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THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE Written by Tom LaBaff Oct 1, 2012

FADE IN: EXT. AIRCRAFT CARRIER FLIGHT DECK - NIGHT An aircraft carrier cruises through rolling swells. SUPER: 1947 - ATLANTIC OCEAN - 2:15 AM Sailor BUDD HOPKINS, 18, is on duty. He paces around the deck. Thankfully, things have been peaceful on the battlefront, for a change. In the distance, Budd sees a glowing yellow ball arc towards the earth. He runs to the bow, looks through his binoculars. It extinguishes as it hits the horizon, further out at sea. Budd lowers his binoculars. Just darkness. No sound. Was it a meteor? WIDE ON THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER as: a quick flash of light comes from deep under the ship. The ocean floor, 600 feet down is fully lit up. Back to darkness. ANGLE ON BUDD: freaking out. He runs toINT. CAPTAINS QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Budd enters. Sees the CAPTAIN, 45, staring at his instruments going haywire. Budd pulls a compass out of his pocket. The one his grandfather gave him when he was a kid. Its not affected at all. Steady as a rock. ANGLE ON: The captains gauges stop spinning. Back to normal. Budd tells him what he saw. They run down to the deck. Its pretty quiet. Budd is clearly shaken up. CAPTAIN Its a long shift, Budd. Why dont you turn in for the night?

2. INT. BUDDS SLEEPING QUARTERS - LATER Budd sits on his bunk, holding his compass. What the hell just happened? CUT TO: EXT. POINT OF IMPACT - CONTINUOUS Fire and wreckage of... something. SUPER: 6 MILES AWAY Wailing and screaming. Debris floating everywhere. We get a glimpse of a wicked alien ship just before the nose sinks. Theres splashing on the water. SEVERAL FIGURES we cant see them clearly - but theyre definitely alien. And they cant swim. The figures go limp. They sink. A burial at sea. But wait, something is struggling. One alien clings to a piece of debris. The sole survivor. FADE TO: EXT. AERIAL VIEW OF KEY WEST - DAY SUPER: PRESENT DAY - KEY WEST, FLORIDA. We fly over a string of beautiful, little islands connected by long flat bridges. Boats zip through cerulean blue waters. This place is paradise. TITLE CARD: THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE EXT. SUBURBAN PORCH - TWILIGHT Budd Hopkins, now 82, lives in the garage apartment of his sons house. Grandpa Budd looks through his telescope into the twilight sky. He knows somethings out there, dammit. Hes everyones favorite Grandpa. But the incident years ago has had a big impact on his life. It has made him into a bit of a UFO whacko. His family endures his delusions.

3. Lately, its become a problem. Hes turned the garage into a workshop of weapons. Missiles in case of an invasion. Hes starting to embarrass the family. EXT. BACKYARD POOL PARTY - CONTINUOUS A party is hopping for fifteen year old, ANGIE HOPKINS. Tomorrow she challenges the world record to be the youngest person to sail solo around the world. If theres anyone who can do it, its her. A Danica Patrick in the making. EXT. DOCK OVER CYRSTAL CLEAR WATER - CONTINUOUS Meet Dante, 14, our hero. Hes adopted his grandpas adage: live life like there is no tomorrow. Unfortunately for Dante, tomorrow always shows up. Dante and his best bud Papillon, 14, handcart. pull a jet ski on a

Theyre headed toward the pool where his sister is the center of attention. Like she was when she won Little Miss Key West at age 13. And at 14 when she was a kicker on the freshman football team. Or when she placed 2nd in the Miami Marathon on her 15th birthday. But whos counting? EXT. BACKYARD POOL PARTY - LATER

MOM and DAD HOPKINS try to keep a lid on the pride they have for Angie. But thats a little hard to believe as we watch them dance to the live music performed by Alanis Morissette. She wasnt cheap. Yes Dante loves his older sister, but is he a little jealous of the over achiever? Sure. Would he like the spotlight once in a blue moon? Of course. Does he secretly hope shed FAIL at something? At anything? Sad but true. Dante and Papillon put the Jet Ski in the pool. They offer free rides to Angies friends. Its a nice gesture but no takers. After a while Dante starts slowly cruising around. People notice. Pretty cool. Until the throttle jams.

4. He holds on for dear life. The out of control watercraft roosters water over everybody. Angie. Buffet. Band. Suddenly, the equipment shorts out. Someone gets shocked. The Jet Ski lurches out of the pool and through the neighbors fence. Classic Dante Hopkins. INT. GRANDPA BUDDS GARAGE APARTMENT - LATER Dante enters. Grandpa Budd is glued to the TV. ON THE SCREEN: CNN live coverage. A Jacksonville Home Depot parking lot is littered with cop cars. Lights flashing. A wide circle of policemen walk slowly. Weapons drawn. In the middle, there is something the size of a soda machine flails madly like a trapped wild gorilla. A closer look shows its an incredibly sophisticated robotic machine. Its nervous and twitchy. The CAMERAS FOCUS goes in and out. The machine gets eerily quiet. BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP! The cops dive for cover. The machine EXPLODES! Hundreds of pieces scatter. Incredibly, the pieces take on a life of their own. Like little Hot Wheels, they scurry in every direction. The baffled police try stomping on them like mice. Theyre too fast. Gone in an instant. BACK TO GRANDPA IN THE APARTMENT Grandpa Budd is pointing at the TV. GRANDPA BUDD You see that? Dante tries to calm him down. Fixes him his favorite tea. It works. DANTE Its okay Papa. Probably just a nutcase hiding in the crowd with a remote control.

5. Dante knows Grandpa is the only one who truly understands how much he wants to best his sister. Grandpa pulls something out from under the bed. His eyes grow intense. He hands a small wooden box to Dante. Its the compass. He still has it. GRANDPA BUDD Give this to Angie for her trip. It will never fail her. Unlike the way Grandpa has in the past. DANTE Ill give it to her. I promise. Dante feels bad for his Grandpa. He was once one of the most prominent people in ufology. Years ago, there was even a made for TV movie based on his research. But once he started building weapons in the garage, he became the local laughingstock. Thats when mom and dad started treating him like a kid. Dante hates seeing this. A family splintered. EXT. THE 7 MILE BRIDGE - THE NEXT MORNING Cars whizz by on their typical, daily commute. EXT. UNDER THE BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS A Jet Ski bobs quietly on the crystal clear water. Its leashed to a wooden pylon like a getaway horse from an old western movie. A brown pelican with fishing line dangling from its bill, watches Dante. Hes roped to the side like a rock climber. He spray paints a dot that belongs to a big red exclamation point on the side of the bridge. Suddenly, the MARINE PATROL appears from around the corner. CRACKLING PA SYSTEM Freeze kid! Dante quickly cuts himself loose and drops 15 feet squarely onto his Jet Ski. The Marine Patrol sees him.

6. Dante cranks up his engine, but before tearing off he looks back at the brown pelican and unhooks the fishing line from its bill. The Marine Patrol chase Dante through a pyramid of water skiers. Ahead of Dante, a ramp leading out of the water looms. Dante cant turn away! Boom! Dante rockets off, flying over people eating breakfast at a pier restaurant. IN SLOW MOTION: A man looks up at him, a slice of breakfast omelette hanging out of his mouth. Dante crashes into the water, just on the other side of the restaurant blocking the canal. Hes lost them. Dante takes a breath and hits the throttle. EXT. BUSTLING CEREMONY AT THE SEAPORT - LATER Dante quietly putts up to the crowded dock. The Marine Patrol continues their search. Dante pushes his way through the media blitz to join his parents, who are bidding Angie a tearful farewell. He needs to give her the compass. A reporter stops Dante. REPORTER Are your parents being irresponsible by allowing your sister to undertake such a dangerous challenge? REPORTER (CONTD) Is it hard to live with such an overachiever? DANTE (feigning apathy) What? Shes just going on a little boat ride? But he didnt get to Angie in time.

