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Ethical Studies LSHM N243

Learning Outcome #2: The Role of Ethics in a Work or Educational Environment

Feb - June, 2011

S01 Identify ethical codes of practice, the duty and obligations employees have to the persons or organizations that employ them. S02 Discuss the notion of rights from a work and educational environment. S03 Describe the role of ethics in terms of employment equity, health, and safety, labour unions and other workplace issues.

Feb - June, 2011


Duties and Responsibilities Duties and Responsibilities


Feb - June, 2011

Ethical Codes of Practice

Code of Ethics It is important for everyone in a business to be on the same page in every aspect of business, including the concept of ethics. Employees having a common understanding of right and wrong is essential to decision making for employers and supervisors. This concept is called the code of ethics.

Feb - June, 2011

Ethical Codes of Practice

Business Code of Ethics Industry Code of Ethics International Code of Ethics
This is a set of rules and expectations that businesses, governments and even countries follow to know what is right and wrong when doing business with and in other countries. This is very challenging, as different countries can have very different cultures, beliefs, practices, laws, and expectations.

This is a set of rules and expectations that the employees and managers of a business follow to know what is right and wrong within their business. Senior managers or a board of directors typically monitor employees within the business.

This is a set of rules and expectations that the businesses within an industry follow to know what is right and wrong within their industry. There is typically a ruling organization that monitors all businesses within the industry.

Feb - June, 2011

Ethical Codes of Practice

Having official documents on ethical codes of practice has become commonplace in many businesses, both local and international. Some examples include: 1. Code of Ethics for Government Government employs are expected to behave with the highest level of ethics, as their actions can have significant consequences on the people of the entire country. The Code of Ethics for Government Service, for example, states, Put loyalty of the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or government department.

Feb - June, 2011

Ethical Codes of Practice

2. The World Wide Web (internet) Most of us are internet users, but many of us do not understand the dangers that are involved, including our security, safety, and privacy. There are various documents on internet privacy rules, but these documents typically include: a) Notice / Awareness the identity of the collecting party, the information collected, the means for collecting it, and the uses to which the information will be put must all be clear to the internet user. b) Choice / Consent there must be a mechanism for choosing whether or not you want your personal information collected.
Feb - June, 2011 7

Ethical Codes of Practice

c) Access / Participation allow consumers access to the information collected about them and the opportunity to contest and accuracy or completeness of the data. d) Integrity / Security inform users of the steps taken to protect against the alteration, misappropriation, or destruction of data and of the action that will be taken in the event of a breach of security. e) Enforcement / Redress assure consumers that the company follows responsible information practices and that there are consequences for failing to do so.

Feb - June, 2011

Ethical Codes of Practice

Code of Ethics for Educators We trust our children with teachers. It is essential that they perform and behave at the highest level for the safety and happiness of everyone.

Abu Dhabi Education Council:

Teamwork: Emphasizing the virtues of cooperation and coordination Integrity: Doing the right thing no matter what the circumstances may be Transparency: Maintaining open, true and honest communications and actions Respect: Respecting children, colleagues, parents and community Accountability: Taking personal responsibility for action Compassion: Caring and showing responsibility toward others

Feb - June, 2011

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