CITT Improve Your Abilities

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how to improve your supply chain & logistics

In as little as 18 months. Without ever leaving your office. Learn More. Inside.
No other credential says Logistics Expert as decisively as a designation or technical education from



You can improve all your professional abilities faster through CITT. As a CITT student you can be confident youre getting the most comprehensive depth of technical education available with courses that compress well over 20 years of experience into five interlocking, progressive courses that can be completed online in as little as 18 months. Whats more, industrys most respected professional designation may be closer than you think. Advanced standing and course exemptions are available if you have a business degree or diploma. And if you have five years of experience in the sector, youve already completed the practical requirement to earn the designation. Professionals with 10 years of senior management experience may be eligible for the Executive Fast Track.

Henricks, K, Richard Ivy School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Singhal VR, DuPress College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology. Supply Chain Disruptions and Shareholder Value, 2005.

Why improve your professional abilities?

Because our business has never been more complex. Studies prove that uninterrupted supply chain operations are more closely linked to financial performance than any other operational factor.1 Yet uninterrupted supply chains dont just happen. Theyre managed. By people with know-how and experience. People who can solve problems quickly and who can handle the real-time challenges that

todays supply chain operations run into. Bizarre weather patterns. International conflict. Mountains of regulation. Shared liability. Post-9/11 security. Reduced emissions targets. Increased competition and razor-thin profit margins. And brand loyalties that evaporate with one stock-out or product delay. Its a lot to understand and a lot to master. Theres a lot on the lineincluding your future.

CITT can help you master the logistics business faster than learning it on-the-job.

We can help you learn how to create and manage more integrated, sustainable and profitable supply chains and logistics operations while boosting your own promotability, marketability and bankability.

Let CITT help you get smarter, faster.


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Nearly 50% of supply chain & logistics professionals choose CITT to develop and demonstrate their professional ability. Dont be left behind.


11th Survey of the Logistics Professional, Canadian Transportation & Logistics, February 2010.

Get CITT-certified to prove youre an expert.

A professional designation from CITT is industrys most common and respected standard of proficiency. Theres no higher bar. In fact, nothing says Logistics Expert as decisively as a designation from CITT.

CITT provides high value support for professionals and their companies.

As a student, associate or fully-certified member of CITT, you can access opportunities that support you, keep your knowledge up-to-date and help your business succeed. These include: Industry-wide promotion of the CITT designation FREE educational webinars FREE access to a community of collaborative professionals Local Councils FREE online job postings and career centre A leading-edge educational conference

A designation from CITT has the best ROI in the business.

CITT has the most affordable industry courses and overall designation program. Students can also apply for financial assistance or a number of academic scholarships. More details: or

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You might spend decades working to gain the breadth and depth of knowledge thats compressed into CITTs specialized logistics courses and delivered by noted trade practitioners.


CITTs 5-course suite of specialized logistics courses will equip you with a depth of understanding that is
more complete and comprehensive than any other, similarly named set of industry courses offered anywhere in Canada.

Contact us to find out if you qualify for advance standing for a designation from CITT. The five CITT specialty logistics courses are made up of three core courses plus two electives. Core courses: Transportation Systems Logistics Processes Integrated Logistics And choose any two from: Logistics Decision Modelling Transportation Economics Transportation Law All are described later (pp. 8-19). Read on to improve your abilities.

After completing these five courses, youll have the best technical foundation for profitably managing stable, sustainable (multi-modal) supply chain logistics available today. Youll also be well on your way to earning a professional designation from CITTespecially if you already have a business degree or diploma.

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Transportation Systems provides a complete operational understanding of all available transportation modes, intermodalism, and the vital supporting services, agencies, and implementation factors involved in freight management. Learners gain the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions, managing the transportation of raw materials and goods to or from international destinations as well as across Canadas complex geographychoosing the safest and most cost-effective and time-appropriate mode or combinations of modes. Providing the deepest coverage of this specialized field of any course available to industry, Transportation Systems provides the best foundation of knowledge for anyone who buys, sells or manages the flow of goods and productor is impacted by transportation logistics. Take Logistics Processes as the complement to this course. Then add other specialty courses to deepen your understanding.

