is referred to as daily scheduling. Precise scheduling calculated down to the day, hour and minute is supported. This allows the scheduling of a delivery within a single day. It is activated by maintaining the working hours for a particular shipping point. Backward scheduling is always carried out first. If the material availability date or transportation scheduling date is calculated to be in the past, the system must then use forward scheduling. Forward scheduling is also done if no product is available on the material availability date calculated by backward scheduling. The system does an availability check to determine the first possible date when product will be available. This new material availability date forms the starting point for scheduling the remaining activities. The loading time, pick/pack time, transit time, and transportation lead time are added to the new material availability date to calculate the confirmed delivery date.

Configuring Availability Check Through Checking Groups

1. The checking group + checking rule determine how the availability check is to be performed.

2. The checking group determines whether and how the system checks the stock availability and generates requirements for material planning. The checking group defines what type of requirements will be passed on i.e. summarized requirements (daily/weekly) or individual requirements for each sales order. 3. The checking rule applies to how the availability check is to be carried out at the transaction level. Note that you must define checking rules for each individual application such as for production orders for example. In Sales and Distribution, the checking rule is specified internally within the system and cannot be changed. 4. The checking rule, in conjunction with the checking group, determines the scope of the availability check for every business operation; that is, which stocks, receipts and issues are to be included in the availability check and whether the check is to be carried out with or without the replenishment lead time. 5. Briefly explaining the above checking group determines which type of requirement to be passed on to MRP whether it be individual or summarized and checking rule which is at the transaction level and can be configured independently for each application module, determines which stocks, receipts and issues to be taken into account. For performing an availability check checking group has to work in conjunction with checking rule. 6. Advantages of individual processing over summarized processing Backorder processing is possible. You can access (MD04) order, line and schedule line individually which gives a greater control on available stock and requirements placed on stock. The system automatically uses individual requirements in case of special stock items. 7. Required data for the Availability check to be carried out The Availability check must be switched on at the requirement class level. The Availability check must be set at the schedule line level. A requirements type must exist by which the requirements class can be found. A plant must be defined in the sales order for each schedule line item (in other words plant must be defined for every material in MMR). A checking group must be defined in the material master record in the MRP3 screen in the availability check field. 8. Configuring Availability check and defining Checking Groups Checking groups are introduced into the sales order based on the setting in the material master record. SAP standard checking groups are 01 summarized requirements and 02 individual requirements or you can create your own by copying the standard ones. Total sales and total deliveries columns are there to configure a checking rule to sum up requirements to post to MRP either individually or by day or week. Block quantity required can be set if you want several users to be able to process the material simultaneously in different transactions without blocking each other. The no check indicator is CHECKED when you DO NOT want the system to carry out ATP check. 9. Defining material block for other users the block check box is an indicator that enables you to block material master records of a particular material during the

availability check and restrict other users from accessing same master record and reserve the material. If the block is not set, two users can confirm the same material at the same time for two different orders, not knowing if the stock is available or not. If you select this field, the material is blocked during the availability check and other users cannot: a) Make changes in the material master record. b) Create purchase orders for the material. C) Create orders for the material. 10. Defining default values for checking groups - Checking groups are introduced into the sales order based on the setting in the material master record. However if there is no entry present in the material master record for the checking group, a default value can be set here, depending on material type and plant. This default value will be used by the system depending on the material type mentioned in MMR and plant in sales order. If an entry exists, this default value is over written by MMR. 11. Controlling Availability Check in this section, you tell the system what stock on hand and what inward and outward movements of stock it must take into account when performing the availability check in addition to whether or not to consider the replenishment lead time. 12. These settings are based on the checking group that is assigned to the material master record and the checking rule that is predefined and assigned to the sales and distribution transaction. 13. These settings carry out control both for sales order and delivery as well. This is due to the fact that you may want to include specific stock or incoming stock for the sales order, yet at the time of the delivery only include physical stock on hand waiting to be shipped. 14. It is possible to indicate to the system that you would like the availability check NOT TO CHECK the stock at the storage location level. This indicator is used to set the scope of the availability check. 15. It is used to switch off the check at storage location level. You create a reservation for a particular storage location. However, the scope of the availability check is set in such a way as to exclude the storage location. In this case, the system carries out the check at plant level only and does not take the storage location into account that is specified in the reservation. 16. Should you not want the system to automatically check RLT, you may indicate so here. RLT is the time taken for a material to become available. It is only used when doing an ATP check and is taken from MMR. 17. Defining the elements in the availability check entirely depends on the business needs, but a few tips are given under When controlling the Availability check at the time of the sales order, a purchase requisition does not necessarily indicate by it is going to come into the plant. A shipping notification on the other hand - a confirmed purchase order is a good indicator of receiving stock on a specified date. It is always recommended not to select the shipping notifications for the delivery requirements type as you may not actually receive the stock into plant or warehouse for which you are creating a delivery.

Back Order Processing Using CO06 and V_V2 What are the difference between CO06 and V_V2 ? Both seem to be backorder rescheduling transactions.
CO06 - Material - Back order Processing (rescheduling program SAPLATP4) V_RA - SD Document - Backorder Processing (rescheduling program SAPMV75B) V_V2 - Execute Rescheduling/ Rescheduling Sales and Stock Transfer Documents: by material The rescheduling program (SDV03V02) behind the V_V2. CO06 confirmed qty can't be change I want to change the confirmed qty in orders and use tcode CO06, but it prompt " please select a line that can be changed". I selected the blue line ... can someone tell me why the confirmed qty can't be changed, any restrict condition if I want to change it? Run the report SDRQCR21 for the said material/plant and then check if its confirmation from CO09 goes out or not. This report is basically is run in case of inconsistency of stock, removal of confirmation of stock and if some stock is blocked under some unwanted processes like old SO's, deliveries, STO's etc then that stock can be released via this report. Confirm quantity in schedule line I'm using service material in my sales order and I need the schedule line to confirm the quantity always in the actual day (not depending on the delivery date). "Purchase requisition with delivery scheduling" is not checked and still the quantity is not confirmed on the sales order date (todays date). What I need is: - Create a sales order with todays date: 29-09-2009 - Schedule line: quantity confirmed on todays date 29-09-2009 But my quantity is confirmed for the next day. I'm using service material. To solve your issue: T. Code: VOV8 Select your Sales Doc. type and Double-Click. In Tab: Shipping, Check Box: Immediate Delivery (press F1 to read more about this functionality). Note: There are few more settings that you may check: 1. T. Code: OVLZ Field: Pick/pack time wrkdys whether you have maintained any value. It should have been blank.

2. T. Code: VOV8 Check how many days mentioned in Lead time in Days. If it is mentioned any days, remove it. 3. T. Code: OVZ9 Checked the Box: Check without RLT . 4. Check in material master MRP2 view how many days are maintained for the fields InHouse production and GR Processing Time. How to see the scope of ATP check? When we creat a sales order, we can only confirm the delivery of goods, for the required delivery date if the goods are available for all the necessary processing activities which take place before delivery. Types of availability check: There are 3 types of availability checks in sales document processing: 1. Check on the basis of ATP quantities (Available To Promise) 2. Check against Product Allocation 3. Check against planning. Check on the basis of ATP Quantities The ATP quantity is calculated from the ware house stock, The planned inward movements of stocks (purchase orders, planned orders, production orders, etc) and The planned out ward movements of stock (Sales orders, delivery documents, etc.) This type of check is performed dynamically for each transaction with or without replenishment lead time (RLT). RLT : It is the time that is needed to order or produce the requested material, the system determines the RLT according to specific times maintained in the material master record. Depending on the material type RLT can be calculated according to various time periods. For ex: In the case of trading goods it is determined according to the planned delivery time, purchase processing time and the goods receipt processing time. Availability check including RLT: Availability is checked up to the end of Replenishment Lead Time. If the material availability data is calculated on the basis of current date to lie after the RLT, item it self can be confirmed despite insufficient stock being available. In this case the system assumes that any quantity requested by the customer can be procured by the material availability date and consider the goods to be available. Controlling availability check in sales document processing. We need to customize SD Specific settings and General Settings

General Control Features: The following control elements need to be maintained in customizing and in the material master record. 1. Strategy group: The allowed planning strategies i.e. the main strategy and further possible strategies are combined in a strategy group. It is specified in the Material Master Record in MRP3 view. Note: In customizing, the strategy groups are assigned to MRP groups depending on the Plant so that the strategy group is automatically proposed in the Material Master. 2. MRP group: The MRP group combines the material from the point of material requirements planning which is specified on the MRP1 view in the Material Master Data. SD Specific Control Features: 1. Requirements class: It controls all control features for planning and is also specifies whether the availability check is to take place for materials in the SD documents on the basis of ATP quantities and whether the requirements are to be passed on. SPRO Sales and distribution Basic functions Availability check and transfer of requirements Availability check Availability check with ATP planning or against planning Define procedure by requirement class Checking groups: Checking group controls whether the system is to create individual or collective requirements in sales and shipping process. In addition a material block for the availability check with transfer of requirements can be set here. The checking group can also be used to deactivate the availability check. SPRO Sales and distribution Basic functions Availability check and transfer of requirements Availability check Availability check with ATP planning or against planning Define checking groups Checking rule: We use the checking rule to control the scope of availability check for each transaction the SD process. Checking rule in the combination of checking group determines the scope of availability check

Creating checking rule SPRO Material management Purchasing Purchase order Set up stock transport order Create checking rule Scope of availability check SPRO Sales and distribution Basic functions Availability check and transfer of requirements Availability check Availability check with ATP planning or against planning Carry out control for availability check Go to New Entries and define the scope of check in the combination of checking group and checking rule. The following elements can be involved in the availability check STOCKS: []Include safety stocks: Minimum stock at plant/ware house []Stock in transfer []Include quality inspection stock []Include Inward movement Out ward movement Purchase orders Sales requirements Purchase requisitions Deliveries Planned orders Release orders etc. Production orders If we do not check the field [] check without RLT the system considers RLT while checking the availability of the material Note: Blocking the material for availability check SPRO Sales and distribution Basic functions Availability check and transfer of requirements Availability check Availability check with ATP planning or against planning

Define material block for other users If we check the field Block [] during the availability check of a material the users cannot make changes in the Material Master, cannot create PO, cannot create sales orders. Note: During the Material Master creation the system automatically proposes the checking group. Further the following setting is required. SPRO Sales and distribution Basic functions Availability check and transfer of requirements Availability check Availability check with ATP planning or against planning Define checking groups default values. We need to assign the checking group to the combination of material type and plant. Give more insight about this program SDV03V02 or V_V2. We run this program every night at our company to reschedule the sales orders which is pushing back some of the orders that are to be delivered in the next few days too. This is causing some problems. When you reschedule (transaction V_V2), orders that contain items determined in product selection are reevaluated. If the substitution settings have changed, or there is more product available, the system may determine other substitutes. This may result in products being promised to the customer other than those agreed to at the time of order entry. To avoid this, you can set the fixed date and qty indicator in the order (choose Goto --> Item --> Schedule lines). The system will not take the order account when rescheduling. Items determined in product selection are only considered in a rescheduling run when you have set the input parameters to include all materials. If you specify only certain materials, main and sub-items from product selection are excluded. The fixed date and quantity indicator does not influence product selection in the delivery. If a product selection item has been partially delivered, the system does not take it into account in rescheduling runs. You have the options to set the Delivery Priority in the following areas:1) In Customer Master Sales Area Data, under Shipping tab, you have the option of setting Delivery Priority. 2) In Customer Material Info record (VD51), after entering the material code, just click on the blue lens so that you can set the delivery priority for the combination of customer and material So, to consolidate, we can only prioritize in V_V2 depending on : 1. Customer priority set in shipping tab under delivery priority;

2. Customer - Material info record; 3. Date of order creation; 4. Delivery date on the schedule line level; 5. Document Number and 6. Document Date. Generally, it gives more priority to standard sales document type which is OR even though there are other sales document types, it gives more priority to OR then other STO document types like NLCC. etc. The system takes the delivery priority first from Customer - Material info record, if Customer - Material info record is not maintained then it checks the CMR delivery priority . Tell me the difference between CO06 and V_V2. Both seem to be backorder rescheduling transactions. V_V2 -> It is a Rescheduling process of backorders. CO06 -> It is also backorder processing but based on material .

Settlement Downpayment with Installment payment Term

Scenario :- Problem with Down payment settlement using installment payment term. 1. When we create Sales order, (sales item value = 100) use payment term : 0009 (Installment Payment term, 30%, 40%, 30%). In the Billing Plan, I specify 2 records, 1st record is Downpayment request 30% of Order value, billing type is FAZ . the 2nd record is Final invoice 100%, billing type is F2. 2. Create Billing type Down payment request , it will document as Noted item in the accounting document. 3. Receive Downpayment from customer via FI screen , at this stage the asccounting document is created as following Dr. Cash/Bank 30 Cr. Advance from customer 30 4. When I create Billing document for the sales item, the down payment value will be proposed for settlement at Billing Creation, I then accept the default value of down payment clearing. The accounting document is as below Dr. AR 30 (*split AR by installment payment term) AR 40 AR 30 Cr. Sales 100 Dr. Advance from customer 30 Cr. AR 9 (DP. 30% * 30)

Cr AR 12 (DP. 30% * 40) Cr AR 9 (DP. 30% * 30) It seems SAP settlement Down payment by Installment Payment term. I was wondering that is there are alternative or an option to setup the Down payment settlement independent of Installment term. I meant, I don't want to have the last 3 Credit item as above, I want only 1 line item of credit, the accounting should be Dr. AR 30 (*split AR by installment payment term) AR 40 AR 30 Cr. Sales 100 Dr. Advance from customer 30 Cr. AR 30 (Not separate by Installment payment term) Solutions : Suggesstions on how I could proceed? Your problem with Down payment settlement is common. Many users object to the down payment or security lodgement mechanism. In our case we often park and apply the advance manually to final invoice. However, following the above case we sometimes use this with our PS orders: 1. Create Sales order, (sales item value = 100) with billing plan with three steps 30% down payment,30% std billiing on order completion and 70% on delivery. A little different to your original Billing Plan, but 1st record is Downpayment request 30% of Order value, billing type is FAZ . the 2nd & 3rd records are std F2 invoices 30% ,70%. 2. Create Billing type Down payment request , it will document as Noted item in the accounting document. 3. Receive Downpayment from customer via FI screen , at this stage the accounting document is created as following :Dr. Cash/Bank 30 Cr. Security deposit payment 30 ( In many countries this may be subject to TAX laws) 4. Create the First Billing documents , the down payment value will be proposed for settlement at Billing Creation, then accept the default value of down payment clearing as these equal each other. The accounting document is as below Dr. AR 30 Cr. Sales 30 Dr. Advance from customer 30 Cr. AR 30 5. Create the Second Billing document ( down payment value has expired and will not be proposed) The accounting document is as below is then standard for the last installement. Dr. AR 60 Cr. Sales 60

This alternative provides a cleaner option with the Downpayment

Customized SD ABAP Reports Sales and Distribution - Upload Condition Pricing

RV14BTCI - Batch Input for Uploading Condition Pricing After executing the program, you have to use SM35 to process the update program. Envirionment : 4.6x Require flat file :ROW 1 BGR00 ROW 2 BKOND1 ROW 3 BKOND2 - no scale ROW 4 BKOND2 - no scale ROW 5 BKOND3 - with scale ROW 6 BKOND2 - no scale Sample flat file for uploading table A305 - Customer/Material with release status :0BIPRICE 123SAPABAP X 1VK15 A305V PR00 2ALL 990000123456SAP8204142100 2002043020020401 50USD 100PC 2ALL 990000123456SAP8217168100 2002043020020401 50USD 100PC 3 100PC 2 3 200PC 1 2ALL 990000123456SAP8220133910
There a total of 4 flat file format :BGR00 - Session Header Record

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Field name | Description | Length | Dec. | | Report header | Cat.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| STYPE | Record type | 000001 | 000000 | | GROUP | Group name | 000012 | 000000 | | MANDT | Client | 000003 | 000000 | | 0 | BI Session Name | Your client no | CHAR | CHAR | CLNT

| USNAM | User ID | 000012 | 000000 | | START | Lock until: | 000010 | 000000 | | XKEEP | Keep indicator | 000001 | 000000 | | NODATA | No batch input | 000001 | 000000 |

| Queue user ID | Queue start date


| X - don't delete SESS| CHAR | / | CHAR


BKOND1 - Header Record

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Field name | Description | Length | Dec. | | Report header | Cat.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| STYPE | Record type | 000001 | 000000 | | TCODE | Transaction code | 000020 | 000000 | | KVEWE | Usage | 000001 | 000000 | | KOTABNR | Table | 000003 | 000000 | | KAPPL | Application | 000002 | 000000 | | KSCHL | Condition type | 000004 | 000000 | | 1 | TCode = VK15 | U | Table e.g. 305 | App e.g V | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR

| CTyp e.g PR00


BKOND2 - Main Data Record


| Field name | Description | Length | Dec. |

| Report header

| Cat.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| STYPE | Record type | 000001 | 000000 | | VAKEY | VarKey | 000100 | 000000 | | DATBI | Valid to | 000010 | 000000 | | DATAB | Valid on | 000010 | 000000 | | KBETR | Amount | 000015 | 000000 | | KONWA | R/2 table | 000005 | 000000 | | KPEIN | R/2 table | 000005 | 000000 | | KMEIN | | 000003 | 000000 | | MWSK1 | Tax code | 000002 | 000000 | | KONMS | Scale UoM | 000003 | 000000 | | MXWRT | Amount | 000015 | 000000 | | GKWRT | Amount | 000015 | 000000 | | STFKZ | Scale type | 000001 | 000000 | | KZNEP | Exclusion | 000001 | 000000 | | LOEVM_KO | Deletion indic. | 000001 | 000000 | | 2 | VarKey | Valid to | Valid on | Amount | R2tab | R2tab | | Tx | UoM | Amount | Amount | S | CndEx | D | CHAR | CHAR | DATS | DATS | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR | UNIT | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR | CHAR

| SKONWA | R/2 table | 000005 | 000000 |

| R2tab



BKOND3 - Scale Data Record

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Field name | Description | Length | Dec. | | Report header | Cat.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| STYPE | Record type | 000001 | 000000 | | KSTBM | Quantity | 000018 | 000000 | | KONMS | Scale UoM | 000003 | 000000 | | KBETR | Amount | 000015 | 000000 | | 3 | Quantity | UoM | Amount | CHAR | CHAR | UNIT | CHAR


Sales Order Changed History Display

* * Sales Order Changed History Display * * You can execute the report by : * 1. Change Date * 2. User Name * 3. Sales Order Number * * Submitted by : SAP Basis, ABAP Programming and Other IMG Stuff * * REPORT ZSDCHANGE LINE-SIZE 132 NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING LINE-COUNT 065(001) MESSAGE-ID VR. TABLES: DD04T, CDHDR,






TOP-OF-PAGE. WRITE:/ SY-DATUM,SY-UZEIT, 50 'SALES ORDER CHANGE HISTORY', 120 'Page', SY-PAGNO. WRITE: / SY-REPID, 60 'SALES ORDERS STATISTICS'. SKIP. ULINE. IF SUDATE = 'X'. WRITE:/001 'Change Date', 013 'Time', 023 'User Name', 037 'Sale Order', 049 'Line', 057 'Sch No', 065 'Changes'. ELSEIF SOBID = 'X'. WRITE:/001 'Sale Order', 013 'Line', 021 'Sch No', 029 'Change Date', 041 'Time', 051 'User Name', 065 'Comment'. ELSE. WRITE:/001 'User Name', 015 'Time', 025 'Change Date', 037 'Sale Order', 049 'Line', 057 'Sch No', 065 'Changes'. ENDIF. ULINE.

*--- End of Program Where to find the User Exits on Sales and Distribution along with functionality? To see the detail go to SPRO --- Sales and Distribution ---- System Modifications --- User Exits There you will find all the details by checking IMG Activity Documentation. You will have User exit for - Sales Document Processing. This IMG step describes additional installation-specific processing in sales document processing. In particular, the required INCLUDES and user exits are described. Involved program components System modifications for sales document processing affect different areas. Depending on the modification, you make the changes in the program components provided: - MV45ATZZ For entering metadata for sales document processing. User-specific metadata must start with "ZZ".