7. EXT. UNDER THE 7 MILE BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Angies on her way out to sea. She looks up at the bridge where her brother was spray painting earlier. Its lined with hundreds of people. Some throwing confetti, others offering words of warning. Six foot tall graffiti letters read: GO ANGIE! Angie smiles. She looks back at the dock searching for Dante. She doesnt see him. EXT. BUSTLING CEREMONY AT THE SEAPORT - CONTINUOUS Dante is being handcuffed by the Marine Patrol. INT. MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE - DAY JUDGE SHRAPNEL, 55, tells Dante to approach the bench. Dantes parents stand nervously in the back. The Judge stares at Dante. His black cloak and bald head make him the fat grim reaper. JUDGE SHRAPNEL Dante Hopkins we have an economic problem here on our beloved keys. Tourists, as much as we hate them, mean a lot to the local businesses. Theyre not coming around much anymore. Maybe they get distracted by all the theme parks. Sir? DANTE

JUDGE SHRAPNEL Im not done. The fact is punks like you are making things worse with your graffiti bullshit all over our beautiful bridges. So, Im going to make an example of you. Sir? DANTE

8. JUDGE SHRAPNEL 2 months in the Monroe Juvenile Detention Center. Im sure they have plenty of walls you can paint. DANTE Maybe the tourists are getting sick of the Jimmy Buffet music on Duval Street? Maybe we could just get some contemporary musicians? Gavel SLAMS. Dantes ordered out of the courtroom. INT. MONROE COUNTY JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER - NEXT DAY Dante now wears an orange uniform. He hugs his parents goodbye. MR. HOPKINS (trying to stay positive) The time will fly! Stay out of trouble, and well be playing catch in the front yard in no time. On his other side, MRS. HOPKINS is a Kleenex box. Shes been eyeballing the other boys as they walk around like hyenas. Its just a matter of time until she starts barking herself... MRS. HOPKINS Dont any of you hoodlums lay a finger on him! Hes my boy! Hes mommas boy! DANTE Thanks mom. Dante quickly shuffles his parents out the exit. A guard escorts Dante to his room. As they pass the recreation hall, Dante sees more boys like him. Does he really belong here with these animals? Orangutans play pool. Chimps eat potato chips. Scratch themselves. Watch a football game on TV. This summer is going to suck. EXT. OFF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN - EVENING Angie steers her sailboat through gently rolling black swells under a Winslow Homer sky.

9. SUPER: ATLANTIC OCEAN - 27 LATITUDE 74 LONGITUDE Some heat lightning flickers across the distant horizon but nothing too threatening. Angies the bravest fifteen year old out here... in the middle of nowhere. Her navigational instruments start acting up. Her radio cuts off. She looks scared. WIDE SHOT: A light from deep under the boat grows brighter. Brighter. Brighter. INT. INSIDE THE BOATS CABIN - CONTINUOUS Angie has locked the door. Loud noises are outside. She crawls over to a small porthole. Looks out. The boat is 200 feet in the air. She SCREAMS. CUT TO: EXT. BOCA CHICA KEY PUBLIC BEACH - NEXT MORNING At the waters edge, three YOUNG KIDS, play fetch with their black Labrador. In the background the CLUELESS MOM sunbathes and listens to her iPod. The dog barks at something that has washed ashore in the distance. A big sea turtle? The kids run up to inspect. Its as big as a tractor. The black design is sleek enough to look like something from NASA but the surface patterns are absolutely foreign. Not a trace of barnacles or seaweed. Small rows of pinhole lights cover the upper half. The lower belly is full of scuff marks. Little trails of steam float out of rear vents that look like gills. The kids poke it with a stick. It vibrates in response as if its trying to bury itself in the sand. KID 1 This aint no turtle!

10. THE MONTSTERS POV: A DISTORTED IMAGE OF THE KIDS COMING CLOSER. Suddenly, the object flips onto its feet and grips the beach. The boys SCREAM! The object tears after the boys as they run crazily toward mom. The barking lab in tow. The boys jump over mom and into a foxhole they dug earlier. They grab soda cans from the cooler and shake them violently. They stand and bean them at the freakish machine. They explode on contact, burst into brown clouds of suds. The machine stops in its tracks. Did they break it? THE MACHINES POV Beyond the kids hurling soda grenades, a lifeguard takes notice. Too much commotion. Time to leave. BACK TO SCENE The machine bolts, throwing sand over mom and the boys. When the boys look up, its gone. Mom clears her eyes and spits sand. She looks at her boys in the foxhole. Yeah, shell believe every word. EXT. DETENTION CENTER WORK YARD - DAY A bunch of TEENAGE BOYS, 14-17, in orange uniforms lay sod in a big dirt field. New wings are always being added. Business is bustling. The boys are in a single file line as they hand squares of grass to one another. A chain gang. The heat is grueling. Dantes sweaty face is caked with dirt. Break time. Finally. The boys file into theINT. DENTENTION CENTER REC ROOM - CONTINUOUS Dante sucks down some water. Lies on the cold cement floor. Closes his eyes.

11. Through the chatter he hears a news report on TV. He could swear the reporter said ANGIE HOPKINS. He looks. ON THE TV SCREEN is a picture of his sister and her sailboat. The sound is drowned out by the screeching animals in the room. BACK TO SCENE Dante runs to the TV. ON THE TV SCREEN The scroll at the bottom reads: ... 15 yr old attempting to sail solo around the world went missing last night. Coast Guard searching. Last known coordinates 27 Longitude 74 Latitude. NASDAQ down 12 points for the quarter.... BACK TO SCENE And just like that her story is a blip in a news feed. Dante feels utterly useless. Angry at the TV... ON THE TV SCREEN: A Mattress Barn commercial. A cow jumping on a bed. INT. DENTENTION CENTER HALLWAY - LATER Dante is on the community phone. He learns from his parents the Coast Guard hasnt found a trace. They have 2 boats and a helicopter on the search. They will continue searching until dark. Then resume at first light. CUT TO: INT. DETENTION CENTER HALLWAY - LATER Dante on the same phone. He argues with the Coast Guard COMMANDER about their stupid policy not to search at night. DANTE Please! Angies brave, but... shes still just a kid.

12. COMMANDER Son, looking for a sailboat at night is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. INT. DETENTION CENTER BUNKHOUSE - THAT NIGHT Dante cant sleep a wink. He stares out a far window. He sees the moon. Hopes Angie is looking at the same moon. He grabs the compass out of his pillow. Clutches it. He feels like he dropped the ball big time on this one. INT. GRIMY BATHROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT The security guard is in a stall. Pants around his ankles. In the adjacent stall Dante crouches on the toilet. Dante slowly reaches down and easily lifts the guards cell phone from his trousers. When the guard leaves, Dante makes a call to Papillon. Sometimes, it pays to be a little crook. INT. KEY WEST COAST GUARD BASE - DAWN A heated scene. Mrs. Hopkins accuses the commander of not having enough crew searching for Angie. He tries to explain. COMMANDER This case is only one boat and one person on board. Our search and rescue team is limited. MRS. HOPKINS Ill pay. Whatever it takes! COMMANDER Thats not how it works maam. Mrs. Hopkins looks out the window. She sees the rescue crew taking off. She feels like a feckless parent. EXT. BOYS DETENTION CENTER WORK YARD - DAY Dante is back on sod duty. Hes been eyeing the parking lot.

13. DETENTION CENTER GUARD Hopkins! Youve got a visitor. INT. DETENTION CENTER VISITOR ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Dante and Papillon talk in code. A guard is nearby. DANTE Did you do your Stanislavski? PAPILLON I passed my CPR Test. DANTE Did you baste the turkey? Its a simple plan really. As Papillon leaves he secretly pulls a fire alarm. Per protocol - guards evacuate the boys to theEXT. PERIMETER FENCE AROUND THE DETENTION CENTER - MOMENTS LATER All visitors are kept separate from the inmates on the other side of the security entrance yet still inside the property. Two fire trucks and an ambulance show up. The boys are held at the fence until the building is inspected and cleared. Its all in the handbook. Once the officials learn theres no blazing inferno, one of the fire trucks starts to leave. As it approaches the exit, Papillon on the civilian side of the fence appears to be choking. The truck stops. A fireman runs to Papillon. A short but effective distraction. Dante crawls under the truck and clings to the undercarriage. The guard orders all the rubbernecking boys to return to the fence. The truck takes off. Dante is a free boy. A fugitive... but free.

