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Botany Basics Notesheet

Name: Date Assignment is due: upon finishing PPT

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1. Why are plants essential to life on earth? 2. What are 8 other functions of plants? i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. 3. What are vascular plants and how do they differ from other kinds of plants?

4. Complete the table below:

Table 1. Comparison between monocots and dicots. Structure Monocot Dicot

Seed leaves

Vascular system

Floral parts


5. What is an annual? 6. What is the difference between summer annuals and winter annuals?

7. Draw the annual growth cycle below:

8. What is a biennial? 9. What is bolting? What causes bolting?

10. Draw the biennial growth cycle below:

11. What is a perennial? 12. What are the two categories of perennials? 13. Define an herbaceous perennial: And

14. Define a woody perennial:

15. Draw the perennial life cycle below:

16. Where do most plant reactions occur? 17. Plant cells are unique in that they are totipotent. What is totipotent?

18. What is a plant tissue?

19. What is a meristem tissue?

20. What is the function of xylem? 21. What is the function of phloem? 22. Fill in the labels below: I II III IV I II III IV

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