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Carla Abarca English 10 Per.

4 March 28, 2013 On Thursday the 28th my friend Lilia and I went to the Northridge mall to see if we could find any Indians to interview. As we kept looking we thought we werent going to find any Indians because as we strolled by stores, we couldnt find anyone. Although it was interesting that we found more Pakistanians than Indians. As we entered Macys, I ended up seeing an Indian couple in line to pay so we waited for them to finish and as they began to walk away I began to talk to them. I began to say Excuse me, hi Im Carla and this is my friend Lilia (we shook hands) and in school we are learning about Indians and about their way of living and culture and we were wondering if you were Indian? Unfortunately we forgot to ask what their names were, but the man and women said they were and after I said Do you mind if you can answer some of our questions? and so the mans wife took over and answered some of our questions. My first question wasWere you born in India or were you born here in the U.S? and they both said they were born in India. It was interesting to know that the woman was Indian because she didnt look Indian at all; she looked and spoke American in a way. The woman mentioned that they came here in the U.S. when they were young, around the age of 18. It seemed like the man had been here in U.S before because he said that the only reason theyre here is because he married her and wanted her to be with him in the U.S. Another question I asked them was if their marriage was arranged or not and they answered that it was arranged. After I asked Was it easy to get along since you two were strangers? Surprisingly she said We werent really strangers, our family knew each other and we kind of knew each other too. After they answered my question Lilia asked them if life was different here than India? The woman said it was and the man began to say that culture was different, like the religion, food, holidays, and behavior. The man said kids in India obey their parents because if they didnt they would get spanked. Lilia and I were surprised that the man said Im 31 years old and Im still afraid to disobey my parents. As we finished, we thanked them for their time and we shook hands again and took off. After Lilia and I left Macys we kept looking around the mall and we found another couple and so I went ahead and said Hello Im Carla and this is Lilia and we are both learning in our English class about Indians and about their culture and I was wondering, Are you Indian ? And the man said Yes! Sadly we only interviewed the man because his wife was on the phone and we didnt want to be rude and interrupt her. The mans name was Ramen Singh. Lilia asked him How is being raised here in the U.S. different from India? and Ramen said that the U.S is completely different than India, that the culture we have, the respect kids have with the elders, the studying, and well mostly culture. I asked Ramen if his marriage was arranged and he said that it was. After I asked him if they knew each other and if it took time for both to get along and feel comfortable with each other. Ramen answered Our families knew each other, but we didnt. As time passed we got together and we began to like each other. Ramen and his wife do have a family; they have 2 kids, which are adults now. He began to tell us that he lives in Wisconsin. Ramen began to give Lilia and I some of his history that he used to live in California, after he moved to West Covina and that he is currently living in Wisconsin. The only reason he was in California was because he came to visit family. Lilia and I were getting very along with Ramen and he began to ask us where we were from, what school we were attending, and our grade. After we thanked him for his time, shook his hand and he said Your welcome, any time, God Bless You. (:

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