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ref := 'TIDAK'; tangkup := 'TIDAK'; tos :='TIDAK'; for i := 0 to elemenA - 1 do begin aa := inttostr(A[i])+ ',' + inttostr(A[i]); ref2 := 'TIDAK'; for

j := 0 to ListBox2.Items.Count - 1 do begin ba := IntToStr(A[j])+ ',' + inttostr(A[i]); aab := IntToStr(A[i])+ ',' + inttostr(A[j]); tangkup2 := 'TIDAK'; tos2 := 'TIDAK'; if aa = ListBox2.Items[j] then begin ref2:='YA'; end; if ba = ListBox2.Items[j] then begin tangkup2 := 'YA'; end; if (ba = ListBox2.Items[j]) and (aab = ListBox2.Items[j]) then begin tos2 := 'YA'; end; end; ref := ref2; tangkup:=tangkup2; tos := tos2; end; Label10.Caption := ref; label11.caption := tangkup; Label12.Caption := tos; end;

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