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Bowie Lowensteins party consists of the typical out-of-control, intoxicated teenagers engaging in immature and irrational stunts for example: fights, breaking windows, spitting into a glass bowl and falling from the roof as well as the conventional loud, pop music and dancing. This is also portrayed through the dim and smoking lighting, background chatter and casual wear.During this party scene however, it is one of the first times the audience notices Patricks growing attraction, concern and protectiveness for Kat. He tells her Ive been looking all over for you and consistently attempts to stop Kat from drinking beer. Patrick, in a romantic clich, catches Kat as she falls and forces her to remain conscious - concerned she may have a concussion. When she does lose consciousness for those few seconds, Patricks alarmed expression coupled with the close-up of their faces conveys Patricks evident care for her. She tells him Hey. Your eyes have a little green in them as she looks up affectionately at Patrick one of the first expressions she gives him without the disdain. Throughout this scene they manage to hold a civil conversation, lacking their witty banter, and it is here that the audience finds the growing and changing dynamics of Patricks and Kats relationship.

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