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A toroid is a solenoid wound on a circular support. FIELD IN TOROID When a current is passed, circular strong uniform magnetic field is setup inside the coil.The field outside the turns of toroid is zero. EXPRESSION FOR B To compute B, consider a circular loop of radius r. Let the length of loop be divided in to a number of very small elements (l).

Now for each element.

(B.l) = BlCos
But as B is circular and its direction is parallel to l. i.e. = 0

(B.l) = B.lCos0 (B.l) = = B.l (1) (B.l) = B.l

Now applying Amperes law:

As B is constant for all element l.

(B.l)n = o (current enclosed)

B (l)n = o (current enclosed) But (l) = total length of circular loop = 2r. B.2r = o (current enclosed) B.2r = o. NI

Now if total number of turns = N and current through each turns = I Current enclosed by toroid = NI B = o NI/2r This equation shows that B is not uniform with in the coil at it varies with r.

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