William 9 1 Chapter 4 - 5

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Animal Farm Script Chapter 4 and 5 By: William Anwar

Chapter 4 Napoleon (Heroic voice) Send out the pigeons and tell the other farm about our rebellion and teach them how to sing it. Narrator There two more farm beside animal farm which is Foxwood farm, it is large, neglected, old-fashioned farm, and overgrown by woodland. The farm is in bad condition and the owner of the farm is Mr. Pilkington. The other farm is called Pinchfield, it is smaller and better kept and the owner of the farm is Mr. Frederick. After that a night come where Jones and his man is going to retake the farm. Mr. Jones Tonight we need to capture that manor farm, because it is mine and no animals or human can get it, we will attack them surprisingly so that animal is not ready for battle and they all will die and I will take that farm back to my hand. Narrator While Mr. Jones setting up the battle formations, the animal are doing Snowball I have a very good book of Julius Caesar. It is teaching me a lot of things including defense formation. So in here I am in charge of defensing the farm, so all animals go to your post and get ready for defense. Narrator After both of them ready for battle, the battle begins Snowball (Heroic voice) Come on all pigeons attack that man and make them suffer Narrator While the man is being attack by pigeons, the geese attack the man with pecked viciously at their legs. Snowball (Heroic voice) Muriel and Benjamin attack that all man form every side so they cannot defense their selves and make them came home and never come back.

Mr. Jones (Challenge voice) Is this all youve got animals, I can simply attack all of you, you are no match with human. Snowball (Loud voice) (Squeal voice two times) Retreat, retreat to the yard and fight them there. Mr. Jones (Loud voice) Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, it is so easy and not tiring to fight the animals, come on fellow humans hunt them and kill them all with no mercy. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa die you all animals. Snowball Good, good, good is it just as I plan, the human are going to die now. Horses, cows, and the other pig lets hide and ambush them when they run into the yard. I will give signal when we need to attack them when they fall to our ambush. Narrator The signal is Snowball run himself to Mr. Jones and he did that Mr. Jones (Shout and pull out the guns and shoot the pig) Die you ugly pig Snowball Animals attack the hu, aaaaaaa I got shot but I will not give up eat this Jones Narrator Snowball kick Mr. Jones leg until he is hurtled and his gun is flew out of his hands. Boxer is also fighting. Boxer (Run and shout) You all humans eat and take my iron hoof you humans, take this.

Narrator Some of the man put their stick down and trying to run out of the barn, but they cannot go out the animals make them run and run around the barn, the animals kick, bit, and cook them into pieces. All the animals are gone except one Boxer (Fault and scared voice) He is dead, he is dead, I had no intention of doing that. I forgot that I was wearing iron shoes. Who will believe that I did not do this on purpose? P 58 59 Snowball (Shout voice) No sentimentally, comrade! War is war. The only good human being is dead one. P 59 Boxer I have no wish to take life, not even human life. P 59 Squealer Boxer you have done a very good thing for this farm, don`t be fraud and be proud of yourself Boxer Boxer But I don`t like to kill people, I don`t want to use my strength to kill, I want to use my strength to help other animals Squealer You already help your friend Boxer. Narrator Now everyone is trying to find where Mollie is, they afraid that the human harmed her. However they found Mollie hiding. The animals make an Animal hero, first class P 59 that were given to Snowball and Boxer, they also make Animal hero, second class P 60 for the dead sheep. The animal now called the battle, the battle of the Cowshed since there the ambush is places.

Chapter 5 Narrator The winter came and Mollie has a lot of trouble came. Clover Mollie P 61 I have something very serious to say to you. This morning I saw you looking over the hedge that divides Animal farm from Foxwood. One of Mr. Pilkington men was standing on the other side of the hedge. And I was a long way away, but I am almost certain I saw this. He was talking to you and you were allowing him stroke your nose. What does that mean, Mollie? P 61 Mollie (Shout) He didnt! I wasnt! It isnt true! P 61 Clover (Asking voice) Mollie! Look me in the face. Do you give me your word of honor that, that man was not stroking your nose? P 61 62 Mollie It isnt true! P 62 Narrator Three days later Mollie was disappeared and the pigeon said that they have seen Mollie at the other side of the Willington. She was enjoying herself. After that the animals have decided that the pigs are cleverer than the other animals and the pigs are the one who organize the farm in all sector and there always been different opinions between Snowball and Napoleon. Snowball Comrade Napoleon do you want to hear my newest idea and the most important of all Napoleon Yes what is that? Snowball We are going to make a windmill that will help us a lot for the future of animal farm. Napoleon What is a windmill?

