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Qualities desirable of an Astologer

Soon after my foray into formal education system of Astrology, I came across a Sanskrit Shloka laying out various qualities of an astrologer. I am laying it in english as it is and then we shall get on with its meaning: Ganiteshu Praveeno yah shabdshashtrey kritshramah Nyayvid Buddhimaan Deshdikkalagyo Jeetendriyah! Uha-poh-patu Hora Skand Shravan Sammatah Maitreiya! Satyatam Yaati Tasya Vaakyam Na Sanshayah!! Ganiteshu Praveeno - Ganit is Mathematics and Praveen is Skilled. Together they mean that the scholar should be a skilled mathematician capable to mentally calculate numbers in a short time. Shabdshashtrey Kritshramah - One who is articulate and diplomatic in usage of words and the inherent meaning they carry. Nyayvid - A Person who is just and of balanced view. One who observes and decides impartially. Deshdikkalaggyo - One who is aware of the times prevailing, forms of the society, values and customs prevalent at the time and of the place of the native. Jeetendriyah - One who has controls over his senses. This is very important aspect and it is so because as an astrologer one is aware of the deepest thoughts prevailing in a natives mind. By exercising control over his senses the astrologer will be able to examine events and personalities in isolation and preserve his innerself. Uha-Poh-Patu - Many a times, the complex rythms of planetary positions present conflicting views and the scholar has to then dwell over deeply and reach a conclusion. This requires ability to examine multiple angles, areas and stages of life and world, both material and spiritual and therafter reach a decision. Hora Skand - Book of Astrology Shravan Sammats - One who listens to it and memorises its predictive principles. Further in the fourth line the sage advises that Words of such a person should never be doubted. Modern believers - Imagine such was the deep thinking of our great sages.

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