- MV45AOZZ For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing which are called up by the screen and run under PBO (Process Before Output) prior to output of the screen. The modules must start with "ZZ". - MV45AIZZ For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing. These are called up by the screen and run under PAI (Process After Input) after data input (for example, data validation). The modules must start with "ZZ". - MV45AFZZ and MV45EFZ1 For entering installation-specific FORM routines and for using user exits, which may be required and can be used if necessary. These program components are called up by the modules in MV45AOZZ or MV45AIZZ. You will find all User Exits on Sales and Distribution along with functionality. What are the user exit for billing document release to accounting? Please check below exits/customer exits, these all are trigger during VF02. USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE (Module pool SAPLV60A, program RV60AFZZ) The internal number range used in the standard system is specified in the billing type table and can be changed in this user exit. This user exit is only called when the billing documents is created. USEREXIT_ACCOUNT_PREP_KOMKCV (Module pool SAPLV60A, program RV60AFZZ) In this user exit additional fields for account determination that are not provided in the standard system are copied into communication structure KOMKCV (header fields). USEREXIT_ACCOUNT_PREP_KOMPCV (Module pool SAPLV60A) In this user exit additional fields for account determination that are not provided in the standard system are copied into communication structure KOMPCV (item fields). USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE_INV_DATE (Module pool SAPLV60A, program RV60AFZC) Depending on the number range, table TVFKD is used to set the billing date (countryspecific requirements in Italy). USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE is automatically deactivated when this user exit is being applied. USEREXIT_FILL_VBRK_VBRP (Module pool SAPLV60A, program RV60AFZC) This user exit is only called when the billing document is created. It is used to provide the header and the item of the new billing document with deviating or additional data. USEREXIT_PRINT_ITEM (Module pool SAPLV61A, program RV61AFZB) Printing the item line of a billing document can be supplemented or changed.

USEREXIT_PRINT_HEAD (Module pool SAPLV61A, Program RV61AFZB) Printing the header line of a billing document can be supplemented or changed. User exits in program RV60AFZD Short descriptions of the user exits are contained in the program: USEREXIT_RELI_XVBPAK_AVBPAK USEREXIT_NEWROLE_XVBPAK_AVBPAK USEREXIT_NEWROLE_XVBPAP_AVBPAK The following user exits are available in report SAPLV60B for transfer to accounting (function group V60B): EXIT_SAPLV60B_001: Change the header data in the structure acchd You can use this exit to influence the header information of the accounting document. For example, you can change the business transaction, "created on" date and time, the name of the person who created it or the transaction with which the document was created. EXIT_SAPLV60B_002: Change the customer line ACCIT You can use this exit to change the customer line in the accounting document. This exit is processed once the ACCIT structure is filled in with data from document header VBRK. EXIT_SAPLV60B_003: Change the customer line in costing The customer line is filled in differently for costing. You can use exit 003 to influence the ACCIT structure. EXIT_SAPLV60B_004: Change a GL account item ACCIT You can add information to a GL account item (such as quantity specifications) with this exit. EXIT_SAPLV60B_005: User exit for accruals Once all relevant data for accruals was entered in the GL account item, you can add to this data with this exit. EXIT_SAPLV60B_006: Change the control line ACCIT You can use exit 006 to add information to the control line. EXIT_SAPLV60B_007: Change the installment plan You can use exit 007 to add information to the installment plan parameters in the GL account item. EXIT_SAPLV60B_008: Change the transfer structure ACCCR, ACCIT and ACCHD After the accounting document is filled in with data, you can use exit 008 to change the document once again. EXIT_SAPLV60B_010: Item table for customer lines You can use exit 10 to influence the contents of customer lines before they are created. EXIT_SAPLV60B_0011: Change the parameter for cash account determination or reconciliation account determination You can use this exit to change inbound parameters in order to influence account determination. Note:

Use enhancement "SDVFX008", Component : "EXIT_SAPLV60B_008". SDVFX008 will indeed trigger while you create accounting document through VF01 or VF02. We have done similar development to update SGTXT field in BSEG. Check whether the function exit is activated.

Customer Return material From customer

You need to receipt the rejected goods through SD Module (VA01 - Sales Order type RE). The steps are as follows : 1. Create a return request. (Using Sales Order in SD) 2. Create outbound delivery according to return request. 3. If the setting is correct in the outbound delivery screen SAP will automatically switch post goods issue button into post goods receipt. The setting is in sales order item category and delivery type. 4. In the standard system the movement type used is 651. 5. After post goods issues receipt is done using outbound delivery, the quantity is placed in blocked stock without value updating. 6. You will then decide if the return quantity are indeed bad stock or not. 7. Transfer Posting from block stock to unrestricted stock (mvt type 453), this will have accounting effect (Debit Inventory, Credit COGS) 8. Goods Issue to scrap account how to create new titles which can be used in creating the "address" view on the Vendor master.{T-Code: XK01} In config go to Basis Components --> basis services --> Address Management --> Maintain title texts What processes are involved with Customer Returns? How do we create a replacement order, and what should we do if a replacement is not issued? A return is a sales document used in complaints processing for when a customer sends goods back. You enter a return in the system if the customer returns damaged goods, or goods that had been delivered for sale on approval. The return causes the system to: Register the receipt of goods using a returns delivery, and post the goods to stock (for example, blocked stock). Create a credit memo, once you have checked the goods and approved the complaint. A return is another type of sales document like a standard order. The return triggers the following functions: - Delivery (returns delivery) - Billing (for creating a credit memo)

When you create a return based on a complaint, you: Post the goods to your warehouse for checking And then, implement one of the following activities: - Approve the complaint and create a credit memo - Approve the complaint, and implement a free of charge subsequent delivery based on the return - Reject the complaint PGI (Post Goods Issue) may be cancelled by Transaction code VL09. The accounting document is just the reverse of the original PGI document. In my company, we use project stock (movement type 601 Q for PGI). VL09 creates the movement type 602 Q. But rather than VL09, the generally accepted method in my company for the reverse items is to use the movement type 653, "back to the to the storage location." The accounting document takes the cost "from" the project and moves it back "to" the storage location. The movement types are entered in the schedule lines in customizing, which are then assigned to the item categories. However, in this process, "no invoice" takes place. If you have a delivery related invoice, it should be cancelled beforehand. If you do not give replacement, the Customer Account needs to be credited. Please do not forget to create a Billing document (Formally Return Credit Memo) with reference to return delivery. It is very important in order to close the cycle. If you do not create a return credit memo, your delivery will keep appearing in the "Billing Due" list and with status "Being processed". When you create a return order type RE, the billing type is picked up as RE (Return Credit Memo) automatically. When you are creating a replacement, you can create a replacement order, delivery, and billing. To create the replacement order, you can define an order type by copying from order type OR. In the copy control, you can define the relevant item categories from RE to OR. You can make reference Mandatory for this order type. The delivery type for this replacement order type will be LF and billing type F2. Usage of price group in customer master Have a business requirement like this: The price group field is used for different discount rates for the customers. There are 2 types of customers wholesale and retail. I am not sure of the usage of price groups in customer master to use for the discount for the customers. Answer: Generally the usage of customer group is to group the customers into One group so that whenever you want to give some additional discount to that customer group then you can give Example : Say you have 2 customers and 2 customers have 2 pricing groups. Customer A belongs to

Wholesale Pricing grp and Customer B belongs to Retail Pricing grp. Maintain a condition record With the help of the Customer / Pricing grp key combination. Now for wholesale you give extra discount and for retail you give less discount. Now when you create the sales order with Customer A then he will be getting extra discount But if you create the sales order with Customer B then he will be getting normal discount Price group is a field where you can group certain customers under one umbrella. Suppose if you have 3 price groups say price group1 price group2 and price group3. Say there are 10 customers A to J. - You are assigning customers A to D in price group 1. - You are assigning customers E to G in price group 2. - You are assigning customers H to J in price group 3 in their respective CMRs. Price group can be added as filed in pricing condition table and you can maintain condition records for them: In VK11 the table with price group 1 is maintained discount of 5 % In VK11 the table with price group 2 is maintained discount of 6 % In VK11 the table with price group 3 is maintained discount of 7 % So in sales order the customers A to D will get 5 % discount and customers E to G will get 6 % discount and customers H to J will get 7 % discount. How can I create a customer price group? Please go through this IMG path then define the Customer pricing group. SPRO --> IMG --> Sales and Distribution --> Basic Functions ------> Pricing --> Maintain Price relevant master data fields ---> Define Pricing group for Customers. Transaction code --> OVSL

Implement the Product Allocation Functionality

We are required to implement product allocation functionality in SAP R/3 (Enterprise Version). We tried to do the elaborate steps as per the implementation guide but are not successful. Can you kindly help by giving the simple steps for implementation. Please see if the following helps: Configuration Overview; Allocation Specific Usage 1.Allocation Procedure (OV1Z) The product allocation procedure is the parent of the entire allocation process. All materials that are to be included in the allocation scheme are

required to have an allocation procedure assigned to it in the material master. In addition, as of release 4.0, it is in the procedure that the method of allocation is defined. The user has the opportunity to set an indicator to identify their choice of two different methods (discrete and cumulative allocation) to evaluate the quantities to be considered for product allocation. 2.Allocation Object (OV2Z) The allocation object is the root level of the allocation process where actual data is entered and planned in LIS. The object allows the user to further break down a procedure into smaller parts for future validation of components comprising a specific material 3.Allocation Hierarchy Mapping (OV3Z) Primarily, this transaction permits the assignment of an allocation procedure to an LIS information structure. Secondly, a character is assigned to the information structure to permit collective planning. Finally, the user can assign a step level to the procedure and information structure to sequence the order in which allocation quantities are checked. This functionality allows the user the opportunity to check product allocation against several product allocation scenarios, before the required quantity is confirmed 4.Define Consumption Periods (OV5Z) The allocation consumption periods functionality is only valid if the allocation method flag has been set (OV1Z). If you have de-selected the method field, this functionality is not available. The consumption window indicates the number of past and future periods to be used in the allocation check. 5.Control Product Allocation (OV4Z) In order for the allocation process to function properly, allocation control records are created primarily to map allocation procedure steps to their corresponding objects so that the allocation data records can be located for validation. Secondly, validity periods must be established to indicate when the allocation control records are active. Finally, the user has the option of establishing a conversion factor per allocation control record to accommodate BOM listings of constrained materials 6.Activate Allocation for Requirement Class (OVZ0) In order to turn on allocation in the standard order processing functionality, the requirements class must have a flag indicating that allocation is relevant. 7.Activate Allocation for Schedule Line Category (OVZ8) In order to turn on allocation in the standard order processing functionality, the schedule line must have a flag indicating that allocation is relevant 8.Create Planning Hierarchy (MC61) In order to adequately establish allocation quantities, the user must initially determine the level at which the allocation is to take place and the aggregation factor of the allocation quantities. In this step, the levels for the collective allocation search procedure are also identified. 9.Generate Masking Character (OV7Z) Upon completion of the level determination for the planning hierarchy, the collective allocation masking character must be generated to allow aggregation indicators to be established. This transaction simply reads the hierarchy established in the planning table and then generates a collective mask character for each level of the hierarchy

10.Modify Planning Hierarchy (MC62) This step is a repeat of MC61 where the initial hierarchy was established. In order to complete the hierarchical set up, the collective allocation (mask character) hierarchy must now be maintained with the appropriate aggregation factors 11.Allocation Procedure Assignment to Material Master (MM02) At the root level of the allocation process are the materials. Each material that is to be considered in allocation scenario must be mapped to an allocation procedure. In order entry, then, when a material is entered with a valid allocation procedure in the material master, the allocation data is verified prior to confirming the line item ordered 12.List of Suitable Structures (OV9Z) This report is used to identify potential LIS information structures that can be used in the product allocation process. This report simply reads through the data dictionary and selects all the active information structures that contain the field product allocation object (KONOB) as the first field. This data can then be utilized in the mapping transaction (OV3Z) to link the allocation procedure step to an information structure (previous step).

Output/Email Sending a billing document by e-mail

First, your SAP system must be configure by the basis people in order for you to send an external mail. Whether it can send pdf or other file format will depends on the Mail Server you are using. The basis people must also maintain the conversion parameters so that SAP knows how to convert the billing documents to be send as a pdf file or other desired format specified by your company. Finally, you have define the IMG in Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents (Output type MAIL)

SAP Customizing Picking Output

From Release 4.5A, the system does no longer display the actions for SD picking in the implementation guide. If you want to use the picking list according to the "old" procedure, you can maintain the list as follows: o Carry out Transaction V/38 to maintain the output types. o Carry out Transaction OVLT to assign the picking list types to the shipping points. o Carry out Transaction V/53 to assign the picking lists to own forms and programs.

Program for Sales Order by Customer, Date, Sales

Sales Order by Organisation, Customer - To create the Sales Order by More no of Date's

User's can easily take the Report from this by selecting Different kinds like Customer Specific [And/Or] Sales Organisation Specific [And/Or] duration of date but Here Date is Mandatory Fields user must have to give date as a selection criteria In Second level this report will interact with user where they can select date to see the full Details of Sales Order Selection - Sales Organisation - Date - Customer this will be usefull when Selecting the Checkbox Standard Variants - Output - Sales Order Example Date SalesOrderNo Material Amount Currency 10.01.2007 8530 732 1000 INR
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZCHE_SALES_ORDER *&--------Done by V.Chellavelu on 11.01.2007 --------------------------* REPORT zche_sales_order .

****************************Declarations******************************** TABLES: vbkd,vepvg.",vbak,vbap,vbpa,vakpa, vapma. DATA: BEGIN OF sal OCCURS 0, ch TYPE checkbox, vbeln LIKE vbak-vbeln, netwr LIKE vbak-netwr, matnr LIKE vbap-matnr, waerk LIKE vbak-waerk, dat LIKE vbak-erdat, END OF sal. DATA: newsal LIKE sal OCCURS

" sales document "Net Value of the SalesOrder "material no. "curr. "date. 0 WITH HEADER LINE.

DATA: amount LIKE vbak-netwr, date2(15),date3(8),date4(1), date5(2),date6(2). DATA: lin LIKE sy-curow VALUE 1,"Screens, vertical cursor position at "PAI available in SYST struc. checkbox TYPE c , dat LIKE vbak-erdat. *******************Selection**Screen**Design**************************** SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK blk1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-001. PARAMETERS: vkorg LIKE vepvg-vkorg, vtweg LIKE vepvg-vtweg, spart LIKE vepvg-spart. SELECT-OPTIONS date FOR vbkd-bstdk DEFAULT sy-datum TO sy-datum OBLIGATORY. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK blk1.

SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK blk2 WITH FRAME TITLE text-002. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN POSITION 10. PARAMETERS: chk1 AS CHECKBOX. SELECTION-SCREEN POSITION 20. PARAMETERS: kunnr1 LIKE vbpa-kunnr. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK blk2. ********************First**Level**Operation***************************** IF chk1 <> 'X'. IF vkorg <> ''. PERFORM organisation. ELSE. PERFORM organisation_else. ENDIF. ELSE. IF vkorg <> ''. PERFORM cus_orga. ELSE. PERFORM cus_orga_else. ENDIF. ENDIF. * Displaying the contents which is selected from table by * -selection conditions SORT sal BY dat. LOOP AT sal. ON CHANGE OF sal-dat. * FORMAT HOTSPOT ON. IF sy-tabix = 1. WRITE: sy-vline, sal-ch AS CHECKBOX,sal-dat . CLEAR amount. ELSE. WRITE:sy-vline, amount,/ sy-vline, sal-ch AS CHECKBOX,sal-dat. CLEAR amount. ENDIF. ENDON. amount = amount + sal-netwr. AT LAST. WRITE:sy-vline, amount. ULINE. SUM. * FORMAT HOTSPOT OFF. FORMAT COLOR = 3. WRITE:/ ' Total Amount:', sal-netwr UNDER amount. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. **********************Interaction with report************************** SET PF-STATUS 'BANU'. " To create Application ToolBar for Display Button * To verify Double click on BANU

AT USER-COMMAND. " This will execute after pressing Display Button CASE sy-ucomm. WHEN 'DISP'. free newsal. DO. READ LINE lin FIELD VALUE sal-ch INTO checkbox. IF sy-subrc NE 0. EXIT. ENDIF. IF checkbox = 'X'. PERFORM datecon. PERFORM process. ENDIF. lin = lin + 1. ENDDO. PERFORM selection. ENDCASE. ************************ SUB ROUTINE Area ****************************** *This Process SubRoutine will assign the values from current * -InternalTable (sal) into other IT(newsal), by date which is * - selected by CheckBox FORM process. LOOP AT sal WHERE dat = dat. newsal-ch = 'X'. newsal-vbeln = sal-vbeln. newsal-netwr = sal-netwr. newsal-matnr = sal-matnr. newsal-waerk = sal-waerk. newsal-dat = sal-dat. APPEND newsal. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. "process *&---------This will display the values for selected dates from new --* *---------------------internal Table (newsal)-------------------------* *& Form SELECTION *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM selection. ULINE. FORMAT COLOR = 1. WRITE:sy-vline,'Date',AT 14 sy-vline, 'Order NO', AT 27 sy-vline, 'Order Material', AT 48 sy-vline,'Order Value(AMT) Currency '. FORMAT COLOR OFF. ULINE. LOOP AT newsal. ON CHANGE OF newsal-dat. IF sy-tabix <> 1. WRITE:/ sy-vline, AT 14 sy-vline,AT 27 sy-vline,AT 48 sy-vline. WRITE:/ sy-vline,newsal-dat,sy-vline,AT 27 sy-vline,AT 48 sy-vline. ELSE. WRITE: sy-vline,newsal-dat,sy-vline,AT 27 sy-vline,AT 48 sy-vline. ENDIF. ENDON. WRITE:/ sy-vline, AT 14 sy-vline,newsal-vbeln,sy-vline, newsal-matnr, sy-vline, newsal-netwr, newsal-waerk.

AT LAST. SUM. ULINE. FORMAT COLOR = 3. WRITE:/ sy-vline, AT 15 'Total Amount for selected month:', newsal-netwr UNDER newsal-netwr. FORMAT COLOR OFF. ULINE. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. lin = 1. FREE newsal. ENDFORM. "SELECTION * This Date convertion is must for pick the particular Date from the * -displayed line, and here we are reversing the Date like YYYY/MM/DD * -because to Check or assign the date we need to give in reverse order *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form DATECON *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM datecon. date2 = sy-lisel(17). SHIFT date2 LEFT BY 4 PLACES. WHILE date2 <> ''. SHIFT date2 RIGHT. date4 = date2+11. IF date4 <> '.'. CONCATENATE date4 date3 INTO date3. ENDIF. ENDWHILE. date5 = date3(2). date6 = date3+2. date3 = date3+4. CONCATENATE date3 date6 date5 INTO date3. dat = date3. * SORT dat BY dat. * DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM dat COMPARING dat. ENDFORM. "DATECON * Here we are doing different kinds of selections by the EndUser's needs *&---------When user selectiong an Sales Organisation-----------------* *& Form ORGANISATION *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM organisation. SELECT f~vbeln p~matnr c~netwr c~waerk p~audat INTO (sal-vbeln, sal-matnr, sal-netwr,sal-waerk, sal-dat) FROM ( vakpa AS f INNER JOIN vbak AS c ON f~vbeln = c~vbeln ) INNER JOIN vapma AS p ON

f~vbeln = p~vbeln WHERE APPEND sal. ENDSELECT. ENDFORM.

p~audat IN date AND p~vkorg = vkorg. "ORGANISATION

*&---------Without Sales Organisation i.e All Organisation------------* *& Form ORGANISATION_ELSE *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM organisation_else. SELECT f~vbeln p~matnr c~netwr c~waerk p~audat INTO (sal-vbeln, sal-matnr, sal-netwr,sal-waerk, sal-dat) FROM ( vakpa AS f INNER JOIN vbak AS c ON f~vbeln = c~vbeln ) INNER JOIN vapma AS p ON f~vbeln = p~vbeln WHERE p~audat IN date. APPEND sal. ENDSELECT. ENDFORM.


