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Self-Esteem Pretest

Check the box that matches how you feel the most.
1. I think that overall, people find me boring to talk to. 2. I mess up everything I touch. 3. I feel devastated when someone criticizes me. 4. If someone ever falls in love with me, I better do my best to prove myself worthy, because it may never happen again. 5. I could disappear from the surface of the earth and nobody would notice or care. 6. I feel as though I let those I care about down. 7. I will never amount to anything or anyone significant. 8. When someone criticizes me, I can't help but feel that I really am incompetent. 9. I have what it takes to socialize with other people. 10. I think I am a failure. 11. I feel as though I am not good enough for those who care about me. 12. People will only respect me if I'm good-looking and/or successful. 13. If I don't do as well as others, it means that I am an inferior person. 14. Realizing that criticism towards me is justified makes me feel like a failure. 15. How I feel about myself is more important than others' opinions of me.

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree Agree

Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree

Check the box that matches how you feel the most.
16. I am not confident I've done a

Completely Mostly True True

Somewhat true/false

Mostly false

Completely false

good job unless someone else points it out. 17. I am afraid of being rejected by my friends. 18. I like myself. 19. I constantly ask those I care about whether they love me. 20. I avoid having arguments with others because I don't want them to get angry or dislike me. 21. I modify my personality, opinions, or appearance in order to be accepted by others. 22. Unlike others, I really have to go out of my way to make and keep a friend. 23. In case of need, I know people who care enough about me to offer their help. 24. I get discouraged when someone tells me I haven't done my best.

Check the box that matches how you feel the most.
25. I feel worthless and useless. 26. Before making any decision, I ask other people if I'm doing the right thing. 27. I fall short of my expectations. 28. When someone rejects my ideas, I feel insulted.

Most of the Often time

Sometimes Rarely

Almost never

Self-Esteem Post Test

Check the box that matches how you feel the most.
1. I think that overall, people find me boring to talk to. 2. I mess up everything I touch. 3. I feel devastated when someone criticizes me. 4. If someone ever falls in love with me, I better do my best to prove myself worthy, because it may never happen again. 5. I could disappear from the surface of the earth and nobody would notice or care. 6. I feel as though I let those I care about down. 7. I will never amount to anything or anyone significant. 8. When someone criticizes me, I can't help but feel that I really am incompetent. 9. I have what it takes to socialize with other people. 10. I think I am a failure 11. I feel as though I am not good enough for those who care about me. 12. People will only respect me if I'm good-looking and/or successful. 13. If I don't do as well as others, it means that I am an inferior person. 14. Realizing that criticism towards me is justified makes me feel like a failure. 15. How I feel about myself is more important than others' opinions of me.

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree Agree

Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree

Check the box that matches how you feel the

Completely Mostly True True

Somewhat true/false

Mostly false

Completely false

16. I am not confident I've done a good job unless someone else points it out. 17. I am afraid of being rejected by my friends. 18. I like myself. 19. I constantly ask those I care about whether they love me. 20. I avoid having arguments with others because I don't want them to get angry or dislike me. 21. I modify my personality, opinions, or appearance in order to be accepted by others. 22. Unlike others, I really have to go out of my way to make and keep a friend. 23. In case of need, I know people who care enough about me to offer their help. 24. I get discouraged when someone tells me I haven't done my best.

Check the box that matches how you feel the most.
25. I feel worthless and useless. 26. Before making any decision, I ask other people if I'm doing the right thing. 27. I fall short of my expectations. 28. When someone rejects my ideas, I feel insulted.

Most of the Often time

Sometimes Rarely

Almost never

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