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Johannesburg Principles

holds that an independent judiciary and judicial process is vital for the implementation, development and enforcement of environmental law

Environmental Justice
two objectives first, to ensure the rights and duties regarding utilization of natural resources are fairly distributed among communities whether global or domestic; and second, to reduce the amount of environmental damage domestically and globally.


(AM No. 09-6-8-SC)

Protect and advance the constitutional right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology; Provide a simple, speedy and inexpensive procedure for the enforcement of environmental rights and duties; Introduce and adopt innovations and best practices ensuring effective enforcement of remedies and redress for violations of environmental laws; and, Enable courts to monitor and exact compliance with orders and judgments in environmental cases (sec.3 Rule 1)

Scope and Applicability

Covers civil cases, criminal cases, and special civil actions involving the enforcement or violations of environmental laws and other related laws, rules and regulations, and other existing laws that relate to the conservation, development, preservation, protection and utilization of the environment and natural resources (sec.2 Rule 1)

Exhaustion of administrative remedies where a person is expected to have a problem resolved first by GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (e.g., DENR, DAR) before filing a case in court.

Principle of primary jurisdiction

where in disputes involving questions of fact, or matters requiring application of technological knowledge and experience are raised (e.g., quality of gold, how much nickel, what kind of tree), resort must first be made to GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, who are considered experts.

when there is a violation of due process; when the issue involved is purely a legal question; when the administrative action is patently illegal amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction; when there is estoppel on the part of the administrative agency concerned; when there is irreparable injury;

when the respondent is a department secretary whose act as an alter ego of the President bears the implied and assumed approval of the latter; when to require exhaustion of administrative remedies would be unreasonable; when it would amount to a nullification of a claim; when the subject matter is a private land in land case proceedings; when the rule does not provide a plain, speedy and adequate remedy; and when there are circumstances indicating the urgency of judicial intervention.


Through a citizens suit, direct injury to a petitioner or complainant is no longer required for purposes of filing a case. Any Filipino citizen whether an individual or a corporation in representation of others, including minors or generations yet unborn, may file action to enforce rights or obligations under environmental laws (sec.5 Rule 2)

Payment of filing and other legal fees is deferred or is no longer required on the day of filing, but, is postponed until judgment. This rule is in addition to the rule on indigent litigants, who are exempt from paying filing and other legal fees (sec.12 Rule 2)

Payment of bond is not required for application for a Temporary Environmental Protection Order (TEPO) (sec.8 Rule 2)

Requires all evidence to be attached to the Complaint and the Answer.

The following pleadings or motions shall not be allowed: (a) Motion to dismiss the complaint; (b) Motion for a bill of particulars; (c) Motion for extension of time to file pleadings, except to file answer, the extension not to exceed fifteen (15) days; (d) Motion to declare the defendant in default; (e) Reply and rejoinder; and (f) Third party complaint. (sec.1 Rule 2)

The pre-trial stage is maximized, where possibility of settlement is explored, issues simplified, and the evidence procured through depositions, and properly identified and marked
(Rule 3)

A consent decree is a judicially-approved settlement between the parties based on public interest and public policy to protect and preserve the environment. The Supreme Court explains that this is a mode of settlement that gives emphasis to the public interest aspect in environmental cases and encourages the parties to expedite the resolution of litigation (sec.4(b) Rule 1 &
sec.5 Rule 3)

Direct examination is made through affidavits; the long process of question and answer in court is no longer required (sec.3 Rule 2)

Examination of witness should be completed in one (1) day only (sec.3 Rule 4)

The court has only one (1)-year to try and decide the civil case. The judge must file a petition with the Supreme Court to ask for extension (sec.5 Rule 4)

Allows a memorandum to be submitted in electronic form (e.g., through e-mail) within a non-extendible period

Decisions directing the performance of acts for the protection, preservation or rehabilitation of the environmental must be immediately implemented even if an appeal is filed, unless, the appeals court stops the implementation (sec.2
Rule 5)