*&------------When Selecting Customer by choosing CheckBox------------* *& Form CUS_ORGA *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM cus_orga. SELECT f~vbeln p~matnr c~netwr c~waerk p~audat INTO (sal-vbeln, sal-matnr, sal-netwr,sal-waerk, sal-dat) FROM ( vakpa AS f INNER JOIN vbak AS c ON f~vbeln = c~vbeln ) INNER JOIN vapma AS p ON f~vbeln = p~vbeln WHERE p~audat IN date AND p~vkorg = vkorg AND p~kunnr = kunnr1. APPEND sal. ENDSELECT. ENDFORM.


*&------------Without Customer by without choosing CheckBox-----------* *& Form CUS_ORGA_ELSE *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM cus_orga_else. SELECT f~vbeln p~matnr c~netwr c~waerk p~audat INTO (sal-vbeln, sal-matnr, sal-netwr,sal-waerk, sal-dat) FROM ( vakpa AS f INNER JOIN vbak AS c ON f~vbeln = c~vbeln ) INNER JOIN vapma AS p ON f~vbeln = p~vbeln WHERE p~audat IN date AND p~kunnr = kunnr1. APPEND sal. ENDSELECT.

By Chellavelu .V -

How To Maintain Output Types in SD

When I am creating a bill and saving it and then giving issue output to and then header preview, the system does not respond. Should I maintain condition records? Where and how to maintain? For getting any output either by print, Fax, or any media you have to do output determination. output determination is also carried by Condition techniques. The detail procedure for Output Determination is : OutPut Determintaion : Output is a form of media from your business to one of its business partners or it can be within the organization. The output can be sent to any of the partners defined in the document. Outputs are usually in the form of Order Confirmations, Freight List, Delivery Notes, Invoices & Shipping Notifications. Determining form of output is output determination. Types of Output: Print Output, Fax, Telex, E-Mail & EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) --> PRINT OUTPUT: Configuration path: ( following are the steps) 1) SPRO-> IMG-> Basic Functions-> Output Control-> Output Determination-> Output Determination using Condition Technique- >Output Determination for Sales Documents (or you can use output determination for billing documents depending on your requirement). 2) Create Condition Table: select the field Sales Doc Type from field catalog & Save 3) Maintain Access Sequence: 4-digits code & description. 4) Assign condition table to access sequence. Select Accesses line item and Go To Fields. Fields will display the fields we have selected in the condition table i.e. sales doc type. Maintain Output Types: AF00: Inquiry AN00: Quotation BA00: Order Confirmation LD00: Delivery RD00: Invoice Select BA00 & Copy & Rename. Give the same 4-digit code as given to access sequence. You Can Maintain: Languages of Output Partners (to whom you need to send output) Print Program- print specification Sap Script- layout Assign Output Types to Partner Functions: go to new entries & assign your output type to partner functions.

Maintain Output Determination Procedure: V10000 (Standard Procedure). Go to new entries and create your own 6-digit code with description. Select the procedure, go to Control Data. Here mention the output type i.e. condition type and leave requirement and manual only columns as blank. Determination Rule: link the 6-digit procedure code to doc types. Create Condition Records: VV11. Select document type and click on Communication. Mention partner function, medium, time. Output device: LP01, Spool request Name: SD_003, Suffix 2: order_confir & flag on print immediately. Once you press enter you will come across 2 key combinations: Sales organisation/ Customer Number: fill SO, Customer No, Partner Function Abbreviation, Partner to whom the output should be sent, time, medium, language. It contains: Sales Orgnisation, Customer, Partner Function (The abbreviated form of the name that identifies the Partner) (During output determination, the system determines the recipient of the output from the master record for the specified partner function. In this field, you can explicitly specify a recipient that will override the standard partner. There must also be a master record for the partner that is specified explicitly.), Medium, Time & Language.} Order Type: Document Type, Partner Function (abbreviation), Partner, Medium, Time & Language. Path For Output Determination For Sales Documents: Logistics -> Sales/distribution -> Master data -> Output -> Sales Document -> Create (t-code VV11) Path for Output Determination for Delivery Documents : Logistics -> Sales/distribution -> Master data -> Output -> shipping -> Create ( t-ode VV21) Path for Output Determination for Billing Documents : Logistics -> Sales/distribution -> Master data -> Output -> Billing Document -> Create ( t- code VV31) Can we get the print if the order /delivery is blocked after static credit limit check? Please follow the below path: IMG - Logistics Execution - Shipping - Deliveries - Define Reasons for Blocking in Shipping - Execute - Define Reasons for Blocking in Shipping Here select the delivery block that is blocking your order/delivery, and uncheck if the option Print is checked. Display View "Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Criteria": Overview DB Delivery block descr Order Conf. 01 Credit limit 02 Political reasons 03 Bottleneck material 04 Export papers missng 05 Check free of ch.dlv Print DDueList SpK SpW

06 No printing 07 Quantity Change 08 Kanban Delivery Printing block field: Indicates whether the system automatically blocks output for sales documents that are blocked for delivery. Example : In the case of sales orders that are blocked for delivery because of credit reasons, you may want to block the printing of order confirmations. Note: The particular output that is affected by a delivery block is determined in output control. PS: If the document is exceeds by the credit limit output type will not determine and as well as we should not give the output type in sales order. We have to assign the routine 2 to sales order output types and 3 routine to delivery output types to restrict from output if the docuement exceeds by credit limit.

SAP SD CIN Configuration

By Shesagiri What is CIN? CIN Means Country India Version In Indian Taxing procedure, Excise Duty plays a vital role in manufacturing cenarios. Excise related configuration is known as CIN configuration. CIN Configuration is a topic in itself. Some info on CIN Configuration (it may not appear as understandable below, but if you check on screen, it will be understood better) Country Version India comes with four pricing procedures as follows: - JINFAC (Sales from manufacturing plants) - JINEXP (Export sales) - JINDEP (Sales from depots) - JINSTK (Stock transfers CIN: IMG > Logistics - General > Tax on Goods Movement > India > Basic Settings > Maintain Excise Registrations In this IMG activity, you maintain the data relating to your excise registrations. - Enter each of your excise registrations, specifying a four-character code for each Excise Registration Ids In this activity, you maintain excise registration IDs. You create one ID for each of your business's excise registrations. - For each excise registration in your business create a registration ID, and state: - Which taxes the registration covers (additional excise duty, special excise duty, and cess) Fields for any taxes that are not covered will be hidden in transactions involving excise duty.

- The maximum number of items to be printed on each excise invoice - Whether you are allowed partial CENVAT credits Maintain Registration ID NUMBER, Excise code number, excise registration number ECC Number: Specifies the organization's ECC number. Excise Registration Number: A number assigned to each premises or location that has registered as a manufacturer with the excise authorities. Every entity with an excise registration number is required to keep its own excise books. Excise range: Specifies the excise range in whose area the excise registration is located. Excise Division: Specifies the excise division in whose area the excise registration is located. Excise Collectorate: The code of the excise collectorate in whose area the excise registration is located. Indicator for confirming, AED usage Additional Excise duty Percentage. These are livable under the additional duties of excise act. These duties are in addition to basic excise duty and special excise duty. Example - Additional Excise duty is livable in case of textile products, tobacco and sugar. Similarly for SED CESS Number of Items in Excise Invoice Shows the maximum number of line items that the authorities allow per excise invoice. Dependencies - This information is used when you create an excise invoice in Sales and Distribution (SD) for factory sales and for other movements. This information is used to split the transfer postings' items into multiple subcontracting challans. Excise register set description: Description of the excise registers set. Partial CENVAT Credit: Indicates that the excise registration ID is allowed to credit only a portion of its input excise duty to its CENVAT account Dependencies - When you post a goods receipt, the system splits the input excise duty on the material into its deductible and nondeductible amounts. It posts the deductible duty to the appropriate CENVAT account, and adds the nondeductible duty to the material value. This information is also shown when you post the vendor's excise invoice. Maintain Company Code Settings. In this IMG activity, you maintain the data relating to your company codes. Document Type for CENVAT Postings. It controls, which document type the system uses when making CENVAT postings in Financial Accounting (FI). Here ED is document type for cenvat posting. Indicator for providing debit account overwriting Debit Account Overwrite Indicator. X - Indicates debit accounts can be overwritten. Use In excise journal voucher transaction. It provides the flexibility to the user to enter the debit account of his choice depending on the nature of transaction. Automatic balance Indicator - Excise year start month. The calendar month marking the beginning of the excise year. This start month represents the month for the start of the excise invoice number range. The month 04 is entered here indicating April of the calendar year as the start month for excise invoices. Any change by the Excise authorities regarding start month should be taken care of by an entry in this field and initialization.

Excise invoice selection procedure :Excise invoice selection type. To indicate the method opted by the company for selecting the excise invoice. It can be either earliest or latest invoices that were received. Number of excise invoices to be selected Indicates the number of excise invoices that needs to be selected in the excise invoice selection. Days to be considered for excise invoice selection Number of days from document date for excise invoice selection. Example - If the value of this field is 20 and today is 28-03-97. The excise invoice selection will show the related invoices only for the period 08-03-97 to 28-03-97. Document type for TDS FI posting: Financial accounting document type for TDS posting. Document type for FI posting on Utilisation Financial accounting document type for TDS posting. Indicator for item level excise duty round off - This indicator is to be used for deciding whether Item level excise duty amount rounding off is required during procurement cycle. If marked 'X' then the excise duty amount will be rounded off to the nearest rupee at the Purchase order level. This will not round off the CENVAT credit to be taken. If the duty amount is less than one rupee then no rounding is done Rounding off of Excise duty for outgoing excise invoice - You can round off the Excise amount to be paid during an outgoing Excise invoice by marking this indicator as 'X'. The rounding is done at the item level for each item where the amount is greater than 1 Rupee. Immediate Credit on Capital Goods - Instructs the system, when you verify a goods receipt for capital goods, to immediately post half of the input excise duty to the appropriate CENVAT accounts. The rest is posted the CENVAT on hold account, for use in the following year. CVD Clearing Account - Specifies which G/L account the system credits when you take a CENVAT credit on countervailing duty in the Incoming Excise Invoices transaction. Exchange rate type - Key representing a type of exchange rate in the system. - You enter the exchange rate type to store different exchange rates. Example - You can use the exchange rate type to define a buying rate, selling rate, or average rate for translating foreign currency amounts. You can use the average rate for the currency translation, and the bank buying and selling rates for valuation of foreign currency amounts. Exchange rate type to be used for Export excise duty converts - When you are creating an Excise invoice for export sales then the exchange rate for duty calculation will be picked up using this Exchange rate type. Maintain Plant Settings - In this IMG activity, you maintain excise information relating to your plants. Plant Settings - In this activity, you maintain excise information relating to your plants. For each plant: - Specify whether it is a manufacturing site or a depot.

- Assign it an excise registration ID. - You can assign the same ID to more than one plant, if required. Depot - Indicates that the plant in question is a depot. - Depots are required to prepare register RG 23D, and follow different procedures for goods receipt and invoice generation. - Number of goods receipt per excise invoice. - Multiple GR for one excise invoice, Single credit - Multiple GR for one excise invoice, multiple credit Maintain Excise Groups - In this IMG activity, you define your excise groups. For each excise group, you can also control how various excise invoice transactions will work. Excise Groups - In this activity, you define excise groups. An excise group allows you to maintain a separate set of excise registers and excise accounts. The RG 23A, RG 23C and PLA serial numbers are created for an excise group. Recommendation - Under normal circumstances, excise authorities require every business to maintain only one set of excise registers and one set of accounts. But through exemption from the authorities, multiple books can be maintained. If your company has only one set of excise registers, then you need to maintain only one excise group. 1. Create one excise group for each set of registers that you need to keep. 2. Assign the excise groups to plants. 3. Maintain whether this Excise group is for a depot or not. If you receive only one consignment for an Excise challan then you can leave GR's per EI as blank. If you receive multiple GR's for a given Excise challan and would like to avail multiple credit mark the GRs per EI as 'Multiple GR's for one excise invoice, multiple credit'. Alternatively if you want to availa the credit only after all the goods receipts have been made mark it as ' Multiple GR for one excise invoice, single credit'. 4. If you want to automatically create Excise invoice during Sales cycle at the time of billing the tick the indicator 'Create EI' 5. During depot sales if you do not want to do RG23D selection and posting separately and would like to complete RG23D selection in one step mark the indicator 'RG23D Auto post'. This will post the selected records into RG23D automatically. You cannot cancel the selection later. 6. If the indicator 'Default GR qty' is marked system will default the Excise challan quantity on to the Goods receipt if the Excise invoice number is given in the pop-up. 7. If the indicator 'Folio no create' is marked system will generate Folio numbers for RG23D during receipt of excise invoice into depot. 8. 'Automatic posting' when ticked will post the Excise invoice other movements automatically along with creation in single step. 9. 'Create Part1 for Block Stock' when marked will create a Part1 during the receipt of material into Blocked stock . 10. 'Create Part1 for STO' when marked will create a Part1 during the receipt of material through inter plant transfers. 11. 'Create Part1 for consumption stock' when marked will create a Part1 during the receipt of material into consumption stock. Excise Group Governs which set of excise registers a business transaction will be included in.

Following is the relation between excise group, plant and registration. - In define excise groups in Customizing. Then, in transactions involving excise duty, for example, when you post a vendor's excise invoice, you specify which excise group you are using. This information tells the system which G/L accounts to post the excise to. At the end of the period, when you come to prepare your excise registers, you create different sets for each excise group. Indicates that the plant in question is a depot. - Depots are required to prepare register RG 23D, and follow different procedures for goods receipt and invoice generation. - GR Per Excise Invoice - Multiple GR for one excise invoice , Multiple credit - Multiple GR for one excise invoice , Single Credit Create Excise Invoice Automatically - Instructs the system to automatically create a Sales and Distribution (SD) excise invoice immediately you create a commercial invoice or a pro forma invoice. The excise invoice is created in the background. - If you want to make use of this function, you must also define the default plant, excise group, and series groups in Customizing for Sales and Distribution (SD), by choosing Excise Group - Series Group Determination. RG23D Sales Creation and posting option - RG23D Automatic Option if selected will create Depot excise invoice by posting the selection of excise invoices in single step. If this is not selected then you need to separately do RG23D selection followed by PGI and then RG23D verification and posting. If you need automatic posting of RG23D selection then the Post Goods Issue should have been completed before running RG23D selection. Default excise qty in GR - If this indicator is ticked then while doing Goods Receipt using 'MB01' system will default the excise invoice quantity on to the Goods receipt document. Folio number for depo Posting - If this indicator is marked then while creating Excise invoice for other movements system automatically does the Verify and Post. You need not separately Post the excise invoice Also we can set indicator for creation of part 1 for: - Blocked stock - Stock transport order - Consignment stock Maintain Series Group - In this IMG activity, you define the different excise series groups within your company. Series groups allow you to maintain multiple number ranges for the outgoing excise documents. Based on excise regulations and exemptions from the authorities you can maintain multiple number series for outgoing documents. But each of these series has to be declared to the excise authorities. - Define excise series groups based on type of outgoing document - Assign series group to excise registration ID - If no financial postings are required for an Excise invoice in this seris group then you tick the 'No utilization' indicator. - If the CENVAT has to be paid immediately and you need not wait for the Fort nightly

payment then mark the 'Immediate Utilization' Iindicator. Example - You could define two series groups, group 001 for excise invoices, and group 002 for 57 F4 documents. - No account postings for CENVAT in sales cycle - No utilization Flag If you do not need any CENVAT utilization for an excise invoice but would like to just generate an excise invoice then you need to mark this indicator. If the flag is checked then system will create an Excise invoice in the given Series group but there will not be any account postings or Part2 postings. Immediate Utilization of CENVAT - Specifies that when you create an excise invoice, the system immediately pays the amount from CENVAT and creates the Part II entry. Such invoices will not be listed for fortnightly utilization. If you have both fortnightly and immediate utilization for the same excise group, the account determination within CIN IMG should point to the ED interim account. Account determination for immediate payment will be done exactly the same as being done for fortnightly utilization program. Maintain Excise Duty Indicators - In this IMG activity, you maintain the excise duty indicators. IMG > Logistics - General > Tax On Goods Movement > India > Basic Settings > Determination of Excise Duty > Select Tax Calculation Procedure In this IMG activity, you specify which tax procedure you want to use for determining excise duties and sales taxes on input materials in India. - If you use condition-based excise determination, use a copy of the tax procedure TAXINN. - If you use formula-based excise determination, use a copy of the tax procedure TAXINJ. This tax procedure also supports condition-based excise determination, so that you can work with both concurrently. We strongly recommend that new customers use condition-based excise determination. Note that once you have started using a tax procedure, you cannot switch to another one, otherwise you will not be able to display old documents. Maintain Excise Defaults - In this IMG activity, you define which tax procedure and pricing condition types are used in calculating excise taxes using formula-based excise determination. If you use condition-based excise determination, fill out the CVD cond. field and leave all the others blank. If you use formula-based excise determination, fill out all of the fields as follows: - Enter the tax procedure and the pricing conditions that are relevant for excise tax processing. - Specify the purchasing and sales conditions types used for basic excise duty, additional excise duty, special excise duty, and cess. - Specify the conditions in the sales order that are used for excise rates. - Specify the countervailing duty condition type used for import purchase orders.

See also : SAP Library -> Logistics -> Country Versions -> Asia-Pacific -> India -> Materials Management (MM) -> Condition-Based Excise Determination and -> Formula-Based Excise Determination. IMG > Logistics - General > Tax On Goods Movement > India > Basic Settings > Determination of Excise Duty > Condition-Based Excise Determination When you enter a purchasing document, for example, a purchase order, the R/3 System automatically calculates the applicable excise duties using the condition technique. Features : The standard system comes with two tax calculation procedures. TAXINN is only supports condition-based excise determination, whereas TAXINJ supports condition-based excise determination and formula-based excise determination. Both tax procedures contain condition types that cover all of the excise duties and sales taxes applicable. Since the exact rates of excise duty can vary on a large number of factors, such as which vendor you purchase a material from, or which chapter ID the vendor stocks the material under, you create condition records for every sort of excise duty. When you come to enter a purchasing document, the system applies the excise duty at the rates you have entered in the condition records. Customizing : Make the settings in Customizing Basic -> India -> for Logistics General, by choosing Taxes on Goods Movements Account -> Excise Duties Using Condition Technique and -> Settings Determination. These activities include one activity where you define a tax code for condition-based excise determination. Master Data - Create condition records for all excise duties that apply, and enter the tax code for condition-based excise determination in each. Day-to-Day Activities - When you enter a purchase order or other purchasing document, enter the tax code for condition-based excise determination in each line item. The system then calculates the excise duties using the condition records you have created. When the ordered materials arrive, you post the goods receipt and the excise invoice. The system posts the excise duty to the appropriate accounts for deductible input taxes when you enter the excise invoice. Creating Condition Records for Excise Duty 1. In the command field, enter FV11 and choose . 2. Enter the condition type that you want to create a condition record for and choose . The Key Combination dialog box appears. 3. Select the combination of objects that you want to create the condition record for. On the dialog box, Control Code means "chapter ID." So, for example, to create a condition record for a tax that applies to a combination of country, plant, and chapter ID, select Country/Plant/Control Code. 4. Choose . 5. Enter data as required. - In the Tax Code field, enter the dummy tax code that you have defined. 6. Save the condition record.

