A Poem On Microsoft

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A Poem on Microsoft

M. J. Faxon

Microsoft has some class

Though it won just by chance

Great dominion, it pursues

Though, by the people, it gets sued!

I brought a comp into my house

And, then I gave it to my spouse

Microsoft has no lack

That is why it defeats the Mac!

To corruption it has not sworn

Since corruption would just forlorn

Mr. Gates just had only an associate's degree

Yet, he forged a great company

I received this wisdom from my father

Once he spoke it, he aged no further

Microsoft lasts for many generations

Yet, the gods give it no condemnation

Though Mac is trying to be the master,

It is only flirting with disaster!

While Microsoft's kingdoms have their rule,

Mackintosh has no clue

Microsoft's wares were there before the time of Moses

Even before there were any roses!

This is a message from my mother,

Whose folly ever lives no longer

To Mackintosh I wish no malice,

Though Bill Gates still owns its palace

Mac still thinks the battle's raging on

But, in reality, the war's been won!

To thou Mac-users, this news I share,

Though I still believe thou do not care

But, in the end, Microsoft shall win;

So, please tell this to thy kin

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