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Sophisticated Synonyms to Describe CHARACTERS or PEOPLE Nice Considerate Charming Delightful Gracious Agreeable Mean Hateful Cruel Malicious

Malevolent Spiteful Happy Content Lighthearted Joyous Carefree Blissful Cheerful Enthusiastic Playful Elated Exuberant Delighted Jubilant Sad Troubled Gloomy Melancholy Mournful Somber Anguished Mad Annoyed Frustrated Irritated Infuriated Enraged Agitated Hostile Nervous Anxious Apprehensive Reluctant Unsteady Shy Wary Cautious Bashful Timid Introverted Modest Scared Frightened Fearful Trepidatious Uneasy Intimidated Petrified Terrified

Confused Bewildered Puzzled Perplexed Mystified Dumbfounded

Proud Boastful Confident Arrogant Haughty Pompous Conceited Vain Egotistical

Funny Comical Droll Humorous

Determined Tenacious Resolute Driven Steadfast Earnest Resolute

Brave Noble Courageous Valiant Fearless

Sophisticated Synonyms to Describe TEXTS Good Enlightening Instructive Insightful Compelling Surprising Provocative Astonishing Inspiring Important Significant Critical Urgent Relevant Portrays Reveals Depicts Illuminates Shows Conveys Makes clear Illustrates Demonstrates

Literary Language to Describe Plot, Character, Theme, and Writing Style

Words to Describe the Plot POSITIVE Realistic Good pace from scene to scene Suspenseful Well-developed ideas NEGATIVE Unrealistic Plodding / Slow Predictable Sketchy ideas

Words to Describe Characters POSITIVE NEGATIVE Original Stereotyped Believable Unbelievable Well-rounded Flat Multidimensional change and grow Static remain the same Well-developed Flawed

POSITIVE Important message Subtle Powerful Memorable

Words to Describe the Theme NEGATIVE Unimportant message Overbearing (too strong) Ineffective (didnt work) Forgettable

Words to Describe the Authors Writing Style POSITIVE NEGATIVE Descriptive, filled with metaphors Boring, no imagery Original Filled with clichs Lively, full of action Slow-moving Poetic or lyrical Clodding, jumpy

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