Snowball This could be made to operate a dynamo and supply the farm with electric power. This would light the stalls and warm those in winter and wood also run a circular saw, chaff-cutter, a mangle slicer, and an electric milking machine. P 64 Narrator Every animal seem to agree with Snowball idea, only Napoleon that doesnt agree to his idea, he always try to compete with Snowball. After that the animals held the speech and the voting for windmill or full manager Snowball Comrade, we will be a building a windmill, I say it first from the beginning that building a windmill is not easy, we need to work hard as possible as we can, stone will be used to build up the wall, then the sails would have to be made and after that there would be need for dynamos and cables. I have counted that the windmill will be done in a year and we only need to do it three days a week. Napoleon No, that is not necessary for now, now we need to increase our supply in food production, I f we waste our time building that stupid windmill at the end we will be all starve to death. Animals Choose rather Vote for three days week for Snowball or Vote for full manager for Napoleon. P 65 Benjamin I dont want to choose any side because Life would go on as it had always gone on that is. P 65 Snowball Comrade just imagine that electricity already help us a lot in the future and we are leaving in the wonders of science that already freed us from work hard every day. The windmill will do everything that will make us easier to do things. Let us live in a new technology and total freedom. Napoleon Comrades, lets not waste our time and vote me because the windmill idea is a piece of nonsense, that will be too hard for us to build it. Clover Vote for Snowball for three days week! P 65 Squealer Vote for full manager for Napoleon. P 65

Napoleon (Whispering to Squealer) Bring out the dogs, let the dogs eat Snowball. Squealer This is the nine dogs Napoleon. Napoleon (Loud) Good bye Snowball try to run from my dogs, Snowball, better run now Snowball, Ha, Ha, Ha. Narrator Snowball had been chase until out of the farm, so no one knows what happen to him. Napoleon From now on I am the leader for all of you, and there are no meeting anymore, all meeting are done privately by the pigs only and all the animals must do what the pigs says, also there no more debates, the pig always right. Napoleon exits Squealer Comrades, I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made in taking this extra labour upon him. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary. It is a deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decision, comrades, and then where should we be? Suppose you had decided to follow Snowball, with his moonshine of windmills Snowball, who as we now know, was no better than a criminal? P 69 Boxer He fought bravely at the Battle of the Cowshed. P 69 Squealer Bravery is not enough, Loyalty and obedience is more important. And as to the Battle of the Cowshed, I believe the time will come when we hall find that Snowballs part in it was much exaggerated. Discipline, comrades, iron discipline! That is the watchword for today. One false step and our enemies would be upon us. Surely, comrades, you do not want Jones back? P 70 Boxer If comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right, Napoleon is always right, I will work harder. P 70

Narrator Squealer has a message from Napoleon to say to the animals. Squealer Comrades Napoleon says that he had decided to make the windmill, I know he is such a surprising comrades, but deep down in his heart he is really kind to all of you, he actually the one that is invented the idea of building the windmill but Snowball that criminal just stole the idea and says it first to you all. Snowball took the idea of Napoleon just to make he look clever in your eyes animals. Clover Why Napoleon denies the idea of windmill so badly in the meetings? Squealer That was just comrade Napoleon cunning. He appeared to oppose the windmill just to get rid of Snowball that was dangerous and a bad influence to animal farm. Now that Snowball already kick out of the farm we can do the work faster and easier. Comrades Napoleon is all about tactics, smart and bravery. Squealer Tactics, Comrades, Tactics! P 72 Boxer (Shout) Long live comrade Napoleon!

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