Formula-Based Excise Determination - When you execute a business transaction involving materials that are subject to excise duty, the system automatically calculates the duty for you. In order for the system to be able to determine which rate of excise duty to apply, you must have maintained all the data on the Excise Rate Maintenance screen, which you can Master Dataaccess from the SAP Easy Access screen by choosing Indirect Taxes Excise Rate Maintenance. You maintain the following types of data: - Plant master data You assign each of your plants an excise duty indicator. You can use the same indicator for all the plants with the same excise status from a legal point of view, such as all those that are in an exempt zone. See also the information about manufacturers that are only entitled to deduct a certain portion of the duty (see Partial CENVAT Credit). - Vendor master data For each of your vendors with the same excise status from a legal perspective, you define an excise duty indicator. You must also specify the vendor type for example, whether the vendor is a manufacturer, a depot, or a first-stage dealer. You must also stipulate if the vendor qualifies as a small-scale industry. For each permutation of plant indicator and vendor indicator, you then create a final excise duty indicator. - Customer master data Similarly, you assign the same excise duty indicator to each of your customers that share the same legal excise status. Again, for each permutation of plant indicator and customer indicator, you then create a final excise duty indicator. - Material master data Each material is assigned a chapter ID. - Excise tax rate For every chapter ID and final excise duty indicator, you maintain the rate of excise duty. If your business only qualifies for partial CENVAT credit, you must customize your system accordingly. Let us consider an example to illustrate how the system determines which rate of excise duty to apply to a material. Assume you are posting a sale of ball bearings to a customer. The system automatically determines the rate of excise duty as follows: 1. Looks up the customer master data to see what status you have assigned the customer. Let's assume you've assigned the customer status 3. 2. Looks up the plant master data to see what status you have assigned the plant. Similarly, your plant has status 2. 3. The system looks up the table under Excise Indicator for Plant and Customer to see what the final excise duty indicator is for customer status 3 and plant status 2: It is 7. 4. The system determines the chapter ID of the ball bearing for the plant. Lets assume the chapter ID at plant for the ball bearings is 1000.01. 5. Finally, the system looks up the table under Excise Tax Rate to see what rate of duty applies to chapter ID 1000.01 under status 7.

Define Tax Code for Purchasing Documents - In this IMG activity, you define a tax code for the purposes of calculating excise duty when you enter purchasing documents. Only carry out this activity if you use condition-based excise determination. - Create a new tax code, and set the tax code type to V (input tax). Do not make any other settings for it. - Assign Tax Code to Company Codes In this IMG activity, assign the tax code for purchasing documents to the company codes where it will be used. Only carry out this activity if you use condition-based excise determination. Classify Condition Types - In this IMG activity, you specify which condition types you use for which sort of tax. Note that this only applies to condition types that you use with the new excise determination method. The system uses this information when you create a document from another one. For example, when you enter an incoming excise invoice from a purchase order, or when you create an outgoing excise invoice from a sales order, the system determines the various excise duties in the excise invoice using the information that you have entered here. In addition, when you create a purchasing document, the system only uses the condition types that you enter here. - For taxes on purchases, use the condition types contained in the tax procedure. - For taxes on sales, use the condition types contained in the pricing procedures. The standard system comes with sample settings for the tax calculation procedures and pricing procedures. Use these settings as a basis for your own. IMG > Logistics - General > Tax On Goods Movement > India > Account Determination Define G/L Accounts for Taxes - In this IMG activity, you specify which G/L accounts you will use to record which taxes. Requirements - You have set up G/L accounts for each of the processing keys listed below. - Assign an account to each of the following posting keys. The accounts for VS1, VS2, and VS3 are used as clearing accounts during excise invoice verification. - VS1 (basic excise duty) - VS2 (additional excise duty) - VS3 (special excise duty) - VS5 (sales tax setoff) - MWS (central sales tax) - MW3 (local sales tax) - ESA (service tax) - ESE (service tax expense) Specify Excise Accounts per Excise Transaction - In this IMG activity, you specify which excise accounts (for excise duty and CENVAT) are to be posted to for the various transaction types. Enter all the accounts that are affected by each transaction type. If you use sub transaction types, enter the accounts for each sub transaction type as well.

Transaction type UTLZ is used for determining accounts only while posting excise JVs and also if the payment of excise duty has to be done fortnightly. The fortnightly CENVAT payment utility picks up the credit side accounts from the transaction types of GRPO, EWPO, and TR6C for determining the CENVAT and PLA accounts. There is no separate transaction type for fortnightly payment. Example: - Excise TT DC ind Account name - GRPO CR CENVAT clearing account - GRPO CR RG 23 BED account - GRPO DR CENVAT on hld account Specify G/L Accounts per Excise Transaction - In this IMG activity, you assign the excise and CENVAT accounts to G/L accounts. When you come to execute the various transactions, the system determines which G/L accounts to post to by looking at the: - Excise group - Company code - Chart of accounts Furthermore, if you want separate account determination settings within an excise group, you can also use sub transaction types. Requirements You have already: - Defined the G/L accounts - Defined the excise groups - Maintained the transaction accounts Activities - For each excise group, assign the excise and CENVAT accounts to G/L accounts. For most businesses, one set of accounts will suffice for all transactions. Note : you need not remit the CENVAT to the excise department immediately, so maintain the credit account for transaction type DLFC as an excise duty interim account. This will be set off when you remit the duty. Config setting needed to be done in order to get the Excise Details Screen in Material Master. Even though this functionality is available in enterprise version, a small configuration step has to be made in Screen Sequences for Material Master. Following document helps you to do this configuration. - Material Master Logistics General 1. Go to IMG Define Structure of Data Screen for each Configuring the Material master Screen Sequence. 2. Select your screen sequence. Usually it would be 21. Select the same and click on Data Screen in the left frame. 3. Once the data screens are exhibited, select data screen no. 15, ie. SSq. 21and Scrn 15, which is Foreign Trade: Import Data. Select the same and click on Sub screens in the left frame. 4. Go to the last sub screen i.e. 21-15-6 - SAPLMGD1- 0001 and select the same. Click on tab view sub screen and ensure that the sub screen is blank. 5. Now in the last sub screen i.e. no.6 you delete SAPLMGD1 0001 and instead add SAPLJ1I_MATERIAL_MASTER and in the screen no. 2205.

6. Save the setting. 7. Create a Material Master and check whether in Screen Foreign Trade Import, Excise related sub screen appears.

SD Questions on Corporate Structure

In R/3 you can represent a company's structure by defining and assigning corporate structure elements. What is the purpose of doing that? Enterprise organization diagram. Chart showing the organizational structure of an enterprise, its organization units and how they are related. A combined structure can be created from the point of view of accounting, MM, SD. This structure forms a framework in which all business transactions can be processed. Which three organizational elements make up a sales area and briefly explain their function? Sales organization: An organizational unit that sells and distributes products, negotiates terms of sale, and is responsible for these transactions. Distribution channel: Channel through which salable materials or services reach customers. Typical distribution channels include wholesale, retail and direct sales. You can assign a distribution channel to one or more sales organizations. Division: Product groups can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing. Name the three internal organizational elements within a sales organization and briefly explain their function. Sales Office. Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary. Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If you enter a sales order for a sales office within a certain sales area, the sales office must be assigned to that area. Sales Group. The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions. Salespersons. Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. You can assign a sales person to a sales group in the personnel master record. What does the term "business area" refer to and how can it be used? Business Area. The system posts costs and revenue according to the business area. The business area can be equivalent to the: - sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales) - plant/division (if the accounts are to be posted according to products) The business area is defined in Customizing for Sales. o Business area. A unit in an enterprise, grouping product and market combinations as homogeneously as possible for the purpose of developing unified business policy.

o Financial Accounting (FI). A business area is an organizational unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be allocated to a specific business area. Briefly explain the relationship between sales organizations and company codes. Many to One. What is the central organizational element in purchasing? Purchasing Organization. Explain the relationship between sales organizations and plants. Many to Many. Explain the relationship between sales organizations, plants and company codes. Many to Many to One. Can one business area be assigned to several company codes? Which (sub) module of SAP could make business areas obsolete? Yes in CO . What is a credit control area? What relationship exists between credit control areas and company codes? Credit control area. Organizational unit in an organization that specifies and checks credit limits for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one credit control areas. Which organizational element is central in shipping? Give a definition of it. Shipping Point: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities. A shipping point could, for example, be a company's mail department or a plant's rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point. Give a definition of plant (in SAP). Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning aspects. A plant is a place where either materials are produced or goods and services provided. Classification: Business object Structure: A plant can assume a variety of roles: As a maintenance plant, it includes the maintenance objects that are spatially located within this plant. The maintenance tasks that are to be performed are specified within a maintenance planning plant. As a retail or wholesale site, it makes merchandise available for distribution and sale. As a rule, the plant is the organizational unit for material valuation. The preferred shipping point for a plant is defined as the default shipping point, which depends on the shipping condition and the loading condition.

For the placement of materials in storage (stock put-away), a storage location is assigned to a plant. The storage location depends on the storage condition and the stock placement situation. The business area that is responsible for a valuation area is determined as a function of the division. As a rule, a valuation area corresponds to a plant. Can you assign two different sales organization to the same company code? Yes. To what do you assign distribution channels and divisions? Sales Organizations. What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM.PP,FI,CO? SD: Sales Organizations. M: Plant PP: Plant FI: Company Code CO: Controlling Area Can you further subdivide a plant? If yes into what? A plant can be subdivided into storage locations, allowing stocks of materials to be broken down according to predefined criteria (e.g., location and materials planning aspects). A plant can be subdivided into locations and operational areas. Subdivision into locations takes geographical criteria into account, whereas subdivision into operational areas reflects responsibilities for production. Can a sales organization sell from a plant belonging to a different company code? Yes. How many shipping points can you assign to a plant? Many. How many shipping points can you assign to a sales organization? None. If you have a warehouse management system active, to what would you assign the warehouse number? Plant & Storage Location.

Short SAP SD Questions 1

Rebate Agreement
1. Which agreement type I should consider, is this custmer rebate(0003), material rebate(0002) or Rebate on the basis of sales volume(0005), because here client is not offering rebate on Sales volume in rupees or dollar. He is only concerned with totat sales in kiloleter(Quantity). As per rebate agreement concern rebate is offered in percentage. Please guide me for my scenario.

If your distributors are fewer (far less than 900 materials) then you should go for only customer rebate. 2. Guide me for conditions types and scale basis for maintaining condition records. When creating customer rebates (T:VB01) select customer rebate, there you will see a header tab: Conditions , click it add how many customers you want. For each customer you can create scale based conditions (under the heading tab :Scales). 3. Is it necesary to maintain condition record for every material and every customer defining the scale? Because in this scennario client is going for incentives scheme for each material and each customer (distrbutor). No need to create condition record for every material if you create customer rebate.

Customer Master
How to create the customer master? The following are the T-codes for central creation of customer master. XD01 XD02 XD03 XD04 XD05 XD06 XD07 XD99 XDN1 Create Customer (Centrally) Change Customer (Centrally) Display Customer (Centrally) Customer Changes (Centrally) Block customer (centrally) Mark customer for deletion (centr.) Change Customer Account Group Customer master mass maintenance Maintain Number Ranges (Customer)

You need to identify various parameters within each Account group based on which the reco account is identified within the customer master. Customer master is basically divided into 3 tabs. - General - General master details, Juristiction codes, Region, Transportation zone, export data, etc. - Company data - payment terms, account management, reco account, insurance etc. - Sales data - Sales product attributes, sales office, sales group, customer pricing procedure, Cust. Statistical grp, - Shipping data - Billing data - Partner functions. You can create a customer based on 3 views: 1. For Account purpose FD01/FD02/FD03 etc 2. Sales purpose XD01/XD02/XD03 etc. 3. Centrally VD01/VD02/VD03 etc.

What is the Function of item category and item category group? Item Category determines the processing of any Item/material that we enter in a sales order and in this way it also effects the procesing of any sales doc in which it is used. Item Category Group is one of the component which along with the Sales Doc Type, The Item Usage and Higher Level Item Category decide about the Item Category in a sales doc.

Short SAP SD Questions 2

1. How can we know whether the customer is one-time or regular? One can maintain Account Group for One-time customers. By which we can identify onetime customers. 2. What happens when you do not enter a value for a manual and mandatory condition type? The pricing procedure will reject the conditions in the sales order 3. Do header condition type have an access sequence? No 4. Org structure: Relation between Company - Sales org One-to-Many Sales Org - Plants & company vs. Plants Company - sales org - credit control area What are sales area and its components? Sales area consists of Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel and Division. 5. What are legacy systems? The Existing system on which current system is working, from which the current system will be migrated to SAP system 6. What is cut over strategy? Cutover strategy depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, you decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then you make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies. Cutover planning is highly site specific. There's no thumb rule. The stock data as on the date of going live should be correctly entered. But stock being a highly dynamic quantity, the strategy for loading should be crystal clear. Then you have to load all the back dated transaction on the stock. Some stock comes into your plant/storage location as return and some stock is actually delivered to your customer through sales orders of various kinds. 7. What are Cumulative Condition Records? There is a field:- "condition update" during configuration for a condition type (at v/06)... has it anything to do with cumulative condn. Records?

8. IF you have 3 different access sequences for one condition record then in a pricing procedure in what hierarchy will you maintain the three accesses? In Condition Records (T Code VK11), you would be putting values to corresponding Condition Types. Now one Condition Type can be assigned to one access sequence. In Access Sequence, you can assign whichever tables and fields are required. So in my opinion, you cannot have one condition record for 3 access sequences. 9. What happens in the access sequence when you put all the ticks in the exclusive field? When you put tick in exclusive field of all access sequences, in my opinion, it will try to get available data from the first. Only in case, data is not available, will it move on to the next one. 10. What is meant by delivery group? Delivery Group is basically grouping all individual deliveries for Billing. It should have the same Ship to Party, Shipping Point, etc. SAP SD Tips by : Moyin 11. What triggers the automatic creation of PR or PO in case of third party sales? In item category we can set "automatic PO" so that PO and PR will automatically generate after saving the order. You never change the item category configuration to "automatic PO". It is the schedule line category type which triggers the automatic PR creation. - Evilboy 12. What are the steps that are required to include sales person as a partner function in the partner determination? Partner function sales represenative or person responsible these two we can add through partner funtion in partner procedure. 13. What is z transaction? We copied standard TC or object and rename it by Z its basically stnd name which will start from Z (User defined) 14. Can you create sales order for 40 items if the quotation is sent for 30 items? Yes. 15. What is the importance of requirment field in access sequence? System will not go to asscess condition type system will reply through formula. 16. What makes the immediate delivery in cash sales? Order type immediate delivery switch on.

Short SAP SD Questions 3

1. What is change request and task? What was your task no.? I need an example or a task no. that is being used in your project to clear few things in my mind?

The Change Request is that request when you do some thing new in customizing or configuration in the system. The system will automatically pop with the change request pop box , when you can give request name as defined by the system or can give your own request name with heading of what changes you have made while customization. The system will generate a request number and you save it. (e.g.:- VEDK-2785467) VEDKmeans the Clients System name then followed by the system generated request number. Now when you want to release the request you have to use the T-code SE10 where you can see the requests under the heading modifiable or released. Go to the modifiable option. Each request will have again an internal request number. First you have to release the internal request and then release the external request number. This will in turn released by the basis guys thru the T-code SM64 in a group when all the requests are pooled from different users. The task which you have mentioned in your question is nothing but the what task you have performed while customizing the client system and the heading name which have given it for that task and generated a request for that task. 2. What is your client Number in the project? Like how we have 800 for IDES? Generally like IDES client, when you are in the project, the client is also given a number called client number. So while implementing a project The entire implementation is done under phases and in different Client no Servers. e.g.:-take a company called ABC which is implementing SAP. So the Client is given a number in the following manner by the SAP Implementers at the site 291- Sand Box server (Initial Testing scenarios Server) 292- Development Sever (With client data of minimum 15 days transactions) 294- Testing Server (the scenarios developed in development server is tested here) 295- Golden Master Server (Quality cum Testing Server) - checked finally before transferring to production server 296- Production Server (where the clients live data is stored and daily business transactions are done) 3. Few client requirements for customer master, material master, Organization and Transactions. The client requirements may be in the form of customized reports and queries which are supposed to be suited according to their business process. Generally the requirements would be coming from the BPO's (Business Process Owners) who will deputed for each module e.g.:- SD, PP QM FI) by the client as they would be expert in their areas and module who under the business processes as they clients Project Team members. They are whole and sole responsible to get the implementation done and meet the requirements raised by them and the other users from the clients side. Generally before starting the implementation the entire organization structure and the organizational elements are freezed and a skeleton structure is prepared and then along with BPO's requirements the system is 1st configured and then the customization is started to suit the Clients specified requirements.

Now as far as the transactions are concerned not all the users are allowed to run all the transactions. Here the user roles are defined as per the BPO's (i.e., the user is given authorization only to run certain transactions depending on the levels and stages in his area of specialization like in SD module the entry level user is only allowed to enter the data like creation of Sales orders or delivery and billing and the next level is give the authorization for changes to be made for that same data that is entered by the entry level users. The next higher level -Supervisor is given a few more transaction authorization which will be above these mentioned users) Here the reports are segregated like Higher Management Reports, Middle Management Reports where by again authorization is given those heads(Head of the Depts. or the Plants heads or GM etc.,) to run certain transactions which allow to view reports that are needed daily by the management. SAP SD Tips by : Moyin 4. How to restrict users for not changing some fields in T-code va02? There are two ways to do this: - Make a transaction variant thru SHD0 and assign it to your sales doc. While creating the variant you can place non-changeability ticks on specific fields. Next allow those users only to work with your transaction variant but not with the original transaction. - You could make use of user-exit FORM USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION in include MV45AFZZ (via authorization objects, which you can assign in role customizing). The latter is more flexible but it is not feasible if you want to place restrictions to a large amount of fields. *-- Sabir 5. How can we delete the Sales Orders? How can an invoices be cancelled or deleted? You can very well delete sales order using transaction VA02, but with a constraint that no subsequent document is created against it. Invoice can be cancelled using T cose VF11 and then you can reverse the Goods Issue using VL09 and making the picking quantity zero in the deivery document and delete the delivery order using VL02n . You can then delete the sales order then. *-- Vaibhav You cannot delete an Invoice. You can only cancel it with (VF11) if the relevant accounting document is not been generated. Ask your FI guy to reverse the accounting doc. Only after the accounting doc is reversed and/or deleted, you can cancel your invoice. You also need to check if any TAX documents are generated with your Invoice. You need to reverse/delete those documents also. *-- Ganeshan.D

Important Tips for Interview for SAP SD

Let me share some important tips for interview for SAP SD: 1. Please be through with the projects you have mentioned in your resume. 2. Remember all the versions you have worked upon. 3. If your projects are in Indian scenario be thorough with CIN/Excise VAT and pricing procedure.

4 For offshore client specially in Europe and NASA prepare yourself for Warehouse/Lean warehouse 5. Third party billing / Intercompany / Make to order are important topics. 6. Cost booking that is accounting enteries after PGI and Billing should be known to you. 7. Mug up all the determinations. 8. Remember your last ticket. 9. Have general awareness about ALE/EDI/IDOC, as this provides added advantage. (not very tough) 10. Please be through with your basics, the process, the pricing and the master data. 11. People who are thorough with route, transportation, shipping always have an added advantage. The MOST IMPORTANT THING: Do not try to fool your interviewer, say exactly and only what is asked do not show your excitement and do not speak too much if you know the topic too well, and say a straight NO if you have not worked on something, or don't know about something, pls pls pls don't not go for flukes otherwise you will end up in soup. What I understand is most of the companies especially in the US are looking for a candidates with 1) good communication skills (SAP is all about interacting with the client, users and team) 2) good business knowledge 3) are you able to convince the client That comes in next round when you are interviewed to be deputed for any US/Europe project, in this round take care of the following: 1. Speak slow, I mean normal, because usually Indians speak english too fast. 2. Listen to them carefully, if you are not able to understand their question request them to repeat it, rather than assuming it to be something else and giving a wrong reply. 3. Again I should repeat prepare yourself for warehouse, I mean even general knowledge will help. 4. Say a straight no when you don't know or have not worked on the topic. 5. Always be strong on SD MM FI integrations What the job responsibilites would be for the Support Consultant? If the Consultant is working in Offshore Support, How the business interaction would be there between the Consultant and Customer? How the Customer Queries were handled successfully sitting from his location. Job responsibility of a Support consultants is to handle routine tickets, which can be incident (routine problems), change tickets (need configuration change, therefore a change request), normally a support consultant can only advice a change but can't do it , because there is always a change advisory board on client end to evaluate and implement the adviced change. Business intercation between users and customer can be through mail box utilities, outlook, even telecons and some companies also allow chat.

