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How to succeed this task? Or How to get an A or an A*?

Basically, you must consider this task as a game: if you follow the rules and train yourself on a regular basis, you will win. Keep in mind that the task is achievable if you carefully follow the instructions. INSTRUCTIONS: (There are 7 important items that the examiner is looking for in this task.) 1. TENSES You must show to the examiner that you can use at least 3 different tenses: the past tense, the present tense and the future tense. You must have the 3 of them in your writing and they must be correct to be validated. Example: je suis alle is not accepted because the accent is forgotten. Je suis all is accepted 2. OPINIONS AND JUSTIFICATIONS Give an opinion and its justification any time you can in your essay. Do not give an opinion without the justification otherwise you do not receive any marks. Exemple: je dteste passer mes vacances dans un camping parce que je pense que cest gnralement inconfortable. 3. NEGATIVE SENTENCES

You must also have 2 or 3 (or more) negative sentences in your writing. Show a diversity of them: use nepas / ne plus / nejamais / ne queect 4. SUBORDINATE CLAUSES These are little words which links 2 sentences together and improve the quality of your French. Include some of them. Qui = who / which (jai une soeur qui sappelle Caroline) O = where (je suis all dans un hotel ou jai rencontr mon ami Paul) Que = whom / which (le mtier que je voudrais faire est trs intressant) 5. LINKING WORDS Words linking your ideas together: malheureusement / puis / pourtant / pour conclure 6. COMPARISON Include at least 2 / 3 comparisons : il tait plus intelligent que Bob 7. EPI = EXAMINER PLEASING IDIOMS This is a list of idioms to persuade the examiner to give you some marks for your mastery of the language. Example: Aprs avoir + past participle Aprs tre + past participle Avant de+ infinitive / Sans + infinitive En + present participle Proverbs or figurative use of language (ex: boire comme un trou = to drink like a fish) This is your reference page, do not lose it and use it to write your next written homework.

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