14. EXT. A LONELY ROAD A COUPLE OF MILES AWAY - LATER The fire truck approaches a stop sign. Dante drops from under and rolls into the weeds. The truck takes off. He pops his head out of the tall brown grass like a lion looking for prey. Soon he spots Papillon on his bike. They both make a dash for cover intoEXT. THE WOODS NEARBY - CONTINUOUS Papillon wears a backpack. He shows Dante all the stuff: iPhone, flare gun with extra flares, snacks, a map and a comic book. PAPILLON The guards already know youre missing. Theyre probably already looking for you. DANTE You should bail out now Papi. I dont want to drag you into this any deeper. Ill tell them I forced you to do it. PAPILLON Are you kidding? Were in this together man. Remember our code? DANTE (chanting) Live life like there is no tomorrow. PAPILLON If theres ever a time we need to honor that code, its now. Angie is out there somewhere. She may not have a tomorrow. The sound of BARKING DOGS in the distance. PAPILLON (CONTD) Plus, I cant blow a chance to help rescue your hot sister. Dante punches him in the arm and smiles for the first time in days.

15. DANTE Lets do this! They stash the bike and sprint deeper into the woods. EXT. LANDFILL - LATER A bunch of seagulls walk around, window shopping for a snack. Huge tractors look like sick dinosaurs as they barf piles of garbage from their buckets. Dante and Papillon run through mountains of garbage. Theyre being chased by guards with bloodhounds. They see an 18 wheeler weighing in on the scale about to leave. They hop on the side and crawl in the back. Its empty but man does it reek. They look out the top as the semi pulls onto the highway. The bloodhounds pull the guards toward the weigh station. EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET CORNER - LATER Dante and Papillon jump out of the back of the semi. People look at them sideways. They stand and try to blend in. They walk toward the very poshEXT. BANANA BAY RESORT AND MARINA - CONTINUOUS A playground for the wealthy. Beautiful yachts, sailboats and speedboats with names like Stocks & Blondes, Whet Appetite, Knot Eye. The boys know theyll need something fast. Something with a big gas tank. The place is busy with boats coming and going. Finally they spot the perfect scenario. A rugged BIKER MECHANIC appears to have finished working on a bright yellow 32-foot Donzi speedboat. Red flames painted down both sides. This thing is a floating Ferrari. Not exactly camouflage but they cant be picky. The biker joins 3 men in Speedos walking towards the raw bar. He wont even realize the boats missing til long after happy hour.

16. ON BOARD THE SPEEDBOAT IN THE DOCK Yes! The keys are in the ignition. Papillon checks the GPS on his smart phone. PAPILLON Were all set. DANTE We are doing this for the greater good, right? PAPILLON Were doing this for Angie. Dante turns the key. The 450 horsepower engine sounds like a herd of caged wildebeests. They slowly cruise away from the dock slip. They see a Marine Patrol boat coming toward them. The same guys that busted Dante a few days ago. Dantes stomach fills with butterflies. He looks for a disguise. EXT. ON THE MARINE PATROL BOAT - CONTINUOUS Two OFFICERS, wearing dark sunglasses, eye the yellow boat leaving port. Dante waves. He wears a snorkel and mask. The officers wave back. Damn rich kids. It works. EXT. THE DECK OF THE SPEEDBOAT - CONTINUOUS Our heroes pass the no wake zone. Dante points the boat toward the open ocean. Hold on! DANTE

He jams the throttle down and lets the wildebeests out of the cage. EXT. THE DECK OF THE SPEEDBOAT - LATER The speedboat handles the sea like Usain Bolt running hurdles in the Olympics. Theyre getting closer to Angies last known coordinates.

17. Papillon looks through binoculars. Tells Dante to stop. He slows the boat to an idle. Their faces sunburned. Hair salty and stiff. IN PAPILLONS BINOCULARS We see Angies search party. A Coast Guard helicopter and two Coast Guard Cutters head back toward land for the night. Apparently their search is over for the day. BACK TO SCENE All afternoon the boys have been fielding calls from their panicked parents pleading with them to come back. Needing to conserve battery power theyve turned the phone off. Dante powers up his phone to check the GPS. Another incoming call. This time its Dantes mom. Dante answers. MRS. HOPKINS What do you think you can do that the Coast Guard cant? DANTE Their policy of not searching at night is exactly when they should be searching, Mom! The best time to catch fireflies is at night right? Yeah... MRS. HOPKINS

DANTE When we get to where Angie dropped off the radar itll be dark. Well shoot off a flare every hour. Shell see it. I just know it. Then shell respond with her flare. MRS. HOPKINS I cant lose both of my kids, Dante. DANTE I have to do this. Ill bring Angie home. I promise. Dante hangs up. He loves her, but hes got to do this.

18. The boys look at each other in silence. No time for second guessing now. They head further out to sea under a blanket of evening skies that could pass as another Winslow Homer painting (sans cigarette boat). PAPILLON Does my hair look cool? EXT. DECK OF THE SPEEDBOAT - LATER THAT NIGHT Theyre cruising at full throttle and suddenly... hear a DEAFENING ROAR. A Navy helicopter rips overhead at 200+ mph. The Coast Guard from earlier must have called them out. This startles Dante so much that he yanks the steering wheel. Smashes into a wave. The boat goes airborne for a full 2 seconds. The helicopter banks hard and heads straight back toward them. This thing is a new breed of machine. Its like a Chinook on steroids. Dante kills their running lights and manages to become almost invisible. He dodges the helicopters spotlight. Temporarily. INT. HIGH TECH HELICOPTER - CONTINUOUS The PILOTS are amused. PILOT 1 This kids not bad at the helm, Ill give him that. They laugh and switch over to night vision goggles. Theres no hiding from these guys. EXT. DECK OF THE SPEEDBOAT - CONTINUOUS Dante is able to elude the helicopter by zigzagging but its only good for a couple minutes at a time. The pilots are getting impatient. Their searchlight finds them again.

19. SQUAWKING PA Give it up kid. Theres nowhere to run out here. Youre under arrest. Dante wont give up. Vanishes into the darkness again. INT. HIGH TECH HELICOPTER - CONTINUOUS The pilots look around. They see something 50 yards ahead. This time its not the boat. Whats this? IN THEIR NIGHTVISION GOGGLES It looks like a submarine that surfaced for air. I/E. THE HELICOPTER HOVERING OVER THE DARK SEA - CONTINUOUS The helicopter proceeds with caution. They hover over it. Searchlight locked onto its shiny black surface. This may be a shell of a submarine but theres something else going on inside this thing. Several small hatches snap open at the same time like multiple eyes on a spider. A thin ray of blue light shines brightly out of one of the hatch holes. It scans the entire helicopter from head to toe. The bewildered pilots try to pull away but the controls are frozen. Gauges spin wildly. EXT. DECK OF THE SPEEDBOAT - CONTINUOUS Dante and Papillon haul ass away from the chopper. Their boat is now a quarter mile away. They look back. Astonished. Are they actually making a getaway? I/E. THE HELICOPTER HOVERING OVER THE DARK SEA - CONTINUOUS Its not looking good. The sub now has a grip on the helicopters body with several black cables. The copter is trying to pull away. Its a surreal scene. Like minnow vs. jellyfish. Then as quickly as this happened, the sub releases its death grip. Submerges.

20. The helicopter spins wildly. The pilots cant regain control. They eject out the side doors. The copter hits the water. EXPLODES. EXT. DECK OF THE SPEEDBOAT - CONTINUOUS Dante and Papillon now a good 2 miles away. They see the fireball from the helicopter. They think the crazy pilots are shooting at them! They scream. Why would they be shooting? This is insane. Their only option is to just keep running. EXT. DEBRIS PILE IN THE DARK WATER - CONTINUOUS The pilots float in the debris. Theyre pretty freaked out but okay. An EPIRB attached to their life jackets has been activated. Theyre speechless. INT. KEY WEST COAST GUARD BASE - NIGHT Dantes parents are in the waiting room. Mrs. Hopkins is seated at a table but has fallen asleep on her face. Shes looked prettier. Her hand holds a coffee mug with a yellow smiley face. The one with the bullet hole in its forehead. Mr. Hopkins sleeps awkwardly in a chair in front of the TV. INT. THE COMMANDERS OFFICE - CONTINUOUS We see a blip on the radar screen. Its the EPIRB signal from the downed helicopter pilots. The commander quickly picks up a phone. COMMANDER Weve got a situation. EXT. THE DECK OF THE SPEEDBOAT - CONTINUOUS Its eerily quiet. The boys have been adrift. Silently bobbing in the 3 foot swells. When they got to Angies last known location they cut the engine and let the current take them.