Transportation Systems

streamline decision-making to minimize errors that can lead to longer transit times, increased costs of transit, unnecessary inventory carrying cost, fines for non-compliance, and increased handling and damage.

Transportation Systems helps professionals

their cost and quality and learn ways to minimize the time spent coordinating their services. Apply operational insight to negotiate more effectively and confidently with all stakeholder groups. Reduce or avoid personal and corporate exposure to fines, seizure of goods, environmental damage and criminal charges by recognizing relevant safety standards and transportation legislation, including the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act.

Course grads will be able to:

Understand and capitalize on the comparative efficiencies of various modes of transportation (rail, road, air, water and pipeline) and the procedures and documentation required for each. Streamline the process of getting product to market, optimizing the secondary transportation services that compliment intra-modal and inter-modal supply chain operations. Optimize the use of specialized intermediaries (freight forwarders, transportation brokers, customs brokers), knowing when to use them, how to evaluate

Over 80% of course grads say they can apply learning from Transportation Systems in their daily work.
With todays global competition, the margin for error is very small. This course can help you maintain your competitive advantage.

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Logistics Processes connects multi-modal transportation to the wider supply chain function and its many, interlocking components. This course sharpens learners ability to optimize the variables that create efficiencies within day-to-day operations while managing operational liabilities and obligations. Whether applied to simple modal choices or complex (multi-carrier/multi-modal) projects, learners will be able to maneuver materials, finished goods and information efficiently through all points and processes before, between and after transportation links. Building on the detailed study of each transportation mode in the Transportation Systems course, Logistics Processes continues the learning for any professional who wants or needs a more in-depth understanding of the industry. Graduates of both courses are ready for more advanced, management-oriented logistics courses such as Logistics Decision Modeling and Integrated Logistics. Prerequisite: Transportation Systems

Logistics Processes

Logistics Processes helps professionals learn how

to move products and related information through multi-faceted supply chain operations from source to destinationon a national and international scale using single or multi-modal systems in a safe, time- and cost-efficient manner.

Minimize the companys exposure to damage, loss or liability through the use of proactive risk management strategies, adequate insurance and more successful claims. Facilitate smoother international trade for their companies by having a good working knowledge of: documentation required for international transportation, Canada Customs import/export processes, current Incoterms and the role of customs brokers.

Course grads will be able to:

Understand and select the best warehousing, materials handling, and unitization strategies to minimize the cost, time and space needed to handle and store goods between transportation links. Procure logistics suppliers using sound selection criteria and develop performance metrics for cost-effectiveness and service quality. Negotiate stronger contracts and prepare complete Bills of Lading that avoid common errors and omissions and formalize service expectations, legal responsibilities as well as rates.

Over 90% of Logistics Processes grads recommend the course to their colleagues.
Logistics Processes helps streamline the entire supply chain process.


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Transportation Economics applies economic principles to the profitable management of transportation and logistics. Working with a deeper understanding of macro-economic trends, government intervention (or deregulation) and a better knowledge of how to use micro-economic levers to their advantage, learners can make seemingly uncontrollable influences on supply chain profitability much more predictableand survivable. Transportation Economics is recommended for buyers or suppliers of transportation services or anyone involved in pricing decisions, planning of supply, demand or supply-chain capacity management. Prerequisites: Transportation Systems and Logistics Processes Recommended: Introductory Economics or equivalent

Transportation Economics

professionals understand, anticipate and adjust for economic factors impacting their business, allowing them to compete and remain profitable even in tough economic, competitive or regulatory conditions.

Transportation Economics helps

Perform thorough cost/benefit analyses, identifying all costs (direct, indirect, internal and external) so companies are better prepared to deal with competition. Apply key economic concepts such as the point of diminishing returns and economies of scale to pricing and profitability decisions. Develop different transportation pricing strategies considering a variety of inputs such as: marginal and average costing, peak load, fronthaul and backhaul pricing, congestion cost pricing and price discrimination.

