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Alternative Education On The Edge of Chaos Working With High Risk, Vulnerable and Marginalized Youth

Instructor Tom McEvay



An understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling.
Carl Jung

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide an overview of the characteristics and needs of high risk, marginalized and vulnerable youth who are often not successful in traditional school structures and methodologies. The course will investigate current and best practises in Alternative Education and give students hands on experience and practical knowledge and skills to apply in their current and future work.

Students will

Be reflective of current and past attitudes and practise as they relate to how the system works with and often fails with high risk, marginalized and vulnerable students. Gain an understanding of the environmental, socio-economic, psycho-emotional and other health related variables that contribute to the risk factors impacting youth. Identify the learning and developmental characteristics of youth typically identified as the highest risk students in our school systems. Become familiar with current and best practise in Alternative Education and develop plans for programs in their schools and Districts.

Discuss how school/program culture and classroom climate are critical to the successful delivery of programs for these clients.

Course Outcomes Continued

Be exposed to practical information and solutions from guest speakers and panelists from a wide variety of fields including current and former Alternative Ed students and teachers and medical specialists.

Understand the critical importance of community partnerships by investigating government, and non-government services and supports available to marginalized and vulnerable students.
Acquire an understanding of BC Ministry of Education policy and funding expectations as they relate to this population and Type 3 Alternate Programs. Design Integrated Case Management and Wrap Around strategies to meet the needs of identified case studies. Be introduced to different assessment practises and measures of success as well as how to build meaningful and successful Student Learning Plans.


Session One - Saturday April 20:

Introduction to Alternative Education

What do you know and what do you want to learn? Who are the students who need alternative programming? What are their needs? Maslow, Assets and Attachment Theory. The three Rs Relationships, relationships and relationships What is happening in your schools and Districts? What are the key goals, what do we hope to accomplish? What works, what doesnt? Ministry policy, expectations and funding Ministry Guest Ministry Handbook of Procedures An enabling document. Leadership in Alternative Education Guests - Admin Panel Needs of the Students vs Needs of the System.


Session Two Saturday May 11:

A Continuum of Care - Program Development and Implementation

Presentations of assignment # 1 Current models. What do we mean by student centered? Referral, application and screening processes The use of assessments, reports and files Special Education designations and requirements Useful student learning plans and IEPs What structures need to be considered from intake to exit? How to create healthy culture and climate in schools and classrooms? Support systems, resource personal, school based teams etc. The key role of the Advisor. Codes of Conduct hard line rules vs cultural expectations. Integrated Case Management and Wrap Around Guests - Teachers and Youth Care Workers


Session Three Saturday May 25:

Student Needs The Myths and Realities

Equal doesnt mean the same there are no templates or panaceas. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, Attachment Theory and Developmental Assets The growth industry mental health issues. The dimensions of poverty socio- economic factors. The many forms of abuse physical, sexual, emotional, neglect etc. Cognitive variables learning challenges and multiple intelligences. Self-regulation is it the key to success? Appropriating assessment, evaluation and reporting The importance of success, recognition and celebration. What resources are out there? Guests - Student Panel


Session Four Saturday June 1: It Takes a Whole Village Partnerships That Work

Parental support and engagement School based support systems District resource people and systems. Ministry resources and programs. BCTF and the Alternate Education PSA How can post secondary institutions be involved? Other governmental departments and services. Community based agencies and organizations. The role of business and industry. Individual role models and mentors. Shared professional development and planning. Funding sources grants, service contracts, partnerships, sales etc The importance of informing and educating your partners. Guests Representative Partners

COURSE TOPICS / THEMES continued .. Session Five Saturday June 15: Personalized Learning The Future is Now!

The importance of student success Authentic student learning plans and IEPs Student interests and abilities. Student voice, participation and engagement Service learning, volunteerism and character education Learning styles and teaching strategies The emerging role of experiential, project-based and hands on learning Curriculum selection and development The important role of prior learning assessments and adjudication. Meeting outcomes in creative and diverse ways Graduation planning Transition planning and exit strategies Future support and tracking

Schedule for Session # 1 April 20:

