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Classroom Tests: How to Create and What to do Next Steps

1. Create Test a. Begin with Essential Questions / Standard in mind b. Pre vs. Post i. POST: Study Island Build Test ii. Pre-or-Post: Study Island Printable Worksheet c. Parallel Items i. Discuss ESSENTIAL-ITY of parallel ii. Knowledge vs. comp vs. HOTS 2. Whole Group Implications a. How to determine which category for that class

Classroom Average Score 81 + 7180 5170 050

Whole Group Implication Small Group + Extension Activity Heterogeneous Groupings Whole Group Instruction

b. Whole-Group Lessons (0-50%) i. Standard, normal Lesson Plans that you have ALREADY CREATED ii. NO CHANGES need to be made c. Heterogeneous Groupings (51-70%) i. Use your PRE-CREATED Exit Slips for these activities ii. Split classroom into two groups 1. Got it 2. Dont iii. Have the #1 sit with the #2 1. The #1s will answer the question and explain WHY it was right 2. The #2s will CHECK their work (using your awesome ANCHOR CHART) and explain why it was right/wrong 3. Swap roles. d. Small-Group + Extension activities (71-80%) i. Extension activity should focus on the HOTS, critical thinking and really PUSHING their understanding ii. Opportunity to really be CREATIVE and fun with your planning iii. Small Group: use the pre-created exit slips for these sessions

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