Course grads will be able to:

Anticipate how the health of Canadas economy will impact supply, demand, pricing and profitability in the supply chain and transportation sector and how to best respond to economic cycles. Understand how government regulations impact companies operations, costs and pricing. Recognize the early signs of changes in supply and demand in the various transportation modes, and adjust modal planning to avoid cost increases and service delays or interruptions.

Over 83% of Transportation Economics grads recommend the course to their colleagues.
Higher profits, lower costs, better negotiation skills.


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Transportation Law focuses on sector-relevant legislation, regulations and contract law to limit personal and corporate exposure. It provides precedent-rich insight into how legal and commercial accountabilities are judged in the transportation sector. This helps learners develop a deep understanding of how sector-specific, Canadian legislation is applied and how commercial contracts and claims work across all modes of transportation. With a new ability to decipher the evolving case law that impacts the import, export and domestic transportation of goods, learners will be able to operate in compliance with laws, understand their obligations, exercise due diligence and know when to seek legal counsel. Transportation Law is a must-have course for anyone who has any accountability for compliance or is involved in the development, execution or fulfillment of contracts. Prerequisites: Transportation Systems and Logistics Processes Recommended: Business Law or equivalent

Transportation Law


identify and introduce the protections necessary to reduce corporate and personal vulnerability to transportation-related administrative, civil and criminal liabilities.

Transportation Law helps professionals

Find and use legal precedent to initiate and strengthen claims against carriers or other third parties. Get the most value from outside legal counsel by being better informed and able to ask the right questions, saving your company time and money.

Course grads will be able to:

Understand and apply relevant case law and government statutes to ensure their companys transportation operations are compliant with legal requirements. Minimize or avoid claims by understanding common law and Contracts of Carriage across the specific modes as well as the role and limits of the Bill of Lading.

Nearly 90% found Transportation Law

relevant to their job and rated it as Good or Excellent.

The legislation and regulations are constantly evolving. So being able to decipher them means that you can maintain your compliance.


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Logistics Decision Modeling helps professionals and their organizations learn how to control risk and maximize the use of scarce organizational resources. Learners use modeling to analyze a variety of commercial inputs and understand the impact of different scenarios. They become skilled at using proven techniques and standard industry decision-support tools. Corporate decisions-making can be more methodical, and better informed. Logistics Decision Modeling is recommended for anyone in a supply chain or logistics decision-making role who wants to have more credibility with senior management, or who wants to advance to an executive position within the industry. Prerequisite: Transportation Systems and Logistics Processes Recommended: Financial Management or the equivalent

Logistics Decision Modeling

Logistics Decision Modeling helps

professionals make better informed decisions, avoiding significant errors that can result in higher costs, delivery delays, and the loss of revenue and profit.

Gain a deeper understanding of inventory control as a major corporate concern by learning how to determine the costs of holding inventory as well as the costs associated with stock outs, economic order quantity and safety stock. Allocate scarce resources using repeatable decisionmaking processes that consider key factors such as people, money and equipment capacity while calculating the maximum inventory investment.

Course grads will be able to:

Apply their knowledge of financial statements to quickly identify CVP (cost-volume-profit) relationships between fixed and variable costs. Analyze their business, modeling and evaluating multiple what if scenarios on everything from inventory control, capital budgeting to CVP, using best practice techniques and built-in capabilities of Microsoft Excel. Conduct multi-factor analyses through the evaluation of inputs from interrelated departments such as finance, marketing, production, transportation, inventory and quality control.

recommend Logistics Decision Modeling to their colleagues. Logistics Decision Modeling helps pros plan their business using facts, not gut-feel. Managers who learn and use these techniques can significantly reduce poor decisions.