21. Dante and Papi have been shooting off a flare every hour. No luck. They take turns sleeping while the other is on watch for Angies flare. But fatigue has caught up with them. Both are asleep. Papillon wakes to the sound of something out in the water. A low moan. He wakes Dante. PAPILLON Its time for another flare. Theres only a few left. Its pitch dark except for the flashlight. Dante points the gun into the black sky and fires. 50 feet up the flare grows bright. Something is illuminated. A structure. Its an oil rig. Its giant size startles the shit out of them. The amount of rust and overall neglect tells us this thing is clearly out of operation. The sound of the steel derelict structure moans in the current. Suddenly, as if they woke a sleeping giant, the rig comes to life. Like a giant steel skeleton. It looks down at the boat. The guys scream. Dante dives for the steering wheel. Cranks the engine. Takes off. The oil rig reaches down. As wickedly fast as this boat is, theres no way to outrun this sea monster. The rig picks up the boat like its a bathtub toy. Brings it close to its face. Scans it just like the sub did earlier. Dante and Papillon dangle like rag dolls over the sides of the boat. They lose their grip. Fall 50 feet. Nearly hit the rigs platform on the way down. They smash into the water. UNDER THE DARK WATER Dante sees his grandfathers compass has come out of his pocket and is sinking. Soon to be just another relic at the bottom of the sea. No way. He swims down after it. Barely snags the chain before the ocean can claim it.

22. ON THE SURFACE OF THE WATER Papillon calls desperately for his buddy. Dante pops up. Great, but no time to celebrate. They look up at the nightmare playing with the boat. It seems to approve of it. Places it into its center rib cage. Apparently a keeper. The rig turns its head. Looks down. Scans the water with that blue light looking for the boys. Dante and Papillon see the light about to reach them. They suck air and go under. The rig sees debris from the boat. A cooler. Life vests. A beach ball. Not interested. It walks away like a fisherman with a prize catch. The boys surface. Grab onto the cooler. They cant believe what they just saw. Luckily the boys are in the water because theyre both definitely pissing themselves right now. Dante pulls out the compass. Sees the oil rig is headed due East. The boys look at each other. Words arent necessary. They have a good idea where to look for Angie. Lets just hope shes alive. And... that sharks arent really attracted to urine. CUT TO: AERIAL SHOT - A TINY ISLAND BARELY VISIBLE - DAWN about the size of three Yankee stadiums. Its hilly and thick with vegetation. Dante and Papillon are just off shore. A dot in the water making its way towards theEXT. BEACH ON THE SMALL ISLAND - CONTINUOUS Dante and Papillon crawl onto shore and collapse. They roll over on their backs like two beached whales. Oddly, they start laughing. Glad to be alive.

23. SERIES OF SHOTS --The boys comb the beach. --They gather enough for a meal of coconuts, crabs, and bananas. --They quickly find out the island has secrets. They see what could be giant footprints. Maybe from the oil rig. --SOUNDS from the interior island are those of a construction site. EXT. INTERIOR ISLAND - LATER The sound of METAL ON METAL grows louder as Dante and Papillon cautiously push through the trees, following them. They come to a clearing. It looks like a graveyard. Ships, planes, submarines. Strewn everywhere like discarded toys. But this isnt where the sounds are coming from. This place is dead quiet. An upside down WWII B-52 bomber is half buried. The bow of a huge yacht, cant be more than a few years old. All covered with dirt. Part of a submarine protrudes out of the ground, while the other section is 50 yards away. Every- thing is wrapped up in thick vines. A bunch of Cessna single engine planes. Shrimp boats. A 1951 airliner lies on its back, landing gear up like a dead bird. No signs of survivors. All this camouflaged by grass and vines. This along with the canopy of trees would make it nearly impossible to see from the air. Dante and Papillon shake off the creepy feeling and start to look for Angies boat. INT. COAST GUARD BASE CONFERENCE ROOM - CONTINUOUS The commander and his assistants talk to Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins. COMMANDER Our pilots spotted Dante and Papillon... then ran into a mechanical failure. We were not able to recover them, but I assure you, we are doing all we can to find those kids.

24. He manages to bring up the cost of the 28 million dollar helicopter at least twice. EXT. BOAT GRAVEYARD ON THE SMALL ISLAND LATER The boys discovered something the boats have in common: the engines have been dissected and the fuel tanks removed. They havent found Angies boat. IN THE COCKPIT OF AN OLD WAR PLANE Papillon pretends to shoot the machine gun. He whirls around and aims the barrel at Dante who is in aJAPANESE NUCLEAR SUB Dante is down below looking at Papillon through the dusty lens of a periscope. DANTE You cant get me now! Dive! Dive! He pretends to dive. But then he adjusts the periscope and sees it. Angies boat! Lying on its side amongst a bunch of other boats. Dante runs up the ladder and pops out the top like a jack-inthe-box. Just asIN THE COCKPIT OF AN OLD WAR PLANE Papillon pulls the trigger. Blam! Blam! Blam! Whoops. The machine gun still works. DANTE What the hell Papi?! UNKNOWN POV - CAMERA SPINS TOWARDS THE SOUND BACK TO SCENE They quickly compose themselves and run to Angies boat at the North end of the graveyard.

25. Its in one piece but has been stripped of all the navigational instruments. The boys go inside theDARK LOWER QUARTERS Dante picks up her diary. Flips to her last entry. Reads it aloud. DANTE And the person I miss most right now is my brother Dante. As much of a pain in the ass he can be, I wish he was here. Ive never told him this but sometimes I wish I had half the courage that kid has. Because right now... Im scared. Papillon cranes his neck, tries to read over Dantes shoulder. PAPILLON Does she mention me at all? Dante wipes his eyes. Must be allergies or something. As he puts down the book, the side of the boat-EXPLODES! Streaming light into the boat. EXT. BOAT - CONTINUOUS A pissed off LAND DROID stands in the gaping hole holding a smoking laser gun. This thing is the Jon Hamm of robots. Like the one we saw earlier at BOCA CHICA KEY BEACH, but more demented. The boys run like hell. A good old-fashioned junkyard shootout with a mysterious LAND DROID ensues. Soon, the boys paint themselves into a corner. The DROID is now missing an arm but it only needs one to shoot the laser gun. These boys are screwed. Suddenly, out of the nearby treetops-A figure drops directly onto the back of the DROID and grabs its neck.

26. Then, like a greyhound running out of the gate, something half animal - half machine tackles the DROID from the side. A perfect ambush. In an instant, the DROID goes limp. The figure on its back is a shaggy haired boy. No more than 10. The thing that attacked from the side is a huge, Clydesdale sized animal/machine of some nature. It seems proud. It wags its stubby tail and holds a smoking circuit board in its mouth. MYSTERIOUS BOY Follow me. You are not safe. EXT. DEEP COVER WOODS - A LITTLE LATER Dante and Papi struggle to keep up with this kid and his cyberdog. They stop at a well. Get a drink. The boy is LIL RAY. A captive like many others on the island. All were abducted by the ALIEN. The sole survivor of a spaceship crash that happened in 1947 (the one Grandpa Budd witnessed when he was a young Navy man). LIL RAY Ive never seen the alien up close, but it knows what its doing. Its building a ship to get home. Its been plucking boats and planes out of the air and water for sixty years. Welcome to Grand Central of the Bermuda Triangle. LIL RAY (CONTD) How did you get here? DANTE We followed an oil rig. LIL RAY No one chooses to come here. PAPILLON It stole our boat. (beat) Im a little freaked out.

