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Teaching Philosophy

For those of that enter the profession of education, teaching is a passion and calling. Developing relationships with students and helping to create life-long learners is the driving force behind what educators do. Here are some examples of my personal teaching philosophy that help me achieve these essential goals. Teachers should be committed to creating a student-centered learning environment. The classroom should incorporate hands-on activities that allow students to actively participate in the learning process. This type of learning culture encourages students to become more invested in their own learning. Lessons and assessments should be designed to allow all students to achieve a high level of success. Having high expectations from students is integral to the learning process. Opportunity for cooperative learning is essential in the classroom. Students can and should be able to learn from and with their peers. Learning to work collaboratively with others is a valuable skill that students will apply in and outside the classroom. Teachers need to create diversity in instruction and assessment. Developing lessons that provide multi-method approach in instruction will increase the likelihood and level of student comprehension. These lessons should provide students with audio, visual and kinesthetic opportunities. Students also need to be able demonstrate their learning in a variety ways that allows them to actively construct their own meaning. Differentiation instruction helps meet the needs of all students and accommodates for the unique a variety of learning styles they bring to the classroom. Assessments are opportunities for students to share their concept knowledge and comprehension. Using formative as well as summative assessments in informal and formal settings is critical for both the teacher and the students. Formative assessments allow the teacher to provide timely feedback to students, help positively reinforce their thinking, and revisit misunderstandings. The inclusion of authentic and project-based summative assessments that use rubrics as well as traditional tests provides diversity in student assessment It is important to include organic interdisciplinary connections whenever possible. Lessons should create opportunities that thread reading and writing across content areas using proven research-based strategies. It is also imperative to connect grade level standards to your classroom curriculum. Teaching exists in a standards-based environment. Incorporating local, state and national content standards such as Common Core State Standards is necessary when developing lessons. Successfully incorporating technology into the classroom is a critical component of teaching today. Developing 21st Century skills is essential for all learners. Technology not only helps prepare our students for the future, but it enhances classroom assignments and increases student engagement. Technology allows students to explore and connect in new and exciting ways. Developing an understanding of the world around them is critical as students become global citizens.

We as educators must teach to the whole child and understand their learning needs and influences that occur both in and out of the classroom. The triad of positive and successful learning is a working relationship between the student, parents and teacher. Each provides an integral and invested piece to the learning outcome of the student. Communication and cooperation among these stakeholders is key to creating a successful learning community. Finally, a key aspect of teaching is the relationships among colleagues. Working collaboratively with others keeps educators from teaching in isolation. Working together as a learning community creates an environment in which students can thrive and grow into productive citizens of the future.

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