Usually the customer provides with the number of the document and client/company code and other necessary info. about the process which is facing problem, the consultant tracks the project by logging in to development server and search out for causes, the solution is then sent to user, maybe with snapshot if required. For those people who asks for for tickets: 1. Tickets are normally raised by end user and carry a priority. 2. Those who are asking SAP gurus to tell them about tickets, pls note that most of the problems except for the basic questions discussed in this group are the tickets themselves, tickets are nothing but the routine incidents the SAP consultants get, if you regularly read the mails in the group you will soon start recognizing tickets. And the most important thing "Believe in yourself and God, as there is always somebody there to help you". Tips by : Nitin What is the team size? Duration of the project. Hardly the team of the sd will be 4 to 5 and entire team of the project will be around 2024 (all modules like fi/co, sd, mm, pp, hr, qm, pm). If its big project, it will be around 40. Team size means the employees who you are working on sap r/3 implementation. For the project completion it will take around 8-10 months to get into golive. After that, post implementation for 3 months. After that supporting it depends as project time line for every company is different. *-- Suresh Kumar

SAP SD Interview Questions

Following are some SD Interview questions that might be asked. 1. What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination,storagelocation determination 2. What are the five imp fields to be maintained in account determination 3. How to create excise invoice and what is it 4. What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap 5. What do you do really in pricing determination, and what are the main deifferences between one pricing procedure determination to the others, which data control these differences 6. What type of reports generally a support consultant maintain and report 7. What are interfaces used generally an indian organisation which is in retail business and and which is in banking business and oil business. 8. What is the purpose of shipping point determination not menu path 9. What and where types of copy controls we change 10. How to and where to maintain copy controls 11. What is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common divisions Q.No.11

Common Distribution Channel and Common Divison are maintained so that if any master data like customer or material maintained with respect to one distribution channel can be used in other DCh. It prevents the multiplication of master records. Eg: A customer is created for say sales area 1000/20/00 then the same customer can be used in sales area 1000/30/00 if we maintain 20 as common distribution channel. Hence no need for extending the customers...the same for materials also. Rajendra Babu As of what I know answer to question 5 would be: 5. we determine how the prices are calculated, taking into account sales area(sales org, distribution channel, division), document type and customer(generally sold-to-party). The main differences between pricing procedures would be the differences as I mentioned above, from the point of view of field entries. Coming to the output and the procedure, I suppose the condition types used will be different and hence the following whole procedure. Uday 1. What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, storage location determination Text determination: For transferring information from material or customer to order/delvery or invoice (and anything inbetween) Account determination: For transferring financial and costing information to proper financial docs Partner determination: For determing who is is legally resposible for A/r, who the goods are going to and whatever else you waana drive through this functionality. Output determination: What kinda output does a sales/delivery/billing document create and who gets it, where?. For example A partner might get an EDI notification for a sales order just confirmed, whereas a financial/leasing company gets the invoice! 2. What are the five imp fields to be maintained in account determination Go to IMG and find out 3. How to create excise invoice and what is it. I've never worked in india so I dunno 4. What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap Legacy Code ? It should be legacy data to SAP. What it means is you want to transfer all the customer and materials and all other information from Older (legacy system) to new SAP system. You can do it using many tools, most noticeably MDMs. Vivek Regarding q-3, As per Indian tax system, Excise duty (16%) is payable by each manufacturing unit on the value of manufactured goods / on the value added. The manufacturing plant is

supposed to submit an excise duty report on fortnightly / monthly basis. Various registers (RG1, RG23A, RG23C, PLA) are maintained for that purpose, which record all the transactions including movement of goods, cenvat credit available and cash balance available. In SAP, we use transaction j1id for configuration and j1iin, j2i7, j1i5, j2i5, j2i6, j1ip for creating, extracting and printing excise invoice. Jitesh 1. (a) Text Determination: Any Texts in Masterial Master/Material Determination/Order/Delivery , etc is meant to convey messages to the subsequent documents for compliance. e.g. "Give Top Priority" message mentioned in Order is meant for Production Dept. (b) Account Determination:is integration between Finance and SD. The A/P along with Account Keys need to be allocated accordingly with combination of Account Determination Group for Customer and Material if required. (c) Partner Determination:To identify which type of Partner it is so that if required for same Customer different Partner Functions may be required e.g Only One Sold To Party per Customer. More than One Ship to Party/ Bill to Party/ Payer possible. Accordingly different Masters will have to be created. Useful for despatch of Material in casae of Ship to Party, sending Bill in case of Bill to Party and payment followup/Dunning in case of Payer. (d) Output Determination: What type of Output (Fax/Mail, etc) is required, where and in what Format(ABAP Customisation may be required in some cases especially Invoices). (e) Storage Location Determination: depends on Plant, Shipping Point and Storage Conditions (2) Account Determination: Sales View, Sales Organisation, Distribution Chanel, Chart of Accounts, Account Assignment Group for Customer and Material and Account Keys. (3) I will check and let you know within week. (4) Before installation of SAP, Data maintained by Company is called Legacy Data. At the time of instalation, it is required to transfer Data from Legacy to SAP like Masters (Material/Customer, etc). It can be done in various ways like BDC, LSMW, etc. (5) Pricing is determined by combination of Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel, Division, Customer Pricing Procedure and Document Pricing Procedure. (6) Depends on Customer requirements. (7) Its not clear. (8) So that Shipping Point is determined automatically once the settings for the same are done. (9) Copy Control: is basically meant so that Data is copied from preceding Document to subsequent one. What subsequent Document is required is to some extent determined by Customer Requirements as well as Document Types. e.g. In general case of Standard Order, it will be Copy Control (Order to Delivery) from OR to LF .

(10) Check for yourself in IMG (Sales Document types and Delivery Document Types) Shailesh What is the difference between the Avaialbility check 01 (Daily requirement) and 02 (Individual Requirement) in material master? 01 and 02 are the checking group. Availability check is carried out with the help of these checking group and checking rule. Checking group 01 and 02 are maintained on the material master. 01 - Individual requirement -For this system generates transfers the requirement for each order to the MRP .So that MM can either produce or procure. 02- Collective requirement.-In this all the requirements in aday or in a wek are processed at a time. System stores all req and passes on to the MRP in MRP run.In this system performance is high however you can not do the backorder processing whereas in other you can do. *-- Vishwajit

Interview Question and Answers on SAP SD

1.What are the responsibilities of a functional consultant in an implementation project? a) Responsibilities in implemention project - Preparing the functional specification documents. - Review and approval of functional specifications. - Designing a road map and setting approval from client. - Changing existing configuration whenever needed. - Setting up configuration for new enhancements. - Handling basic issues of MM module. b)Responsibilities in support project - Handling customization, configuration, and enhancement related issues - Handling tickets on Day to Day basis - Monitoring S&D reports on daily basis required by clients - Preparing functional specification documents - Preparing end user training Documents 2.What are the responsibilities of a technical consultant in an implementation project? Preparation of techinical specifications, getting apporvals from functional consultant and PM,assitance to functioal consultant. 3.What are the main and sub modules in SAP? MM,FICO,PP,ABAP 4.What is ERP and SAP?and why inplementing SAP in an organization? Explain the special features of SAP over other ERPs? SAP is an ERP package. SAP can be fit it any language. It is used to get exact data with a fraction of section which will be use fully for management to take correct decision in a

short span of time. Using of sap means there is no need to maintain the middle management in the organization because the CEO of the company is able to direct the executives direcltly with the system. SAP is able to integrate all functional organizational units togethere and retrieve exact data needed by management. Therefore, investing on middle management will become less. and the user will be able to acess instance reports using the logistic informaion systems in SAP. 5.Explain the business flow of an implementation project? - Project prepration - Business blue prints - Fit gap analysis - Realization - Golive - Support 6.Explain breifly about your role in current/previous project? (If you have one) Team member 7.Explain your functional experience prior to SAP? For this yo will give explanation depends of your previous experience. 8.Can you explain the modern technologies in SAP? Do you use this in your current project? I think the ans is APO, BW, CRM, if its wrong pls guide me any body. 9.Explain the terms "AS IS" and "FIT GAP ANALYSIS"? Business blue print stage is called as is process. Fit gap means, before implementing the SAP all the business data is in the form of documents, we cannot keep this data as is in the SAP. There should be a gap. So by filling this gap, we make configuration with the help of these documents. This is called as fit gap analysis. In this stage, we should analysis the gap between as is and is as process 10.What are the responsibilities of "CORE TEAM" and "FUNCTIONAL TEAM" in an implementation? Core Team are the power users who are selected for the SAP implementation. The Functional Team gather the initial implementation requirement from these core team users who will be the bridge between the SAP Functional Team and their department users with the expert work knowledge.

Some SAP SD Interview Questions 1

1. What exactly is automatic posting can you explain? 1. Automatic posting could be, posting of accounting documents to FICO once invoice is created which can also be controlled manually. Automatiaclly detremine the freight while pricing in ship doc. and post to the relevant account to fico. usually automatic posting is posting of documents to FICO based on variuos account keys and account groups.

2. How many clients we will create in land scape (like in development server, quality server, production server ) if we are creating more than one in each server what is exact use of that client. 2. Client landscape : Basic layout : dev -testing- production also - Sandbox env. for trial and error - Development env. for actaully creating transports(CTS) - Global env. If you have global implementations at different client locations (eg; canada, US, UK) (for testing purposes with actual master dataas well) - Testing env.(for regression testing purposes before moving to prodcution, integration etc..) - Prod. env. the actual production system The clients could be variable and could be created to a specific env. usually a dev. where abap, functional would mess around. say : client 100-functinal consultants client 300- abapers client 400- other users(like super etc) 3. How we will configure export sales in sd (respect to plants assign and sales process)? 4. How we can do invoice split depending on item category in which scenario we will use? 4. You first need to go for copying controls either from sales to billing (invoice) or delivery to billing or billing to billing use transactions (vtaa,vtaf,vtla,vtfa,vtfl,vtff) all possibilities for copy controls. this basicly is flow of doc to doc. (may it be sales to billing, del to bil, or bil to bil etc..) -> this is where you see the Item category and you control whether split is possible or not with the indicator"B". eg: representing split in invoice based on item category. The field here "data VBRK/VBRP" (headre/item)whcih actually is used for splits or combining different deliveries. create a splitting rule using VOFM (you need access key to get here). Here you define comparisions for the fields at header table and item tables and the comparision fields say SPART"division". "purchase order "BSTKD Instance: 5 sales orders combined into 2 deliveries and the split at the invoice would be 5 individual billing with respect to fields PO and DIv. of each sales order would let you create 5 billings. You need to define the exact "field" in the comparisions both at header and item level that could lead to invoice split. the key here is the field that is different from header to item will cause split at the item level. 5. Can any one explain how we will configure milestone billing , periodic billing and which scenario we will use? 5. Menu path: IMG->sales &distr->Billing->billing plans->define billing plan types. You set the start date and end dates if applicable to the type of billing you are using. What time to be billed (end of month, start of month etc..) Milestone is a billing plan type where a customer is billed for the amount distributed between the dates until total value is reached eg: if the total billing amountis 1000 USD for a year. You will bill the customer in different amounts say 200, 500, 300 at different

intervals as per customer agreement. On the other hand Periodic billling is billing the customer for the total amount(here 1000 USD) at regular intervals peridically until the customer agreement is reached. eg: 1000/12 for a 1 year agreement and say billed at the 1st day of every month. 6. What are some pricing routines and sd functional specs? 6. Form routines for prcing and variuos other functions can be maintained form routines are something todo with ABAP code. Go to (VOFM) where all requrements whcih are represented by form routines can be maintained. Requrements are available to be assigned where access sequenses are used (for determination procedures, here pricing). Once the tcode VOFM is accessed you will see requrements and go select "pricing" again you need access key to create your own or copy a routine. Say you want header price not to have effect the item pricing, you need to go to the program to change abap code to meet the requirement. this specific requirement you created will be assigned in the pricing proc. determination "requirements field" usaully with a number beyond 600. Note: make sure you activate your routine for its effect to take place.

Some SAP SD Interview Questions 2

Some of the interviewed questions and answers are as follows: What is the movement type you used in consignment process? ### 632, 633, 634, 631 Can team size be 40 in a project? Is there any generalized team size no. for any project? If we tell my team size is 40 in that what no. we can say sd people are? ## Team size cant be forty, Theres no genralized size of team. Never 40 sd consultants work together on same project. What is ALE? ## Application Linking and Enabling - Generally ABAPers work on it. What is meant by condition technique: can we say it is the combination of condition types, access sequence and condition tables? ## yes Where do we can find pricing procedure indicator in sd ? ## Pricing procedure is where we maintain all Conditions (like PR00, K004, mwst, kp00, etc) Where do we assign calender in the master records? ## In IMG screen Global Settings. What is the importance of customer account groups? ## We maintain the customer account to maintain payment terms and incoterms. Lets say, if SP is only booking order but the goods should deliver in foreign country and for

which SP is not going to bare the excise and other taxes then the SH party or payer will tke teh responsibity then the tax is calculated based on account groups. What are incoterms? Where do we fix them? Where do you find in regular process? ## Incoterms or international comm. terms and u find in CMR - Sales area Data - billing Tab. How can you make some of the fields as key field in generic tables? ## Some fields in all tables have a indicator on it.To see, then go to SE11, display VBAK, u will find MANDT on top, if you see after description 2 tick marks, those are key fields. Gernerally, these key fields are used in writing any Program or Interface. The key fields will extract data of non key fields . What is the standard group condition routine in condition type, what is its importance? ## Its better u read Group Conditions in PR00. How do you control entry possibility of condition values at order through condition type settings? ## You can maintain the maximum and minimum value for all conditions. What are the customizing settings in pricing procedure for tax condition type? ## Check out the standard pricing procedure RVAA01 - MWST. A bunch of data need to be imported. A huge no.of creations are required, how it is possible in SAP? ## thru LSMW, BAPI. What is the difference between PGI cancellation and returns order? ## PGI cancellation is done before the transportation of goods. But return order means its already transported reached customer during transit if materil is spoiled or broke or the goods r not delivered as per customer requested date.then customer send the goods baack to company. What is the integrated areas in SD AND FI, SD AND MM, SD AND PP in both implementation and support projects? ## SD & FI - Possible in Account Determination, for posting the conditions to revelant G/l account like all prices goes to one particular g/l account. Also in Credit Management, Taxes. SD & MM - Possible in Batches, Material Requirement Planning. SD & PP - Possible in Material Requirement planning. Link Between SAP SD, MM & FI

Important Tables for SAP SD

Sales and Distribution: Table Customers Description

KNA1 General Data KNB1 Customer Master Co. Code Data (payment method, reconciliation acct) KNB4 Customer Payment History KNB5 Customer Master Dunning info KNBK Customer Master Bank Data KNKA Customer Master Credit Mgmt. KNKK Customer Master Credit Control Area Data (credit limits) KNVV Sales Area Data (terms, order probability) KNVI Customer Master Tax Indicator KNVP Partner Function key KNVD Output type KNVS Customer Master Ship Data KLPA Customer/Vendor Link Sales Documents VBAKUK VBUK VBAK VBKD VBUP VBAP VBPA VBFA VBEP VBBE VBAK + VBUK Header Status and Administrative Data Sales Document - Header Data Sales Document - Business Data Item Status Sales Document - Item Data Partners Document Flow Sales Document Schedule Line Sales Requirements: Individual Records Delivery Document item data, includes Delivery Document Header data Billing Document Header Billing Document Item Shipping Unit Item (Content) Shipping Unit Header

SD Delivery DocumeLIPS referencing PO LIKP Billing Document SD Shipping Unit VBRK VBRP VEKP VEPO

SAP SD Transaction codes List

I found a way to know hidden customizing Tcodes. Before executing customizing task you desire, point it and go to Edit-Display IMG Activity. Then mark activity. Go to T.Code se16 and type in CUS_IMGACH table. Execute. Paste IMG Activity and run. You will see Tcode that belongs to IMG Activity. SAP SD Tips by: Javier

The most frequently used transaction codes are as follows: 1. VS00 - Master data 2. VC00 - Sales Support 3. VA00 - Sales 4. VL00 - Shipping 5. VT00 - Transportation 6. VF00 - Billing Others as follows: At Configuration: 1. VOV8 - Define Sales documents type (header) 2. OVAZ - Assigning Sales area to sales documents type 3. OVAU - Order reasons 4. VOV4 - Assign Item categoreies(Item cat determination) 5. VOV6 - Scedule line categories 6. OVAL - To assign blocks to relevant sales documents type 7. OVLK - Define delivery types 8. V/06 - Pricing 9. V/08 - Maintain pricing procedure 10.OVKP - Pricing proc determination 11.V/07 - Access sequence Enduser: 1. Customer Master Creation-VD01 and XD01 (for full inclu company code) VD02 - Change Customer VD03 - Display Customer VD04 - Customer Account Changes VD06 - Flag for Deletion Customer XD01 - Create Customer XD02 - Modify Customer XD03 - Display Customer 2. Create Other material ----MM00 3. VB11- To create material determination condition record 4. CO09- Material availability Overview 5. VL01 - Create outbound delivery with ref sales order 6. VL04 - Collective processing of delivery 7. VA11 - Create Inquiry VA12 - Change Inquiry VA13 - Display Inquiry Sales & Distribution Sales order / Quote / Sched Agreement / Contract VA01 - Create Order VA02 - Change Order VA03 - Display Order VA02 - Sales order change VA05 - List of sales orders VA32 - Scheduling agreement change

VA42 - Contract change VA21 - Create Quotation VA22 - Change Quotation VA23 - Display Quotation Billing VF02 - Change billing document VF11 - Cancel Billing document VF04 - Billing due list FBL5N - Display Customer invoices by line FBL1N - Display Vendor invoices by line Delivery VL02N - Change delivery document VL04 - Delivery due list VKM5 - List of deliveries VL06G - List of outbound deliveries for goods issue VL06P - List of outbound deliveries for picking VL09 - Cancel goods issue VT02N - Change shipment VT70 - Output for shipments General VKM3, VKM4 - List of sales documents VKM1 - List of blocked SD documents VD52 - Material Determination

Task Specifc SD Transaction Codes 1

How to configure tax? Use the following Tcodes: OBQ1 --- CONDITION TABLE OBQ2 --- ACCESS OBQ3 --- TAX PROCEDURE CAL OBBG --- ASSIGN COUNTRY TO TAX PROC OVK3 --- CUSTOMER TAX CATEGORY OVK4 --- MATERIAL TAX CATEGORY OVK1 --- TAX DETERMINATION RULES OVK6 --- ASSIGN DELIVERY PLANTS and thenVK11 to maintain the condition record for the tax rate. I raise a sales order and is getting a error stating that "sales area is not defined". 1) At SPRO-->SD-->Sales header-->Assign Sales area to Sales document - Combine your Sales Organisations, Distribution Channels & Divisons 2) At VOPA-->Assign Partner Determination procedure to your Account Group of Customer Master you are using. 3) At VOPA--> Assign Partner Functions to your Account Group & Partner Determination procedure

Steps to create a Vendor Master Data at the client level and how do we extend it to different company codes? Follow the following steps: 1. Create a vendor account group OBD3 2. Define no. range for vendor account group XKN1 3. Assign number range to Vendor account group OBAS 4. Define tolerance Group for vendor OBA3 5. Create 2 GL accounts FS00 a) Purchases A/c b) S. creditors A/c 6. Create Vendor master data XK01 7. change/block vendor master data XK02/XK05 8. Define document type and no. range OBA7 a) KA b) KG c) KR d) KZ *-- Vandna How to find the strategy group in sap sd? Menu path for Strategy Group is: Spro --> Production --> Production Planning --> Demand Management --> Planned Independent Requirements --> Planning Strategy --> Define Strategy Group. OPPT -- Maintain Starategy Group We can see Strategy Group in Material Master Record - MRP 3 - Planning -- Strategy Group. 10 - For Make to Order 20 - For Make to Stock

