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Work & Power (Pristine)

February-08-10 9:59 AM

Read Ch. 10 Work & Power p. 197 -203 (fill in your notes on these pages)

Work is defined as force applied in the direction of motion times the distanced travelled.


Example 1: A child exerts a force of 45 N to pull a 3.4 kg toy duck a distance of 6.2 m. What work was done by the child on the duck?

Example 2: A crane lifts a 2300 kg steel beam a vertical distance of 27 m. What work was done on the steel beam?

Energy Page 1

Is defined as the rate at which work is done

Given two equal work out puts, such as lifting a load, which ever device can accomplish this in less time is more powerful.


The Great Stair Race

Purpose: to see who can develop the most power running up a flight of stairs.

Procedure: As instructed by your teacher





time Work



Note:1 hp = 744 W

Energy Page 2

Questions: 1. Which students had the greatest power? Why do you suppose this was?

2. Is this procedure a fair and equal way of determining power? Explain why you think so?

Example 3: A 2300 kg dragster is able to make it down a 400 m drag strip in a time of 4.5 s. What is the power and horsepower of this car?

Example 4:

A large 4.5 kg sledge-hammer is lifted 2.7 m into the air and then brought down upon a spike sitting in some hard ground. The spike moves a distance of 0.020 m with each blow. a) How much force does the sledge-hammer place upon the spike with each hit?

Energy Page 3

b) If the spike is 15 cm high, how many strikes will it take to drive the spike home?

Complete the worksheet

Energy Page 4

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