27. DANTE Listen, that was my sisters boat. Do you know where she is? LIL RAY It may be too late. DANTE What do you mean? LIL RAY Father wouldnt want me talking to you. Dante grabs the kids arm. Cyberdog growls showing its metal fangs. Dante lets go. Rethinks his approach. DANTE Listen, Im sorry. Thank you for helping us back there. But my sister, she must be here somewhere. Please. The boy thinks about not getting involved. But then... LIL RAY Okay, by now shes probably being picked over for anything useful. Jewelry, watches, rings. DANTE Picked over? By who? LIL RAY You mean by what. Another droid. Theyre all worker bees for the alien. DANTE Can you show us where she is? Lil Rays not sure about this, thenLIL RAY What the hell. Follow me. They start moving. LIL RAY (CONTD) Angies being held in the silo where the ship is being built. The place is surrounded by Droids.

28. They are amazing works of artistic machinery. All custom made by the recluse alien. It makes do with what materials it has. It could build a small turbine engine out of a coffee grinder and a calculator if it needs to. PAPILLON Is that what your dog is? Papillon stops. Trixie rolls on her back. He scratches her belly. LIL RAY Thats Trixie. Shes half horse half machine. She was nearly dead when Dad and I found her. So we captured a DROID one night and our friend Bart went to work with his welder and a bottle of rum. (beat) He fused em. Saved her life. Dante and Papillon look at one another. Stunned. Trying to process. But they must keep moving. EXT. A BLUE LAGOON LATER Lil Ray and Trixie stop at the rim. When the boys catch up, its a breath taking view. 50 feet down the calm water has top to bottom clarity. Tiny waterfalls. Its gorgeous. Follow me. He jumps. Dante and Papi argue about who goes next. Trixie pushes them both. Its a long way down. She stays behind, wagging her stubby tail. EXT. DOWN IN THE BLUE LAGOON - MOMENTS LATER Dante and Papillon pop out of the water, gasping for breath. LIL RAY Take a deep breath. He dives deep. The boys follow. LIL RAY

29. INT. INSIDE A CAVE - MOMENTS LATER They surface. Its dark. The only light source comes through a steel grate 10 feet above their heads. Theres movement on the grates. Droids are busy doing something. The walls are narrow. A little claustrophobic. Smells like solder and burnt wires. Like rats trying to find cheese in a maze they dash quietly through the labyrinth. Lil Ray finally stops. Silently points to the grate above. He grabs Papillon and they form a step with their hands. Dante climbs on, pushes the grate up. Peeks out andINT. ENORMOUS ROOM - CONTINUOUS -Sees Angie! Shes strapped in a chair. Sweaty and scared. The room has dirt walls like a pit. Its about the size of a school gym. Parts are all over the place. Engines. Propellers. Fuel tanks. Tires. All organized and in rows, like at a hardware store. Angie sees Dante. Cant believe her eyes! He motions her to be quiet. Just then a door at the other end of the room is kicked open. Something CLUNKS heavily down the aisles. Dante bear crawls across the floor and hides behind Angies chair. A GNARLY DROID struts up to Angie. This thing is nasty. Appears to be made out of bulletproof glass that covers cockpits on battle planes. You can see its inner wire skeleton. It beeps and Angies left leg is released from a restraint. Gnarly tries to pull a toe ring off her foot but she puts up a fight. It quickly unscrews its hand like a silencer on a gun. It points the stub in her face. Angie gulps.

30. Gnarly is all business. Just then, from behind, Dante swings a metal pipe and connects hard to its head. THUNK. The head falls off. But the BODY goes after Dante. A good old-fashioned headless GNARLY droid action scene. Gnarlys body shoots rounds of laser bullets. The place gets worked. The others join in to help take down the bulletproof beast. At the end of the scene they play kick the can with the head. It bites Papillons foot. Then they just smash it into an engine block. EXT. THE BLUE LAGOON - MOMENTS LATER The surface suddenly bursts with four smiling wet faces. They swim to the rock wall, shimmy up a long rope ladder. At the top Trixie is there. They all run off into the forest following Lil Ray. Just kids kickin some alien droid ass on a Saturday afternoon. EXT. IN THE WOODS - CONTINUOUS Dante and Angie have caught up on the latest. Shes grateful Dante and Papillon found her but now what? They end up arguing. ANGIE This is your exit strategy? DANTE If you would stop trying to be a princess warrior we wouldnt be in this mess. They both catch themselves mid argument. Nows not the time. They walk in silence through the meandering trails back to theEXT. BOAT GRAVEYARD ON THE SMALL ISLAND - CONTINUOUS We havent seen the West end. This is the community. Lil Ray tells them theyve made their homes within the wreckage.

31. Our gang walks through the place. It looks like a post apocalyptic neighborhood. We see two OLD MEN playing poker under the wing of a Cessna plane. A MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE are raking in a little garden. They wave with a broken smile, look over their shoulder cautiously then go back to work. A couple KIDS, 6-12, are playing tag. One kid stops. KID Hi! (then) Who are the newbies Ray? LIL RAY Oh, theyre just visiting. This gets a quick laugh from all the locals... which make our heroes a little uneasy. A huge freighter ship lies upside down. All 140 feet of it. Its split in two like a watermelon. Covered in rust and weeds. LIL RAY (CONTD) This is me. INT. THE HUGE FREIGHTER SHIP - MOMENTS LATER A handsome, FIT MAN (41) sits at a small table. He paints designs on dinner plates. His hair greasy but groomed. He rolls away from the table in a wheelchair. Looks at Dante. Eyes brilliant blue and intense. This is Lil Rays dad, Will. WILL (to Dante) You made it out? DANTE Im Dante. This is my sister Angie. And my friend Papillon. Will looks at Lil Ray. WILL You helped them? LIL RAY Well, sort of. Will slams his fist on the table. Throws a plate.

32. WILL (yelling) You know how dangerous that is! DANTE Its my fault. I asked for his help. Were here to take my sister home. Will shakes his head. Wears a weird smile. WILL Do you realize there has only been a handful of us whove escaped abduction? No one can get off this island. He wheels up to Dante. Stares. WILL (CONTD) You risked my sons life. DANTE Im sorry sir. WILL That alien takes what it needs then destroys us. ANGIE It was going to kill me? WILL Thats what it does. They learn there are 15 others whove made it out alive. They live in hiding. In fear. Although forced to live like prey on this demented island their spirit is not broken. As Dante, Angie and Papillon spend time with them they see this group of strong willed survivors look out for each other. Love one another. Like a family. SERIES OF SHOTS --A WOMAN teaches the three kids at a makeshift schoolhouse. --The MEN have a ritual card night. --They all trade duties of hunting and gathering.

33. --A lot of joke telling from a former stand up comedian. She claims to be Sarah Silvermans cousin. EXT. SMALL CEMETERY NIGHT Will tells them about the times theyve tried to rebel against the alien force. But, it always ends in failure. Dante cant believe he has become part of this nightmare. After a while Dante and Co. get to know the community. Eventually, they approach Will with a passionate plea to try something. Anything. ANGIE Cant we take one of these rowboats? Try to find help. LIL RAY Weve tried. They pick us off like target practice. This island has eyes. Dantes relentless ambition to try something finally gets to Will. It reminds him of the way he used to be when he had his legs. WILL Okay, the aliens getting desperate. Some droids are making pilgrimages to shore every week. For specialty parts. Gaskets and glue and stuff. DANTE Wait, wait, wait. I saw this. We saw this. On TV. Grandpa and me. It was at a Lowes. Or Home Depot. It exploded. I saw it!! WILL One of you could hitch a ride on an outgoing droid. Like hopping a train. They travel like torpedoes just under the surface. DANTE How the hell do we hitch a ride? Will sees something special in Dantes eyes. This kid has fire inside.