Task Specifc SD Transaction Codes 2

Where do we maintain "Item Category Usage" at the master level? Spro --> Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Documents --> Sales Document Item --> Define Item Category Usage Item Category Usage: item category usages which control the usage of an item. Item category usage controls, for example, the system response if during document processing an item does not refer to a material but to a text item. Item category usage can also be maintained via the item categories In contracts we are creating quantity contract and value contracts in that we only put the validity period after validity period that contract will close,but customer want before one month closing the period system should alert with popup box like this contract is going to close, for this sales manager can follow up the customer for renual the contract. Getting a pop-up when the Contract is going to expire is not a Standard SAP thing. For this you need to do some programming. Instead of this the Std system has a reminder

system where in the open Contracts and Quotaions are popped up when you about to create a sales order. This setting is in the Sales order header , Goto -- VOV8 --- Quotation and Outline agreement messages If you want to have different number range for different sales area where the settings to be done. Number Rage are use to define what number to be assign to sales document type. Number range can be assign Internal or external. In internal number range system automatically assign a number to sales document according to number range define in system. In External number range user manually assign number to sales document. For Assigning Number Range use T-Code VN01 Choose Intervals ---- Define your number range *-- Shambhu Sarkar

SAP SD TCodes For India

Transaction Action: J1I2 - Prepare a sales tax register J1I3 - Create outgoing excise invoices in batches J1I5 - Update the RG 1 and Part I registers J1IEX - Incoming Excise Invoices (central transaction) J1IEX_C - Capture an incoming excise invoice (excise clerk) J1IEX_P - Post an incoming excise invoice (excise supervisor) J1IF01 - Create a subcontracting challana J1IF11 - Change a subcontracting challan J1IF12 - Display a subcontracting challan J1IF13 - Complete, reverse, or recredit a subcontracting challan J1IFQ - Reconcile quantities for subcontracting challans J1IFR - List subcontracting challans J1IH - Make a CENVAT adjustment posting J1IIN - Create an outgoing excise invoice J1IJ - Assign excise invoices to a delivery for sales from depots J1INJV - Adjust withholding tax Item J1INREP - Reprint a withholding tax certificate for a vendor J1IQ - Year-End Income Tax Depreciation Report J1IR - Download register data J1IS - Process an excise invoice (outgoing) for other movements J1IU - Process exemption forms J1IW - Verify and post an incoming excise invoice J1IX - Create an incoming excise invoice (without reference to purchase order) J2I8 - Transfer excise duty to CENVAT account J2IU - Remit excise duty fortnightly J2I9 - Monthly CENVAT return J1IG - Excise invoice entry at depot

J1IGA - Create additional excise entry at depot J2I5 - Extract data for excise registers J2I6 - Print excise registers

Standard SAP SD Reports

Reports in Sales and Distribution modules (LIS-SIS): Sales summary - VC/2 Display Customer Hierarchy - VDH2 Display Condition record report - V/I6 Pricing Report - V/LD Create Net Price List - V_NL List customer material info - VD59 List of sales order - VA05 List of Billing documents - VF05 Inquiries list - VA15 Quotation List - VA25 Incomplete Sales orders - V.02 Backorders - V.15 Outbound Delivery Monitor - VL06o Incomplete delivery - V_UC Customer Returns-Analysis - MC+A Customer Analysis- Sales - MC+E Customer Analysis- Cr. Memo - MC+I Deliveries-Due list - VL04 Billing due list - VF04 Incomplete Billing documents - MCV9 Customer Analysis-Basic List - MCTA Material Analysis(SIS) - MCTC Sales org analysis - MCTE Sales org analysis-Invoiced sales - MC+2 Material Analysis-Incoming orders - MC(E General- List of Outbound deliveries - VL06f Material Returns-Analysis - MC+M Material Analysis- Invoiced Sales - MC+Q Variant configuration Analysis - MC(B Sales org analysis-Incoming orders - MC(I Sales org analysis-Returns - MC+Y Sales office Analysis- Invoiced Sales - MC-E Sales office Analysis- Returns - MC-A Shipping point Analysis - MC(U Shipping point Analysis-Returns - MC-O Blocked orders - V.14 Order Within time period - SD01 Duplicate Sales orders in period - SDD1 Display Delivery Changes - VL22

SAP Sales and Distribution Frequently Asked Question

Master Data
Q: Some materials have been blocked for procurement and production. Even though deletion flag is set for a material/plant level, the order can be still entered ( with a warning message). Is there a way to block such transactions for a material flagged for deletion? A: Sales Status field in the sales organization view of the material master may be used to block any transaction for the material. Q: We can define our own exchange rate types and use them instead of the defaulted types, 'M', 'B' and 'G'. How can we overwrite default types in SD? A: Exchange rate gets copied from the customer master record. Exchange rate types are to be maintained for the customer in the sales screen of the customer master record.

Q: The PL00 condition is fine in delivery. But when we try to print to either the screen or printer, an error V1032 occurs. Why? A: In order to use the Packing list PL00 (packing slip in delivery) you must do 'Packing' in the delivery note (edit->packing) Q: we have to enter a shipping point while creating a delivery. Is it possible to create delivery without shipping points? A: When you are releasing a sales order, choose Sales document -> Subsequent functions-> Create delivery, then the shipping point will be brought in from the sales order. In all other scenarios you have to key in the shipping point. The above described scenario will only work if all items on the sales order are to be shipped from the same shipping point.

Q: SAP allows a non-inventory item and an inventory item to be in the same document till delivery but splits at the time of creation of billing document. Can we combine a noninventory item with an inventory item in one invoice? Can we treat it as a value item in sales order so that it is priced and then make it as a text item in delivery documents so that it appears in the same invoice and does not split? A1: Make the non-stock material deliverable, but not pickable. Both items will carry into the delivery, and therefore appear on the same invoice. A2: Change the copy rule for orders->invoices and deliveries->invoices to specify that invoice combination is permitted. However note that for system to create combined invoices, PO number, payment terms, sales organization, and distribution channel must be identical. Else undesirable combinations may be created by the system.

Pricing Conditions

Q: It is impossible to price at the material level (matnr) , when a material has a pricing
reference (mvke-pmatn) set up against it in the master data. Pricing always look for the pref, even if a price is set up against the material and not the pref. How can we price by material and pref? A: The field used to look up at the price is defined in Access sequence. You may find a step with PMATN as material number. If you insert a step with MATNR then the system will first look for the material, if not found (use the exclusion tick box) it will look for the pref.

Q: We generated a new condition table. Assigned the condition to access sequence. Created a condition record. Access sequence is assigned to the output type. But when we create a billing document, output screen comes up blank for the output type. When we look up Determination Analysis, we get an error "Note 524 Access not made (Initialized Field)". What else is required to be done? A: Assign output determination procedure to the header of the document and the output type. Q: How can we set up to have the VAT# be accepted in the Ship-To Master File Data Control screen? A: IMG->Fin. Acct.->AR and AP ->Customer acct->Master Record -> Prepare to Create Customer-> Define Acct. Group. Q: We want to explode Bill of Material automatically at time of Order entry and explode an Equipment BOM in the sales order. What are the setting required? A: Use an item category that is configured for bills of material for having a sales BOM to explode automatically. Standard SAP item categories are : TAQ - Pricing and inventory control take place at the BOM header level TAP - Pricing and inventory control take place at the BOM item level These can be automatically derived using the item category groups ERLA and LUMF, respectively. Q: How can we make the Customer Group 1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5) a mandatory field? A: Logistic General-> Logistics Basic Data: Business Partners -> Customers -> Control -> Define account groups and field selection for customer Choose Customer Acct. GR. (double-click). -> Field Status: Sales data (double click) -> sales (double click) .Check the radio button against Customer Gr as REQ. ENTRY. Save the settings to make customer GR entry mandatory . Q: Is there an user exit to copy the data into planning table? A: Use user exit MCP20001 and include ZXSOPU01.

Others Q: We get a report screen: "Goods issue: Problem Log" during the delivery process
when activating Post Goods Issue button. We want to include our own error message to this list if the selected batch is not on a customer defined table. What is the best way?


Link Between SAP SD, MM & FI

1. In SAP you will always get integration with other modules. SD will interact with FI, MM will interact with SD :1a. Looking at MM and SD interaction first, take the scenario of a third party order process. This process uses a purchase order (which is sent to your vendor). Also invoice verification is used further along the process to check that the invoice you send to your customer is the same material and quantity as that which the vendor sends to you (but obviously shipped directly to your customer). 1b. Billing is an SD function. But SAP needs to know, when processing a customer's payment, to which GL account the payment has to be processed. For instance payment of a UK based material would be placed in a different GL account to that of a non-UK based material. Furthermore, a UK based customer may have a different GL account to that of an Export customer. This is configured in Account Determination. 2. ABAPers are there to essential do some bespoke development. Your integration, or interaction, with them would be when specifying the tables, fields, input fields, a simple process explanation, data mapping (if doing an interface from one system to another) etc. *-- Shahee The link between SD and MM :1. When you create sales order in SD, all the details of the items are copied from Material master of MM. 2. MRP and availibility check related data is also taken from MM although you control this data in SD also. 3. While you create inbound/outbound delivery with reference to a sales order,the shipping point determination takes place with the help of the loading group, plant data, shipping conditions etc. This also refers to Material Master. 4. The material which you are entering in a sales order must be extended to the sales area of your sales order/customer otherwise you cannot transact with this material. There are many such links between SD and MM. Now the link between SD and FI :1. Whenever you create a delivery with reference to a sales order, goods movement takes place in the bacgground. eg. In case of standard sales order, you create an outbound goods delivery to the customer. Here movement 601 takes place. This movement is configured in MM. Also, this movement hits some G/L account in FI. Every such movement of good s hits some G/L account. 2. The accounts posting in FI is done with reference to the billing documents (invoice, debit note, credit note etc) created in SD. Thus this is a link between SD and FI 3. Tax determination: In case of a tax determination also, there is a direct link between SD and MM

SD Integration points with other modules

SD module is highly integrated with the other modules in SAP.
Sales Order Integration Points Availability Check Credit Check Costing Tax Determination Transfer of Requirements Delivery & Goods Issue Integration Points Availability Check Credit Check Reduces stock Reduces Inventory $ Requirement Eliminated Module MM FI CO/ MM FI PP/ MM Module MM FI MM FI/ CO PP/ MM Module FI/ CO FI/ CO FI/ CO PS Module MM FI FI FI FI

Billing Integration Points Debit A/R Credit Revenue Updates G/ L (Tax, discounts, surcharges, etc.) Milestone Billing Return Delivery & Credit Memo Integration Points Increases Inventory Updates G/ L Credit Memo Adjustment to A/R Reduces Revenue -

Tips by: Subha

SD Transaction Code Flow:

Inquiry / Document type IN Tcode for creation VA11,VA12,VA13. tables VBAK,VBAP Quotation / QT Tcode for creation VA21,VA22,VA23. tables VBAK,VBAP Purchase Order PO Tcode for creation ME21,ME22,ME23. tables EKKO,EKPO. Sales Order OR Tcode for creation VA01,VA02,VA03. tables VBAK,VBAP Delivery LF Tcode for creation VL01,VL02,VL03. tables LIKP,LIPS Billing MN Tcode for creation VF01,VF02,VF03. tables VBRK,VBRP

To create a sales order we need purchase order number and custmer number. Before that, to create a purchase order we need to have material no, vendor no. To create vendor tcode is xk01(create), xk02(change) , xk03(display) Tables are lfa1. To create custmer tcode is xd01, xd02, xd03. Table is kna1. After creating sales order using this no we can create delivery note tcode is vl01. Ujwala Shirsulla *--

Why Do We Assign Division to Sales Organisation

In SAP, why do we assign division to Sales organisation not to distribution channel? In SAP Business Process Sales Area= Sales Org.+Dist.Channel+Division. Its Triangular intraction Sales organization / \ / \ Dist.Channel<----------------->Division Sales Org controls Distribution Channel and Division Distribution Channel: The channel that is choosen the organization to make their product reach the end customer.(Network) Division: Ex: HLL--------> Detergents, Out of Home,Food Products,Health Care Sectors/Departments TATA Motars: Trucks/Bus,Cars,Heavy Vechiles Etc... Please note it is not: Sales organization | | Dist.Channel | | Division Division is an Oragaizational Unit. The Division in the Material Master is not an Organizational Unit that can be used to

maintain related fields. It is a field which is used to uniquely assign a material to a Division. SAP SD Tips by : Ramkumar

How To Do Master Record Mass Maintenance

Which master records mass maintenance can be done? What do you mean by mass maintenance? Mass maintainance in MM1. Mass Maintainance means to change a master data or transactional data in mass 2. SAP has provided Mass Maintainance for many objects Examples:Material masters, BOMs, Routings, Workcenters in PP In MM --> Inforecords, PO,s Preqs etc To do master record mass maintenance You can use tcode MASS and then select your Object type or there is few specific mass maint. Tcode is available like for PO = MEMASSPO etc. but you can use MASS also for that you need to select the object type for PO Tips for mass modification: Use object type BUS1001 and generate. Then you have to know the tables where the field you want to modify is. Pick the fields in their folder and generate again. Then in selection pick the materials or use other selection criteria. Generate again. In the upper side of the screen insert the data and click the button 'carry out a mass change'. Save and leave. Master records mass maintenance can be done: Material master, info record, vendor, PO, PR, etc. What do you mean by mass maintenance? MASS maintenance means - suppose you want to change prticaulr field of material for all the mateirl of certian plant or all the plant you can do using mass like wise for certian PO value if you want to cahnge you can use mass. There a lot of transactions for specific mass changes. MASS is also one of the transactions among them. - Mass Change in material master. MM17 - Mass change in BOM. CS20 - Mass change in work center. CA85 - Mass change in Reference opn set. CA95 - Mass change in PRT. CA75 - SU10 Mass changes to User Master. - SU12 Mass Changes to User Master Records.

- CO44 Mass processing of orders. - F.80 Mass reversal of documents. - FOFO Mass release. - FOVX Mass processing of offers. - IMAM Mass maintenance of approp.requests. - KE55 Mass Maintenance PrCtr Master Data. - XD99 Customer master mass maintenance. - XK99 Mass maintenance, vendor master.

Serial Number Management In SAP SD

By: Rob I am following the below step: 1. Serial number profile is created. 2. Assigned sales order procedure (SDAU) and delivery proceedure to serial number (SDLS). 3. Profile is assigned in material master record 4. Assume there is a stock of 10 quantity without serial number (you can do 561 for initial stock posting ) 5. IQ01 created serial number for all the 10 stock. 6. VA01 created sales order for one quantiy 7. Assigned one serial number for this material 8. Sales order is saved and delivery and PGI is done for the same serial number and material 9. MMBE stock is reduced with one quantity 10. MB51 if check the material document in serial number TAB i can see a message that "The material is managed in serial numbers" So now my question is why I can't see serial number in material document? How can able to see that? what is the configuration required? Whatever settings you have maintained is correct. I shall share as to what happens in our business process. VA01- Sales order Vl03 - Delivery LT03- Transfer Order After transfer order there is a transaction used ZL02 where in the delivery number is entered and on executing, a screen pops up asking for the serial number. Here we enter the serial number maintained for the material and is got from MMBE. And the serial number is captured for the material. Pls check for the serial numbers in MMBE and I suppose a program needs to be created by an ABAPer for the serial number to be fetched and a transaction to be created and associated with the program. I need Serial Number Profile tables as soon as possible. T377P - Serial Number Management Profiles T377P_T Texts for Serial Number Management Profiles

T377X Documents Allowed for Serial Number Management T377X_T Texts for Serial Number Management Documents T5KSN ROE Serial Number SERI Serial Numbers EQBS Serial Number Stock Segment EQSE Serial Number Records IQ09 - Check Material Serial No In outbound delivery, post goods issue failed because of serial number, but this serial number was not assigned to any other material. Check the serial number and material with IQ03. Serial number is material specific. When I looked at the IQ03, for the serial no "#162559019S.", I realized that the status is still remain as EDEL and ESTO. Supposingly, the status should only has ESTO. Is there a way to remove the status "EDEL"? Go to IQ02, do the following steps: 1. Go to edit -> Special serial number function -> manual transaction 2. Choose "to stock" The status should be ESTO now. Try it. EDEL status shows that it is assigned to a delivery. Change it by going into IQ02 --> Edit --> Sp.Serial number Functions --> Manual Transaction and make it 'to stock' If the serial number has status EDEL ESTO that means the serial number is assigned to the Delivery, reversal PGI has not been completely performed. Once you do that then only this will come as ESTO. Please check your SD document flow if all the documents have been reversed. Click the Status of Serial Number Master record. - ESTO status In the warehouse. means .. open.. - EDEL (Assigned in delivery note). According to this status, transaction 'Goods issues' is not allowed. - ECUS At customer site

Sales Office Address, Change and Assignment

Where to change the ADRNR field for a particular sales office? SPRO --> Enterprise Structure --> Definition --> Sales & Distribution --> Sales Office --> Define Sales Office. Here go to the address & change the address & the new address will reflect in the output. Table in which sales office data is stored. In which table name address of the sales office (SD ) is stored. Also tell in which table, description of the sales office is stored. table TVBUR-vkbur is the sales office

table tvbur it contains a field called address number. ADRNR take that field(ADRNR) and compare with table ADRC-ADRNR. in table ADRC you will find name, description, address and all other data. table TVKBT -- description of sales office. Assignment of Single sales office to multiple sales organizations. We have a scenario where we need to Assign single sales office to multiple sales organizations in CRM. When I am trying to assign sales office to more than one sales organization 1st assignment between Sales office and Sales Org is getting deleted, and only the 2nd assignment is available. At sales office level in Function tab, it is showing only the assigned sales Organization (only one sales org), how to assign one more sales org to this sales office here. The assignments are on the lower node. Which means you will go to Sales office, go to function TAB and assign multiple sales organizations there. In the change form click New entry and assign the new sales organization and distribution channela and division combination. You can assign as many combinations as needed here. 1. There are 2 version in CRM Org Model. a) SBIV (Standard Backend Integration Version) b) EBIV (Enhanced Backend Integration Version) 2. EBIV is used to handle multiple assignments in CRM system. 3. As you know we have 3 Org Units as far as Sales is concerned i.e. Sales Org, Sales Office, Sales Group. 4. In R/3 there is a standard way to maintain multiple assignments among these org units. Ex: Sales Group 'X' works (assigned) for 2 Sales Offices 'North' and 'South' simultaneously. 5. But in CRM this assignment is not as common as in R/3 and is not supported thru SBIV. 6. If you would like to have these multiple assignments made in R/3 available in CRM as well you may want to go thru EBIV. 7. Once you run EBIV you cannot go back to SBIV. 8. In EBIV divisions and distribution channels can only be assigned to sales units (sales organizations, sales offices, and sales groups). If they are assigned to any other neutral Org Units (Org Units without any Org Attributes), those assignments would be deleted once you shift from SBIV to EBIV.

Set the number range for Deliveries

The internal and external number range for delivery are control by the delivery type.

First you define the number range for deliveries in 'VN01'. Then you assign the number range for the delivery type in transaction '0VLK'

Set the default start variant for VL10

In transaction SU01, tabstrips Parameters. Assuming you have created a variant TEST Parameters LE_VL10_USER_VARIANT Delivery Creation Value TEST Text Default Selection Parameters for

Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List

If you would like to add additional fields to the Delivery Due List - Transaction VL04. These fields do not exist in the list of additional fields in the IMG. You will need to have a user exit written. This OSS notes will help you in creating the additional fields :198137 - VL10: Customer-specific enhancements / user exits 415716 - User exits in delivery processing

Checking Fields with Incompletion procedures for Delivery

Define your incomplete procedures in OVA2. There are 3 levels :Groups Procedures Fields -> 1. here you define the Status Group to used 2. you define whether a warning message should be issued Assign incompletion procedures to partner functions in SM30 - V_TPAR_VUV Assign incompletion forms to the delivery types in SM30 - V_TVLK_VUV Assign Incompletion Forms to the Delivery Item Types in SM30 - V_TVLP_VUV Define the Status Group in SM30 - V_TVUVS You use this function to block a document for delivery, billing, or pricing etc. In an incompletion procedure you group together the fields that are to be checked for completion. If you have not entered data in one of the fields in the document, the document is incomplete. Depending on the status group you can block certain subsequent activities

for the document. For every field in the procedure you also have to define whether a warning message should be issued during processing if no data is entered in this field.