Nearly 90% of course grads


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Integrated Logistics is a comprehensive, senior-level course that explores how integration is crucial to sound logistics operations within successful and sustainable organizations. It helps learners create efficient, silo-free logistics systems and decision-making environments, integrating all activities involved in the cost-effective and uninterrupted movement of materials and information from their source to the point-of-consumption. Leveraging all of CITTs other technical courses, this practical, systems-oriented course is valued by transportation professionals, practicing or aspiring logistics and supply chain managers and other professionals involved in the procurement, flow or management of goods. Prerequisites: Transportation Systems and Logistics Processes.

Integrated Logistics

design (or redesign) responsive, integrated systems within cross-functional supply chain and logistics environments to deliver maximum value to all stakeholders while minimizing exposure to service interruptions.

Integrated Logistics helps professionals

Understand and apply diverse operational approaches to inventory management (i.e. Just in Time, Material Requirements Planning, Distribution Resource Planning), while considering the Total Cost of Ownership and the Economic Order Quantity approach to inventory decision-making. Allocate physical and financial resources to the parts of the organization that best suit the entire logistics system. Identify legal, ethical and human resource factors that impact decisions. Create micro and macro value chains. Rated MOST VALUED CITT course by the majority of recent CITT Grads. Comprehensive. Someone might take 10-15 years of working on the job to acquire these insights and knowledgeif ever.

Course grads will be able to:

Integrate full systems. Understand, align and integrate all internal and external functions into one cohesive system that encompasses: production planning, procurement, materials management and handling, quality control, inventory control and order processing, warehousing, data exchange, finance, transportation and customer service. Develop overall supply chain metrics needed to better understand the financial impact of supply chain strategies on the income statement, balance sheet, corporate profitability and return on investment.


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Complementing the specialized logistics curricula from CITT, these business courses develop well-rounded management professionals. They prepare course grads to meet the challenges of supervisory and executive roles. Take these courses if you dont already have a business degree or diploma, have gaps in your resume or just want to sharpen your general management skills. You only need to take five (or provide proof of equivalency) to complete the business knowledge requirement for a designation from CITT. But take as many as you want for your professional development. Some of these courses (or their equivalent) are recommended prerequisites for CITTs specialized logistics curriculum.


degree or diploma you can apply for advanced standing for a designation from CITT and arrange for course exemptions. Just contact us.

Get a university-level business educationif you dont already have one. If you already have a business

No Degree or Diploma? No problem.

Business Approach to Writing Business Law Business Management Business Strategy Financial Management Introductory Economics Marketing: An introduction Organizational behaviour Risk Assessment As with CITTs specialized logistics courses theyre offered online so you can study from anywhere across Canada or around the world.

You can access outstanding business courses offered by CITT in partnership with the world-class University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies. Take any five of the following courses to meet the requirement for a designation from CITT:

Or if you prefer to learn in a classroom setting, you can complete the equivalent courses at the university or college most convenient to you.


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convenient & nationwide

No matter where you live or work, CITT is there for you.

Everything we offer is available in a combination of live, local and online delivery: courses, first-class student and membership services, and ongoing professional development. The specialized logistics courses from CITT as well as our management skills courses are all offered through online learning. If you prefer learning in a classroom setting, you can complete most of the

required courses with CITTs academic partners, depending on where you live. For an up-to-date listing of courses and classrooms, visit us at: Please register directly with the academic provider, and contact us to qualify for a student membership in CITT. Browse our website for full course information, including semester starts and other information about the course of study and the designation from CITT.


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10 King Street East, Suite 400 Toronto, Ontario M5C 1C3 416.363.5696

supply chain & logistics

An expert-level technical and business education and a professional designation from CITT are all affordable, nationally-accessible and have the best ROI in the business. Theyre ideal for anyone who buys, sells or manages the flow of goods and productor is impacted by transportation logistics. And anyone who wants to get smarter, faster. Industrys most respected and widely held designation may be closer than you think. Advanced standings, exemptions and Fast Tracks are available. Call or click to find out if youre eligible.

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