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ABBREVIATIONS 1. a., applic. 2. aa 3. a.c., ant. cib. 4. ad 5. addend LATIN TERM / PHRASE applicantus, a, um ana ante cibum ad addendus, a, um addendo alternis horis ante jentaculum alterno die aqua calida aqua destillata aqua frigida augeatur auris bis bis die, bis in die bis terve in die cum cibos cuilibet quantum sufficiat ENGLISH MEANING to be applied of each before food to sufficient or to produce to be added by adding every other hour before breakfast every other day hot water distilled water cold water let it be increased the ear twice twice daily two or three times a day with food a sufficient quantity or as you please take let him take let it be taken let them be taken to be taken compound spoonful concentrate daily

6. a.h., alt.hor. 7. a.j. 8. alt. die 9. aq. calid. 10. aq. dest. 11. ad. frig. 12. aug. 13. aur. 14. b. 15. b.d., b.i.d. 16. b.t.d., b.t.i.d. 17. c.c. 18. c.l.q.s.

19. cap.

cape capitat capiatur capiantur capiendus, a, um compositus, a, um cochleare concentratus, a, um de die

20. comp. 21. coch. 22. conc. 23. d.d.

24. d. in p. aeq. 25. d.p. 26. decub. hor. 27. dext. 28. dil. 29. div. 30. dol. urg. 31. dolent. part. 32. dup., dx. 33. dur. 34. dur. dol. 35. e.m.p. 36. e. paul. aq. 37. ex 38. ex aq. 39. ex. aq. coch. ampl. 40. extempl. 41. f., ft.

divide in partes aequales directione propria decubitas hora dexter dilutus, a, um divide dolore urgente dolente parti duplex durus durante dolore ex modo praescripto ex paulo aquae ex ex aqua ex aqua cochleari amplo extemplo fiat fiant fortis, e gutta, guttae gutturi hora somni hac nocte inter cibos In loco frigido Infracandus, a, um Infricetur laevus, a, um

divide into equal parts with proper directions at bedtime right, on the right diluted divide when the pain is severe to the afflicted part double hard when the pain lasts in the manner prescribed in a little water from out of with water in a tablespoonful of water immediately let it be made let them be made strong drop, drops, eye-drops to the throat at bedtime tonight between meals in a cool place to be rubbed in let it be rubbed left, on the left

42. fort. 43. gtt. 44. guttur 45. h.s. 46. hac noct. 47. i.c. 48. in loc. Frig. 49. infric.

50. laev.

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