Short period to dispose of the criminal case i.e., ten (10) months from date of arraignment (sec.4 Rule 17)

Before the judge grants bail application, the accused is required to sign a document stating that s/he promises to attend the arraignment (and whenever required by the court), and should s/he fail to do so, the judge is authorized to enter a plea of not guilty on behalf of the accused, and to proceed to trial (sec.2 Rule 14)

CUSTODY AND DISPOSITION OF SEIZED ITEMS The rules of relevant government agencies shall apply, generally. When there is no such rule, Sec. 2, Rule 12 of the Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases shall apply.



EPO is an order issued by the court directing or enjoining any person or government agency to perform, or desist from performing an act, in order to protect, preserve or rehabilitate the environment (sec.4(d) Rule 1)

Temporary Environmental Protection Order

TEPO is an EPO, but, with a time period during which it is effective or in force whether seventy-two (72) hours; OR, until the determination of the case (sec.4(d) Rule 1 & sec.8 Rule 2)

WHEN may a TEPO issue?

If it appears from the verified Complaint asking for issuance of EPO that the matter is of extreme urgency and the applicant will suffer grave injustice and irreparable injury, the judge may issue ex parte (that is, without hearing, as of the moment, the side of the defendants) a TEPO. Within the 72-hour period, the court where the case is assigned, shall conduct a summary hearing to determine whether the TEPO may be extended until the termination of the case (sec.8(1) Rule 2)


Yes. After hearing, the judge may dissolve a TEPO if it is shown that its issuance or continuance would cause irreparable damage to the party or person enjoined, while the applicant may be fully compensated for damages that may be suffered. The party applying for dissolution of the TEPO is required to pay sufficient bond. (sec.9 Rule 2)

The court may also lift the TEPO anytime if called for by circumstances. (sec.8 & 11 Rule 2)

An extraordinary legal remedy introduced in the Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases, which may be filed with the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals only, by persons, on behalf of others, whose constitutional right to a balanced and healthful ecology is violated, or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or private individual or entity involving environmental damage of such magnitude as to prejudice the life, health or property of inhabitants in two (2) or more cities or provinces (sec.
1 Rule 7)

WHO may file a petition?

natural person (i.e., human beings), or juridical person (i.e., corporations), entity authorized by law, peoples organization, non-governmental organization, or any public interest group accredited by or registered with any government (sec.1 Rule 7)

WHO may be included as respondents?

Public officials or employees, i.e., the Government, or persons working for the government; and/or Private persons or corporations, organizations, associations, etc.

WHERE or with which court may the petition be filed?

The petition shall be filed with the Supreme Court, or any station of the Court of Appeals only. (sec. 3 Rule 7)

HOW MUCH is the filing fee?

The petitioner does not pay docket or filing fees for the petition for writ of kalikasan (sec.4 Rule 7)

In a successful petition, what may the SC or CA ORDER?

PERMANENTLY CEASE AND DESIST from violating environmental laws, or committing acts, or neglecting performance of a duty, in violation of environmental laws resulting in environmental destruction or damage PROTECT, PRESERVE, REHABILITATE, RESTORE the environment

FOR all respondents to MONITOR STRICT COMPLIANCE with decision and court orders Direct all respondents to write PERIODIC REPORTS regarding execution of the final judgment OTHER RELIEFS relating to right of people to a balanced and healthful ecology or to protection, preservation, rehabilitation or restoration of the environment

WHAT may petitioner do NEXT if petition is denied?

If the petition was filed with the Court of Appeals, the losing or aggrieved party has fifteen (15) days to appeal to the Supreme Court. (sec.16 Rule 7) If the petition was filed with the Supreme Court, the losing party may file a motion for reconsideration Under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. This appeal may raise questions of fact.

May petitioner file OTHER CASES?

