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THE Reet MAN ON THE PLANET THE LIFE AND DEATH OF BRUCE LEE Deane BKC Nome tae cia’ Pee eared Beare IRine ster nets r er) Pear ener ery Relea eat Teo PNR Sacro LUN ord sionary Suracon stationed in Hong Keng. the Switchboard operator anuted st hie {Ostand by for an wimers ea et regan arta Secasion, br. Langiord had recelved Lee Seerere nc ee canes ere ea aes pase neercaetaees nes Seer eae eas Sato heen cee ee that the actor was in the aivict medical ey office Tike Siny ‘other man and Septatning Reseed a complate enactman Incidentinat led upto ihe injury. Instoae oF Goting on wih his job, Langtord would Pei eraretun eter nance eae eroesatin hans cohen Naiiee a seneue nesses ensue pee aren Rea erence esta ea esate aoe tain. An Uinjury for Bruce Loe. theretore, Rorvour Arsiaty, lrwae.a loos or race, ‘Gos from inoue previous Secasions. Instead Of eer emma nena Speers cee Sleyroet eee Sea eae ree eae peed Ferd creer eee Bien Agsieeiiecare Uemiew ang oes eeae rn aad Fe eer Tay yoare if the Oren, suspected he: neh aaa e bet nena tpeeenncal aia a atari ean petra ORE the doctor looked about, however: eal eee ea ne tetas Soe Unctin ioe pens had tattered and even fied. Every time a pouliee re degenerates EPSmu Eis ohiocer ae teen Salts Bettangord Sumnmonce to Mis aia we are ey eon ay S_PRsha tee" ahem ataesoa Evert as Langford fae ee iorooeeg Betore any surgical procedure could bo Seimpad’ oe lananiiediote aiatlzed: ‘Sown from the floor above Go metas ares" ce no ag RC ee WANN he eae SL a oenbErocseetes Tr Nea a tec ed wa Gras [roniment for tis Sonaition was a dehy- Supetanes that le used 16 cut cocamey. Rate, there ia the danger that hie binader Gave his frst sign of life. Sill unconscious, Bice Cae tents cower ane aatron as lite than he displayed others. He began to eat Bee ae OMe Enea Fite sicten eonee semen GPone ee restrain ae Prt an ee Seca ae eerie pris teeters Leer ane ea Cec aman a aaa Bese hs Crees ie seas ws BRUCE LEE Pea ertebreere fe obs riod As be Cangtota'recalls:" First. he opened Could not Speuic! Pie recognised Nis wits Was, able to Speak But was shared" ® eee oe eae ee ee Wien fader one tag ate ieee SASUnR LPS a tots roc aiias NES cain ante sane Creneines es Seon a ene aaa Be iaierainers es tasesaias Piss The suspicion that Lee was using a drug win nis teeling epresged that day atthe eee nmr ery en meee eee etior maaan rena encing an improvement, he Bogan te feel iierdcteeminy eeu nemcnarene fis condition by telling the men who Pee eer eeciereeracieera Sitar Meeaetiear ee eeertg Tor aye Seren ae ee, Coat, Net enc or Ce aR eiaen nage Pee eau eiia ges aren eres would “scramble his brains" or even Kill Bena erat rine Meneonnah a oes setaelinece cas a Blaint, he was ne less astonished by ino, stale salem ee mere cerctnd ae panto rare Nena eee eran eee cee gued, fib tend. MeGueen, would nave warned Lee of the danger. What's more, Bees rear arnceeeraued Soca cien eres arene him to relax. — ea ee ennai ameter The drug was deadly for Bruce Loe. Kwas furthey teste could tal ehat acl roaily Bort Reet eas era aan Uneenacious frony—who could have: Known that just ton weeks Inter he would e The doctor warned Lee that by continuing to take hashish he might kill himself. "Why can’t you stop?” demanded the doctor. “It Is the only thing that makes the clock stop!"’ Lee exclaimed 7) Fiaer creases eseine corel torte Oe A aod lat eruce Leo was ying to Fog recite tgar une hoy ora ee Sonata Suniel baat ng wean ona = ar detregn eats ries AST InBavientasaia ward nen fasevrig hie at Bate tracks anu shifting hie attention fran Les Andeles, a'matried man with tet Sil es Fen e eee eel ree ae te oe Saeed sa ee naar aha etme iat ae a dae ee eet moe eve er alia Rioaic time persona hers tensa! ee Gece Hopman eon Pie cu ae ae ee ey ae rag ee eae a eee Se cee oar tae a ae ere ees cena ea et area iarh ioe eases PY. the chet Be at ae rota ie mony ofa Pee Sree? ear coar vances re ea ee rae Pee ea Ing itself. Indeed, comemplating Bruce, 1B Siar etek ate ie mses s ais Succeed aoa eae Braga eer ase ah ‘Describing her husband's childhood in Roce a eens ara cncee Rance renee EISCaR try abe unease as ee ae ae ear rears oe entist today at Hong Kong's Royal Obser- beets ie fae fame Yor ite Gruce wae “Never ait Berane earns Vcr are tear a eee e ae Fe banca eres es arias eae Peraraeer an rae teas grey es et eee iipsube scfions Sy’ Ge ege Bi signee eee eee re eae But hln'Gatlncanel seer Taina Ms seae! ‘Contrary to what is popularly believed, peace Tae Sd st a ear eats Behan ee mstar eo) non made tanai oe Seer ranean aoe ar eee Sg i ig

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