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Operations scheduling

Repetitive production systems

Bottle neck rate=2 pt/hr

A 10 min

B 15 min

C 30 min

D 20 min

1) Single machine schedule

A machine that has many jobs waiting, I need to know how to schedule the jobs on the machine 2) Parallel machines

3) Flow shop

Notations for single and parallel

N=set of jobs to be processed ={1,2,3,,n} = processing time of job = due date of job = release time of job (for this course

For a given schedule (solution)

= completion time of job = start time of job

} { } { }

Job 1 5 2 7 3 8 4 10 Schedule: 3-2-1-4

For single machine scheduling

1) Shortest processing time (SPT) rule n es nd 2) Earliest due date (EDD) rule Minimizes the earliest due date, sort the jobs according to the smallest 3) oores lgor th Minimizes the

Example (single machine)

Job (i) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i Schedule 5 3 1 2 4 4 2 1 1 4 19 16 25 3 8 14 31 23 2 15

3 1

8 2

9 3

4 5

7 7

2 10

5 14

6 18

10 22

1 27

For min Schedule 9 1 -1

use EDD

4 3 0

5 7 -1 ith )

6 11 -3

10 15 0

2 18 2

1 23 4

8 24 1

3 25 0

7 27 -4

To minimize (M Alg 1) Start with EDD schedule Job(i) 9 1 -1 0 4 3 0 0

5 7 -1 0

6 11 -3 0

10 15 0 0

2 18 2 2

1 23 4 4

8 24 1 1

3 25 0 0

7 27 -4 0

We identify the first tardy job then find the job before it with the highest processing time and put it at the end Job(i) 9 1 -1 0 4 3 0 0 5 7 -1 0 6 11 -3 0 2 14 -2 0 1 19 0 0 8 20 -3 0 3 21 -4 0 7 23 -8 0 10 15 12 12

No more jobs to move, we can relocate each job only once.

Parallel machines scheduling

1) S rule n es 2) Longest processing time (LPT) Rule gives a good solution with respect to the maximum completion time ( { } We use the Gantt chart to solve it SPT sequence: 7-4-1-2-3-9-5-8-6

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