Yes, the filing of a petition for issuance of writ of Kalikasan shall not prevent the filing of separate civil, criminal or administrative cases (sec. 17 Rule 7)

CONTENTS - Petition for Writ of Kalikasan (sec.2 Rule 7)

Personal circumstances of petitioner Name, personal circumstances, assumed name, alias of respondent Environmental law, rule, regulation violated or threatened to be violated; Act or omission complained of, and the environmental damage of such magnitude as to prejudice the life, health or property of inhabitants in two (2) or more cities or provinces; All relevant and material evidence, including object evidence, if possible; Reliefs or specific protection prayed for including prayer for TEPO; Verification and certificate of non-forum shopping.


May be filed to ask the court to compel the government or its officers or agents to perform an act or acts specifically required by law, so that the right to a balanced and healthful ecology may be protected. This writ allows the court to retain authority even after judgment is issued in an environmental case, in order to ensure the successful implementation of the reliefs granted in the decision. One of these reliefs that the court may order is to compel the submission of compliance reports from the respondent government agency. The court may order other means to monitor compliance with its decision.

This writ allows the court to retain authority even after judgment is issued in an environmental case, in order to ensure the successful implementation of the reliefs granted in the decision. One of these reliefs that the court may order is to compel the submission of compliance reports from the respondent government agency. The court may order other means to monitor compliance with its decision.

WHO may be respondents?

Any agency or instrumentality of the government, or Any officer of the agency or instrumentality of the government.

WHAT acts are covered by this writ?

Unlawful neglect in the performance of an act or duty by any office or officer of the government, in connection with the enforcement or violation of an environmental law, rule or regulation or a right therein, or, Unlawful exclusion of another from the use or enjoyment of such right. In both instances, a petition for writ of continuing mandamus may be filed where there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.

WHO may file a petition?

This special civil action is available only to person/s personally aggrieved by the unlawful neglect, or unlawful exclusion (sec.1 Rule 8)

CONTENTS - Petition for the writ of continuing mandamus (sec.1 Rule 8)

Facts of the case; All evidence; Environmental law, rule, or regulation Reliefs Verification and Certificate of non-forum shopping

WHERE is a petition filed?

The petition may be filed with the Regional Trial Court exercising jurisdiction over the territory where the unlawful neglect or exclusion occurred. It may also be filed with the Court of Appeals, or the Supreme Court (sec.2 Rule 8)

HOW MUCH is the filing fee?

There is no filing fees required; petitioner is exempt from the payment of docket fees (sec.3 Rule

WHAT may petitioner ask the court?

To do an act or series of acts until the judgment is fully satisfied; To pay damages to petitioner caused by respondents malicious neglect to perform its duties.
(sec.1 Rule 8)

WHAT may the court order contain?

If warranted, the court shall grant the privilege of the writ of continuing mandamus and Require respondents to perform acts or series of acts until judgment is fully satisfied, Grant other reliefs, Require respondent to submit periodic reports detailing the progress and execution of judgment, and a final report. (sec.7 Rule 8)


The principle states that when human activities may lead to threats of serious and irreversible damage to the environment that is scientifically plausible but uncertain, actions shall be taken to avoid or diminish that threat. (sec.3(f) Rule 1)

HOW is this principle applied?

When there is a lack of scientific certainty in establishing a causal link between human activity and environmental effect, the court shall apply the precautionary principle when considering the evidence and in resolving the case before it. The Rules says the constitutional right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology shall be given the benefit of the doubt. (sec.1 Rule 20)

WHAT factors may the court consider in applying the principle?

Threats to human life or health; Inequity to present or future generations; or, Prejudice to the environment without legal consideration of the environmental rights of those affected. (sec.2 Rule 20)


A SLAPP is a case filed to harass, vex, exert undue pressure or stifle any legal recourse that a person, institution or the government has taken or may take in the enforcement of environmental laws, protection of the environment or assertion of environmental rights. A SLAPP is covered by the Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases. (sec.1 Rule 6)

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