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Anatomy & Physiology: *Cytology

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Body Basic Structural Levels

Cell: basic

unit of all living things. Tissue: Groups of similar cells joined together to perform a particular function. Organ: are structure composed of two or more different tissues and together will perform a specific function. E.g. Heart. System: Group of bodily organs acting together to perform one or more functions. E.g. Digestive system.
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Cells the basic unit of all living things. From bacteria to plants to animals to human beings Without cells, life does not exist The cell is responsible for carrying on all life processes There are trillions of cells in the human body, and they vary widely in size, shape and purpose

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Basic construction of the cell

The cells of all living things are composed of a substance called protoplasm. Protoplasm is a colourless, jellylike substance in which food elements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and water are present. You can visualize the protoplasm of
the cell like the white of a raw egg.

Nucleus the dense, active protoplasm found in the centre of the cell. It is responsible for cell reproduction and metabolism. You can
visualize the nucleus as the yolk of a raw egg.
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Basic construction of the cell

Cytoplasm is all the protoplasm of a cell except for the nucleus. It is made up of the watery fluid that contains food material necessary for growth reproduction, and self repair of the cell
Cell Membrane encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell.
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Basic construction of the cell

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Cells have the ability to reproduce, thus providing new cells for the growth and replacement of worn or injured ones. Most cells reproduce by dividing into two identical cells called daughter cells.
The ideal conditions for the cell to grow and reproduce include an adequate supply of food, oxygen, and water; suitable temperatures; and the ability to eliminate waste products. Unfavourable conditions with toxins (poison) and disease will impair and destroy the cell
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Stages of Mitosis
Consisting of the following stages: Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

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Cell metabolism

Metabolism is a chemical process that takes place in living organisms, whereby the cells are nourished and carry out their activities. Metabolism has two phases, anabolism and catabolism which are carried out simultaneously and continually within the cells.
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is the constructive metabolism, the process of building up larger molecules from smaller ones. this process, the body stores water, food and oxygen for the time when these substances will be needed for cell growth and repair

is the phase of metabolism in which complex compounds within the cells are broken down into smaller ones.


This process releases energy that is stored by special molecules to used in muscle contractions, body secretions or heat product

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Tissue is a collection of similar cells that perform a particular function. There are four main types of body tissues:
Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Muscular Tissue Nervous Tissue
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Connective Tissue

Supports, Protects and binds together other tissues of the body

E.g. bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, fascia (band or fiber which separates muscles), elastin and collagen fiber, fat or adipose tissue, blood and lymph.

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Epithelial Tissue

Protective covering on body surfaces E.g. skin, mucous membranes and the lining of the heart, digestive and respiratory organs, and glands.

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Muscular Tissue

Designed to produce movement Three main type of muscle tissues:

Cardiac - heart Skeletal muscles of the arms and legs Smooth (visceral) walls of food canal

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Nerve Tissue

Carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions. Nerve tissue is composed of special cells known as neurons, which make up the nerves, brain, and spinal cord.

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Organs are groups of tissues designed to perform a specific function. Some of the most important organs of the body are:

Brain: controls of the body Eyes: control vision Heart: circulates the blood Kidneys: excrete water and waste products Lungs: supply oxygen to the blood Liver: removes toxic products of digestion Skin: forms external protective covering of the body Stomach and intestines: digest food
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Body systems are groups of bodily organs acting together to perform one or more functions.


The human body is composed of 11 major systems: Skeletal system Muscular system Nervous system Circulatory system (cardiovascular & lymphatic) 5. Digestive system 6. Endocrine system 7. Urinary system 8. Integumentary system 9. Reproductive system 10. Respiratory system 11. Lymphatic system
1. 2. 3. 4.
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