8:30 am - Introductions, student goals, course objectives and plans 9:00 am Making sense models and paradigms 9:30 am - What is currently happening in School Districts? The Vast Story An introduction to recent research on Vancouver Island - Karen Hlady. 10:15 am Break 10:30 am - Guest - Janine Hannis - The view from the BC Ministry of Education Policy, Best Practise, Expectations, Funding and Audits Handbook of Procedures for the BC Graduation Program. 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm - Leadership in the Field - Theory into Practise Panel discussion with Joe Panichelli, Scott Saywell, Tim Davie and Mike Ruttan 2:30 pm Break

2:45 pm - Debrief on panel - What are the key factors and most important elements we need to look at?
3:15 pm - Gordon Neufeld video - Relationships Matter 4:15 pm - Wrap up and preparation for next session on May 11th A Continuum of Care - Program Development and Implementation Reading or assignment for next class

Children do not magically learn morality, kindness and decency any more than they learn math, English, or science. They mature into decent and responsible people by emulating adults who are examples and models for them.
Neil Kurshan

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Attachment Theory The Work of Gordon Neufeld

Relationships Matter Loss of Cultural Norms Connections Compass Point Home Base Receptive or Resistive Counter-will Alpha Complex Soft Heart A Safe Place to Cry Caring Sprit Tempered Mind Three Rs - Relationships, Rest, Room Collect Before Direct Touch of Proximity Bridge What Could Divide Match-Making Transitions

Search Institute 40 Developmental Assets

External and internal assets that that young people need for healthy development .
Support Empowerment Boundaries and Expectations Constructive Use of Time Commitment to Learning Positive Values Social Competencies Positive Identity

The Vast Education Centre One Story: A Ten Year Journey of Change and Growth

Reflection Questioning Celebration Research Evaluation


Values Action

Vision Plan Goals

Strong, Safe and Supported Recognition 2008

Vast Video

Thank you Ministry of Children and Family Development and Big Red Barn Entertainment

Current Research
Alternative Education in the 21st Century: Voices from Vancouver Island A Thesis by Karen Hlady MA University of Victoria 2012

View From the BC Ministry of Education Janine Hannis

Adult and Alternate Education Learning Division BC Ministry of Education PO Box 9158 Station Provincial Government Victoria, BC V8W 9H3 (250) 886-2163

BC Ministry of Education Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program

An Enabling Document
Key Topics:
Adult Graduation Program
Equivalency Challenge

Independent Directed Studies

External Credentials Prior Learning Assessment Board and Principal Authority

Leadership in the Field Theory into Practise

Leadership Panel:

Joe Panichelli - Principal of Alternate and Adult Ed SD 69 Qualicum, Mike Ruttan Principal of Alberni District Secondary, SD 70 Alberni Tim Davie Principal of Learning Alternatives SD 68 Nanaimo Scott Saywell Assistant Superintendent SD 68 Nanaimo

Questions Posed:
What are some of the different alternative learning programs you have seen or been involved in both in and outside of traditional schools? What are the typical needs of high risk students? Why do some students fail or leave school during their middle or high school years? How can the education system do a better job of addressing these needs? What are you looking for in staff who work in these programs. What are the most significant challenges? What might the future bring?

Panel Debrief

The Work of Gordon Neufeld Relationships Matter Video - Key Concepts:

Loss of Cultural Norms Connections Compass Point Home Base Receptive or Resistive Counter-will Alpha Complex Soft Heart A Safe Place to Cry Caring Sprit Tempered Mind Three Rs - Relationships, Rest, Room Collect Before Direct Touch of Proximity Bridge What Could Divide Match-Making Transitions

Assignment for Next Class

Come prepared to present in any way you want .
One or more forms of Alternative Education that you have been or are currently involved in or that you have researched. Please touch on . Who are the clients and how are they selected. Registration and intake procedures. Program philosophy and organization. Curriculum and student learning. Support systems.

Session Two Saturday May 11:

A Continuum of Care - Program Development and Implementation

Presentations of assignment # 1 Current models. What do we mean by student centered? Referral, application and screening processes The use of assessments, reports and files Special Education designations and requirements Useful student learning plans and IEPs What structures need to be considered from intake to exit? How to create healthy culture and climate in schools and classrooms? Support systems, resource personal, school based teams etc. The key role of the Advisor. Codes of Conduct hard line rules vs cultural expectations. Integrated Case Management and Wrap Around Guests - Teachers and Youth Care Workers

Session Reflections
Please take the time to give me some feedback on todays session. On a piece of paper comment on ..

Schedule and pace of the day? Material covered?

Variety of activities?
What worked well? Suggestions? Other comments .

Thanks, see you May 11th !

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