34. The way he once had. WILL Im glad you asked. EXT. VARIOUS LOCATIONS AROUND THE COMMUNITY - DAY BEGIN MONTAGE The gang collects materials from around the salvage yard. Some of the others help. Excitement is in the air. Hands grab rope. Special shoes are put on. A backpack is tightened. Tools are grabbed. Jokes are told. Bonds are made. END MONTAGE EXT. CAMPFIRE IN THE COMMUNITY - NIGHT They all sit around a well-hidden campfire eating fish. They wont start the plan until daylight. We go around the fire and hear some very cool abduction stories from the old and young. They all share in the feeling of being estranged from their families. Dante confesses he too feels lost from his family... even though hes never been abducted. Angie looks at Dante. Her eyes tear up. Must be the smoke. BART, the engineer whos good with the welder, knows a thing or two about rockets. PAPILLON Bart, when is that ship taking off? BART Soon. Weve seen it trying out the engines for the last month.

35. DANTE What happens to us when it blasts off? BART Well be fish in a barrel. ANGIE What do you mean? BART The mixed batch of fuel thats in that ship is toxic. The unfiltered exhaust could kill 10 whales. Theres no hiding from it. DANTE The aliens gonna leave the droids behind? WILL Yeah. Theyre just disposable security guards. INT. INSIDE THE FREIGHTER - LATER THAT NIGHT Everyones asleep. A droid interrogation scene. Theyre looking for any humans. The alien must have found the remains of the Gnarly from earlier. A dramatic action sequence of 2 KNIGHT DROIDS nearly finding our survivors. Trixie creates a diversion. Phew. EXT. ROCK OUTCROPPING THE NEXT MORNING Like rock climbers, Dante, Papillon and Angie shuffle along a narrow ledge. Waves swell below them. They get doused with whitewater but keep moving toward a huge cave-like hole in the rock. A garage door sized portal for droids bound for the mainland. Directly above the hole, Dante sits in an inflatable boat called a Zodiac. Light and durable. He holds onto a ski rope. A huge pile of rope sits next to the bow. At the end of the rope is a huge snag hook. Papillon clings to the rock with one hand and with the other, he keeps the hook in position at the center of the opening.

36. They are fishing for a droid. Angie stares into the mouth of the tunnel. Its like shes waiting for a train. EXT. ROCK OUTCROPPING - LATER Theyve been waiting for a while. Plenty of time for Papillon to try out several lines on Angie. Shes been denying every one. But its kind of charming. Finally, something is coming. Its everyones ticket off the island. Angie hides. The droid is hauling ass. The hook takes. Rope flies. The Zodiac is snatched off the rock. Lands hard in the water. Dante bounces but hangs on. The droid submerges. Dante is pulled out to sea. Ill be damned, its working! Papillon and Angie hug and jump and celebrate. Papi enjoys the hug a little too much. She breaks it up. EXT. WEST SIDE OF ISLAND - CONTINUOUS Lil Ray, Will and the others watch Dante. They look like paparazzi at a red carpet event. They are so hopeful. EXT. BLAZING THROUGH THE OCEAN - CONTINUOUS Dante hangs on tight. Seawater splashes his face. He wipes his eyes. Determined. EXT. JUST OFFSHORE - CONTINUOUS Underwater, hanging out next to the rocks like a goliath grouper, is the submarine we saw earlier. The one that likes helicopters. Its multiple eyes are watching. It takes aim at the droid thats towing the Zodiac. Launches a torpedo from its hull.

37. EXT. BLAZING THROUGH THE OCEAN - CONTINUOUS Dante, now 1/4 mile offshore. Senses something. Looks around. Looks behind him. Just below the surface the torpedo is gaining speed and heading straight for him. Dante leaps out of the Zodiac. EXT. WEST SIDE OF THE ISLAND - CONTINUOUS The hopeful faces see... an EXPLOSION. They react. AT THE OUTCROPPING Angie screams! Noooo! ANGIE

She drops to her knees. Papillon stares incredulously at the mountain of white water slowly falling back to where they just saw Dante in the Zodiac. FADE TO: EXT. VARIOUS LOCATIONS AROUND THE ISLAND - CONTINUOUS --On Angie and Papillon as they slowly walk back to camp. --On Will and Lil Ray and the others as they stare out at the ocean. One by one they return to camp. --On the ground near the lagoon a patch of sand starts to move. Doors slowly rise up, creating a giant opening for the the alien ship to emerge. EXT. SOMEWHERE ON THE ISLAND BEACH - MOMENTS LATER Pieces of the Zodiac wash ashore. We hear splashing. Its Dante! He walks in knee-deep water. His clothes shredded. Patches of hair missing. Now this is what a castaway looks like. Dante feels hes being watched. Keeps a low profile. Hustles towards-

38. EXT. THE CAMP - MOMENTS LATER But no ones here. He thinks he knows where they might be. EXT. THE CEMETERY - MOMENTS LATER Angie, Papillon and some of the others are mourning at a vigil for Dante. Papi tosses a bundle of sticks into the circle. PAPI He was my best friend. Will joins in and hugs them both. Angie cries. Dante watches this from behind a tree. His gut tells him not to reveal himself now. Angies face pinches in anger. She breaks free of the hug. In the distance we see the alien ship slowly rising out of the ground. She screams at it. She then cries to the others, pleading with them that they have to do something. ANGIE Cant we do anything? Sabotage the damn thing? Light it on fire? Something? WILL (calmly) Do you really want your last moments to be in a futile battle? A moment passes. WILL (CONTD) Or do you want to just accept that this is our time? Go peacefully. Without struggle. Without turmoil. The young TEACHER WOMAN comes over. Takes Angies hand. Dante thinks about this. Maybe Wills right. Enjoy your last moments with loved ones. Dante follows them back to the-

39. EXT. CAMP - CONTINUOUS He Keeps his identity hidden. He watches them go about their routines. The married couple picks vegetables from their garden. The three old guys return to their card game under the wing of the Cessna. Lil Ray pushes his dad playfully in his wheelchair. Angie plays soccer with a couple kids. Papillon in goal. Dante feels like Ebenezer Scrooge as he witnesses all this. Is this really how its going down for all of them? He pulls his Grandpas compass out of his pocket. Oddly, its pointing East. Directly toward the alien ship. Odd because thats due West. He knows because thats where they came ashore. And Grandpas compass is NEVER WRONG! Could this be a sign? Dante snaps it shut. Hes got an idea. Whistles for Trixie. They dart into the woods. INT. LAGOON CAVE MOMENTS LATER Dante and Trixie scamper their way through the dark maze. They enter theINT. MAIN SILO - CONTINUOUS Looming 20 stories high is the giant alien ship. Its the size of the space shuttle. An amazing patchwork of boats and planes intricately put together like a brilliant collage. Smoke rolls out of the bottom. The dome above the nose of the ship is open like a sunroof. Light pours in. Syd Mead would be envious. Dante and Trixie continue to theINT. WAREHOUSE - CONTINUOUS This is the storage place from earlier where Dante saw scuba tanks. He finds them. Loads ten tanks onto Trixie.

40. Straps them down. She looks like a walking time bomb. Good thing shes strong as an ox. They boogie out of there but run into trouble back atINT. MAIN SILO - CONTINUOUS They scramble recklessly through the scaffolding. Being shot at and chased by a couple droids. One is the Gnarly droid from earlier. Its head is back on but crooked and not very happy. A series of near misses and epic action. Dante gets ahold of a droid laser gun. Nearly wastes Trixie learning how to use it. Dante has a face to face encounter with the alien. A strange mix of humor and fright. Trixie saves Dantes life. The alien doesnt have time for this. It has somewhere to go. Although there is no clock, the countdown has definitely begun. Dante and Trixie fight their way through more droids and out of the belly of the beast. EXT. THE CAMP - MOMENTS LATER Dante and Trixie round the corner and skid to a stop. Its a surreal sight. Everybody is sitting on the ground like theyre part of a 1950s Nevada bomb test site. Operation Plumbbob. They see Dante. Angie runs and tackles him with a hug. Papillon, Will and Lil Ray come over. DANTE Were running out of time! He throws a big duffle bag on the ground. Its full of regulators. Tells everyone Trixie could only carry ten tanks, theyll have to pair up. DANTE (CONTD) Run to the beach. Get under water. Buddy breathe. Swim as far away from the island as possible!