Exclude inventory in Storage Locations during Delivery Creation

When you exclude MRP planning for a storage location, SAP will not consider the stocks when you do a delivery creation. You used SM30 - V_T001L_D to include/exclude the storage location for MRP. If you does not wish to include/exclude the storage location for all the materials, you can just goto MM02 -> MRP View 4 to include/exclude it for that particular materials only. Take note that when you set the parameters in SM30 - V_T001L_D, the settings only affect those newly created materials starting from the days you set the parameters. For those materials already created, you have to changed it manually one by one or write an ABAP program to mass changed it automatically.

Avoiding delivery creation when items quantity are zero

Deliveries are created collectively using VL10. In the definition of delivery item category 0VLP, there is a field Check Quantity 0. Set the value to B or C. This will prevent delivery with zero lines from being created. However, if you want to include zero quantity items but if they are all zero, you do not want to create the delivery then you have to used the user exit USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE.

Problem in Shipping
I am new to SD. I am facing a problem in Shipping. After finishing the transfer order, and go to change mode of delivery, Press "post goods Issue" I am facing this problem: "The number range for the transaction/event WL in year 2004 does not exist" How to solve this problem. Sailendra

Go to TCode SNRO. Put the no Range object as MATBELEG and click on Number Ranges. Then click on Change Groups. Then select the second row (which includes your WL doc type). After selecting click on the change/maintain button. On this you can maintain the desired number range. Here you can put the year as 2004 or any future year. Amol. When a SO is created and Delivery then we proceed to Transfer order and Post goods issue, sometimes there is a problem in Shipping. Could you Kindly clarify whether Shipping point is assigned to the Material in Material Master or you can assign the Storage Location, Plant and Shipping point in Delivery. Also If a Plant has mutliple shipping points,,which one will be assigned for shipping after Delivery created I also had an error log while creating Transfer order LT03 saying Postings not possible for specified date..Is there a way to solve this problem in Deliveries? Pritam When creating a Sales Order, the system first determines the Delivering Plant in the sequence from the following source: 1) Customer-material info record 2) Customer Master 3) Material Master. On determining the Delivering plant, the system determines the shipping point with the customising that you do in Logistics Execution > Shipping > Basic Shiping Funct > Shipping point and Goods Recieving Point Determination > Assign Shipping points : Here you enter the Shipping point to be determined for the combination of: a) Shipping Condition (which is assigned in the customer master or Salesdocument type) b) Loading group (which is assigned in the material master) c) Delivering Plant (which has already been determined) As regards storage location the same is determined in the delivery from the combination 1) Shipping Point 2) Delivering Plant 3) Storage condition. Hope the above has clarified your querries.

Movement Type Posting Error In Delivery

After creating the delivery, I could not proceed with the Post goods issue. When I click the post goods issue, the bottom message says posting period possible for 2006/6 and 2006/7 for company code."CO-code". See there is may be two kind of problem: Maybe your system installed in back date so check actual movement date. in T-Code MB1C What actual movement date you used for PG Received into your plant. Secondly, for assigning a posting period do the following T-Code OB52 ("please check your Company Code is assign to which Varriant T-code OBBP") Customizing => Financial Accounting => Financial Global Setting => Document => Posting Period => Open and Close Posting Period, and Update your Posting Period as you desire => Open and Close Posting Period, and Update your Posting Period as you desire. *-- Shambhu I have created the outbound delivery and have done PGI & made factory invoice but when I try to make the final invoice , it is not allowing to make the final invoice.S ystem is showing the error "Delivery type ZINC cannot be invoiced with billing type F2 ". Just go to sales Document Type (VOV8), Check for Sales Order - > Delivery Type -> Billing type assignment and correct accordingly. *-Ratnakar While creating material stock, I am getting an error " Posting Period003 2007 is not open". I have tried all MMPV, OB52, OMSY but still stock is not creating. You go to assign plant to company code and there you de-assign and save it. IMG/ENTERPRISE STRUCTURE/ASSIGNMENT/LOG GENERAL/ ASSIGN PLANT TO CO CODE. Now you go to /NOMSY and go to position give company code then change the year to 2007 and pd to 03(now March month)and save it. Now, again you assign your plant to company code and save it. Then do your work, everything will be ok. *-- Akhilesh

Shipping Conditions and Storage Location Determination

Can we configure Shipping conditions at line item level? Shipping conditions is one of the criteria to determine shipping points. Shipping points is determined for each order item in sales order. The system automatically proposes the shipping point at item level. You can change shipping point manually in the order. Shipping point determination-shipping conditions from (Img of S.doc type or customer master record of sold-to party) +loading group of Material master+ delivering plant of

customer material infor record. In r/3 shipping conditions are assigned to Sales document type. If it is not assigned it is proposed from master record of sold-to-party. In your case,you have to define all shipping conditions and assign Shipping points for each shipping conditions.You will have as many shipping points for as shipping conditions. Customizing : Shipping point determination-IMG-Logistic execution-shipping-basic shipping function. *-- Vrajesh How system determines storage location in sd? - If storage location for picking is not specified in the order item, the system determines the storage location when it creates the outbound delivery and copies it into the delivery item. Otherwise, the storage location entered in the order item is used in the outbound delivery. - The system determines the picking location based on a rule defined in the delivery type. The following rules are shipped in the standard system: - MALA: The picking location is determined based on the shipping point, the delivering plant, and the storage condition for the material as defined in the material master. - RETA and MARE: These rules are mainly used in trade scenarios. - You can also use the customer exit in SAP enhancement V02V0002 to implement storage location determination. - The picking location search is activated for each delivery item category.

Delivery Split Because Of Conflicting Header Data

By: Robin Item 000020 - Delivery split because of conflicting header data (TRAGR 0001<>0002). How this error can be removed? What is the reason for such error? Delivery split can occur for the following reasons. 1. Different delivery dates for line items. 2. Different ship to parties for line items. 3. Different routes for line items. Check whether the above data are same for all the line items. The following data may cause to split as two deliveries: --> Check the shipping points of the two items it may be different. --> Check the item level partner functions in the Sales order is there different ship to parties available for the two items. --> Check the Delivering plant of the items. --> Check the shipping conditions are different for the two items. --> Check the loading group of the two items.

Go to Material Master, select Sales: General/Plant view and compare for both the materials what is maintained in "Trans.Grp". It should be different. Maintain unique value and then retry. Your problem will be solved. Getting a delivery split based on different customer group at header level. This is not the business requirement. How to still create a single delivery document? Item 000020: delivery split due to conflicting header data (KDGRP: Z1 <-> Z2) Message no. VL033 Diagnosis Item 000020 cannot be shipped in the same delivery with the other items in the document because the header data (KDGRP) is different. The KDGRP item field has the value Z2, but in the delivery checked for concatenation it has the value Z1. Delivery split happens because of the customer group also. so as you want to do single delivery, assuming that stock is available for both the materials, check in the item data the schedule lines, the delivery dates of the line items 10&20 and make sure that both are being delivered on same date. And make the customer group (VBKD - KDGRP ) same for line items 10 & 20 .then single delivery will happen. for both the line items Please check the below: DELIVERY SPLIT: Delivery Split depends on the following criteria: 1) Ship to party 2) Delivery date 3) Plant 4) Shipping point 5) Shipping conditions 6) Transportation group 7) Loading group 8) Item categories of materials Delivery split happen when the requested quantity by customer is not full met, then the system proposes different delivery dates or schedule lines dates based on material availability. Example : A sales order is confirmed with 2 schedule lines i.e on 14 feb 2008 and 25 feb 2008 If the first delivery (14 feb 2008) is created and PGI is done this means on this delivery date customer has received the goods. For the second delivery date ( 25 feb 2008), here you can create delivery only on 25 feb not before this due date, this means on this date goods will reach customer after completing the transportation planning, picking, loading, packing and transit, then in system on 25 Feb we create delivery document with PGI. Partial Delivery option will be set in customer master record sales area ----> shipping--> partial deliveries.

Route Determination In Sales Order

Explain the basic concept of route process in Sales Order. By: Kevin Route is determined automatically in the sales order based on: 1. Departure zone or country of the delivering plant. 2. Destination zone or country of the Ship to Party. 3. Shipping condition from the customer master. 4. Transportation group from the material master. 5. Weight Group. Follow this:Step: 1 - Define Modes of Transport Path: SproLogistics ExecutionTransportationBasic Transportation Function--RoutesDefine RoutesDefine Modes of Transport. Step: 2 - Define Shipping Types Path: Under the Same Menu path---Define Shipping Types Select New Entries and Assign the Shipping Type (e.g. Road or Train) and Assign Mode of Transport (Mdtr) and Assign Shipping type Procedure group. Step: 3 - Define Transportation Connection Point Path: Under the Same Menu path--- Define Transportation Connection Point. Step: 4 - Define Routes and Stages. Path: Under the Same Menu path--- Define Routes and Stages. Select the New Entries and Enter the Details Then Select the Routes stages and define Step: 5 - Maintain Stages for all Routes. Path: Under the Same Menu path---Maintain Stages for all Routes. ROUTE DETERMINATION Step: 6 - Define Transportation Zone Path: SproLogistics ExecutionTransportationBasic Transportation Function--RoutesRoute DeterminationDefine Transportation Zone. Step: 7 - Maintain County and Transportation Zone for Shipping Point. Path: Under the Same Menu path--- Maintain County and Transportation Zone for Shipping Point. Select the Shipping point and enter the Country and Transportation Zone Step: 8 - Define Transportation Groups. Path: Under the Same Menu path---Define Transportation Groups Step: 9 - Maintain Route Determination Path: Under the Same Menu path--Maintain Route Determination. Go to Customer master data. In Address of General data. Enter the Transportation Zone id. and save You will get the route. The system takes into account the following 4 conditions for determining the Route

a. The country and the Departure Zone of the shipping point + b. Shipping Conditions agreed in the sales document type or with the sold to party + c. Transportation Group assigned to the material + d. The country & Transportation Zone of the ship to party (in CMR) Route can be manually overwritten during a sales order processing. You can re-determine the route in the outbound delivery based on weight (weight group) provided it is allowed in the configuration of the delivery type. Scheduling takes into account the following times a. Transit Time + b. Loading Time + c. Pick/Pack Time + d. Transportation Lead/Planning Time. The loading time and pick/pack time come from the shipping point whereas the transit time and transportation lead time come from the route. The system performs backward scheduling first to confirm the required quantity checking the material availability on the material availability date. If the material availability date or the transportation planning date falls before the order date, the system automatically carries out forward scheduling and will propose a future date. A delivery type can be customized to carry out rescheduling if required during the delivery processing.

Planned Delivery Cost and Unplanned Delivery Cost

ERP SAP ==> SD SAP ==> LE SAP What is planned delivery cost and unplanned delivery cost? By: Chung 1) A delivery costs that are planned in a purchase order and are entered in the system (invoice). 2) A delivery costs that are not planned in a purchase order and are not entered in the system until the invoice is received. Planned delivery costs: Planned delivery costs are agreed upon with the vendor, a carrier, or a customs office before the purchase order is created. You enter them in the purchase order. Planned delivery costs can be differentiated as follows: Origin of Costs i) Freight charges ii) Customs charges Calculation of Costs i) Fixed amount, irrespective of delivered quantity ii) Quantity-dependent amount iii) Percentage of value of the goods Unplanned Delivery Costs:

Unplanned delivery costs were not agreed on in the purchase order and are not entered until the invoice is received. You can enter the unplanned delivery costs in the invoice document alongside the costs incurred. You can post unplanned delivery costs as follows: - Distribute them prorated to calculated invoice items - Post them to separate G/L accounts The system distributes the unplanned delivery costs automatically in the ratio of the value invoiced so far to the values in the current invoice. The system posts unplanned delivery costs to a separate G/L account. Therefore, the unplanned delivery costs do not debit stock accounts or account assignment objects.

Shipping Condition Route Determination And Loading Group

Where is the "Shipping Condition" maintained in a customer master? Shipping condition is maintained in the shipping tab under sales area data of customer master. The shipping condition is proposed from the sales document type if a shipping condition has been assigned to it. If not, the shipping condition is proposed from the master record of the sold-to party. Shipping conditions are maintained for which partner function in customer master? Shipping condition is maintain in Ship to Party partner function ( sales area data tab --shipping.) Shipping conditions will be defaulted from the CMR of SP. If a value exists in the sales document type (eg. OR) then it will have priority and will replace the value defaulted from CMR. Does the system takes the shipping condition twice in search of the route? When the system search for the route it will search through route determination like this: Shipping point*(*Sales order)** and Departure Zone **(From the order shipping point*)*+Shipping condition*(*Customer master which you enter in the order*) *+Transportation Group*(*from material master which you entered in the order**) +destination zone*(*transportation zone of the Customer in the order**)-->Route System will determine the shipping point in the sales order based on these selection Shipping conditions+Loading group+Plant-->Shipping point. After determining the shipping point then only the system will start to search route. But system will not search the shipping point while searching the route. So shipping conditions will not consider two times while searching the route.

What is the significance of the shipping condition and loading group? Both the shipping condition and loading group are useful in Stock transport order. For the Customer assigned to the receiving Plant, check the Delivering Plant in Customer master record in XD02 & check the shipping point assignment in OVXC. Shipping point will be determined only if it is assigned to the plant from the config. Shipping condition and Loading group plays a vital part for shipping point determination . The combination of shipping condition (Master data of customer /Vendor) + Loading group (material master) + Plant, determines the shipping point.

Batch Determination In Delivery

I have configured the batch determination in delivery and it is working fine. But I have one issue in that. Requirement is that during batch determination in delivery system should only pick the batch for which remaining self life is at least 45 days. The days of remaining self life is based on the customer. For customer A it should be 30 and for B 45 etc. I have created customer specific strategy/condition record. So for each customer I have to maintain the days in characteristic (Which characteristics can be used?) There is std Self life expiration date char is exist in the system you have to activate that. LOBM_VFDAT (tcode is BMSM) This function updates the standard characteristics in the classification system reserved for batch management so that they meet the requirements of any new functions. This concerns all characteristics starting with LOBM_*. These are: - LOBM_VFDAT expiration date, shelf life - LOBM_VERAB availability date - LOBM_LFDAT required delivery date - LOBM_RLZ required remaining shelf life of batch - LOBM_MENGE quantity - LOBM_ZUSTD status - LOBM_LVORM deletion flag - LOBM_BWTAR valuation type - LOBM_LGORT storage location - LOBM_QNDAT next batch check date - LOBM_KRT required waiting days for batch - LOBM_MBDAT material availability date - LOBM_RLZ_PROZ required remaining shelf life as a percentage - LOBM_BPRIO stock determination: priority - LOBM_UDCODE usage decision

- LOBM_QSCORE quality score from usage decision You need to execute this function in the following cases: - In newly created clients, after copying other clients - After defining object dependencies for standard characteristic LOBM_RLZ - In every client after a release upgrade When the report for updating the standard characteristics has been completed, you receive a log in which all the activities performed are listed. Update Standard Characteristics in BMSM and also Refer SAPNote 33396 - Batch determ.: Selection w. remaining life LOBM_RLZ, for this.

List Of User Exit Related to VL01N

I need to some restriction in fields ( Actual GI Date, T-Code:Vl01n ). How do you find out whcih user exits belongs to VL01n ? Here is the list of user exit related to VL01N : V02V0001 - Sales area determination for stock transport order V02V0002 - User exit for storage location determination V02V0003 - User exit for gate + matl staging area determination V02V0004 - User Exit for Staging Area Determination (Item) V50PSTAT - Delivery: Item Status Calculation V50Q0001 - Delivery Monitor: User Exits for Filling Display Fields V50R0001 - Collective processing for delivery creation V50R0002 - Collective processing for delivery creation V50R0004 - Calculation of Stock for POs for Shipping Due Date List V50S0001 - User Exits for Delivery Processing V53C0001 - Rough workload calculation in time per item V53C0002 - W&S: RWE enhancement - shipping material type/time slot V53W0001 - User exits for creating picking waves VMDE0001 - Shipping Interface: Error Handling - Inbound IDoc VMDE0002 - Shipping Interface: Message PICKSD (Picking, Outbound) VMDE0003 - Shipping Interface: Message SDPICK (Picking, Inbound) VMDE0004 - Shipping Interface: Message SDPACK (Packing, Inbound) How to run the transaction code VT01N? VT01N is the Transaction code for posting the Shipment document. It also created the Handling unit for which the material is packed in Containers or shippers. Step 1. Initial screen for VT01N, Transportation Point is your Plant from where the material is moving. Shipment Type is the selection of Type i.e. Individual (Single Shipment) Step 2. After that Click on Delivery tab so that you can select an particular delivery... or else the complete pending delivery gets selected if you directly entered into it. Select the range i.e., Plant, Sales Order or Delivery Number or any other selection.

Step 3. Then after executing the same, System provide the Delivery document(s) below the Item Number. Select the delivery you required to create the Document and the click on Item Icon next to deliver tab. Step 4. Then Select the Forwarding agents name, then Tick the Planning Tab below. You can see the Shipment Route will flow automatically. Step 5. If required you can pack the material via Handling unit from the PACK Tab or simple go ahead with the other tab i.e. Check in, Loading Start, Loading End, Shipment Completion etc. Then you can save the document & system will provide the document number. Note: You create a shipment document when the goods are relevant for delivery in the sales order. After you create a sales order, you create a delivery. The delivery must have a route in the transportation tab. Then you can club different deliveries in a shipment document. These are the bare minimum required for creation of a shipment document with one stage. Procedure for creating shipment sequence goes as: Shipping Processing and Analyses Shipping activities. Deliveries. Picking and confirmation. Packing. Goods issue. Collective processing. Shipment. Billing. Sales Information System. Standard analyses. Backorder processing. Sales and distribution documents. Functional analyses. Planning. The full cycle using VT01N Sales order - VA01 Delivery - VL01N Transfer order - LT03

Transfer order confirmation - LT12 Shipment - VT01N Shipment cost - VI01 Billing - VF01

SAP Tickets - What Is That?

Handling tickets is called Issue Tracking system. The errors or bugs forwarded by the end user to the support team are prioritized under three seviority High, Medium and Low. Each and every seviority as got its time limits before that we have to fix the error. The main job of the supporting consultant is to provide assistance on line to the customer or the organisation where SAP is already implemented for which the person should be very strong in the subject and the process which are implemented in SAP at the client side to understand,to analyse,to actuate and to give the right solution in right time.This is the job of the support consultant. The issues or the tickets(problems) which are arised is taken care of on priority basis by the support team consultants. The work process in support projects are given below for your reference. 1. The customer or the end user logs a call through any tool or by mail (RADIX). 2. Each one of the support team is a part of support group. 3. Whenever a customer logs a call he /she has to mention to which work group (by name). 4. Once the calls came to the work group the support consultant or the team need to send an IR (Initial Response) to the user depending upon the priority of the calls. (Top,High,Med,Low,None) 5. Then the error is fixed, debugged by the support consultant or the team. Then after testing properly by generating TR(Transport Request through the basis admin) 6. Then it is informed to the end user/customer/super user about the changes which have moved to the production server by CTS process. These are the process. In summary, what I understand is that if any configuration or customization is required to solve the issue, then the consultant have to work on DEV Client, then the end user will test it in the QA client and after approval the BASIS consultant has to transport it to the PRODUCTION client. An example: Tickets in SD can be considered as the problems which the end user or the employee in the company face while working on R/3. Tickets usually occur during the implementation or after theimplementation of the project. There can be numerous problem which can occur in the production support and a person who is working in the support has to resolve those tickets in the limited duration, every ticket has the particular deadline alert so your responsibility is to finish it before that deadline. To begin with , we should give "TICKET" to you for not knowing it. Here is an eg of a ticket raise: End user is not able to

1. Create Sales order for a customer from a New plant , since shipping point determination is not happened . ( Without Shipping point the document becomes INCOMPLETE and he will not be able to proceed further like DELIVERY, BILLING). He raises a ticket and the priority is set in one of the below: 1. Low 2. Medium 3. High. Now you need to solve this ticket. You would analyze the problem and identify that the SP configuration has to be done for the new plant. You would request a transport for DEV CLIENT to BASIS. You do the change and Request one more Transport to BASIS for QA client. The End user will test the same by creating a sales order for the new plant and approve it. Finally, you request a transport to move the changes to PRODUCTION. Once the change is deployed in production the TICKET is closed. What I have given is a small example. You would get some real issues with severity HIGH in your day-day support. What is maintaining SLA in production support? SLA is an abbreviation for "Service Level Agreement". It means to have guaranteed reaction or resolving times for incidents (= trouble tickets). For instance you could have defined the following SLA levels For example: Gold: Reaction time = 30 minutes, resolving time = 4 hours Silver: Reaction time = 4 hours, resolving time = 24 hours SLAs normally are part of a contract between a customer and a service provider. *Or in details description:* SLA are Service Level Agreements to resolve the tickets by the market. SLA means Service Level agreement. It is the service agreement between a Company and a service provider. For example an IT Organization providing support of SAP / other software / hardware has a agreement. This can be for example categorized based on criticality of the incident. High priority incident has to be resolved on 10 hours. Medium priority incident has a 3 days time to resolve etc *-- Anu radha SLA's are nothing but Service level agreements. These are defined in project preparation phase and client would have made an agreement with the company for the level of service. The SLA's are applicable in Production as well as maintanence support projects. For example: if your company follows a ticketing process(a ticket is nothing but an environment contains complete description of the problem which contains Short description, problem, customer contact details, sreen shots of the error etxc.,) and for each ticket there will be a severity for example business critical issues or problems may be treated as high or top severitie's. In those case your company or your team has to deliver the solution to the customer in agreed time limit or otherwise you might end up missing SLA's. SLA's has two important time specifications 1. IPRT --- initial problem response time --- this is nothing but time taken to respond to

the problem. 2. PRT --- Problem response time ----- this is nothing but time taken to solve the issue or problem. Both IPRT and PRT will be different for different severitie's. *-- Mahesh

What Are Functional Specification in SAP?

