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EEEB113: CIRCUIT ANALYSIS 1 SEMESTER 1 2010/2011 QUIZ 2 (A) Student Name: ______________________________ Student ID: _____________ Question 1 Calculate

v and ix in the circuit of Figure 1. Section: 8 Quiz Duration: 20 minutes %

12 + v + _ + 2V _ ix

+ 8V

+ _

12 V

3 ix

Figure 1 Solution Question 1


For loop 1, 12 + v +2 = 0, v = 10 V For loop 2, 2 + 8 + 3ix =0, ix = 2 A

Suhailas 7/23/2010

Question 2 For the circuit in Figure 2, io =2 A. Calculate ix and the total power dissipated by the circuit.

ix io 2 4 8 16

Figure 2 Solution Question 2



i16= io = 2A, then v = 16x2 = 32 V i16 = v/8 = 4A , i4 = v/4 = 8A , i2 = v/2 = 16A

ix = i2 + i4 + i8 + i16 = 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 = 30A or you can measure Req in the circuit, 1/ Req = 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 = 15/16 from the circuit, v = io(16) = 2x16 = 32V therefore ix = v/ Req = 32/ (15/16) = 30A Total power dissipate p = ix x v = 30 x 32 = 960W

Suhailas 7/23/2010

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