41. Dante and Angie grab Wills arms, drag him out of his chair and toward the water. Two by two, everyone follows with a tank. It looks like a three-legged sack race. Papillon follows last. He now has the laser gun. And hes very afraid to use it. In the background the giant ship is all the way out of the ground. The island now looks very muck like a launch pad. The ground starts to rumble as the rocket boosters are ignited. The mixture of fuel in those tanks is a deadly cocktail. EXT. AT THE BEACH CONTINUOUS Everyone is frantically, and awkwardly running into the water. Tripping. Yelling. But theyre doing it. Its kind of funny until... Dante sees someone, still on the beach. Its Trixie. Shes scared. Like an animal who senses fear, she doesnt want to go. All the scuba gear is freaking her out. A loud BOOM in the middle of the island. The alien ship is finally taking off. A plume of deadly white smoke is on the way. Its only a matter of time now. ON THE GROUPS BOBBING HEADS IN THE WATER They are all calling for Trixie. Dante and Angie are still waist deep in the water. Angie knows Dante wants to go back and help Trixie. Angie grabs Dantes face and makes him look her in the eyes. ANGIE Dont do it. Itll get you killed. Think of Mom, and Dad, and Grandpa! They couldnt handle losing you. The exhaust from the ship is now spewing out from the trees. Dante gives Angie the tank. Pushes her away. Trust me. DANTE

He hustles back towards shore.

42. FURTHER OUT IN THE WATER The others watch the alien spaceship, 64 years in the making, roaring into the blue sky. A sight to behold. The SOUND is deafening . The white toxic smoke squirts between the trees. It is total chaos. EXT. ON THE BEACH - CONTINUOUS Dante has roped Trixie around the neck. Hes pulled her into shallow water, but shes putting up a fight. The smoke cloud engulfs them like a monstrous wave. EXT. IN THE OCEAN NEARBY - CONTINUOUS The entire group goes under water, just as a blanket of white smoke envelopes the entire screen. EXT. THE COAST OF FLORIDA - CONTINUOUS A series of locations where people take notice of the strange ship making its getaway. SERIES OF SHOTS --MIAMI BEACH A soccer game stops. The players look into the sky. --ST. AUGUSTINE At an outdoor caf. People are pointing. --CAPE CANAVERAL NASA workers look on dumbfounded. --BACK HOME on Grandpa Budds porch. A telescope is pointed into the sky. Pull out to reveal Gramps is napping in a chair. INT. KEY WEST COAST GUARD BASE - CONTINUOUS The Lt. Commander is on the phone with the president. LT. COMMANDER I have no idea what it is, but its leaving in a hurry. (beat) Ive got five birds en route, sir. PRESIDENT (O.S.) Take it down.

43. LT. COMMANDER (shocked) Yes sir! EXT. OFF THE COAST OF THE ISLAND - LATER Five F-16 FIGHTER JETS are tearing ass just above the ocean. Theyre all, bogey this and roger that. Three of the jets peel away from the formation and ascend to the heavens. The other jets continue to the island. There it is. Once green and beautiful, now it looks like an ashen moonscape. If parts of the interior island looked post apocalyptic before... well, it all matches now. As the pilots fly over, they get a look at the gaping hole in the middle of the grey island. PILOT What the hell? DOWN IN THE WATER About a 1/2 mile away from the island. The survivors surface, except for Dante and Trixie. Most of the smoke has dissipated out here but the island is still hard to see. They all look at Angie. Shes felt this way before. This time shes not going to accept it. Dante! Nothing. At all. ANGIE (CONTD) Dante! Dante! Then, a BARK. From the grey smoke Dante and Trixie appear. Dante rides on her back as she dog paddles. Hes got a bandanna around his mouth and nose. Theyre covered in white powder. DANTE (casually) It took a little persuasion but she caved. They all cheer. The happiest theyve ever been. ANGIE

44. I/E. THE F-16S HIGH ABOVE THE ISLAND - CONTINUOUS They rendezvous back toward the island. The pilots do a double take when they see a group of... people down in the water? Dante and company wave like crazy. Covered in grey soot, makes him look like the living dead. F-16 PILOT 1 Request immediate rescue. Repeat. Request immediate rescue. INT. KEY WEST COAST GUARD BASE - CONTINUOUS Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, along with Papillons parents get the news that some civilians were found, but the whereabouts of the kids has not been confirmed. EXT. DECK OF THE P-71 NAVY DESTROYER LATER Dante and Co. are wrapped in towels; cleaned off. Some of the older survivors are on respirators, but appear to be okay and in good spirits. The air is electric with the anticipation of reuniting with loved ones. The aspiring comedian is trying out some material in a small packed room of NAVY MEN. Shes killing. Trixie is being sniffed by two German shepherd POLICE DOGS. Way behind them, the island looms. Its surrounded with Navy boats. EXT. SIXTY THOUSAND FEET IN THE SKY - CONTINUOUS The alien ship releases its boosters. In a blink of an eye the F-16s appear. Fire missiles. A few miss. But one connects on the corner. Black smoke gushes out. The ship cartwheels wildly. It falls back toward the ocean like a wounded duck. It looks like its trying to scream but there is no sound. It was so close.

45. Maybe they shouldve just let it leave. EXT. CALM WATERS OF THE ATLANTIC OCEAN - CONTINUOUS The calm Prussian blue water is suddenly assaulted by a thunderous crash. UNDERWATER The alien ship, a masterpiece of interlocking artistry from the mind of something well never comprehend, is sinking. Now disfigured and dented but largely still intact. A lifeless alien body sinks into the oceans abyss. EXT. KEY WEST COAST GUARD BASE - LATER A major reunion. Dante, Angie & Papillon hug their parents. They keep Trixie hidden from the MEDIA. Although... the other survivors are the ones to watch. They are blooming flowers after the longest winter imaginable. Some fielding TV interviews. Some have already reunited with loved ones. Others are on the phone. Its an emotion-fest. The COPS got word to let Dante and Papillon off the hook until tomorrow. Let them have the night with their families. Theyll be talking about their multiple felonies with the judge in the morning. Everyone says their good-byes. Will is in a new wheelchair. Lil Ray cant thank Dante enough for what he did. Lil Ray insists Dante take Trixie as a gift. DANTE This is the best gift Ive ever had. He hugs Lil Ray. As Dante is getting into the backseat of their car Papillon runs up. PAPILLON (whispering) I just heard the alien ship was shot down.

46. EXT. ALIEN CRASH SITE IN THE ATLANTIC - CONTINUOUS This place is littered with NAVY SEALS. NATIONAL GUARD galore. DIVERS surface near a boat. DIVER We cant find a damn thing. EXT. THIRTY MILES AWAY OVER OPEN WATER - CONTINUOUS Two COAST GUARD HELICOPTERS search the open waters. Nothing here but an old rusty oil rig. The same one from earlier. The copters leave. The CAMERA stays put. As soon as the choppers are far enough away the oil rig it moves. Bends over, and searches for something under water. It lifts the alien ship. Cradles it like a baby. We see the ship no longer has its alien pilot. The creator has died. Was buried at the bottom of the sea. But the aliens creations live on. Like Mary Shellys Frankenstein. I/E. THE HOPKINS CAR ON THE HIGHWAY LATER The Hopkins are heading home, Mr. Hopkins drives. Theyre all talking at once. Glad to be together again. Their car passes a sign. THE CAMERA stays with the sign. Its the public beach. EXT. PUBLIC BEACH - CONTINUOUS Not too busy. A couple FRISBEE PLAYERS. A volleyball game. PEOPLE swimming. Three young boys are waist deep in the water. The same boys from earlier. They stop playing. Look a hundred yards out. Something just under the surface is plowing water like a torpedo. The boys panic! Run up to their mom. Jump over her into the foxhole again. The mom rolls her eyes. Kids.