To speak at macro level that is at projet manager or at senior levels. The Functional Spec (Specification) which is a comprehensive document is created after the (SRS) Software Requirements Document. It provides more details on selected items originally described in the Software Requirements Template. Elsewhre organizations combine these two documents into a single document. The Functional Specification describes the features of the desired functinality.. It describes the product's features as seen by the stake holders,and contains the technical information and the data needed for the design and developement. The Functional Specification defines what the functionality will be of a particulat area that is to be precise a transaction in SAP terminology. The Functional Specification document to create a detailed design document that explains in detail how the software will be designed and developed. The functional specification translates the Software Requirements template into a technical description which a) Ensures that the product feature requirements are correctly understood before moving into the next step, that is detchnical developement process. b) Clearly and unambiguously provides all the information necessary for the technical consultants to develop the objects. At the consultant level the functional spects are preapred by functinal consultants on any functionality for the purpose of getting the same functinality designed by the technical pepole as most of the times the functionalities according to the requirements of the clients are not available on ready made basis. Let me throw some light on documentation which is prepared before and in a project: 1) Templates 2) Heat Analysis 3) Fit Gap or Gap Analysis 4) Business Process Design 5) Business Process Model 6) Business Change & Impact 7) Configuration Design, which is just 5 % of Total SAP- have different names 8) Future Impact & Change Assessement 9) Functional Design (Module Wise) 10) Risk Assessement 11) Process Metrics and Many More-- Which has impact on Business and its work flow

Note * This documents are preapared in Vanilla SAP Standards -- Things differ from one implementation to another, and it always depends on the type of business which is opting for SAP.

Role of a mySAP Functional Consultant

What are the differences between a functional and business consultant? The difference between Functional consultant and Business consultant are as follows: 1) A funcitonal consultant is able to configure the system unlike business consultant. 2) Functional consultant know more about business process unlike Business consultant. 3) A business consultant will bring business process knowledge and provide it to functional consultant who in turn used this knowledge to configure the system. 4) Functional consultant has more configuration knolwledge then Business consultant. *-- Rocky The responsibilities of a support consultant are: - Primarily responsible for Handling tickets and application support to the endusers - When an issue comes diagnose, analyse and solve the issue - Responsible for any enhancements - Writing functional specs and interacting with Abapers to develop any user exits - Training the end users and preparing end user training material *-Sistla For those who wished to know the role of a functional consultant. Below is one view: A functional consultant evaluates the demands in talking with the customer's representatives, transforms the essence into an abstract and algorithmic business model. Hence, he identifies the use cases and transforms them into logical and technical views. Then the main task starts: customizing the respective business area and making sure the system reacts in the manner according to the constraints of the requested use case. The consultant documents the settings and prepares proper guidelines that allow other consultants to do further changes or repairs with due efforts. The consultant takes care that proper training is given to the users and that the system is usable, performing appropriately and the business flow is complete and correct. During go live he assists the technical staff by testing the behaviour of the system. After go live he guarantees that the procedures remain usable and consistent in real live situation and proposes enhancements. The main duty of a consultant is to transfer external know-how to the client. It is not manpower that counts but intelligence, understanding of processes, a feeling for defects and general a common sense. Role of a Functional Consultant in an End To End Implementation When you talk about the role of a Functional consultant in an end to end implementation, I think it won't be possible for me or anybody to define everything but I will try to summarize it:

1. Functional consultant is expected to generate knowledge about the current business process, design current business flows, study current business processes and its complication, in all we can say getting through with current business setup. Flow diagrams and DFD are prepared, most of the time in Vision format, all this forms the part of AS IS document. 2. Everything configured has to be documented as per their categories in the form of predefined templates, these have to be then approved by the team leads or who ever the consultant is reporting to. 3. Mapping and GAP analysis is done for each module, I have seen people defining integration after mapping, gap analysis and configuration is done, but as per my experience in implementation, it is a simultaneous process. 4. Before starting configuring future business processes in SAP, the DFD/ERD are prepared, this documentation is called TO BE, which can be also siad as the result of mapping and gap analysis. 5. Sometimes Functional consultants are also expected to prepare test scripts for testing the configured scenarios. 6. End user manual and user training is also expected from F.Consultants. The project normally starts off with a Kick off meeting in which the team size, team members, reporting system, responsibilities, duties, methodlogy, dates and schedules, working hours which have been predicided are formally defined. ASAP, it won't be possible for me to explain it here, but all I can tell you about it is that it is SAP standard implementation methodology, which SAP prescribes but is not mandatory for any company to follow, such as IBM follow some blue Methodlogy, some companies follow typical SDLC steps, ASAP stands for Accerlated SAP, you can find all the steps on SAP site, through google, reading it from there won't give you a great knowledge about ASAP but will obviously get you to know the definitions of various term. 1. What is the role of SD Consultant in Testing while implementing the project? 2. What is Unit testing and Integration Testing? Testing : the core team members along with endusers will test whether the postings done in SAP is resulting as per the requirements of the organisation. They will test whether the output documents such as purchase order, invoice document are printed in the required format and showing the correct data. Unit testing is refer to the module which are going to implement. SD, MM, FICO etc. there will be test script based on that testing will be performed. Integration testing will be cross the modules. MM-SD-FICO for example. Integration testing is also called SIT ( System integration testing) Testing mathologies and types: there are 6 types of testings: 1. Unit Testing 2. System Testing 3. System Integration security Testing 4. Performance Testing

5. User Acceptance testing 6. Regression Testing Unit testing is done in bit and pieces. Like e.g. in SD standard order cycle; we do have 1create order, then 2-delivery, then 3-transfer order, then 4-PGI and then 5-Invoice. So we will be testing 1,2,3,4 and 5 seperately alone one by one using test cases and test data. We will not be looking and checking/testing any integration between order and delivery; delivery and TO; TO and PGI and then invoice. Whrereas System testing you will be testing the full cycle with it's integration, and you will be testing using test cases which give a full cyclic test from order to invoice. Security testing you will be testing different roles and functionalities and will check and signoff. Performance testing is refered to as how much time / second will take to perform some actions, like e.g. PGI. If BPP defination says 5 seconds for PGI then it should be 5 and not 6 second. Usually it is done using software. Regression testing is reffered to a test which verfies that some new configuration doesnot adversly impact existing functionality. This will be done on each phase of testing. User Acceptance Testing: Refers to Customer testing. The UAT will be performed through the execution of predefined business scenarios, which combine various business processes. The user test model is comprised of a sub-set of system integration test cases. We use different software during testing. Most commonly use are Test Director: which is used to record requirement, preparing test plan and then recording the progress. We will be incorporating defects that are coming during these testings using different test cases. Mercury Load Runner: is used for performance testing. This is an automatic tool. What does the following terms means : - Technical Unit Testing - Functional Unit Testing - IntegrationTesting - Volume Testing - Parallel Testing? Technical Unit Testing= Test of some technical development such as a user exit, custom program, or interface. the test usually consists of a test data set that is processed according to the new program. A successful test only proves the developed code works and that it performed the process as as designed. Functional Unit Testing= Test of configuration, system settings or a custom development (it may follow the technical unit testing) These usually use actual data or data that is masked but essentially the same as a real data set. A successful test shows that the development or configuration works as designed and the data is accurate as a result. IntegrationTesting= Testing a process, development or configuration within the context of any other functions that the process, development or functionality will touch or integrate . The test should examine all data involved across all modules and any data indirectly

affected. A successful test indicates that the processes work as designed and integrate with other functions without causing any problems in any integrated areas. Volume Testing= testing a full data set that is either actual or masked to insure that the entire volume does cause system problems such as network transmission problems, system resources issues, or any systemic problem, A successful test indicates that the processes will not slow or crash the system due to a full data set being utilized. Parallel Testing= Testing the new system or processes with a complete data set while running the same processes in the legacy system. A successful test will show identical results when both the legacy system and new system results are compared. I would also note that when a new implementation is being done you will want to conduct at least one cut over test from the old system to the new and you should probably do several. What kind of testings that are carried out in testing server? 1. Individual Testing ( Individually which we've created) 2. Regressive Testing ( Entire Process) 3. Integration Testing ( Along with other integrated modules) The 3 types of testing is as follows:1. Unit testing (where an individual process relevant to a SD or MM etc is tested) 2. Integration testing (where a process is tested that cuts across all areas of SAP). 3. Stress testing (where lots of transactions are run to see if the system can handle the data) 1. What is the role of SD Consultant in Testing while implementing the project? 2. What is Unit testing and Integration Testing? Testing : the core team members along with endusers will test whether the postings done in SAP is resulting as per the requirements of the organisation. They will test whether the output documents such as purchase order, invoice document are printed in the required format and showing the correct data. Unit testing is refer to the module which are going to implement. SD, MM, FICO etc. there will be test script based on that testing will be performed. Integration testing will be cross the modules. MM-SD-FICO for example. Integration testing is also called SIT ( System integration testing) Testing mathologies and types: there are 6 types of testings: 1. Unit Testing 2. System Testing 3. System Integration security Testing 4. Performance Testing 5. User Acceptance testing 6. Regression Testing Unit testing is done in bit and pieces. Like e.g. in SD standard order cycle; we do have 1create order, then 2-delivery, then 3-transfer order, then 4-PGI and then 5-Invoice. So we will be testing 1,2,3,4 and 5 seperately alone one by one using test cases and test data. We

will not be looking and checking/testing any integration between order and delivery; delivery and TO; TO and PGI and then invoice. Whrereas System testing you will be testing the full cycle with it's integration, and you will be testing using test cases which give a full cyclic test from order to invoice. Security testing you will be testing different roles and functionalities and will check and signoff. Performance testing is refered to as how much time / second will take to perform some actions, like e.g. PGI. If BPP defination says 5 seconds for PGI then it should be 5 and not 6 second. Usually it is done using software. Regression testing is reffered to a test which verfies that some new configuration doesnot adversly impact existing functionality. This will be done on each phase of testing. User Acceptance Testing: Refers to Customer testing. The UAT will be performed through the execution of predefined business scenarios, which combine various business processes. The user test model is comprised of a sub-set of system integration test cases. We use different software during testing. Most commonly use are Test Director: which is used to record requirement, preparing test plan and then recording the progress. We will be incorporating defects that are coming during these testings using different test cases. Mercury Load Runner: is used for performance testing. This is an automatic tool. What does the following terms means : - Technical Unit Testing - Functional Unit Testing - IntegrationTesting - Volume Testing - Parallel Testing? Technical Unit Testing= Test of some technical development such as a user exit, custom program, or interface. the test usually consists of a test data set that is processed according to the new program. A successful test only proves the developed code works and that it performed the process as as designed. Functional Unit Testing= Test of configuration, system settings or a custom development (it may follow the technical unit testing) These usually use actual data or data that is masked but essentially the same as a real data set. A successful test shows that the development or configuration works as designed and the data is accurate as a result. IntegrationTesting= Testing a process, development or configuration within the context of any other functions that the process, development or functionality will touch or integrate . The test should examine all data involved across all modules and any data indirectly affected. A successful test indicates that the processes work as designed and integrate with other functions without causing any problems in any integrated areas. Volume Testing= testing a full data set that is either actual or masked to insure that the entire volume does cause system problems such as network transmission problems, system resources issues, or any systemic problem, A successful test indicates that the processes will not slow or crash the system due to a full data set being utilized.

Parallel Testing= Testing the new system or processes with a complete data set while running the same processes in the legacy system. A successful test will show identical results when both the legacy system and new system results are compared. I would also note that when a new implementation is being done you will want to conduct at least one cut over test from the old system to the new and you should probably do several. What kind of testings that are carried out in testing server? 1. Individual Testing ( Individually which we've created) 2. Regressive Testing ( Entire Process) 3. Integration Testing ( Along with other integrated modules) The 3 types of testing is as follows:1. Unit testing (where an individual process relevant to a SD or MM etc is tested) 2. Integration testing (where a process is tested that cuts across all areas of SAP). 3. Stress testing (where lots of transactions are run to see if the system can handle the data) Tips by: Teresa Pittari, Gregrobinette

What Are SAP End User Manual

It is the same for every other modules although here I reference it mainly for SAP HR. 1) You should understand which targeted group for the end-user training is for. Do they have any computer background or not. 2) In what way they are going to make use of the manuals supplied to them during the course of training. Let us focus on how to prepare manuals: In the client side , End Users are not permanent. If they get any better job outside they will resign and go out. Even if you train them well, again the end-user team disappears after some time. That is why implementing company( Client ) expects SAP Consultants to prepare documents which are self explanatory (even to a layman in SAP) and study themselves and use the sap easy access very comfortably. Hence we should prepare a document which explains the following things comfortably: A) All the buttons and Screens we have in sap and its importance for an end-user. B) All the transaction codes used by end user. C) The STEP by STEP usage methodology with screen shots and explanatory foot notes for each Transaction code. D) Prepare a book a table and columns which should have the following information: - Sl.NO. - Transaction Code - Navigation path - Use of the Code - Expected Result

- Achieved Result - Remarks/Any Comment E) Highlight the common troubles during the usage of SAP by an end- user and give the solutions (ready to use) These problems you can come across while giving the in house training for the endusers. You just place them at one place and publish it for their usage in future for any of their new joinees as an end-user. F) Every consultant is aware that the entire Organsiational Management is with end user only. Means consultant should train the end user in entire OM. G) We should inform the importance of info types and usage for our purposes at expert mode, PA30, PA40 etc., H) Each field in the international infotypes should be explained very clearly and ensure that they are comfortable with the fields of infotypes which have been configured for their company. For example : info type 0001 Org Assignment insists about the three structures of the HR. We should explain each sub field like Emp Group, Emp Sub Group, Personnel Area and Sub Area and its importance and relevance to their company so as to understand while processing them from the end- user point of view . When an employee is hired into the company , now the end-user in a position to understand which employee group and subgroup, Personnel Area And Sub Area etc., should allotted.. Like this whatever comes across in SAP Easy Access should be insisted through the training of end users. I) Demo, exercises and solutions should be provided in the manuals. J) Glossary of terms and expansion of Acronyms, Abbreviations should be given. Like this each consultant should focus on end user training and prepare the documents. *-- Somasekhar

The top ten IT skills to have for the next few years
This is not a scientific survey, but merely the opinions of a few agents that we asked. If you have a highly valued skill that isn't on here, don't worry, this is not definitive, but merely the opinions of a few agents. I'm sure if we'd polled others the list might have been slightly different. Skills on the Up We polled a number of agents and other sources of information and came up with the following skills that are likely to be on the up over the next few years. Anyone with these skills is likely to be employed, at good rates, even taking into account offshore outsourcing and Fast Track Visa Workers. 1. J2EE 2. .Net 3. C# 4. Project Management

5. Oracle 8 and 9i 6. SAP 7. Business Analysis 8. 9. NT Novell 10. Java New Hot Skills The top three are definitely becoming very hot skills. It's good to see Project Management up there. It is a much underrated skill. Business Analysts are also less immune to offshore outsourcing, as they have to remain reasonably close to the business users. SAP continues to do well and is taking market share from its rivals. Siebel also gained an honourable mention. Oracle continues to be very strong, and is also expected to gain even more market share in the coming years. Honourable Mentions Other skills that also received honourable mention for the future are some of those from before the downturn such as:SQL Unix C++ VB Access ASP In fact SQL, Unix and C++ are still the most sought after skills currently, and anyone who has them should stand in good stead. Those where you might find it a bit of a struggle in the next few years are the skills from before the previous downturn like Cobol, CICS, DB2 etc. There is still quite a lively market for PL/I though. As I said at the start, this is not a definitive list, but we thought it would be worthwhile to pass on what agents believe to be the skills that they think they will be looking for more and more in the next few years.

Successfully Implementing SAP

Implementing a package can be a traumatic affair for both the customer and the vendor. Get it wrong and the vendor may get paid late or have to resort to lawyers to get paid and tarnish their reputation. For the company the new package may not work the way they expected, be late or cost a more than budgeted for and take management will take their eye off running their business. Recently a client asked me what I would consider to be the five most important things one should consider before embarking on an implementation. This isn't a simple

question, although there are many factors to think about after some consideration for me the top five are way ahead of the others. My top five factors to consider would be: 1. Set up a Project Board, 2. Secure the resources, 3. Complete the GAP Analysis, 4. Have detailed Cut Over Plans, 5. Train the users. Taking each one in turn: The Project Board The correct set up and operation of the Project Board in my view is major factor in the success failure of the project. The Project Board will consist of the stakeholders, key users and the vendor. The Project Board is part of the governance of the project. The Project Board will meet regularly to ensure that the project plans are created and being executed as planned, moves from stage to stage with all the deliverables being signed off is resourced properly. The Resources Three types of resources are absolutely necessary -- end users, change team and technicians. Early involvement by the end users is absolutely necessary, as they will be the ones living with the system for hopefully many years to come. They will want to feel involved in its implementation. Buy in from the end users of the system is absolutely essential if the system is to have a long and stable life in any organisation. The Change Team will identify the gaps between the package and the business requirements, re-engineer some of the businesses process to cope with the package, train the users to ensure implementations is smooth as possible into the business. The Technical Team will prepare the systems environment for the package, apply any software fixes from the vendor, implement the software in the best way possible for the organisation set up and tune the software for the particular technical environment. GAP Analysis A through gap analysis will identify the gaps between how the business operates ad its needs against what the package can can't do. For each gap there will be one of three outcomes which must be recorded and actioned, GAP must be closed and customised software can be developed close the gap, GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround is required, GAP does not need to be closed. In simple terms: Gap means small cracks. In SAP world. In information technology, gap analysis is the study of the differences between two different information systems or applications( ex; existing system or legacy system with Client and new is SAP), often for the purpose of determining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap is sometimes spoken of as "the space between where we are and where we want to be." Gap analysis is undertaken as a means of bridging that space. Actual gap analysis is time consuming and it plays vital role in blue print stage.

Cut Over Plans Detailed plans need to be developed for cutting over from the old system(s) to the new. Parallel runs of what will happen over the conversion period using test data, convert and watch for a period after wards to ensure nothing unexpected happens. Train Users Well trained users will support and defend the system on site. Unsupportive users will continually undermine the system and eventually it will be replaced. Therefore the more effort you put into helping the users master the system early the better.

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