47. BACK OUT IN THE WATER Whatever it is its headed South. I/E. HOPKINS CAR DRIVING DOWN THE ROAD - CONTINUOUS The car glides peacefully down a winding side street. Mrs. Hopkins has always loved living near the Navy base. She likes the feeling of security. Inside the car the talk is animated. Trixie rides on top of the car. She senses something in the passing trees. GROWLS. MR. HOPKINS (hearing the growl) That thing better not be a barker. We already have one of those in the house. Mrs. Hopkins punches him playfully. Dante looks out the back window. Sees Trixie is off the car and running into the woods. Out from the trees emerges A GIANT METAL FOOT. It comes directly over their car. Angie looks out the sunroof and is staring at the crotch of the alien ship. Although its not really a spaceship anymore. It has become something else. Part man-made, part alien, part pure mystery. This is the TRIBORG. It thinks. Makes decisions. And right now its hell bent on getting revenge. The foot smashes down directly in front of the car. The asphalt crumbles. Mr. Hopkins jerks the steering wheel away. They hit a parked car. Flip. The Triborg continues its purposeful gait towards the Navy Base. EXT. A DITCH ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD - CONTINUOUS The Hopkins car is upside down. HORN blaring.

48. Dante and Angie are bleeding but okay. They help pull their parents out of the wreckage. Several other cars have crashed on the street. People pointing hysterically at the freakish machine WALKING OVER TREETOPS. Dante and Angie tend to their dazed parents now sitting on the ground. Dante tells Angie to stay, call an ambulance. Hes got to get to Grandpa Budd. Dante runs. Trixie follows. EXT. HOPKINS PORCH - CONTINUOUS Grandpa Budds on the porch watering his plants. Behind him, in the far distance, we see the Triborg: 20 stories high, walk through power lines. They snap like threads. Sparks fly. Grandpa notices the porch light go out. He toggles the switch. Hmmmm. EXT. THE HOPKINS SUBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD - CONTINUOUS Dante sprints through backyards. PEOPLE grab their CHILDREN and run inside. One LITTLE KID stands naked in a kiddie pool. He watches the Triborg in the distance. He pees. Dante leaps a wooden fence, Trixie just runs through it. They finally get home. Run down the driveway. Grandpa! DANTE

EXT. THE HOPKINS PORCH - CONTINUOUS Dante and Grandpa Budd share a quick hug. Dante tells him whats up. That the Triborg is a wrecking ball that must be destroyed. Asks him if that weapon hes been making is for real. GRANDPA BUDD I thought youd never ask. CUT TO:

49. EXT. HOPKINS GARAGE - LATER Grandpas red 57 Chevy pickup truck roars out of the garage. The weapon CLUNKS around in the back. Hanging out like an oversized roll of carpet. INSIDE THE TRUCK GRANDPA BUDD Its go time! Trixie jumps in the back. BARKS. EXT. KEY WEST COAST GUARD BASE - CONTINUOUS The F-16s from earlier are parked and polished. But not for long. The Triborg is running toward the base. Its surprisingly agile for its size. SECURITY GUARDS pull their pistols and open fire. From the TRIBORGS POV: we see it homing in on the parked jets. It swipes at them like a pissed-off coach, knocking over cups at the Gatorade table. It smashes the 20 million dollar jets like beer cans. Soon, MPS, surround the Triborg and give it everything theyve got. AK-47s, RPGs, machine guns. They riddle it with firepower but it doesnt do much. They have to switch to heavier artillery. A TANK lets one rip. The Triborg doesnt flinch. What the hell? EXT. KEY WEST BASE GUARD GATE - CONTINUOUS Dante and his grandpa get clearance to join the action. It doesnt take much convincing when they show them what theyre packing in the back. They join in on the assault. Some great teamwork goes on between Grandpa and Dante. Trusting one another. Depending on each other. Supporting one another. Stuff Dante hasnt done with his Grandpa in a long time.

50. In fact, Dante is even driving the Chevy. Grandpa in the back, straddles the weapon. Waiting for the right time to fire. The Triborg hurls tanks into the ground like Snap n Pops. A very intense scene. Grandpa pulls the trigger. Click. Its jammed. Trixie BARKS. POV FROM THE TRIBORG It focuses on Trixie. A familiar bark. It seems to recognize her as one of its own kind. A creation fused together from living things and machines. The Triborg thinks Trixie is being held against her will. I/E. GRANDPAS CHEVY - CONTINUOUS Dantes at the wheel. DANTE Hold tight Grandpa! Burns Rubber. Hauls ass. Instinct has taken over. The Triborg just watches for a beat. Confused. The truck careens around the guard gate and down the highway. EXT. KEY WEST COAST GUARD BASE AIRSTRIP - CONTINUOUS The commander shouts to his TROOPS. COMMANDER Lock and load! They light up the Triborg with Flamethrowers. Its unfazed. Still watches the red Chevy. I/E. GRANDPAS CHEVY CAREENING DOWN THE HIGHWAY - CONTINUOUS Grandpa is back in the drivers seat. Theyre a quarter mile away. Dante watches the Triborg in the side view mirror. Suddenly, it starts running towards them. Crap! GRANDPA BUDD

51. Grandpa floors it. Theyre headed for the 7-mile bridge. GRANDPA BUDD (CONTD) Grab a can of WD-40 out of the glove compartment, would ya? Dante crawls into the bed of the truck. Sprays the trigger. Gets into firing position. Hes feeling pretty cool. Puts on a pair of sunglasses. They blow off. Oh well. EXT. KEY WEST COAST GUARD BASE - CONTINUOUS SOLDIERS climb into jeeps and trucks. The commander radios the police. EXT. THE 7 MILE BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS Some COUNTY WORKERS are cleaning up the graffiti Dante painted for Angie, earlier. They see the freakish metal monster running towards the bridge. They jump from the scaffolding. Hit the water. Swim away. AT THE FOOT OF THE BRIDGE POLICE have formed a barricade. No traffic on the bridge. An attempt to contain the Triborg. I/E. GRANDPAS CHEVY ON THE HIGHWAY - CONTINUOUS They weave through traffic at a hundred plus miles per hour. GRANDPA BUDD (yelling back to Dante) Wait til we get on the bridge! Theyre too many civilians here! Weve gotta get this son of a bitch in the clear. On the radio, a SONG starts to play. Its from the golden oldies. Grandpa loves this song. Cranks it up. Whole Lot of Shakin Goin On by Jerry Lee Lewis.

52. EXT. FOOT OF THE 7 MILE BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS The cops see the Chevy coming. Move their cars. Make way for our heroes. AN epic battle on the bridge ensues. Dante will eventually get one shot to fire Grandpas weapon. Its a direct hit. The Triborg explodes into a thousand pieces. Huge parts of ships and planes that have been claimed by the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle now plummet into the surrounding crystal clear water of the Florida Keys. Everyone is there to witness. Angie, Papillon, Mom & Dad, Lil Ray, Will, Judge Shrapnel, and others. Dante, Grandpa and Trixie join them for an emotional reunion. Its over. EXT. VARIOUS LOCATIONS AROUND KEY WEST - DAY SUPER: ONE YEAR LATER BEGIN MONTAGE We see that the county decided not to remove any of the ships and planes that were submerged all around the bay. Instead they lie there to rest. Like Pearl Harbor. We see PEOPLE snorkeling and scuba diving, admiring the wrecks. In fact its become quite the phenomenon. The amount of TOURISTS that now come to get a glimpse of the underwater relics is extraordinary. And Judge Shrapnel likes this. Dante and Angie have embarked on a business venture. They are Dive- masters who take people out to get a closer look at the majestic boats that were once claimed by... the Bermuda Triangle. The name of their boat is: TRIXIE.

53. EXT. WATERFRONT RESTAURANT - NIGHT The place is hopping. Everybody is partying to the live entertainment. Its a duet. JIMMY BUFFET and ALANIS MORISSETTE. This UNIQUE SONG takes us into the CREDITS. FADE OUT. THE END Over the CREDITS, we get a glimpse of what the oil rig is up to. ARTISTS (BESIDES MYSELF) WHO DONATED THEIR ART FOR THIS PITCH: (USED WITH PERMISSION) Denis Zilber- character design - biker

Robh Ruppel- vis dev - airport

De'Von Stubblefield- character design Dante & Papi

Goro Fujita- character design

Kleber Darcio - 3D artist

Michael Kutsche - character design-3D artist

Fred Bastide- digital painting - aliens in water

Alex Iglesias- Concept artist

Pene Menn - Sci Fi- speed painter -environment

54. Ben Huen - Concept artist

Daniel Graffenberger - German illustrator

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